Society & Culture

Is there really a God?

Society & Culture

Posted by: sam.gerges86

30th Dec 2013 03:21pm

Hi :)
I am interested in understanding how our society falls in regards to beliefs - specifically in the belief in a God.
I would like to start the discussion by saying that I am searching for the truth - the truth on whether or not God actually exists. I do not wish to discuss who God is (i.e. which belief is true), I will look into this my logic points me to that direction... Rather I want to discuss the more broad question - Does God exist.
Your input will be invaluable to my journey, so please feel free to write your beliefs and why you believe in them...
I look forward to hearing your responses.

Comments 173

  • 23rd Dec 2014 12:45pm

I just find it really hard to believe that someone who is reasonably intelligent could not believe in God. There is no such thing as spontaeous generation. Something or someone has to get things in motion, put the ingredients together and allow them to evolve, mature, develop over time, perhaps millions of years. Humans are really well developed and adapted to our planet but why do we have to be the MOST intelligent, most developed? It took a long time before our egoes could accept that we revolve around the sun and there are trillions of stars, planets, galaxies out there. There has to be something, whatever name you want to give it that is more intelligent, more capable than we little humans are. The fact that all the beautiful things in outer space develop, evolve without our help has to count for something. Even in the deep sea we discover beautiful creatures that have existed for perhaps millions of years and we had no idea they were down there. That's what makes life so interesting. There is still so much to discover, ponder over and enjoy. Why do humans have to put THEIR limits on the world around them. You have to be like me or you are no good. You have to believe in the same things as me or you are no good. You have to be my colour, have my eye colour, my body shape or you are no good. Hitler could not make everyone like clones but in some ways aren't we still trying? God ie that being we do not understand is NOT boring. The only thing we can be certain of is variety and change will always be there.

  • 15th Oct 2014 05:57pm


  • 6th Mar 2015 08:45pm

have a gander at this, says it all

  • 10th Oct 2014 02:21pm

I personally believe in God simply because I look around me at this beautiful world we live in & I know that no matter how smart the human race is, we couldn't have created it. There are probably as many quite logical arguments against the existence of God as there are for, so for me it comes down to a question of personal belief. I believe it's a matter for the individual & I'll defend to the death a person's right NOT to accept the existence of God if they wish. I only ask that they afford me the same courtesy. I've got a very good mate who's an atheist, & I tell him he's on a hiding to nothing. If he's right, there's no life after death, so he won't be able to tell me "I told you so." If he's wrong & there is life after death, I'll be reminding him of the fact for all eternity.

  • 3rd Aug 2014 07:13pm

A big fat NO HE/SHE/IT does not exist - It never did. the whole idea is a twisted tale with religion as a whole being fear based. If you are inclined to believe in it then you and your family have been brainwashed and preconditioned to fear a false god. If you don't believe then you were smart enough not to be fooled to begin with and if you once did but now don't - congratulations on seeing the truth in the most widespread lie in the world that is religion. God, if it had existed would be the biggest con-artist, liar, polygamist (seriously 'who' could have all those nuns in the world as wives and be held with so much esteem and not be a polygamist). The churches are supposed to be it's homes - do they pay rates or taxes - NO - do they even pay any utility bills - Probably not either - the rest of us have to or we'd live in a dry, dark, cold house where we'd have to walk outside and yell to make a phonecall and if we didn't pay tax or rates we'd be in jail because local/state/federal governments want their money. You line a bunch of people up in a straight line tell the first one a story and get them to repeat it to the one behind who then tells the one behind them and so forth by the time you get told the story at the end of the line - it has completely changed to nothing like it was. This is the same for religion and what this so called 'god' if it existed said which is all through the bible (face it not even they are consistant with each other). How do any of us know what was said back then by whoever, let alone who said it existed. It is just some story passed around, written down, handed down in various prints and reprints and multiple edits - the story must have been twisted completely over time. There is no proof anyone in the bible ever existed other than a book says so - well books can also be fiction. Bibles are pretty much only good for toilet paper - they are full of ... you get the picture. If this false god exists why does it not help anyone who asks it for help? It can't because it is a false god and never existed therefore we are on our own in this journey called life with only those near and dear to us to help us along the way.

  • 12th May 2014 03:01pm

I believe God exists. I look at the amazing complexity of our world, the more I look at it the more I see that there had to be something that made it, the absolutely astronomical complexity and perfection of it all, from the tiniest sub atomic matter that is the building block for everything, through to the vastness of an incomprehensible universe. I have only a vague idea of how ridiculously impossible life is, how so many, many, many things had to be exactly perfectly right in order for life to be that I find it impossible to believe that we are a cosmic accident. If we are simply super-evolved monkeys then that fails to explain why we have things like morality, creativity, love, what purpose would there be in us caring for the elderly, the sick, the disabled? There is something in us that is different to the rest of this amazing world and I believe that is an echo of God in us. That's kind of a taste of the academic side of things, some of why I logically think there is a God, as for the stuff I fall back on when the world is crashing around me, what it comes down to is he saved my life. I was drowning in depression, I asked him to prove he was there, he did to my satisfaction, I called out ot him and I have never looked back, that night he healed me of my depression and I have never struggled with it again. If you want to know if there is a God, just ask him, what's the worst that could happen?

  • 30th Apr 2014 09:31pm

I strongly recommend you read "Evidence that demands a verdict" and "resurrection proven beyond a doubt" by Josh McDowall. Your search sounds akin to my husband's and he found a lot of answers in these books. As for us personally, we have seen too many things and answers to prayer that only leave us with the proof of the existence of God. All the best with your journey. There is proof if you are prepared to look. Answers in Genesis is a society that gives a lot of scientific fact about God's creation. Ask God to show you. You have nothing to lose by asking Him to reveal it to you. Blessings

  • 30th Mar 2014 12:17am

Yes, there is a God
If God doesn't exist, we would be in the Dark Ages right now and we wouldn't learn what love is. Also there was no religions.
If you want the proof that God is exist, there is a religion and also there is a history story about Joan of Arc, Mother Teresa, etc.
However, you shouldn't trust in the book of religion because it's the old book (right now we are in 21th century) and a lot of people changed the words in the book. Some of the words are not God's words. For example, gay people will burn in hell and blablabla.
God said to love everyone and never to judge other people.
Right now you have to think what is right or wrong on your own. Listen to your heart and other people. Believe in what you want. Enjoy your life.

  • 4th Mar 2014 07:37pm

To be very honest, everything around us is made up of energy. There is so much proof in regards to science and evolution and science while there is hardly any proof of god. This can be a very touchy subject so in fair honesty I would say that....if someone was brought into this world without knowing of god or anthing, chances would be they would support science merely because of the amount of evidence supporting science.

  • 9th Feb 2014 01:05am

As someone who was brought up in the mainstream christian baptist church i dont believe i have to pew sit to believe or be spiritual. I believe we are spiritual beings and there is a higher power. The higher power maybe called God, Buddha, Krishna whatever. the 1 thing i think is so sad the higher being (for sake of ease i call it god) God is loving and forgiving, God wants all of us to go to 'heaven'. Our wars, fighting, kiling is mostly in the name of relligion this is the last thing our god would want us to be doing.

  • 9th Feb 2014 12:54am

As someone who was brought up in the mainstream christian baptist church i dont believe i have to pew sit to believe or be spiritual. I believe we are spiritual beings and there is a higher power. The higher power maybe called God, Buddha, Krishna whatever. the 1 thing i think is so sad the higher being (for sake of ease i call it god) God is loving and forgiving, God wants all of us to go to 'heaven'. Our wars, fighting, kiling is mostly in the name of relligion this is the last thing our god would want us to be doing.

  • 9th Feb 2014 12:48am

I believe we are spiritual beings. After groing up in the main stream baptist christian church and baptised at my request at 19yo. I believe there is a higher power than us. Whether we call this higher power God, Buddha or any of the names given to this Higher Power in all the religions in the world. The saddest thing is that so many wars riot and killing is made in the name of religion, i can guarantee the Higher Power we are taught about in all religions is a loving forgiving power and would not like the way humans carry out violence and hatred in the name of God

  • 9th Feb 2014 12:39am

I believe we are spiritual beings. After groing up in the main stream baptist christian church and baptised at my request at 19yo. I believe there is a higher power than us. Whether we call this higher power God, Buddha or any of the names given to this Higher Power in all the religions in the world. The saddest thing is that so many wars riot and killing is made in the name of religion, i can guarantee the Higher Power we are taught about in all religions is a loving forgiving power and would not like the way humans carry out violence and hatred in the name of God

  • 30th Jan 2014 10:44pm

Hi Sam,

I believe that God is real.

But everyone is different, even some gay people worship God.

Its what you choose to believe.

I believe that people should be Christians, but it's your decision as I should also love you the way you are.

Just remember loving God doesn't mean you are strict on what you do. I am a Christian and involved with a Australia Group Hillsong, we have music parties, youth, dance parties and all sorts of things just minimise the alchol and drugs. We love gay people and all other people because we are taught to love everyone

  • 30th Jan 2014 10:33pm

Sam, GOD is Mother Nature, however mysterious events/things happen which cannot be explained other than believing in a GOD of some kind.

  • 27th Jan 2014 08:42pm

An important question to ask yourself is what type of God do you believe exists or not. For a Christian the moral attributes of God cannot be separated from his existence. For example if our world & mankind came into existence through blind chance why is it we have such deep personal longings to find Love, beauty, mercy and kindness? Why do people have the ability for imagination and creativity if not because we were created for such things from our Creator? You might ask yourself, if a good & loving God does exist why then is there so much evil. My response is: How much more evil would there be if not for a God who demonstrated his great love for mankind by coming to earth as one of us to show us how we originally created to live. The questions of where does evil come our why does God allow suffering is for another time. Getting back to the question of God’s existence my final statement comes from many personal and life changing encounters with the God of the Bible. He is not just real because I just want to blindly believe he is but I believe because he is really does exist and has made himself known to me and countless millions of people. Jesus said that those who truly seek after God would find him. I would suggest to you that your question is a longing of your heart to find the God who is there because all of humanity was created to be in a relationship with him.

