Media, Entertainment & Music

Reality TV - is it a good thing?

Media, Entertainment & Music

Posted by: looklively

22nd Jul 2013 11:27am

Over recent years, we have seen a further increase in reality TV shows from the initial launch of Big Brother and Survivor, to The Biggest Loser, Masterchef, The Block and more recently The Great Australian Bake Off.

So what do you think of these types of programs? Are they just what the doctor ordered? Do you prefer them to a drama or comedy series? Have they enhanced your TV watching? Or are you bored of them, or they just don't offer enough variation of subject matter?

Comments 162

  • 16th Apr 2015 05:51pm

The reality tv I watch is live sport or live events. The rest are artificial built for the advertising revenue it can generate - usually for the degenerate mind.

  • 19th Mar 2015 09:36am

I love reality television in fact I prefer to watch this type of entertainment over other programs, even movies and sitcoms. I like them because, although not real, they are realistic and the peoples reactions, behaviour, personality are intriguing. I enjoy watching people react to their environment including other contestants. It demonstrates to me how amazingly different we are and yet at the same time how alike we are. It also gives the viewer the opportunity to put themselves in another's shoes, to imagine how they might react in the same or similar situation. However what I love the most about reality TV is witnessing the unsuspecting relationships and friendships blossom between people who thought they had nothing in common. It often makes me realise how often we prejudge others and miss what might have been a wonderful friendship. This was very evident in the recent 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here' where the personalities of the celebrities were raw and real. Some admitted to prejudging other celebrities and were openly surprised by the strong friendships now formed. I want more please!

  • 15th Mar 2015 12:25pm

I like them , I considered them to be basically the same as drama and comedy series as most of them are pretty fake and seemed made up anyway

  • 11th Mar 2015 07:05pm

The question I constantly ask - is it really reality TV, when you have producers, camera people all over the place. Set ups are staged. It is a cess pit - encouraged to create monsters out of people for good ratings.

I am amused by some, I am only human, and some people you know they are nothing more than genuine. But the question should be, because of these programs has it become socially acceptable to behaviour like those on TV. Who knows. Its great entertainment but I would not call it reality. Bitch fest maybe.

  • 4th Feb 2015 09:49pm

I am thinking of putting my TV out for the next verge collection. What a load of crap is on TV now.
Reality TV what a#@W#%#%$ joke. There is nothing "Real" about it.
Every commercial channel has a "Reality" show on tonight.
Lucky I downloaded a lot of porn to watch. Now that is reality...................

  • 9th Dec 2014 01:53pm

I 'used' to like some of the reality shows - but that was before I found out that they are scripted. rather watch paint dry now.

  • 22nd Nov 2014 03:31pm

This is how I see it. The first big brother was so fascinating and new that I looked forward to it every evening, I could not get enough of it. It was a topic of discussion at my work place and we all had the ones we liked best. Then as the years went on I watched it every now and again. But what I found was repeated behaviour. I could not tell whether these people were being themselves or the publicity that had come from the people before them was what they were recreating. I also did not like the manipulation and cruelty that we all thrive on, that big brother created. the turkey slap for instance and airing it. Public bullying is shameful. So I reckon it had its place and now most of it should be over. But there are people who still want it. So if it makes the channels money then they stay.

  • 11th Oct 2014 01:03pm

I love reality TV. Friends are usually surprised that I am a fan, probably because of my advanced age - 69. I am a great people watcher and enjoy seeing how people react in certain situations and yes, I do have a full and happy life.

  • 11th Oct 2014 01:01pm

I love reality TV. Friends are usually surprised that I am a fan, probably because of my advanced age - 69. I am a great people watcher and enjoy seeing how people react in certain situations and yes, I do have a full and happy life.

Sil sil
  • 7th Oct 2014 07:18pm

To be honest, i don't have the time nor the interest to watch what happens in someone elses life, i don't know these ppl, at not on similar wavelengths so i find it a little sad to watch. I can understand to some it seems entertaining, but i think there are far too many brain numbing shows

  • 12th Sep 2014 04:31pm

Not worth the time or trouble. Then again, there is stuff all on tv worth watching anyway.

Mrs had 6 months away, the TV was on for a total of 2 hours in that time.

  • 28th Aug 2014 04:36pm

I hate reality tv---it is mindless drivel and shows the utter contempt television channels hold viewers in. Also they constantly go over time and so delay the shows that follow them. I prefer drama or even live sports coverage..

  • 20th Aug 2014 07:00pm

sometimes i got bored on that types of programe. so i always change the channel when a reality show going to start.

  • 20th Aug 2014 06:57pm

i think reality TV helps the other people on how they act when the situation is in there. so they can easily hookup on the situation most likely what happens in a reality TV

  • 18th Jun 2014 12:33am

5 minutes of the original (un)reality TV series convinced me that this is CRAP. I haven't found any reason to change my opinion since.

  • 9th Jun 2014 02:54pm

As the person on ABC pointed out the other night on Aust Story a lot of it is edited so makes people look worse than they are. Only good show was the ABC Exhumed to find a band that had been plugging away for years.

  • 5th Jun 2014 11:34am

i really dont like the "reality" tv shows i think that they are aa waste of time and its so pointless, it just shows people fighting all the time.

  • 4th Jun 2014 07:12pm

no it puts ideas that are sometimes incorrect in to our young children's heads. unless strict provisional supervision is around and our kids are smart enough to learn from it!