  • 25th Jan 2014 02:10pm

Hi Sam,

As much as this is a controversial topic and many have different opinions on the matter, I'm not going to even comment or argue with what others have said because at the end of the day, that doesn't matter to me and there is one thing that you can't argue with, and that is my personal testimony. Many people use scripture and quote bible verses to stress their point, but others who don't believe will also use it out of context and try to prove their point. First of all, I want to start off by saying that I am in fact a born again Christian, but I wasn't always, so here goes my story...

As a child, I was brought up roman catholic and I completed my secondary education at a catholic high school, so I always knew about God, but I didn’t really know God at all.

Growing up, my earliest memory is of my mother cowering in front of me to protect me while my father held a folding chair above his head, in the position ready to hit my mother with it. I grew up in a very dysfunctional, broken home - While I had both parents, the family situation was quite a hostile and volatile environment. Because of my mum and dads abusive and broken relationship, and that they also made me feel like my best wasn’t good enough and that I would never amount to anything, it caused me to really start harbouring a lot of anger, hate and resentment towards them, and my life, and I told myself that I had to get out as soon as possible, and having traditional parents, the only way for me to do that was to get married. So because of this and the fact that my father was not a very hands-on or affectionate dad, it drove me to look for love in all the wrong places. This was the beginning of my downward spiral of depression. I had a strong drive and determination to never let anybody gain control over me.

I always questioned whether or not there was a God and how He could let me suffer like this and so this led me to pursuing other ways of gaining control and so I delved into witchcraft and all other forms of the occult – casting spells, putting curses/hexes on people, necromancy, astral projection, astrology, numerology – you name it, I pretty much did it. This fueled my need for popularity and approval from people and caused me to start hitting the clubbing scene and partying a little too much and a little too hard. The more I fed the need, the greater it grew and it caused me to make some stupid decisions which in 2003, ended up in me gaining some serious criminal convictions – I should have gone away, but by some miracle, I only got community service.

At this point in my life, after the criminal convictions, the worsening home situation and the growing string of failed relationships, I felt like I’d lost all control. I was so depressed I was cutting myself to alleviate the emotional pain. I used to also go to The Gap (located in Sydney and notorious for suicides) a lot. I would walk all the way to the very top, climb over the fence and walk out onto a very skinny ledge, about 30cm wide and lift my arms, close my eyes, put my head back and just hope/wish a very strong wind would blow and cause me to lose my balance and then I would fall off the cliff and die. I just couldn’t cope with life. So out of hate and spite towards my parents (when I was really young, I used to pray and ask God to kill my parents in some sort of horrible accident), I wanted to hurt them and so I decided that I would take matters into my own hands and commit suicide. This wasn’t the first time either. The first of many attempts was when I was 12. So this time, it was on the 28th July 2003, on my mum’s birthday and just 4 days before my 20th birthday, I decided to end it all. Now, I used to be a very aggressive and moody person and so I would always lock my bedroom door and my family knew not to wake me up or disturb me because I would scream and throw things at them. So that night, I left the door unlocked and asked my sister to wake me up in the morning. I had laid out next to my pillow a letter explaining how much I hated them and a cassette tape with a song on it – the song I wanted played at my funeral. I had my nails painted black, got dressed in my traditional chinese dress, and then took a whole bottle of sleeping pills and thought see-ya cruel world. I even made sure I laid down with my arms crossed over my chest – like a dead person would have them! 2 days later, I woke up in hospital and I was so confused – why didn’t it work, why am I still here? When the doctor came to do a psych evaluation on me, I asked him those exact questions and what he said next, I’ll never forget. He said “To be honest, I don’t know because right now, you still have enough of the drug in your system to have killed you 5 times over.” I didn’t know it at the time, but clearly, God had another plan and purpose for me.

It was after this that I started to feel like there has to be more to life and this is when my sister started inviting me out to church. I went along and the pastor started preaching and everything he said fit my situation perfectly, so much so that I was angry at my sister because I thought she had told these complete strangers my life story and that the sermon was directed at and written especially for me. At the end of the sermon, the pastor extended an invitation to receive forgiveness and a clean start with Jesus and one of the things he said was “You can feel God knocking at the door of heart and all you have to do is respond by putting your hand up.” My heart was pounding a million miles an hour but I didn’t respond. I continued to go along to church services with my sister and it wasn’t until the 8th February 2004 that I finally surrendered and answered the altar call. I said a simple prayer and broke down in floods of tears. It was such a glorious moment and at the end, I felt instantly joyful and hopeful and like a physical weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Even though I was now saved, and coming along to church, I wasn’t really living for God. I didn’t invest in reading the bible or praying. I was in church for about 9 months and because I wasn’t deepening my relationship with God and really allowing Him to heal me throughout this time, I was still looking for love in all the wrong places and when the devil came and dangled the bait, I was easily led astray. A guy turned up in the picture and I ended up backsliding, completely forgetting about God and pursing that happily ever after with him. We ended up engaged and were together for 4 years. During that time, I was living in sin and that happily ever after never came. It started off great and he was my knight in shining armour but it wasn’t too long before the honeymoon phase ended and he started to show his true colours. I was verbally, emotionally, mentally and physically abused by him. He broke me. I was so broken in my spirit that when he hit me, I just let him because I felt so worthless and that I deserved it. Eventually, I found the strength and courage and got myself out of that situation. It wasn’t a great chapter of my life and during this time, I heaped so much extra baggage on myself. It was an exact repeat of my parent’s relationship and I thank God everyday that we didn’t end up getting married and having kids together.

Anyway, jump forward a couple of years to 2009. My sister invites me out to a strongman show that is happening at church and not having anything else to do, I decided to go. It was a good show but I didn’t really feel anything. People still remembered me and they were nice so I kept coming along to church. I knew I had to get things right with God, but when the pastor did the alter call, I didn’t feel anything like I did the first time, so I didn’t know if God really existed or if He loved me or if He wanted me back. For 6 weeks straight, I attended every service and was contending in prayer the whole time for God to give me a sign or show me that He still loved me and wanted me back. And on the 22nd July 2009, my prayer was answered and the sign came. It was a Wednesday night and actually, I was driving along the M4 to church. I’ve always been very into music and for some funny reason, that night, out of the 1500 songs I had in my CD player, I couldn’t find a song that I wanted to listen to and I felt that I should put in my Christian music CD. Now just to be clear, this was an old collection, so it’s not like I hadn’t heard any of these songs before. Actually, I knew some of the songs quite well and one of these songs came on and I started singing along to this upbeat song and then started weeping uncontrollably. I was like, what is going on and so I stopped singing and once I calmed myself down, I went to start singing again and I burst into tears again. Because I’m a bit slow, this had to happen a couple more times before I realised that God was speaking to me through the song… It said “calling on all of God’s children, it’s time to come home.” And at that moment, I knew what I had to do, and made a decision to answer the altar call that night and get my heart right, and recommit my life to Jesus Christ.

From that day on, I haven’t looked back. God has gotten a hold of my heart and He’s helped me heal and reassemble the many pieces of my once broken heart, and restore me to what he had originally designed and created me to be. He has changed me, renewed me and begun to mould me into the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ; whom he sent to shed His blood and die on the cross for me thousands of years before I even existed. When God found me, let’s face it, I had more issues than Time magazine. I was defeated, dejected, insecure and filthy, and buried in all my transgressions but yet, He still loved me. I spent a huge chunk of my life hating the people I should be loving, and God has healed many of those broken relationships. Now, He’s using my life to reach people and given me the opportunity to glorify Him and use the gifts He has given me in ministry.

Over time, God has revealed to me several instances before my salvation, where His hand has been upon my life – like all the times when I was younger and walked km’s home alone from the city at like 2am, drunk and off my face, and jumped into random stranger’s cars and nothing happened to me. God has shown me the boundless outpourings of His mercy and grace on an unworthy, ungrateful, selfish and blatantly unrepentant sinner – me.

In Matthew 10:32-33, Jesus says "Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever denies me before men, I will also deny him before my Father in heaven.”

I chose eternal life... I’ve chosen heaven... I’m choosing Jesus... Now, what are you going to do, cause the rest is up to you?

AND, if this isn’t enough for you to be convinced that God does in fact exist and is VERY real, I have included a link for you to check out more stories of changed lived.

Also, if you are REALLY searching, I recommend you read a book by Lee Strobel called Case for Christ. Here's a blurb about the book: A SEASONED JOURNALIST CHASES DOWN THE BIGGEST STORY IN HISTORY Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God? Retracing his own spiritual journey from atheism to faith, Lee Strobel, former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates who are specialists in the areas of old manuscripts, textual criticism, and biblical studies. Strobel challenges them with questions like How reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence for Jesus exist outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the resurrection was an actual event? Strobel's tough, point-blank questions make this bestselling book read like a captivating, fast-paced novel. But it's not fiction. It's a riveting quest for the truth about history's most compelling figure. What will your verdict be in the The Case for Christ?

Hope this helps!
Hope this helps

  • 25th Jan 2014 12:35pm

Sam – This is my brief offering of my experience, without justifications or arguments that “I'm right”. I doubt you will find “The Answer” in a forum such as this, yet I hope you will find some points with which to start your search for your answer. “Being right - or wrong” is immaterial. I prefer evaluating something to determine if it is useful / helpful / constructive / beneficial / edifying in my search for my answer to that question.

I've found the following books fit that later evaluation perspective:
– “The Case for God” by Karen Armstrong,
– “The Perennial Philosophy” by Aldous Huxley,
– “Tao Te Ching” by Lao Tzu (many translations available),
– “The Power of Myth” by Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers (available on DVD, too).
A book I was very disappointed with, given it's build-up, was “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins, because it used the same sort of one-eyed, adolescent-level argumentation as many (most) of the books that flow out of a conservative Evangelical or Fundamentalist Christian perspective arguing for the opposite side (and whose arguments I also reject for the same reasons).

Some pointers as you search for your answer:

Don't get deluded by the Modernity view that Truth is only contained and given in or by literal, empirical “facts” (a view held by many fundamentalist theists and atheists). Aesop's Fables are stories of fiction that also convey some aspect of Truth, as do Shakespeare's “Sonnets”, yet neither of these are historically nor empirically factual.

Do make up your own mind, ensuring both your “heart” and “mind” are in agreement making sure you have your own reasons for concluding as you will and not someone else's reasons (regardless of how well-intentioned theirs might be; and the more strident they are, the less likely they will be correct or accurate, and more likely to be useless, destructive, non-beneficial, non-edifying). There is no single “right” answer such as you might be able to write for an exam question.

Also, “numbers for one side or another” are not a definitive factor.

Philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, who posited that (highly simplistic statement follows) language constructs our reality yet some experiences cannot be described in words and so must be passed over in silence, spent much of his life seeking such experiences that words cannot convey but must be shown / demonstrated / experienced for oneself. They can only be known kinaesthetically – by doing, and not by hearing nor observing nor analysing.

If you continue to pursue it, your search for your answer to “Does God exist?” will eventually take you on that path. Here are four ways to enter your search: 1. Words of wisdom (generally time-tested and acknowledged by many others as wise words – usually contained in books), 2. Reason (which is logic & science), 3. Tradition (cultural ways of doing, knowing, and structuring), and 4. Experience (personal doings).

Will you find that God doesn't exist; that all this is merely a material universe of mass and energy within a space-time continuum? Or perhaps you will find God is an individual entity with a form? Or perhaps God is a formless presence which you are within and which is within you but you are not it nor it you, Or … ?

God's Peace be with you.

  • 23rd Jan 2014 01:38pm

If there is no God, in the beginning, who created the heavens and the earth? I firmly believe in God, because I see evidence of God all around us - How could the eye have been formed without an intelligent designer? If you want to know more about God and his plan for your life, log on to This will give you answers not just to why there has to be a God, but also what will happen to you when you die, and why you are on the earth at the moment. I pray that this will give you direction in life.
Yours Sarah

Captain Slog
  • 28th Jan 2014 07:45am
If there is no God, in the beginning, who created the heavens and the earth? I firmly believe in God, because I see evidence of God all around us - How could the eye have been formed without an...

Hi Sarah,
How are you? Very well, I hope. Happy New Year!
As I was trying to say throughout this debate, NO-ONE created the Heavens or The Earth and other Planets! Just THINK of how silly " 'god' is all around us," sounds!! What is this so-called "god?" We were told "he" is invisible, which is why we can't see "him." IF we could see "him," what does "he" look like? No-one can or will say, because its a JOKE!! "HE" cannot be EVERYWHERE at once. and I mean EVERYWHERE, right out there in ALL directions, 360 Degrees, N,S,E, and West of us, out to the furtherest distance even The Hubble Telescope hasn't seen yet. I bet the People on those worlds don't have religion to enslave their minds!
Also, as I was saying, TRYING to figure all of this out will just send people INSANE!! It is all too big for us, even ME, and I am the oldest entity in the Universe. The problem here, though, is, I can't prove I am the oldest entity. I am just aware of it. To you, I am just, apparently, another "human." I Promise you! Even I can't figure it all out, and for some reason, it all comes back to ME. WHAT am I? WHO am I? In this life, I am who I am, and I am the ONLY one of my kind. . . EVER!! No wonder I'm so alone! The ONLY ones who know this NOW, are those who have read what I said, HERE in CafeStudy. I also said I DON'T care if no-one belives what I said, because I can't either. But, I HAD to tell everyone. I am sick of people being USED by religions to enslave them, Control them, LIE, rip them off, inflict pain and death, etc. All the other stuff that religion has inflicted on the world and STILL IS! The Truth HAD to come out, and here it is! Ta-DAHHHH!
Now, I leave it up to YOU, to use your FREE Mind, to figure it out.
As for "thisisyourbible.con" it should be more correctly called. . . "thisisyourmindbeingmanipulated.con"! (The "n" is deliberate!) There are NO answers. Only what THEY want to tell you, and they haven't a clue. They make it up! WHY there HAS to be a "god?" The simple answer there is. . . . Because THEY SAY SO!!! Its Control! It is also the easy way out of learning about THE FACTS. THEY can't handle The truth! Its too much to handle.
Don't let the mongrels get to you. I am here because I was born here, in this life, and I'll be here for a very long time. What happens to our Life Force when we expire, I don't know. I know for sure, it will be, yet another, Memory Wipe. Every Hundred or so Years I get one. That's why I can't remember Past Lives. WHY I am here right now? I don't know, but they say there's a reason for everything and things happen for a reason. We'll see! For all I know, I could be in STAND BY Mode, but, for WHAT? I haven't a clue! One thing's for sure, though, I SOMEHOW brought the Berlin Wall down. See previous entry about it. TRUE!
Take Good care, be FREE and have a Wonderful New Year!

  • 22nd Jan 2014 05:51pm

No. Every child that dies is absolute proof that (any) god does not exist.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 04:24pm

yes..its true. god lives next to santa claus and the tooth fairy and is happy to let
children to have cancer..cheers

  • 22nd Jan 2014 04:03pm

Let me first say that I DO NOT believe in religion as such nor in any church's. Many people who call themselves "Christians" very definately are not.

But let me share this with you. Last year I was sitting in bed, at my wits end at 1.30 in the morning almost bashing my head against the wall and I literally said out loud "GOD DO SOMETHING!" Within 5 minutes the phone rang and it was my daughter. I poured my whole troubled baggage on the poor girl and it ended up that I went to Qld for a 2 week holiday with her and the grandkids.

Ever since then I have felt so much more at peace. My faith in God has been restored. Several small occurances since then have convinced me that God is with me and taking care of me when I need it most.

  • 27th Jan 2014 08:48pm
Hi Trix,
How are you? Very well, I hope! I wouldn't be abusive to you! I could feel, from your comments,that you were feeling very vulnerable, and you did not deserve to have anything...

Yes, I don't believe in religion. it is responsible for some of the worst atrocities in our history. I beliee in being spiritual and whatever that means to you. :)

Captain Slog
  • 27th Jan 2014 02:18pm
Thanks for the reply and not being derisive or abusive as I have seen on some replies. We all have our beliefs and yes, both my daughter and I do believe we are a bit psychic and in tune with each...

Hi Trix,
How are you? Very well, I hope! I wouldn't be abusive to you! I could feel, from your comments,that you were feeling very vulnerable, and you did not deserve to have anything that would upset you and make life worse for you.
I belive in ESP and Psychic abilities (Awareness), but NOT Psychics. We had one on Radio Lakeland one day, around 1988, and I rang up for a Laugh. NOT Malicious or anything. Anyway, this "psychic" answered and I said, "Hello! You're feeling fine. How am I?" She then asked me, Who is this, Please?" To which I replied, "You're the Psychic, you tell me!" And we cracked up. We had a brief chat about Psychics and that I think there may be something in it, but to call themselves Psychics is a bit much, especially when she couldn't even tell me who I was. It was all in good. . . Spirit. Ha!
A TRUE Psychic SHOULD be able to talk to you as CLEARLY as I am typing this, except (If YOU were the Psychic) you would pick up EVERY word I am typing BEFORE I have even clicked on Submit after checking my Spelling, etcc.
Even after I have submitted my Comment, you'd still be tuned in to what I am thinking now.
All these psychic we hear about only CLAIM to be psychic, just because they have some funny dreams or think they can sense things. TWINS are the best, but even they aren't perfect.
In you and your daughter's case, if you really are in tune, PRACTICE until you really can pick each other up clearly. It will need some effort and time.
I will be Honest (As only I can be) with you. I look forward to a World Free FROM religion! That is, NO religion AT ALL! Religion is very dangerous, and it really stuffs people up. Especially if its been HAMMERED into them. They target kids because they're "Clean Slates" and they want to get a hold of them before they are old enough to know what's going on, and too late. Today, we found out about a school up in Auckland doing just that, and the kids parent are up in arms over it. They're being indoctrinated instead of being EDUCATED. Even the police are looking into it. Its WRONG!!! Very wrong!
When I a restful New Yeaer, I meant that you get plenty of rest after all those late nights. I hadn't had a late night for ages, and when I did recently, I was knackered! I was flat out answering all these Cafe Study Comments that were coming in. I am trying to help people, too. I wnat to help people to open their eyes to the REAL World and Universe, because rel;igion denies the Truth and dictates their own version..
Thanks for wishing myself and my Family a Happy New Year, but, I don't have a family. I am alone in this Universe.
I sincerely wish that 2014 IS a better year for you than last year. It was a real shocker for me. NO income at all except the "Old King Cole." I Hope its better this year.
Take good care and don't let things get to you.
Kia Kaha!

  • 27th Jan 2014 11:23am
Hi Trix,
Very interesting story, except for the "god" bit. I, too, have had an experience like yours. But, it wasn't late at night. It was broard daylight and I was procrastinating,...

Thanks for the reply and not being derisive or abusive as I have seen on some replies. We all have our beliefs and yes, both my daughter and I do believe we are a bit psychic and in tune with each other even though she lives over 2000 km's away. But for all that, since that occasion I have felt a deep peace within me. I have a mental illness that has caused havoc throughout my life and somehow since then I have been able to manage it so much better and easier. I'll stick with my belief in God and thank him that we live in a country that allows religious freedom (though for how much longer is debatable lol).
Your wishes for a restful and peaceful new year are not likely as I have finally found my voice and am using it in a way to help others. A good thing! But I will certainly have a happier 2014 than 2013 and I sincerely wish the same for you and your family!