  • 19th May 2014 10:22am

I personally can't stand these reality shows - they in no way depict real life & it puts so much pressure on the competitors that they constantly have meltdowns I'm told. To make people demean themselves the way that a lot of these shows do is disgusting & the time away from their family is wrong. The shows like Big Brother is like another slutfest - the places they put the cameras is wrong as is the "antics" they are made to do to "WIN". Survivor shows you how to cheat & "stab [metaphorically] the other person in the back" - well life is bloody hard enough without seeing this type of rubbish - you can't even say that it's a real life thing that happens to us as it doesn't. All these cooking shows drive me insane as you get the "perfect judges" who can laud it over you but also put you through crazy pressures - now this one I presume is the closest to what it would be like in a real restaurant where the chefs & cooking staff have to "be quick" to feed the diners. I am a Coeliac & have to eat Gluten Free food for life so I also don't see the use in watching shows that have all this food that I mostly couldn't eat either. The Biggest Loser I have seen as I am obese & hoped that there might be a solution there for me, but as I have Fibromyalgia & my body doesn't work well anymore I couldn't see any help. I did see that they put their victims through hell for months on end & yes they look good in the end but it's also not a fair depiction of life as at home they would have to go to work, or do housework & have a life but on the show - no !! The reno shows are hard on their competitors too as they don't give them reasonable time frames [& yes I know clients don't either - been there done that]. In general I use my down time for escapism not some show that shows people under huge pressure. Give me escapism any time.

  • 18th May 2014 07:30pm

Like everything else in life, I believe there are pros and cons of reality tv and it all really depends on the show itself. Shows like Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, who help people in need and show us a different perspective on life. Masterchef and other similar shows gives people a chance to build a career on their passion which is otherwise difficult to find (in my opinion anyway). Then there are shows like those Bachelor/Bachelorette shows which are completely useless because that's pretty much a misconception of real life. Reality shows have personally reduced my TV watching and I prefer to watch dramas or comedy series.

  • 17th May 2014 09:41am

I hate all the reality TV programs they put on these days. I consider these programs to be boring and they always go over time. I much prefer comedy or documentary shows. Reality TV shows do not offer any variation of subject matter.

Doon Doon
  • 17th May 2014 08:18am

I love some of them. Being a foodie I love the cooking shows. I also love The Block and House Rules. I love decorating and I love to see the outcomes of their designs. I am not into the personalities as much but often have my favourites.

  • 8th May 2014 11:02pm

Reality tv, as far as I am concerned is the biggest joke played on the public by so-called tv programmers (these people would not know how tho program a vcr let alone a tv station) . They cannot find nor is there produced many quality and entertaining dramas, comedy and light entertainment shows. It really shows the state of the so-called "ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY" all they do is bore you to death. No wonder I now watch approximately 3-4 hours of tv per week. I get greater entertainment by reading a good book and from that prose I actually learn something and not get my mind numbed by wannabes.

  • 8th May 2014 11:01pm

Reality tv, as far as I am concerned is the biggest joke played on the public by so-called tv programmers (these people would not know how tho program a vcr let alone a tv station) . They cannot find nor is there produced many quality and entertaining dramas, comedy and light entertainment shows. It really shows the state of the so-called "ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY" all they do is bore you to death. No wonder I now watch approximately 3-4 hours of tv per week. I get greater entertainment by reading a good book and from that prose I actually learn something and not get my mind numbed by wannabes.

  • 7th May 2014 03:44pm

I think that they are very amusing because your focusing on what the person you are watching feeling and concentration than just entertaining yourself..

  • 3rd May 2014 06:11pm

Reality tv shows are a great show! it is getting people out there in the work to participate in activities. It allows others to see the talent of other humans in Australia. You never get bored of them either. I prefer them way over comedy or drama. I love them. ��������

  • 28th Apr 2014 10:14pm

I personally love reality tv. I have a friend who won a reality tv show and it changed her life for the better and not as in money either! The latest one I looooovvvveee is "so you think you can dance" it's my favourite by far! Talent, entertainment and good clean fun! Competition is good, we all love it. Look at the Block, we love to hate all of that! Hohhot, how I miss the block.

  • 27th Apr 2014 04:04pm

I have never enojoyed it.

  • 21st Apr 2014 12:12pm

They have become totally boring and they seem to be scripted for the plots and scheming with the twist of dislike and bitchiness between groups in all of this programs sooner they are cancelled the better

  • 17th Apr 2014 02:31am

i hate reality tv, it's boring and repetitive. I'd rather watch Doctor Who or Breaking Bad.

  • 15th Apr 2014 08:54am

the problem I think with "reality" t.v is that it isn't very real, every thing is staged and rehearsed, and people don't actually get to behave like they would in reality

  • 13th Apr 2014 08:21am

I don't enjoy watching reality tv programs any more, i believe that they have been overdone. I prefer to watch a comedy series even if they are re-runs. I suppose as none of them appeal to me, i don't watch them.

  • 6th Apr 2014 03:25pm

Personally reality TV is good to watch depending on what you're in to, but then it shows people how selfish, rude, bad behaved people can be and any child could be watching it at the time giving them unlawful thoughts and children grow into these reality tv superstars.
It's not a future i want for the next generation.

  • 31st Mar 2014 09:18pm

I personally like them. I prefer it when the contestants enter in teams or pairs so that they're less likely to cop all the judgement and have someone to debrief with. I still enjoy my detective shows and comedies but I like to have a glimpse of the real life too.

Sil sil
  • 25th Mar 2014 05:21pm

I can't watch any of these shoes. The only time I did was briefly when I was renovating myself but realised what they showed was not affordable. I can't stand these shows, I want to be entertained in a way where I'm watching something out of this world, good feel movie or show, not how ppl can lose weight when they don't have to work, have 24/7 gym, coach & dietician. ... Pls that's not reality

shotgun monkey
  • 25th Mar 2014 02:14pm

I think its all about choice. People have the right to watch what they choose and if reality tv is popular then I guess that's why there's so much of it. Personally I despise most reality tv as I feel as though it it pointless, mushy and melodramatic. I find it offers nothing in the way of intellectual stimulation. It does make me a little disappointed that people would sooner watch people having petty catfights rather than taking an interest in world affairs, politics, science and technology and other things that enrich the mind. How many people know the background the situation in crimea for example, or the list of women who have made a tremendous contribution in the scientific field? If people spent a little more time on things that matter and being informed rather than watching people make side remarks about a meal another contestant has cooked I think the world would be just a little better.

  • 24th Mar 2014 03:28pm

It depends on the show. I think The Biggest Loser is disgusting because I don't think it so much promotes weight loss but rather it is on air to ridicule the contestants. I mean, why tempt contestants with food? That's just cruel.

I think all reality shows are on air just for drama. If contestants are fighting, struggling or arguing, it's great for ratings. I watch Project Runway and find it more entertaining when contestants are arguing.

So saying that. I think it depends. I personally watch Survivor, The Block, The Amazing Race and Masterchef. The shows are about the people.

  • 14th Mar 2014 11:17am

It has become a bore, the producers have a ball creating a false scenario.
The channel is filled with "Encores "

  • 9th Mar 2014 01:04pm

Reality TV is just so over rated I will not watch any of the shows on offer now. We get one good drama or something of interest and too many bad reality ones. Almost everyone I talk to says the same thing, yet the TV stations persist in putting them on. I don't understand them
Don't the advertisers realise that they are losing their audience, and that means customers? .

  • 5th Mar 2014 12:49pm

I love Reality T.V I really don't like scripted drama shows and I never watch them , I feel the real emotion on a reality T.V Show and I get lost in the drama of real life and real saturations. I love four weddings and the real house wife's and the Amazing race and survivor, Big brother. I don't watch all of them some bore me , like the Voice or dancing with the stars but I like idol.. it's all a matter of taste. I like Master chef and the Block as well.

  • 5th Mar 2014 12:48pm

I love Reality T.V I really don't like scripted drama shows and I never watch them , I feel the real emotion on a reality T.V Show and I get lost in the drama of real life and real saturations. I love four weddings and the real house wife's and the Amazing race and survivor, Big brother. I don't watch all of them some bore me , like the Voice or dancing with the stars but I like idol.. it's all a matter of taste.

  • 5th Mar 2014 12:44pm

I love Reality T.V I really don't like scripted drama shows and I never watch them , I feel the real emotion on a reality T.V Show and I get lost in the drama of real life and real saturations. I love four weddings and the real house wife's and the Amazing race and survivor, Big brother. I don't watch all of them some bore me , like the Voice or dancing with the stars but I like idol.. it's all a matter of prefaces.

  • 4th Mar 2014 07:21pm

I think that reality v shows are good for the first few series then run out of ideas. I don't think reality TV needs new ideas rather then food and building properties etc.

it can be funny to watch people put them selves through pain though!

  • 27th Feb 2014 02:05am

reality tv is good up to a certain point sometimes it gets to personal or it feels like its invading your whole life. Many people think that reality shows are real but i think that somehow it still needs some fine tuning so some stuff are edited for whatever reason

  • 25th Feb 2014 10:39am

I don't like Big Brother or any reality TV that just exploits participants. Survivor and MasterChef are interesting because the contestants get to try new things and there is an active learning process by both contestant and viewer. I am happy to watch these and the Great Australian Bake Off but definitely none of the others.

  • 8th Feb 2014 06:04am

Ive never been a fan, personally think its got wayy to much drama and even though its called "reality"tv. i find most of what happens on these shows is well and truly far from Reality.

  • 6th Feb 2014 01:59pm

I love these types of programs. They're entertaining and I love the drama. I definitely watch more television because of shows like these.

  • 2nd Feb 2014 03:50pm

Australian reality tv shows are not bad in my opinion they are very careful of what they put on our tv not like all the American reality tv shows where people are just partying and getting drunk, complaining and showing off how much money they have, putting a high greedy expectation in children's heads. Nearly everything on Australian reality tv shows like 'The Biggest Loser' makes young kids aware of what can happen to your body if you treat it badly, which they will learn in school anyways, same as Master Chief.

  • 1st Feb 2014 03:10am

I enjoy these programs because it's important to always have different shows for certain channels. Everyone has an interest in some shows that are on TV at the moment because the channel either provides a sneak peek during the ads. So really I think it's great.

  • 25th Jan 2014 09:10am

Well, It depends on what kind of topic the reality show is about. I personally like most of them. However, sometimes, the director have some interventions with the outcome of the show, which is against the nature of the reality show - it's real, not drama. The directors should not lie to the audience right?

  • 24th Jan 2014 08:27pm

The renovation shows are ok but the cooking ones just me cold!!

  • 24th Jan 2014 01:33am

rather play video games ll

  • 23rd Jan 2014 06:05am

Reality TV seemed interesting when it first started to become popular. I, myself was a fan however after awhile it lost its flair. Now all they seem to do is collect people of different types of personalities which leads to create clashes between them which of course leads to more views. Two examples being Keeping Up With The Kardashians or Big Brother. The quality of the content doesn't seem to matter anymore.

  • 26th Jan 2014 11:10pm

I have quite enjoyed some reality TV shows in the past, but they soon become very boring - and on some nights there doesn't seem to be anything on any channel except for one form of reality TV or other. When the shows continue for many seasons it seems that the level of expectations on contestants increase and I think become extremely unfair.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 09:37pm

Reality TV shows can be somewhat interesting. However anything food related has GOT TO GO! Watching people eat or tasting and trying food and flavors is not entertaining it's uncomfortable to watch

  • 21st Jan 2014 07:07pm

these types of reality TV shows are good.I enjoy watching My Kitchen Rules and Masterchef as I like to see the different things that the contestants cook.

  • 28th Aug 2013 07:47pm

i love reality tv shows, even though they sometimes annoy me. there job is to be entertaining and how they do that is to be annoying so that we are so annoyed we continue to watch it to see what happens.

  • 28th Aug 2013 12:52pm

they are all basically a load of crap that has run its race long ago. give us more dramas,movies and comedy sci fi

  • 27th Aug 2013 10:13pm

There are few documentaries on homelessness and poverty. There is so much reality tv about rich people.