Captain Slog
  • 25th Jan 2014 09:08pm
Let me first say that I DO NOT believe in religion as such nor in any church's. Many people who call themselves "Christians" very definately are not.

But let me share this with you. Last...

Hi Trix,
Very interesting story, except for the "god" bit. I, too, have had an experience like yours. But, it wasn't late at night. It was broard daylight and I was procrastinating, and then I thought, "Nahh! I'll do it later!"
Anyway, I was supposed to be going out, but for some reason, I was dragging the chain. Then, right at the time I decided to go out, I decided to check the Letter Box, and sure enough! There was some Mail. I can't emember what it was, but, the reeason I was delayed was because I HAD to get the Mail. There other funny reasons similar to it, and they ALL happened that way for a Reason!
I your case, you were in tune with The Force, or had a touch of INTUITION, and that was why you were restless and stayed up so late. I don't uderstand what byour personal problem was, but, somehow, your daughter must've felt it, too, as a feeling of Distress. She must've been feeling restless, too and decided to give you a call.
This so-called "god" ahd nothing to do with it! It was YOU!. The mind is very Powerful and Mysterious, and in times of stress, funny things happen.
I'm sorry to disillusion you, but, its True. Its something Subconscious and even scientists don't understand it.
I hope you're feeling alot better now. I also Wish you a Very Restful and Peaceful New Year with LOTS of Happiness from your Family. Take good care, and Best Wishes throughout 2014.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 03:36pm

hi I believe there is the spirit of god cause I was taught this when I was a child just as I believe my mother is my mother even though I never saw myself come out of My mother.So there you go what you cant see or remember ,doesn't mean it isn't true.everyone believes what they are brought up to believe.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 03:10pm

All I can say is take a good look around you at the world with it's beauty, animals, and people who do you think created all of this certainly not aliens as they would be living here and not us.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 02:09pm

Hi Sam! I believe in God. I have had some amazing supernatural things happen to me such as praying the rosary, the metal links turned gold right before my eyes! It also happened to my grandfather. I went through terrible depression in my twenties and hated myself, when my statue of Jesus' mother said in an unusual supernatural voice "You are beautiful" I will never forget it because I didn't feel that way about myself at all!

People ask if there is a God, then why does he allow the world to be in such turmoil?
I feel that he has given us a choice, to choose the right way or the wrong way. If we choose the wrong path then unfortunately consequences happen. Unfortunately good people can get caught up in the mess also. But I do believe after the mess even after natural disasters, God is there working through good people to rebuild.

What can you give a God that has created everything? The freedom to choose good over evil or love over hate.

All religions I am aware of believe in goodness. I'm not too involved in the politics of religions. I listen to God from within. It's more personal.

If I were you, perhaps talk out there and ask... "If a God really exists, please convince me!" If God wants to show you, believe me, he will show you!

  • 23rd Jan 2014 08:14am
Thank you Daniii your golden heart also has a beautiful insight you only have to look for it and use it often. God Bless

Oh! Thank you! God bless you also elainebe! :-)

  • 23rd Jan 2014 07:53am
Thank you Elainebe! What a beautiful insight!

Thank you Daniii your golden heart also has a beautiful insight you only have to look for it and use it often. God Bless

  • 22nd Jan 2014 11:01pm
Hi Daniii the miracle was not the links turning to gold but your heart turning gold to the lord.

Thank you Elainebe! What a beautiful insight!

  • 22nd Jan 2014 08:09pm
Hi Sam! I believe in God. I have had some amazing supernatural things happen to me such as praying the rosary, the metal links turned gold right before my eyes! It also happened to my grandfather....

Hi Daniii the miracle was not the links turning to gold but your heart turning gold to the lord.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 08:41am

As someone once said " I have seen the truth and it makes no sense"

Captain Slog
  • 25th Jan 2014 08:48pm
As someone once said " I have seen the truth and it makes no sense"

Hi Grandpop,
I KNOW the Truth, and even I cannot understand it! Its all too mind blowingly AMAZING. And its NOT religion or "god" either. Nothing to do with it. When you look out there at that immense Unirverse and our World and everything on it, in it and around it, it's just MIND Boggling.
As I keep saying, you'd go INSANE trying to figure it all out.
Take good care, Grandpop and have a Wonderfully Happy and Safe and Healthy New Year.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 07:31am

in answer to your question. Yes. I am here.

Captain Slog
  • 23rd Jan 2014 04:17pm
in answer to your question. Yes. I am here.

There's ALWAYS ONE, isn't there? BLOODY IDIOT!

  • 22nd Jan 2014 01:57am

Yes, Sam, I do believe there is a God. Why? Well, I've come to realize that all through my life He has been with me, but I didn't truly begin to understand this until my late thirties.

Too many things in my past have now come together, experiences that I have survived and can now use the lessons I learned to help others now who are going through similar trials. Yes I am a Christian (I refer to myself as a disciple of Jesus) but I do not identify with any man-made denomination. I worship God who I regard as my Heavenly Father who looks after me.

For me, the belief that things just happen, for no rhyme or reason, is just too incredible...I strongly believe there is a Creator, God if you will. I hope this helps you in your search.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 01:45am

Dogs are gods,they live an breath the essence of unconditional love to the max. Spell dog backwards you get god. Spell evil backwards you get live. why is that?

  • 22nd Jan 2014 01:41am

I want to believe in God, but I think I believe more in the power of mother nature. I once asked a Jehova witness "who made god" and he never came back to tell me.

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 10:11am
I want to believe in God, but I think I believe more in the power of mother nature. I once asked a Jehova witness "who made god" and he never came back to tell me.

Hello Musicmum,
Mother Nature is the BEST way to describe Nature in all its Glory. She is NOT an actual entity, but like Santa is the Spirit of Xmas, Mother Nature is the Spirit of Life and everything we wonder and marvel at. Mother Nature should NOT be taken literally, of course.
As for jehova's witlesses, they are VERY DANGEROUS people!!! My mum told me that during the war, there were some jw's living in their street in Birkenhead, and one night during an air raid, THEY refused to close their black out curtains, with the excuse that it, "Wasn't their war!" As a result, a bomb killed my young cousin, because it was drawn to THEIR lit up house.
Also, they are well known for REFUSING BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS to even family members who need them, and they prefer to leave it to, "the lord."
The reason they never got back to you when you asked them about"god" is they're BASTARDS!!! If you DARE to ask them anything, they'll REFUSE to discuss it. IF you were already a jw and you asked someone a question, you'd be EX-COMMUNICATED. Your OWN family would be FORCED to ignore you. You DON'T exist to them anymore, etc.
They are really evil people! They appear to be nice to your face, but, once they get you, they'll treat you like crap.
Stick with Mother Nature! Even I like the sound of her. I wouldn't turn Mother Nature into a religion, though.
Have a Happy and Safe New Year.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 12:18am

I havent worked out how to reply yet, Glad knowing God is so much easier LOL, Was trying to respond to Jess's comment but all I got was HI and not able, actually didnt know how to add to the comment :) Thilly Me :)

  • 21st Jan 2014 10:39pm

I don't think you should be asking if there really is a God as no one really knows for sure. It's more about faith and what you want to believe. There isn't any logic in faith just like there isn't any logic in love. I was raised a Catholic but I no longer practise as I don't have the same values as they, yet I still believe in God. Maybe because I like the thought of a greater being and a better afterlife (I'm still unsure of this maybe just hopeful). It may also be to hold on to some of my religion that was passed onto me from my ancestors. But this gives me peace, and also someone to blame things on. Thank you for your question, it has given me a lot to think about.

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 09:02pm
I don't disagree with anything you have stated, and unfortunate for you I haven't changed my opinion that there is a God, if this is what your trying to do. Sam asked if there is a God and what...

Just a quick one, Jess. Its late and I have to shut down soon.
You're right about ONE thing and that is, my experiences at these evil "schools" were not a so-called "act of 'god.'" They were acts of EVIL on innocent kids. I am not saying therie is no god to rebel. I KNOW for a FACT!!!
Put it this way, these people were trying to tell us something we KNEW was wrong, and obvously DIDN'T exist. They used to try to tell us something stupid like the Grass was BLUE, and if we said it wasn't and told them it was GREEN, all hell broke loose. They tried to BRAINWASH us and used PAIN as well. Fortunately I was not one of the poor victims that got thrashed all the time. I WAS, you could say, the QUIET one. The Observer. When I got home, I used to tell my parents everything. The old man didn't care, but mum was furious!
One day, at this school in Otorohanga (Near the famous Waitomo Caves), I got a WHACK just because I told some nun that I couldn't come to shcool the day before because I had The Trots (Too many Plums!), as I was giving her the note from my mum. I told mum and she went of her nut at her.
I was very GLAD to be away from that evil place! Not the town. The "school."

  • 22nd Jan 2014 05:45pm
Hi Jess,
Catholics (Cat Licks) DON'T HAVE any values! They're bullies and peverts! Their nuns are evil witches and UGLY as hell. Those who ARE pretty, are no doubt LESBIANS (Remember...

I don't disagree with anything you have stated, and unfortunate for you I haven't changed my opinion that there is a God, if this is what your trying to do. Sam asked if there is a God and what makes people believe in God. Whatever happened to you as a child I am sorry you had to go through that, but I don't believe it was an act of God. You have shared your beliefs and that's fine, as everyone else in this forum to give Sam some sort of answers, but please stick to the topic. I grew up in a small parish which my family were very active in the church and I along with my siblings and cousins attended the school - teachers not Nuns. We had an Irish priest who would come to the school after morning prayers to tell us the joke of the day from the newspaper. His homely would include a commentary of the last soccer match he'd watched on TV. He cooked us green pancakes every St. Patrick's Day. He sold his car and bought a bike instead to pay for a new roof the church desperately needed. I had a wonderful priest who cared about his parish. Yet I can't remember much from my religious studies classes becuse it was boring, it would have been more entertaining if our priest took these classes. We had choir practice full of hymns every week and once a month perform in church. Not everyones experience with the church is a bad one. Catholics along with other organised religions have committed many ortrocities, this is fact. But it doesn't answer the question if there is a God or not.

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 09:52am
I don't think you should be asking if there really is a God as no one really knows for sure. It's more about faith and what you want to believe. There isn't any logic in faith just like there isn't...

Hi Jess,
Catholics (Cat Licks) DON'T HAVE any values! They're bullies and peverts! Their nuns are evil witches and UGLY as hell. Those who ARE pretty, are no doubt LESBIANS (Remember The Singing nun? Lesbian! She killed herself). Catholics are no better than the evill Waffen SS. Remeber the Crusades? The Crusaders were the Vatican's SS. Those murdering bastards killed and GUTTED THOUSANDS of Turks in Istanbul looking for gold and Gems that they may have swallowed to try and prevent the crusaders from stealing their valuables and giving them to the pope. They were ANKLE DEEP in blood! Men, Women and Children ALL murdered and gutted to LOOT these people of the valuable to give to the pope. I AM BLOODY FURIOUS about this!! That is why I HATE religion and I KNOW for a fact that there is NO "god."
As a catholic, you were brain washed as a kid (That's how it works) They get to you while your Brain is Fresh and Clean and NEW, much like a new Computer Hard Drive, then they feed all this crap into you, and you don't know any better. You have dificulty resisting, because they bullied you and used TERROR to make sure you "didn't stray." As a young five year old, my very first school was a scummy convent, and they TRIED to fee this rubbish to me. Fortunately, MY mind is different to those of others. I could SEE through tthis crap, because I believed what I saw with MY eyes, NOT theirs!! They tried to beat it into me, but I resisted because I STILL KNOW what I saw was Right, NOT their verson. They FAILED!!! MY Victory!!
You don't have to have a "god" to be GOOD! You just have to be GOOD and it comes from your Heart. I have met a great MANY people who have NO "god" and are the very BEST People I have ever met. If you are a Good person and NOT because some slutty nuns TOLD you to be good, then you KNOW you are a decent person.
Slutty nuns? I HAD to laugh the other day! In the News it told of a. . . NUN giving birth to a baby boy. She thought it was just a.v . . STOMACH ACHE?? Yeah, RIGHT! Having a bit of the other with the bishop, aye? I bet HE "Touched her in a Very Special Way," too. HA!
IF you FEEL you are a Good person, then YOU ARE! You DON'T need a "god" to feel that. All you need is SOMEONE to TELL you you are. THAT is what brings Joy to your life.
Wishing you a Very Happy Happy New Year!

  • 22nd Jan 2014 12:15am
I don't think you should be asking if there really is a God as no one really knows for sure. It's more about faith and what you want to believe. There isn't any logic in faith just like there isn't...


  • 22nd Jan 2014 12:14am
I don't think you should be asking if there really is a God as no one really knows for sure. It's more about faith and what you want to believe. There isn't any logic in faith just like there isn't...


  • 21st Jan 2014 10:10pm

Hi, if you truly want to know God and the truth, ask God to lead you to the right path. God sees your heart and knows your thoughts so if you are serious he will show you the way. But don't leave common sense out of the equation. When it is right, you will have a sense of peace and others will see the positive change in you. God does not isolate you from the world or your family as some of these cults do. I believe in God and believe God has helped me all through my life - when I have believed in him or even when I have not. He has been there supporting me (whether it be through other people or just guiding me through my decisions) supporting me in the difficult times and rejoicing with me in the good times. God is not just a God of the past but he understands the environment that you are in and the current culture that we all live in. All he wants is a personal relationship with you and he will lead you to the truth if you truly want to know. When I was in my teens, I wanted to know what the truth really was and asked God to show me. Wrong beliefs will always pop their heads up at this time to misguide you, just as they did with me and with me it was the Jehovah Witnesses. I thought they were the way, but things just didn't add up and with my family's guidance, I saw that is wasn't right. Disillusioned, I disregarded God for a while and followed my friends in enjoying the party life but deep down knew there was no fulfilment there. It lead me back to searching for the truth. I did volunteer work with a local Baptist church and discovered the truth changes lives deep down to the core and impacts on your daily decisions. You may not see it straight away but when you get to know people who have a personal relationship with God you can see it in there everyday decisions they make. Some beliefs are all show but the real thing impacts your everyday decisions for good. Someone once said to me that just me being in the office that I worked in, impacted on everyone there for the good, without me even saying anything about what I believe in! I'm not about shoving God down everyones throat but about making my everyday decisions according to what I believe. Its not always easy and sometimes you have stand against the crowd but when you know it is right, you know it is right!

  • 21st Jan 2014 09:37pm

you need to go on your own spiritual journey and you will find the answer to your question

  • 21st Jan 2014 09:32pm

Good question. And reading some of the replies has been interesting.
I know God exists for many reasons. BUT for anyone to really know for themselves they need to ask for themselves.

God is not a crutch, a cop out etc. And Sam.gerges86 if you really want to know ask, and if God is does exist He will show you in a way you will understand.

Walking daily with God is like any other relationship, both parties have to work at it for it to work, and there will be up and downs, differences of opinion etc. But well worth the trip.

We all have a choice, and if we want to believe there is no God, go for it, that is the freedom you have, the same as you have the freedom to give life or take it away, to be kind or cruel etc.

But the journey is the same as any other relationship eg. no 2 courtships, 2 Marraige paths are ever the same. So enjoy your journey and I hope you are game enough to ask the creator of this fabulous endless universe and then you will know for yourself that no one will be able take away from you.

And no I did not go through a mid life crisis. And for the sceptics could you at least be polite in your responses. No one is deriding your choice to to your beliefs ... so why the attack on those who have a different opinion to yourself :)

  • 21st Jan 2014 10:16pm
Good question. And reading some of the replies has been interesting.
I know God exists for many reasons. BUT for anyone to really know for themselves they need to ask for...

here here!!! love your comments!

  • 21st Jan 2014 09:25pm

YES. God is every where. Only thing we are not able to see him. The reason is we are not true to him. As you all know, present generations are completly forgetting their own duty towards their parents who gave birth, taken all type of responsibilities to bring them up to this world. Once all this done , there end this matter. parents are vanished in thier mind. So every one should know that GOD is physical there , that is our parents,but no one will give true attention towards the value of that GREAT PARENTS who is always behind us in bad and good time.

  • 21st Jan 2014 09:17pm

  • 21st Jan 2014 08:55pm

I believe there is a Form of God to start Everything and by putting his Son on the planet to keep believing there is Life after death,
But I don"t think God Could make the Earth perfect
I was mostly brought up as a Catholic to make my own decisions on believing in my own faith
Not that I go to churches to keep my belief ,only if I need to.
I did once see the presence of Jesus in 2003 August at night going to work
I had wished I was An Artist then I could do all the Jesus pictures again,but the Regular pictures are close to it but not Exact.

  • 21st Jan 2014 08:37pm

Sorry, I cannot believe in "God" With all the abuse of the innocent children out there, how can there be a "God". I had a weird conversation with a believer the other day and we argued about how old the earth is, really, it is so stupid, it makes be cringe..... Religion is very evil and has started a many of wars now, the past and in the future...

Captain Slog
  • 23rd Jan 2014 05:22pm
Thank you Captain, and something wonderful has happened to me. I woke up healthy and happy. What more can you ask for in life (maybe a few million dollars???) You too have a great year :0

Hi Diann,
I don't know what happened this evening! YOUR Wish, perhaps? Anyway, I WON $19. in the KENO, and now I can get the few things I was unable to get when I did my Shopping yesterday.
Maybe it was coincidence? I don't know. We'll see when we have the LOTTO Draw on Saturday. The Powerball is $16-MILLION. We'll see!
I'll let you know. IF your Wish for me came True, it will be confirmed then.
Thank You, Diann.
I WIsh YOU Good Fortune from now on, and Always, and Good Health. A Reward for someone who did something Nice. Let me know how this pans out? Ta! This is from the ":buttocks" of my Heart. HA!

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 08:36pm
Thank you Captain, and something wonderful has happened to me. I woke up healthy and happy. What more can you ask for in life (maybe a few million dollars???) You too have a great year :0

Hi Diann,
I am glad to hear you are Healthy and Happy. Every day, I GIVE Wishes away to as many decent people I meet, and I am very Sincere when I give them. Especially at Xmas Time. My Favourite time of year. That is when I REALLY Feel the Joy. The only thing is, I don't know if any of those Wishes have come true for them. Also, I discovered that Wishes CANNOT be made for yourself!! e.g. "I Wish our lovely Jodie was still with us!" I Can make it for her family but NOT for me. Unfortunately, in our Jodie's case, we have REALLY lost her. She is still with me in the Portrait she asked me to take of her. I will NEVER forget her. She was one of my Crew, and a good friend.
IF I could have a Wish, it would be to Win BIG TIME in the Lotto Powerball. If I had a few Million Dollars, I would put it to good use to benefit everyone. I'd invest in research into New Technology, FREE Energy, The MYT Engine, Better Transports, etc. Things that are screaming out for help, but certain people don't want it because they'll be losing money. They want people to continue buying oil, paying outragious prices for Power, etc.
I can't make this Wish myself as its for "Personal Gain." Someone else would have to Sincerely make it for me.
ME a Magical being? Not likely! It would be nice, but with that sort of thing come a GREAT amount of responsibility and discipline.
Live Long, and Prosper! \ /_

  • 22nd Jan 2014 02:32pm
Hi Diann,
You're my kind of girl! You are absolutely RIGHT! You have said everything I said in a nut shell! It really infuriates me at HOW INSANE these "elvis" fan have become, and it...