  • 26th Aug 2013 09:59am

I like watching some reality tv shows.I think some are a bit annoying and I do not watch big brother.I like the reality cooking shows My Kitchen rules and the one on channel 7 with Manu and Pete

  • 25th Aug 2013 11:37pm

no not for me - the contestants are put through some unrealistic tasks and they are shown up on national TV, Those show like the biggest loser and Survivor are over the top - I mean who wants to watch a fit buff man telling a large women to push the pain and she her dissolve into tears and throw up,,,,, I think this is awful

I like the "Come Dine with me "show's on Foxtel - ordinary people cooking diner for 4 people, all competing for the chance to win $1000
they all have a good laugh and it's a bit of fun and
not taken too seriously

  • 24th Aug 2013 08:10am

I must admit... they are great fun to watch but I think that some of them are an invasion of privacy.

  • 22nd Aug 2013 05:44pm

In my opinion there are realy more than enough of them, i never understood why people watch these shows. They are not funny, have no suspense and no matter which show you see, it's always the same. I prefer a good Action movie or a comedy show.

  • 28th Aug 2013 12:56pm

yes yes

  • 22nd Aug 2013 05:43pm

In my opinion there are realy more than enough of them, i never understood why people watch these shows. They are not funny, have no suspense and no matter which show you see, it's always the same. I prefer a good Action movie or a comedy show.

  • 22nd Aug 2013 05:42pm

In my opinion there are realy more than enough of them, i never understood why people watch these shows. They are not funny, have no suspense and no matter which show you see, it's always the same. I prefer a good Action movie or a comedy show.

  • 19th Aug 2013 09:58pm

I find reality TV to be fsirly

  • 19th Aug 2013 12:19pm

That mine shows like masterchef that is just a shame tv seems to be flooded with reality tv no variety

  • 28th Aug 2013 12:58pm

correct way too many of them thank god for the 2nd and 3rd channels

  • 17th Aug 2013 09:18pm

Im really bored with most of them I think the talent shows are ok not that exciting anymore but yes the other ones are definitely promoting a lot of hatred towards one another

  • 17th Aug 2013 04:57pm

I personally like watching reality show, particulalrly Big Brother, because they are interesting and something different. If you don't like it, don't watch it. Its as simple as that!! p.s I love Big Brother!!

  • 17th Aug 2013 04:26pm

some of them is good and fun. some of them you can learn something from them like the biggest loser, to learn the different exercise and what type of food you should do to lose Wight and it motivate you to loose Wight when you see some else is do it. and also Master chef was very interesting program I learn a lot of recipe for this program. if you going to learn from the program something ok, but big brother show it have lot of thing which is not appropriate for some age. and have lot of negative behaviour

  • 16th Aug 2013 11:24pm

I think these shows teach us all to become more aware of our cooking shows how to creat some think in your home and for your families thats convenient easy directions to television today.
I think television an easy way to explain how to do things in a very well organised descriptive way.I think its great.and its so motivating you want more to learn.

  • 15th Aug 2013 12:48pm

I like watching some of the reality shows it can be great entertainment, to see what some people do in confined spaces, having decisions made for you, put under pressure and not in contact with the outside world. Home renos and weight loss shows give you some good ideas. Amazing race shows a bit more into the culture, lifestyle and living conditions of other countries not usually seen on travel brochures. Singing shows are all the same, I like the ones that show the unusual types of entertainment

  • 13th Aug 2013 08:32pm

In spite of what are their name indicating, all of them are staged.

  • 12th Aug 2013 10:54am

No, reality tv is anything but real total bullshit, designed with advertisers to sell you things!

  • 11th Aug 2013 09:40pm

some are good tv some are just a waist of time shows like big brother do not not really deal with ordinary people

  • 11th Aug 2013 06:07pm

When reality tv first started it was good something different n fresh however seasonafter season Iit becomes just like every other program u flick the channel. Since hearing on A Current Affair that reality shows like Xfactor r all fake I definitely think shows like that r rigged n all the hype and drama of the performers r doing it for ratings and that is dissappointing.

  • 10th Aug 2013 10:12am

Some of them I don't mind, but " BIG BROTHER" what a load of garbage,

  • 8th Aug 2013 05:42pm

No I don't think it is a good thing because I don't really think most of the shows are actually reality, especially programs like big brother. There is nothing real about it. And I think the market is flooded with these types of programs so if your not really interested in them then you don't have a lot of choices.

  • 8th Aug 2013 01:40pm

Reality TV is brain numbing. Whats real about it. Since al these reality sagas came to air, I must b greatful as the children and i have no intrest what so ever and we ar reading togather in the lounge.
We ar ingaging in conversations in regards to the excitement about to happen in the novels we ar reading and take time to lusten and then debate who has next dibs on the book if we ar intrested.
In a way im glad. Wete not glude to the idiot box, were not glued to our phones and electroic gadgets and ar talking face to face not via sms or face book.
I really dont understand y these reality shows ar taking over al the networks. I have some galfriends who say they watch the least boring on causr there is nothing else on.
I couldnt fathum y she chose to sit and watch a show she does not enjoy, instead of puting on some tunes and go b creative with things that ar on the back log of to b done.
Any way it has brought our family closer and more attenative to eachother.

  • 6th Aug 2013 11:14pm

I think it is actually quite harmful, because people think that there is a quick fix to everything:
Their career successes, their weight challenges, or their social status.
It feeds a culture that expects everything to be easy... and the people tend to be really unrealistically characterised as people have said. Pretty painful for the most part, I prefer a good murder mystery but that might just be me.

  • 5th Aug 2013 07:02pm

I can remember when Big Brother was about a group of Australians had a laugh and didn't mind being laughed at, now it is all about creating drama. The same goes with all the other reality shows, it is all about creating situations for people bitch about each other. I can not watch the cooking shows as they never cook anything my diet could handle, maybe they should teach people how to eat healthy.

  • 5th Aug 2013 02:31pm

There is no "Reality" in reality tv. It is all manufactured rubbish and I refuse to watch any of it.

  • 5th Aug 2013 12:37am

Hi looklively got to say Big Brother etc. just leave me cold but I do watch the Australian Talent shows X factor, So you think you got talent and the Voice and in fact follow each one. The Voice last season was amazing showing just what fantastic talent we have in this country.