Thank you Captain, and something wonderful has happened to me. I woke up healthy and happy. What more can you ask for in life (maybe a few million dollars???) You too have a great year :0

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 09:22am
Sorry, I cannot believe in "God" With all the abuse of the innocent children out there, how can there be a "God". I had a weird conversation with a believer the other day and we argued about how...

Hi Diann,
You're my kind of girl! You are absolutely RIGHT! You have said everything I said in a nut shell! It really infuriates me at HOW INSANE these "elvis" fan have become, and it continues even today.
It is wrong! VERY WRONG!!! Like you, I don't wish, or intend to offend anyone, but it is themselves who have been offended against. WE are just merely TRYING to suport you and PROTECT you from this VILE EVIL.
Diann, I Wish you a Very Especially Wonderful New Year in Every Way. IF anything good happens because of my Wishes for you, post the result here so we call ALL know.
IF I had any Powers or Abilities AT ALL, I would REWARD ALL the people who do good in this World. At the moment, All I can do is Wish you a Wonderful Happy and Safe New Year.

  • 21st Jan 2014 08:13pm

Same evidence for god/a god/gods as there is for Santa/Satan, Tooth Fairy, UFOs, unicorn, spirits of the dead, hell, ghosts, mind reading et al. So, no god/gods. Richard Dawkins has some good stuff on this - The Magic of Reality is nicely put. The God Delusion is more in depth and scientific. If you want to believe, though, go for it.

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 08:17am
Same evidence for god/a god/gods as there is for Santa/Satan, Tooth Fairy, UFOs, unicorn, spirits of the dead, hell, ghosts, mind reading et al. So, no god/gods. Richard Dawkins has some good stuff...

Hi Gaz,
It sounds like you're all GAZZED up, and nowhere to go!
You made a rather BIG error in your comments. UFO's ARE REAL. They are farr more believable than any imaginary "Elvis." Myself and two mates, actually SAW one, and it was a Repulsorlift Transport from somewhere. Who's it was, I haven't a clue. But, I'd sure love to see it again, and meet the Crew! I AM SERIOUS!!!
A great many MILLIONS of others, throughout History and even today, have and ARE seeing UFO's as I write.
I CAN Qualify myslef as an "Expert" in UFO's because I have actually seen one. That's ALL the qualifications you need. They are nothing more than Unidentified Flying Objects. Some ARE Transports from places unknown, and they, too, are classed as Unidentified because we don't know WHO'S they are, or WHERE they're from. It would be great if they made regular visits and made themselves known to us. Imagine someone like Han Solo or Mungo Bayobab (Or Harry Mudd if you like to be conned) dropping in asking for directions or help with something! I'd be IN there! NO KIDDING!!
Mind Reading? THat's VERY REAL, too. TWINS are notorious for it, and it is also a great mystery as to how it works. JEDI and Vulcans are also Mind Readers, but they are fiction, unfortunately. But, there ARE real Mind Readers out there. The're just Padawans at the moment and need training to hone their abilities.
The rest, including unfortunately, SANTA, are ALL Fiction. Santa is the Spirit of Xmas. NOT to be treated like a "god" but to bring the Joy of Xmas (NOT a religious Festival!! It was hi-jacked by the mangy christians!!) to the World. I would rather believe in SANTA than "god." Santa is a Loving and Caring figure, but, unfortunatley, Fiction. DON'T spoil it for the Kids!! There is nothing I really Enjoy more than the Joy and delight in Kids at Xmas Time when SANTA is around. He IS a Super Hero!
Have a Wonderful New Year and keep your eyes to the skies.

  • 21st Jan 2014 07:37pm

Good question. The short answer is I don't know. I have no evidence personally to support a yes or a know. What I do know however is that there is definitely something else going on. I have seen ghosts, I have heard my uncle who had just passed tell me he was OK. This was also heard by my sister at the exact same time and a few other incidences.
I do not discount the theory that so named God may have been an 'alien' or being from another place in the universe.

  • 21st Jan 2014 07:12pm

Interesting question but I am wondering if you are really young or just having a stir. I agree with a previous response that there is a god if that is what you want to believe. I believe in a spiritual or higher force but I don't follow any specific deities or dogma. If you are seeking spiritual guidance (from my own experience) I advise you to proceed with caution if you delve into religions. Although they can seem to offer various benefits, they can also impose restrictions and rules. It really comes down to what's right for you.

  • 21st Jan 2014 06:57pm

Hi Sam,

Just open your eyes that God has given you and you will see that HE does exist in everyone and everything if you BELIEVE!!

  • 21st Jan 2014 06:51pm

no there is no god unless you were brain washed as a child to believe there is

  • 21st Jan 2014 06:29pm

well we can put it this way, god is like santa claus if you don,t believe in god or santa they will not believe in you, just a light hearted message.

  • 21st Jan 2014 05:46pm

there most definitely is a God....just talk with him...... accept him and he will be there for you

  • 21st Jan 2014 05:38pm

An ancient thinker once said that God is that of which no greater could be thought. And God must exist because that is greater than not existing. So the question becomes what is the nature of God? I see one answer being at least the universe.
But in the universe there are many great ideas and patterns.

  • 21st Jan 2014 05:33pm

Hi to you to.
I must say that you are the only one who can make the final decision on that question. We could all tell you what we feel, both negative or positive, therefore I am not going to tell you one way or the other. There are many religions, believes and views, but you need to be the one to do the research and in saying that, you need to have an open mind when you do this. I have most definite views on this and this is relating to my life of 42 years in religion and now not wishing to be involved. Read, research, have an open mind and mostly think before you make your decision. Don't be drawn in by what other's say, as this will only cause you lot's of confusion. Wish you all the best on your journey, but look hard.

Captain Slog
  • 28th Jan 2014 06:57am
It is a subject that could go on and on, but again, no matter what we say or feel, as is life and learning by your mistakes, this is a matter that all of us need to decide. I believe all religions...

Hi Sianan,
How are you? Very well, I hope.
I just found your reply. I have been getting so many Mails from CafeStudy, and now there are 8 Pages to go through to see where the latest replies are. This one of yours is one of them! Sorry if you were feeling ignored.
Yes, I agree with you. This whole subject if getting out of control. It also seems that no matter how truth has been submitted, Common sense and Logic just goes out the windeow with these religious nutters who are just so totally brainwashed or plain THICK. Sorry if it sounds disrespectful, but that one is aimed at the totally ignorant, not the ones who have been terrorised into it or got at whwen they were kids. Some people, like you, manage to escape. GOOD on you!
You are very right! ALL religions are very corrupt and crooked. As I said, its all about control of the people and their minds. Filling them with fear and ignorance and demanding money (Which the DON'T pay Taxes on!) and calling them all kinds of things or threatening them if they don't.
There's a realscumbag here called Brian Tamaki, self appointed "bishop" of "Destiny Church" and he's one of those evil evangelists. Somehow he has a following of thousands of ABSOLUTE IDIOTS who are gullible enough to throw money at him ON DEMAND. He calls it "Tything" where they MUST give him 10% or more of their earnings. HE doesn't pay Taxes! HE is ROLLING in money and has properties all over the place and has a HUGE house in the posh part of Auckland, a big flash boat, a collection of Harley Davidson Motorbikes and flash cars. He reckons he wants to build a place, just south of Auckland for all his followers. A small town with its own "schools' (Obviously evangelic crap taught there), shops, etc. Like a place thats SECT Members only. HE's a nutter! A VULTURE preying on weak minds and the gullible. He was even thinking of creating a political party, but I think he was told it would be illegal, ro something like that. Nothing's become of it, thank goodness.
You DON'T need "counelors" that's for sure! YOU'RE FREE! Use your mind to take a real look at the World around you and just soak it all up. I see it as being stuck in a place where everyone has been bombarding you with their thoughts and pressuring you all the time and it is all you know. That is, until you were pushed twoards the door which suddenly burst open and you were out in the REAL World, seeing everything as it is and not what they told you. You're FREE and they choose to stay inside. So what its raining? "god" isn't crying for everyone's "sins," as they stupidly try to tell us. Its the ATMOSPHERE! Its NATURE at work.
Go wild and buy a few Comedy CD's and DVD's. Monty Python, Austen Tayshus, and others who really crack us all up Keven "Bloody" Wilson may be a bit, "Ooo-er!" Rodney Rude maybe a little rsky, too, but he's funny has a hatful. Or in his case, TWO hats. He wears TWO Hats apparently. One inside the other. It was the only way to transport them, and as he was going on stage for one of his shows, he happened to pick up BOTH of them instead of just the one. Everyone was laughing at him and he never said a thing, until he realised why, and the gimmick stuck.
There's nothing like a bloody good LAUGH to take away your woes. And some realy good Music does the same. There's plenty of that around these days. Even You Tube has ALL your Favourites if you just put in the name of the tune, or at least the name of the Artists/Orchestra/Band, etc.
The Real World is Beautiful as it is also harsh, but, the real problem is PEOPLE. BAD People. People are what ruin the world when they create wars and religion and crime, pollution. Others of Sound Mind, Appreciate the World and Respect everything around them and they care for others. They also TRY to make the world a better place by researching New Technologies, Better Transport, Free Energy, Less Pollution, etc. The rest won't let us. Others are Visitors and they seldom hang around or even drop in for a visit.
I hope this helps in some way. I'm no "expert" in anything, but, I am at ease with the World and everything, because I have all of the above. Music, Laughs and I Marvel at the Universe every day. Wildlife, birds, and my cats are great company. I also enjoy Cooking, and Food is always a comfort. Especially trying new Foods and Recipes.
Take good care and keep your mind free. FEEL the things around you. Smell, Touch, Taste, Listen , Be Aware, and LAUGH! You'll feel really ALIVE, especially with Good Friends for company, too.

  • 23rd Jan 2014 05:01pm
Hi Sianan,
So sorry to hear of your nasty experinces with those evil religious lot.
DON'T be scared!!! NAME AND SHAME the mongrels!!! I would. I went to CATHOLIC schools when I...