  • 4th Aug 2013 07:17am

I think there is enough on Free to air Tv for everyone interest,So if your bored of that ,just change the channel.
I Can"t say Iam bored of the Reality shows,They all bring in New Interest for Everyone taste.
Looking forward to the Music one with Julia Morris

  • 4th Aug 2013 07:21am
I think there is enough on Free to air Tv for everyone interest,So if your bored of that ,just change the channel.
I Can"t say Iam bored of the Reality shows,They all bring in New Interest for...

I don"t watch them all,But then there are other things of my interest to watch.
I won:t say they are what the Doctor ordered too,Its for your Enjoyment Only!!!!!

  • 3rd Aug 2013 07:03pm

Reality Tv shows are my form of amusement these days. You get to see real people doing those stuffs, you judge based on what you see, you rationalize their acts, and you do a lot of reckoning. At the end of day, you think of your own self, and how awful it is to be in their place.

the great
  • 2nd Aug 2013 10:57pm

it's complete shite

  • 1st Aug 2013 04:00pm

personaly i dispise most reality tv shows, there is no reason to have shows such as geordie shore,jersey shore,the hills,and all that sort of thing they are made for no real reason,ive watched all of these shows a fue timesto find out weither or not they have any point at all, but seemingly the only thing that anyone gets out of these show is a head ach!

  • 30th Jul 2013 08:11pm

no it crap and there is to many of them

  • 29th Jul 2013 11:36am

I can't stand Big Brother of those type of reality shows. To me, watching a bunch of people that I don't know, mes around in a house for a few weeks, is so boring!
I prefer reality shows that are interesting and informative, where I could maybe learn something, e.g Great Australian Bake Off or Masterchef etc.
Not only are these entertaining, they can teach us a few things too.

  • 28th Jul 2013 08:06pm

No, it isn't. I don't know how many channels have cooking or renovation shows on, it's enough to make you crazy.

  • 28th Jul 2013 05:17pm

Reality tv is a tv show by picking out juicy bits from hours and hours of filming. Some shows are ok as they work towards a goal and achieve something in the end. Shows like big brother and survivor show people doing nothing productive for a cash reward. Its a 50/50

  • 28th Jul 2013 11:06am

Have to agree with most of the comments here, the only reality show I watch absolutely is America's SYTYCD, the kids are so talented & there is so much respect for each other & their achievements. Judging is generally positive in its criticism. Sad to say they took the Australian version off the air - which means our talented dancers don't get home-grown recognition - shame!!! Thankfully programmers are now tilting their choice to more story driven shows & I'm LOVING that, Hope it continues.

  • 28th Jul 2013 08:59am

I really like reality tv, it makes most people watch because it makes you want to be them say if you win money or find love but also draws people to keep watching if its like Fear Factor, then it makes you feel sorry for them, it's a lot better most of the time because its real people, and anything could happen! It's not a fake story line that has been done before in the past so with this it's different all the time :)

  • 28th Jul 2013 04:08am

I call this sort of show Trash TV.
I also absolutely dislike reality shows & I have never allowed my children to watch it because it teaches them a lack of respect towards other people based mostly on image. We already struggle to teach our children values & respect at home as well as in the classroom yet we have this on public TV teaching them that it is OK to be rude & cruel to other people.
As for the cooking shows if they were showing how to cook "real" meals I might be more inclined to consider them but since I would have to make a special trip to the shops for expensive ingredients I may never use again it is again a waste of viewing time.

  • 25th Jul 2013 09:41pm

I hate big brother type shows because it is just about watching people day and night, who is sleeping with who, stupid gossip etc, but those shows like The Biggest Loser changes and saves peoples lives. Masterchef is also good because it allows normal everyday people with a passion for cooking to do so and for one to go forward with their future as the winner of the series. Guy Sebastian is my favourite singer and his dream was made possible by appearing on Australian Idol 10 years ago so that was a worthwhile show. The Voice and X-factor give those a chance to go forward with their music or such careers. I still like good dramas and comedies but believe if the reality show has an actual purpose to it, it is worth it.

  • 25th Jul 2013 01:24am

off course, reality shows is very important because it gives an idea for the people how others live in this real world and not animated world

  • 25th Jul 2013 02:09pm
I think there is enough on Free to air Tv for everyone interest,So if your bored of that ,just change the channel.
I Can"t say Iam bored of the Reality shows,They all bring in New Interest for...

? please say you're joking.

If you're not, I have some bridges & a few skyscrapers to sell... one owner, a little old lady that only used them on Sundays for church.

Tobacco won't harm you, asbestos is a good thing...

  • 24th Jul 2013 11:51pm

Reality tv shows are just like any other shows on television. we either hate it or we love it. I find that there is a lot to learn from these shows and I can relate to the human side of people and I also get a reaction from watching them. I find that i always learn more about people from watching these shows so in a big way they are educational and informative and eye opener as well

  • 24th Jul 2013 02:53pm

Reality shows that are about something productive and worthwhile are actually not that bad eg. Masterchef. But the other reality shows that just follow rich peoples lives and are obviously fake and staged are a damn joke. Jersey shore and the hills and the housewives shows and all that crap are the worst shows ever. Makes me feel dumber by watching them.

  • 24th Jul 2013 01:37pm

I quite enjoy Masterchef and My Kitchen Rules. However not much of a fan of any of the others.

  • 24th Jul 2013 09:02am

i cant stand reality tv shows,they were a good idea at the start when they were just about different personalities but they have now become about using polarising people who clash and who's got the biggest sob story,the bigger the fights the better reviews and you only see the select cuts not the whole person,i prefer comedy or drama series by far and am so sick of all these copy cat shows that i dont even give them a chance anymore,i just refuse to watch at all,no matter how good the advertising or promos are,they are a waste of tv time,i will never watch them again.

  • 23rd Jul 2013 09:16pm

I cannot stand reality t.v. It is orchastrated, manipulated, cut and clipped to create goodies and badies and bring about mischief.
Give me a good comedy, drama or mystery or even a documentary anyday.

  • 23rd Jul 2013 06:31pm

interesting the first time, though i have found many of them repetetive and boring there after.

  • 23rd Jul 2013 04:33pm

Majority of so-called reality shows are rubbish. The networks all jump on the same programming band-wagons and present similar shows. How many cooking and talent shows do we need? US reality shows are probably the worst, they tend to treat the viewers as morons that need to have things explained to them in single syllables.

  • 23rd Jul 2013 01:02pm

I'm a fan of some reality shows, my favourite reality show to watch is Survivor. I believe there are too many reality shows on TV however I understand why TV stations air so many of them, because reality shows tend to have a loyal fan base which equals high ratings for TV networks, the reality shows that don't generate good ratings end up being cancelled.

King Lurr
  • 23rd Jul 2013 12:27pm

I watch TV to escape. If I wanted reality I would go outside!

  • 28th Jul 2013 05:50pm
I watch TV to escape. If I wanted reality I would go outside!

Totally agree. I however do like The Voice but do not watch any other reality TV/

  • 23rd Jul 2013 11:09am

I think I am also in the minority or perhaps I'm just brain dead as some of you are implying. I love Reality TV shows. I love The Block and My House Rules. These shows give you heaps of renovation ideas and are very entertaining. I love the cooking shows, again, these can give you hints and tips for your own cooking (I love cooking). I think people should be more open minded. Why can't you enjoy some of all the types of shows? I also love documentaries such as David Attenborough and I love the TV dramas such as Revenge. I also love Current Affairs. There are plenty of things you can learn from Reality TV.

  • 23rd Jul 2013 10:57am

I utterly dislike these shows. What they show is people at there most vulnerable and expose them to everyone to what end? What goes on behind the scene is even worse. What we get to see is not what happens. I think it's manipulating people and pushing fads. I have absolutely no interest in them.

  • 23rd Jul 2013 12:39am

I don't have any problems with some reality shows but others such as 'Big Brother' are a waste if time. Reality shows such as xfactor and other stuff are good as it helps ebcourage people with great talent to step forward and shine. Some others like 'The Biggest Loser' also help to encourage people to take action. In some cases it's great for our kids and ourselves but other times some reality shows are pretty much pointless and doesn't really have any advantages for us.

  • 23rd Jul 2013 12:31am

Initially they were of some interest, but they are now just clones of clones and a cheap way for commercial TV to fill air-time.

Consequently, quality drama, docos and entertainment shows in general, have all but disappeared.

When made, they are so full of adverts, that if you IQ them, a 1 hour show can be watched in 30 to 40 minutes.

Therefore, I now watch ABC and SBS, and the pay channels almost exclusively.

Miss Whittaker
  • 22nd Jul 2013 11:40pm

I cannot stand the reality tv shows, big brother,ones with heaps of people all acting out at once they are pathetic big heads,I will on occasion watch master chef or bake off, would rather not watch any as I don't like the way people are treated or spoken to I get enough of that at work and prefer to leave it there thank you.

  • 22nd Jul 2013 11:33pm

reality is alright so long as its no more than 50% of tv

  • 22nd Jul 2013 10:58pm

I prefer comedy or drama shows. There are too many bitchy people on the reality shows. Or they have silly rules like House Rules. I was enjoying the show seeing what they did with the houses and then it wasn't the best renovators that won in the end. I reckon the scoring should of gone all the way through.

  • 22nd Jul 2013 10:50pm

I do love the talent ones like X Factor and The Voice. I think they are entertaining and I am a musician so this probably helps. I used to watch the cooking show as I am an avid cook but I feel they have become too much the same now and I haven't watched one for ages as I find the format boring!
I loved Big Brother when it first started as I loved to see how people reacted to certain circumstances that Big Brother inflicted on them however it became boring when they edited it far too much after the "turkey slap" scandal.

  • 22nd Jul 2013 09:48pm

There are too many reality shows. People who deserve to win are left out in the cold. It is not possible to renovate a house within a week.I prefer to watch drama and comedy shows eo get away from the reality of real life.

  • 22nd Jul 2013 09:45pm

Reality show for the most part are un-adulterated fetid dingo's kidney. They suck big time and to be brutally honest if I ever meet the person who created Big Brother, I am going to club into a bloody pulp with a rolling pin from Masterchef.

  • 22nd Jul 2013 09:08pm

I actually quite like a lot of them having watched several of them for many years now!
The ones I don't like at all are the likes of Jersey Shore etc - too foul and too much swearing. And Big Brother is border line - more too boring "waiting" for something to happen.

  • 22nd Jul 2013 09:02pm

I can't stand them. I think they are a waste of time and that something more educational could be put in to their time slots

  • 22nd Jul 2013 08:41pm

The shorts of these shows are more than annoying. I prefer drama, action or comedy, but number one shows for me are documentaries.

  • 22nd Jul 2013 08:28pm

there are a couple worth watching but the first show is always interesting, after that they tend to get more boring with each season. If a different show could be made each year tht would be good (not possible though)

  • 22nd Jul 2013 08:13pm

why do TV producers think we need to see the same reality TV year after year? Life is nasty enough without seeing people being paid to bring out the worst in each other. No wonder I now read books!!

  • 22nd Jul 2013 08:08pm

I remember when Survivor first came out, I was hooked on it for a while, but after the first 4 or 5 series there were too many "students of the game" playing, it got annoying.
I could never get into Big Brother. I had no interest whatsoever in watching a bunch of losers hanging out in a house.
The first series of Masterchef was very good. I watched it regularly, and my teenage son was inspired to try his skills in the kitchen. The second series wasn't quite as good, but it really went downhill after that - I soon gave up watching. I sometimes read satirical recaps (much more entertaining than the actual show). Apparently the current crop of contestants were chosen for their ability to annoy, rather than their ability to cook. Sad. Too many gimmicks, too many silly challenges.
Watched My Kitchen Rules a few times. Atrocious. More about bitchiness and backstabbing than cooking.
Lost interest in the renovation shows years ago, too many silly challenges - like Masterchef.
Generally speaking, the term "reality TV" is a misnomer - the shows bear little or no resemblance to reality!