It is a subject that could go on and on, but again, no matter what we say or feel, as is life and learning by your mistakes, this is a matter that all of us need to decide. I believe all religions are corrupt and the subject of " Is there a God ", well you can guess what I feel without saying, so I choose not to say much as I had 42 years of brainwashing and being swayed by what those in the religion said and finally I broke away from them, but in saying that, I have had to deal with years of confusion, loss of my parents and siblings due to my decision. I have needed lot's of visits to a counselor due to this and my kids also have had lot's of issues due to the religion in which they have also broken free of. My ex husband, stupid as he is, is still part of the religion. So much pain, hurt and stress is related to all of these issues, but people need to make their own decisions and do this with an open mind so that they cannot be brainwashed. Take Care.,

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 08:17pm
Hi Captain Slog,
Just to let you know, I left all aspects of religion 13 years ago. I was in a religion from childhood and bought up very strict and I was very loyal to the religion I was in,...

Hi Sianan,
So sorry to hear of your nasty experinces with those evil religious lot.
DON'T be scared!!! NAME AND SHAME the mongrels!!! I would. I went to CATHOLIC schools when I was Five (In this life), and they were VILE!!!
I sincerely CONDEMN ALL OF THEM. Even today. THey are NOT the "nice" people they claim to be. "Sisters of Mercy?" Yeah, RIGHT!
Take good care.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 04:41pm
Hi Sianan,
It sounds like you are beginning to wake up. You are beginning to see the universe as I see it. It is a Marvel beyond our imagination, and far too much for us to take in. Even I...

Hi Captain Slog,
Just to let you know, I left all aspects of religion 13 years ago. I was in a religion from childhood and bought up very strict and I was very loyal to the religion I was in, but due to many aspects of the way I was treated, and many other aspects related to the religion, I wrote a letter stating that I did not wish to be part of that religion or for that fact any other religion. Due to this topic, I choose not to mention the name of the religion as I do not wish to have any part in swaying anyone as regards religion or whether there is a god or not.
Best Wishes also

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 07:32am
Hi to you to.
I must say that you are the only one who can make the final decision on that question. We could all tell you what we feel, both negative or positive, therefore I am not going to...

Hi Sianan,
It sounds like you are beginning to wake up. You are beginning to see the universe as I see it. It is a Marvel beyond our imagination, and far too much for us to take in. Even I am truly amazed with everything around us, no matter how BIG or small. Even US, as people are amazing when compared to the rest of the animals on this Planet. I often Wonder what OTHER Worlds have on them and what thei animals and people are like. I very often Wish they would come here and make themselves known to us. But, with all the VIOLENCE on our world, I can't blame them staying away, or not meeting with us. We aren't ready yet.
Have a Wonderful New Year in Every Way.
Best wishes.
(IF you do, TELL everyone here what happened. I gave you these Wishes)

  • 21st Jan 2014 05:22pm

Of course God exists, he walks with you every day. You only have to look around you to see the wonders he creates all the time.

  • 21st Jan 2014 05:19pm

I'm sorry to say, there is no god. I know belief in god is extremely comforting for some, and I have no objection to people believing in god (so long as it doesn't result in hurting others), but the evidence all suggests his/her absence. If god exists, what is his purpose? He allows terrible, horrendous things to happen to innocents every day, while others commit terrible acts and often get away with it. Furthermore, we are simply animals, just another link in the evolutionary chain - if there is a god why would he regard us any differently to any other species? Do chimpanzees go to heaven? I think not. God does not intervene in earthly events, does not answer prayers or reward the meek, and he has no use for any kind of worship or else he would have made it very plain to humans exactly how he wanted such worship, and we would therefore have a single universal religion rather than the plethora we have. I can't prove god doesn't exist, in the same way as I can't prove the no existence of the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. God has the same status. There is no need to invoke god to explain the universe... But our own consciousness of our own mortality and the inherent injustice of the world require that we invent god to make sense of a world that in fact has no meaning or sense.

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 07:25am
I'm sorry to say, there is no god. I know belief in god is extremely comforting for some, and I have no objection to people believing in god (so long as it doesn't result in hurting others), but...

Thank you Sharon for this Brilliant entry! You could've pinched these thoughts from me as I never even had time to think of them myself, but, you are RIGHT!
WE ARE Animals! For those out there reading this NOW, ITS TRUE!!! WE ARE ANIMALS!!
I remember when I was a kid, looking at other Animals and wondering the difference between ME and THEM. WHY are WE so Special? Because we are so "Intelligent?" It still amazes me. Other Animals can't CREATE things like WE can. a Chimp or an Ant cannot CREATE something as simple as a Match. Even I can't do that! HOW about. . . a BOW and Arrow? Yes, I CAN do that! A Simple Hut? If I had the materials and. . . TOOLS! THAT is why we are "Superior."
But, we (Not all of us thank goodness!) have also gone MAD by also crating "Elvis" and his mates and killed, maimed, tortured, abused, tormented, people to MAKE them believe in "Elvis" and "go to his concerts." Hero worship at the EXTREME!!!
I don't care WHO I upset with my comments, and I also don't care if they are upset by the comments others have said here, in my support, or their own thoughts. For those of you who ARE upset, THINK! WHY are you upset? THINK about WHAT we have said and compare it to WHAT you have been FORCED to believe. THAT is what you are scared of. WE are ALL Animals. The closest Animals get to being LIKE us is in CARTOONS, and they're as much FICTION as "god" is, because even they are all MADE UP by MAN. Mere Animals of great Intelligence.
HAVE a good think about it, and DON'T be scared of what you discover!
Thank you Sharon!
Have a Happy and Safe New Year!

  • 21st Jan 2014 05:19pm

God, out Creator not only exists, but He desires relationship with us through knowing that He took away the evil that separates us from Him through Jesus Christ.

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 06:44am
God, out Creator not only exists, but He desires relationship with us through knowing that He took away the evil that separates us from Him through Jesus Christ.

LETHAL? How ironic!!!
You're a religious nutter, and religion IS EVIL!!! Evil is still going on around us as I speak. I am hearing it on the News on TV behind me as I write. The threat to the safety of the Winter Olympics, and other evils that have happened in the last 24 Hours.
More evils have been carried out in modern history than have been in past. WW-I, WW-II, Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, Vietnam (ALL televised in the 60's), the Gulf Wars, Afghanistan (Also televised) Syria, Afrika (ALL the trouble spots there, Sudan, etc.) and it still goes on. What is this so-called "god" doing about all this? NOTHING! Because it is your IMAGINARY FRIEND!! Your "Elvis!"
Jesus is DEAD!! He was a poofter!! A trouble maker and he got NAILED for being a bloody PEST. The rest has ALL been made up to turn him into something he wasn't and everyone has fallen for it. Except for those of us who could see through this FARCE. WAKE UP!

  • 21st Jan 2014 04:47pm

No there isn't, the existence of any gods has never been scientifically proven. For more answers try

  • 21st Jan 2014 04:46pm

Can you prove that you exist? Yes, of course you can. You merely use your senses to determine that you can see, hear, feel, smell, taste and you have emotions as well. All of this is a part of your existence. But this is not how we perceive God in Islam. We can look to the things that He has created and the way that He cares for things and sustains us, to know that there is no doubt of His existence.

Think about this the next time that you are looking up at the moon or the stars on a clear night; could you drop a drinking glass on the sidewalk and expect that it would hit the ground and on impact it would not shatter, but it would divide up into little small drinking glasses, with iced tea in them? Of course not.

And then consider if a tornado came through a junkyard and tore through the old cars; would it leave behind a nice new Mercedes with the engine running and no parts left around? Naturally not.

Can a fast food restaurant operate itself without any people there? That's crazy for anyone to even think about.

After considering all of the above, how could we look to the universe above us through a telescope or observe the molecules in a microscope and then think that all of this came about as a result of a "big bang" or some "accident?"

Captain Slog
  • 23rd Jan 2014 04:12pm
Thats fine if you strongly believe that , but what is the the point of life? Why are we here why do some people struggle and others don't. After living we just die, and thats it?! There is a reason...

Hi Jazy,
This response of yours happens to be one of the best ones I've read yet, except for the religious stuff, which has nothing to do with it.
What you said about Life. WHY is there Life? What purpose does it serve? How did it all begin? Even I Marvel at it all! THAT is the joy I get out of Life. It is so very diverse and amazing in all its forms. Then there is the Universe itself. THe EXTREME VASTNESS of Space. WHO else is out there?When will we meet them?
We DON'T need a religion to drive us mad. We don't need "Elvis" to grovel to as dictated to my church leaders. They're just trying to have a hold over us and control us for their means. Its pointless, but many people can't see it and they're SLAVES to it.
I don't need a god, because I would OUTRANK this entity. It would have to answer to ME. But, like I said, I'm not putting tickets on myself and making outragious claims or getting egotistical. I am just ME, and I am the ONLY one of my kind in this entire Universe. There are NO others like me. I am ALONE.
I am quite content to Marvel at everything around us and do my very best that no-one ruins our part of the World.
I don't know who or what that "Khalid Yasin" is, and I don't care! He is just another religious figure, I take it, from what you say here. He is just an egotstic religous nutter trying to sound important. On saying that, it may seem that I am trying to sound important. I'm not. I'm just telling the Truth!
As the old saying goes, after all these THOUSANDS of years, all these religious nutters wanting to see their Hero. The day this so-called hero returns, they wouldn't know him if he came up and kicked them in the arse.
NO, most definitely NOT! I AM NOT this so-called hero, and I make NO claims to BE it.
Thank you for your time.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 10:55am
Hi Jazy,
DON'T even think of putting a "FART WAR" on me for what I have said here!
As I have said before, there is NO "god" whatever your religion! You have been BRAIN WASHED...