  • 22nd Jul 2013 07:33pm

Reality tv is so boring.

  • 6th Aug 2013 12:21am
Reality tv is so boring.

yeah too much drama's :)

  • 22nd Jul 2013 07:28pm

Have better things to do than watch reality TV .Finding it difficult to watch any Tv just does not interest me anymore.Would rather watch grass grow or cloud form so much more interesting than most TV shows row.

  • 22nd Jul 2013 07:46pm
Reality tv is so boring.

I am with you on this one.

I myself ,hardly,watch any tv.

Prefer to spend free time outside ,walking,meeting "real people".

On the other hand,my intention wasn't to offend anyone who likes watching reality shows.

It is just not for me...

  • 22nd Jul 2013 07:18pm

Well I'm in the minority I think - but I love a lot of the reality shows, I know most of them are not truely off the cuff, a lot are manufactured complete with scripts. I think I just enjoy seeing how others live, I don't have a close group of friends who tell me what's happening in their lives, and I'm not too sure I'd want to know their innermost secrets. I enjoy watching the Real Housewives, masterchef, big brother, the mole, survivor and amazing race, TOWIE and MAde in Chelsea. I don't enjoy the house renovation shows nor the weightloss shows, nor the ones with kids doing model shows.
Obviously they're popular or they wouldn't make them anymore. But guess it's uncool to say you enjoy watching them.

  • 14th Aug 2013 12:28pm

Uncool or not, I admit I like a lot of reality shows, I don't watch the ones like Real Housewives or the other so called "reality " shows that are as fake as a soap opera. I'm more into the competition style shows like the Block which I really got into this year, and I have to say I am so enjoying Big Brother atm, go Tim!

  • 22nd Jul 2013 06:58pm

Better than some of the fictional shows, I will say that I don't like all but I do like watching cooking shows even if I can't afford to cook what they cook I can get ideas and use something instead that I can afford. They are good for new Talent to be discovered also, and the Block etc show people some new ideas for their home. A bit of over acting on some of the shows but hey people do that out in the real world.

  • 22nd Jul 2013 06:32pm

I dont mind most of them. Including Master Chef..Big brother. But dont like the mole and those housewife shows or the essex s english shows

  • 20th Aug 2014 07:01pm
they why they have other channel's :)

yeah, thats right.

  • 24th Jul 2013 11:45am
master chef and the biggest loser the crying episodes and the hard done by stories are the worst
people are on...

they why they have other channel's :)

  • 24th Jul 2013 07:55am
I dont mind most of them. Including Master Chef..Big brother. But dont like the mole and those housewife shows or the essex s english shows

master chef and the biggest loser the crying episodes and the hard done by stories are the worst
people are on these shows are playing a game and are there to win but the public have to suffer

  • 22nd Jul 2013 06:27pm

Some we watch, some we don't.

Not interested in 'Talent' but they do offer the opportunity for performers to break into the industry. The biggest winners here are the telecommunications companies who collect all the $$$ from viewers voting.

'Building' ones do provide some interesting renovation ideas but the judges all seem to believe that their own personal opinion of a colour scheme etc is the only one that matters.

As for 'Cooking' we could never afford (cost and time) to cook most of the dishes and the only way to be fair to the cooks/contestants is for blind judging/tasting from the general public not by 'experts' who all like their meat cooked rare with blood oozing.

  • 9th Feb 2014 11:23am
The talent shows are about the only ones I ever watch now, although only occasionally. Some of the acts are pretty average, and the judges can be a bit annoying, but every now and then there's a...

Good one Steve ,all the shows have turned into pretend actors trying to make the show dramatic but turn it into offal (i know how to spell ).I do get excited about a raw singer off the street ,so to speak , and improving through the show to be very good. I know they must have talent to start with and viewers need to like listening
to singing, some are good,some are not so good, but when a prospective star shows up and has good competition they are great to watch,
Sure, someone is making money from this,but I and many others, are loving it.
It sure beats fighting the black dog after watching the news and current affairs shows!

  • 22nd Jul 2013 08:18pm
Some we watch, some we don't.

Not interested in 'Talent' but they do offer the opportunity for performers to break into the industry. The biggest winners here are the telecommunications...

The talent shows are about the only ones I ever watch now, although only occasionally. Some of the acts are pretty average, and the judges can be a bit annoying, but every now and then there's a real gem of an act - that's all I'm interested in. I never, ever vote - the system is ridiculous: as you say, the biggest winners are the telcos charging excess fees from the nongs who vote over and over again for their favourite.

  • 22nd Jul 2013 06:22pm

Some we watch, some we don't.

Not interested in 'Talent' but they do offer the opportunity for performers to break into the industry. The biggest winners here are the telecommunications companies who collect all the $$$ from viewers voting.

'Building' ones do provide some interesting renovation ideas but the judges all seem to believe that their own personal opinion of a colour scheme etc is the only one that matters.

As for 'Cooking' we could never afford (cost and time) to cook most of the dishes and the only way to be fair to the cooks/contestants is for blind judging/tasting from the general public not by 'experts' who all like their meat cooked rare with blood oozing.

  • 30th Jul 2013 11:56pm
Some we watch, some we don't.

Not interested in 'Talent' but they do offer the opportunity for performers to break into the industry. The biggest winners here are the telecommunications...

I so agree with you about the cooking shows - can't stand the way all the judges go "ooh, the meat's a bit overcooked isn't it?" when it's bright pink or even bloody. YUK - turns me right off the show. Surely not all the contestants like their meat rare to raw, I bet it's just edited that way. Let's have some new judges with a variety of tastes, and less frantic timing - not even in a restaurant would you have to stop cooking at a nominated time, finished or not! Maybe then I'll start watching the show again.

  • 22nd Jul 2013 05:50pm

It's terrible. If I want reality I can open the door and look at my neighbours, or head to a shopping centre and sit with a coffee and watch all the shenanigans of the human race. TV is supposed to be entertaining, to take me away from real life, to offer knowledge, pathos, joy, passion, feelings! Not an unscripted group of 'famous-for-being-famous' types subjecting me to their puerile antics.

Though in your question you mention Masterchef, that's not reality TV, it's almost scripted. It is actually closer to manipulative TV than anything else.

The only losers for shows like these are the viewers, because as they get more popular networks don't put the effort into quality programming, why would they when you can get a bunch of wannabee's who don't need to be paid, don't require respect or have to be listened to, as they have no artistic integrity.

I don't care if anyone else watches, just don't expect me to engage in discussion about them around the water-cooler, I'll just walk away and look for someone more intelligent to talk with.

  • 8th Sep 2014 12:47pm
well done reality shows are only for the brain dead

Agreed Wazza. There is a great book by Ben Elton, he of Blackadder fame, called `Chart Throb' which rips the top off the can of worms that are these programs. He should know about this business as he's been in entertainment all his life. I find the reality shows depressing, and vindictive. I shudder to think of the psychological damage done to the weaker souls who are exploited and discarded during the early (non-aired) rounds to reinforce the egos of the selected few.

  • 26th Aug 2014 01:31pm
It's terrible. If I want reality I can open the door and look at my neighbours, or head to a shopping centre and sit with a coffee and watch all the shenanigans of the human race. TV is supposed to...

Totally agree

  • 22nd Jul 2013 06:18pm
It's terrible. If I want reality I can open the door and look at my neighbours, or head to a shopping centre and sit with a coffee and watch all the shenanigans of the human race. TV is supposed to...

well done reality shows are only for the brain dead

  • 22nd Jul 2013 05:43pm

I don't really like them - too many egos, too much sniping and I am sure many of the contestants are made to look like the "baddie" just to get the ratings up. I would rather see honest, real life TV if we need reality stuff , not just people who want to get their faces in our faces. A good drama appeals to me any day.

  • 6th Aug 2013 04:24am
I don't really like them - too many egos, too much sniping and I am sure many of the contestants are made to look like the "baddie" just to get the ratings up. I would rather see honest, real life...

Totally agree!

  • 22nd Jul 2013 06:19pm
I don't really like them - too many egos, too much sniping and I am sure many of the contestants are made to look like the "baddie" just to get the ratings up. I would rather see honest, real life...

that is right

  • 22nd Jul 2013 05:38pm

I'm okay with some but I do believe that there is too much of it at the moment. If the shows were educational or were teaching you something like the cooking shows it would be different, but then again, there are too many cooking shows also

  • 22nd Jul 2013 01:09pm

I have personally always disliked reality tv series. I think they commercialise on intolerance and hate. The people on the shows treat one and other horribly. The people watching the shows choose characters to hate in spite of the fact they don't genuinely know the people. I particularly dislike The Biggest Loser as it perpetuates the societal view that a person's worth is tied up in their physical appearance. Hate? Body shaming? These are not values I want my future children learning. In my opinion reality tv shows are a wast of time which promote negative values.

  • 1st Apr 2015 03:17pm
I don't really like them - too many egos, too much sniping and I am sure many of the contestants are made to look like the "baddie" just to get the ratings up. I would rather see honest, real life...

I agree they really add drama to it. An example of this is my kitchen rules where they add drama (from contestants personality and comments they have made)and then advertise it for the next episode.

  • 28th Feb 2015 01:58pm
I don't really like them - too many egos, too much sniping and I am sure many of the contestants are made to look like the "baddie" just to get the ratings up. I would rather see honest, real life...

People thrive on gossip, drama, and anything that does not resemble their own lives. As so many are bored or frustrated with their own lives, they think that someone else's must be better and more exiting. That's why these shows thrive.

  • 28th Feb 2015 01:55pm
I have personally always disliked reality tv series. I think they commercialise on intolerance and hate. The people on the shows treat one and other horribly. The people watching the shows choose...

Totally agree. We actually refuse to watch them these days. Besides, they aren't really reality anyway. It's not a natural environment to be cast into a house, island, whatever with a bunch of strangers to live a "normal" life.

  • 26th Aug 2014 01:25pm
I have personally always disliked reality tv series. I think they commercialise on intolerance and hate. The people on the shows treat one and other horribly. The people watching the shows choose...

It is a worry that these programs apparently have high viewer ratings. To me it doesn't say much for the mentally of the people watching. Although there is little choice between 7,9 &10.

I don't watch wrestling and it is similar scripted production. I have read some where that these programs are cheap to produce and that is why the companies produce such rubbish.

  • 25th May 2014 08:20am
I have personally always disliked reality tv series. I think they commercialise on intolerance and hate. The people on the shows treat one and other horribly. The people watching the shows choose...

I completely agree! I find reality shows pretty interesting with all the drama

  • 14th May 2014 04:25am
A little bit of escape is good sometimes.

I totally agree with it. I enjoy the participants's personality.

  • 17th Apr 2014 12:11am
I have personally always disliked reality tv series. I think they commercialise on intolerance and hate. The people on the shows treat one and other horribly. The people watching the shows choose...

I Totally agree, we are creating a vouyeristic society which likes to see people being mean to each other. It makes me feel sad that so many people feel the need to watch these programs.

  • 14th Apr 2014 11:05am
totally agree whith you reality shows sux

A little bit of escape is good sometimes.

  • 28th Aug 2013 07:46pm
totally agree whith you reality shows sux

i agree 100% with what you guys are saying, but that is why reality tv is such a hit! its because society isnt going to watch a reality tv show if its on peoples every day lives, there has to be drama in it.

  • 17th Aug 2013 04:29pm
I have personally always disliked reality tv series. I think they commercialise on intolerance and hate. The people on the shows treat one and other horribly. The people watching the shows choose...

trues some of them is like that like big brother. but there other are good you can learn lot of thing from it. before you do any show. you have to make sure it use positive language , positive behaviour, people should learn something good from it

  • 22nd Jul 2013 06:12pm
I have personally always disliked reality tv series. I think they commercialise on intolerance and hate. The people on the shows treat one and other horribly. The people watching the shows choose...

totally agree whith you reality shows sux

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