Thats fine if you strongly believe that , but what is the the point of life? Why are we here why do some people struggle and others don't. After living we just die, and thats it?! There is a reason . I can see the signs, of how a simple fly is so magnificently created, a human cannot create any insect, how can something be alive and die? Who gives it life? Do you know how many cells there is in the human brain alone ,and the optical cells from you eyes which are there specifically to receives light! Scientists have said to create a brain just similar to a human brain it would take computers and machines that would need a whole city of space and the result would still not come close to a human brain, and the engineers and workers they'll need to take care of the machines . Like how you are reading on your computer/phone/tablet, some people manufactured and created this device , you know that it wasn't just there , that someone made everything that has been created by humans , then who created the human brain? Let alone the human body and gave it life? Answer these questions to yourself and be truthful and don't be ignorant . When you go through a really hard time in life don't you for a second wish there is a god to help you? If you want there is a person that speaks more deeply about this ,on youtube type 'the purpose of life khalid yasin'. And it should come up, watch with a open mind. That is all i have to say , have a nice day :)

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 06:09am
Can you prove that you exist? Yes, of course you can. You merely use your senses to determine that you can see, hear, feel, smell, taste and you have emotions as well. All of this is a part of your...

Hi Jazy,
DON'T even think of putting a "FART WAR" on me for what I have said here!
As I have said before, there is NO "god" whatever your religion! You have been BRAIN WASHED and TERRORISED into believeing religions because that is how they CONTROL you. You arre nothing but SLAVES to a worthless cause, and to give Power over the people to these religious leaders to do with you as they want. It has gone on through History and is still going on now.
There are wars over religion even today. Just this morning, on the News, it was reported that a bus load of "pilgrims" returning for Iran were blown up, and twenty women and children were killed.
Remember that famous Hubble Telescope photo of ONE PAGE showing the image FILLED with Galaxies. Covered like some kid with a stamp got carried away and put too many in the picture? THAT is just ONE tiny square in a sheet of "Fly Screen" look out into space. Imagine being in a ten foot round ball of "Fly Screen" and EVERY Square all around you was the same or had even more. Imagine just how many Star systems are out there, and how many civilisatons are out there.
Are WE the only Planet in this entire Universe with this kind of crap driving people MAD? The only Planet with people who grovel to "Elvis?"
As I said, I didn't create this "god" and I am NOT this "god" and I would not want to be this so-called "god." I am not so damned egotistical to ddemand that I AM this so-called "god" and that everyone bow and scrape to me and throw all their money at me. On saying that, it wouldn't surprise me if some gullible idiots out ther will read this and DO just that. FOOLS!
I haven't a clue WHO or WHAT I am, but, for some reason I am aware that ALL OF THIS (THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!) and I am connected. It is all here for MY benefit, and yet I cannot be everywhere at once. I can't describe it and I can't prove it. In THIS life, I am just an ordinary "Human." Nothing special. NO "Magical Powers!" I am not a Jedi, or someone of similar or more powerful abilities. And even if I was, I would be VERY Secretive about it. I would NEVER Terrorise the World like the so-called "god" is claimed to do do to "sinners."
I told you all before that ANYONE trying to figure out the origins of the Universe, the existence of "god," etc., you would GO MAD! Well, I'm RIGHT, aren't I? Sorry, but its the TRUTH! It is just TOO MUCH for our minds to handle. Even WHO and WHAT I am is far too much for ME to handle, and, as I also said, I am NOT forcing any of you to believe what I said about myself, because it is so over my head, I can hardly believe it myself either.
I prefer to just MARVEL at the World, The Universe and everything around us and just WONDER at its Magnificance. I prrefer to just live a Peaceful life without religion bullying us and calling us names or people threatening to kill us because we aren't followers of "Elvis."
We are ALL intelligent beings, or supposed to be. Lets prove it by forgetting about all this religious nonsense! Otherwise, our friends OUT THERE will think we're all a Planet occupied by nutters. Our World is nothing more than a HUGE LOONY BIN. No wonder they don't drop in and say G'day!
DON'T Be Slaves! BE FREE!
Have a Happy and Safe New Year!

  • 21st Jan 2014 04:44pm

Hi Sam
Some books that may help you may make your own informed decision:
AC Grayling: The God Argument
Sam Harris: The End of Faith
Victor Stenger: God and the folly of faith
Lawrence Krauss : A Universe from Nothing

  • 21st Jan 2014 04:40pm

There are and has been many thousands of religions and they all have one thing in common.All their gods are invisible.
That gives you a hint.

  • 21st Jan 2014 01:57pm

Yes there is a God, although we don't see him, we do feel him when it comes to making the right courses, it's in our gut feeling, when he talks to us, sometime we are to busy to listen, but he is there.

He won't come right out and tell you what to do, because he believes we will get to the right place on our own, with faith and love for others, we are all children of the stars from whence he comes from and together we can make a difference for good.

  • 21st Jan 2014 12:40pm

Religion is primarily a state of peace for the mind to deal withy one major inevitable - death. Firstly it helps the person directly and secondly, those left behind. To put religion into place, it requires implementing a way of life whilst we are on this sie of terra firma. That way of life is where human choice comes into play. Some will focus on the belierf in the Grace of a God (eg: peace seeking life), Fear of a God ( active in pursuing their belief such as Jihad), or just use any God as a basis or a set of life rules within a community. Theb bottom line is if one lives in a free world, then the idividual can choose what he or she wishes to find comfort in. Some seek guidance now, others may seek comfort that there is something beyond todays life. The existance or non existance of a God is not the main question, but does anyone have to right to enforce their opinion one way upon the someone else believing the other way. I personally seek comfort in accepting there is one supreme God leading me to conduct my life in a peaceful co-existance but no way I would enforce this view on anyone else.

  • 21st Jan 2014 11:28am

If you understand how the universe was formed, what quantum mechanics is, what 'spacetime' is and believe strongly in evolution, as I do; a traditional God, maker of all is very, very doubtful.
However it is possible that God does not exist yet and that we will in fact become 'Gods' as our technology continues to develop. We are on the verge of extending human lifespan to the stage where we are immortal. Sam this is much closer than you think ( a decade or two). In a philosophical sense it does not matter, whether God exists; a 'God' will exist sometime.and I believe that we will all have 'eternal' life, somewhere, somehow!

  • 21st Jan 2014 10:51am

With a question like this, you get a whole range of answers from atheists, agnostics and believers! I am not here to convince you that there is God (though I believe that He exist) but consider the world around you? There is much ugliness due to mankind's own doing but look at nature and the beauty around! It''s hard to comprehend that all this somehow happened by chance? Everything in this whole universe has order and so to say that somehow things happen by chance is just foolish! Even scientist today acknowledge that there is "Intelligent Design" behind creation! I believe it's when you begin to seriously look for God that you will find Him! Why don't you take up the challenge and ask God to reveal Himself to you in a manner that only you can understand? Forget all the skeptics', they make a lot of "noise" of little value! You "open" your heart and allow God to speak to you!

  • 21st Jan 2014 09:10am

Yes there is a GOD he created this world i believe like many Christians that he came down to earth as JESUS CHRIST and did miracles and taught people of good and bad and how we should live .He got together 12 apostles that would carry on his word after he left the people. Then he died on the cross to take away the sins of the world and rose as the holy ghost when he rose on third day to join his heavenly father. So i believe in the father son and holy ghost to be one. As god himself is so vast he had to come to his people in human form. he answers my prayers and helps me through life. AMEN

Captain Slog
  • 23rd Jan 2014 11:35am
Yes there is a GOD he created this world i believe like many Christians that he came down to earth as JESUS CHRIST and did miracles and taught people of good and bad and how we should live .He got...

Hi Smiley,
I won't be cruel to you, not that I was ever cruel to anyone else in my other entries. It seems you, too, are trapped in your own little world of religious fantasy. So sorry! I have a feeling you are a very nice person, which is why you called yourself "SMILES."
When I was a kid, I was fed all this stuff, too, and absolutely NONE of it ever made sense. It still doesn't, because its all made up my someone who can't get their story right.
I remember being in church, (my old man use to FORCE us to go, and he'd go off his nut if we didn't) being fed all this, and when it was over, I went back outside to the REAL World.
I'll put it simply, and hopefully you will understand it this way. Imagine that a church is a CINEMA and you're watching a really great movie, say, "SUPERMAN" or "The sound Of Music." You really get caught up with the movie and are totally absorbed by it. Then, it is all over and you have to leave and return to the Real World. Do you rermember the feeling you have when you are still living the movie in your head? The Music and Excitment.
With churches its different. They get you caught up in their story and unlike a Cinema, there's just NO EXIT! You don't just get caught up in their story, they keep hammering it into you, and they get very nasty and threaten you by calling you "sinners." In the case of catholics, they tell you you HAVE to go to "confession" to Confess "Your Sins" all the time there's some pervert in the other booth playing with himself. That's how they get their rocks off. Especially when its girls telling them all the things they may have done. Then there's the little "altar boys" who are asked to stay and they get "fiddled" with and told it MUST be all kept secret because they would be "sinning" if they told anyone.
Its all evil, and perverted. They RAPE your mind when your're young, and abuse you. They call you all kinds of things if you try to question them about all this. That's why they tell you, 'Don't ask Questions! Have "Faith!" In toher words TRUST them. TRUST THEM?? NO WAY!!!
I hope one day you will see the REAL Light and see all of this rubbish for what it really is. Its an Amazing Universe out there, and we are on an Amazing World. I Marvel at it every day. But, it really hurts when people like you are told otherwise and see it through their LIES.
Take good care and have a Wonderful New Year.

  • 21st Jan 2014 09:06am

yes God excists just look out side at the trees and flowers and animals
how everything is made has to be done by God

  • 21st Jan 2014 06:49am

Hi Sam,
Yes, God does exist. There is so much "evidence" out there to say that Jesus Christ walked the earth just over 2000 years ago. The fact that when he walked the earth, he fulfilled so many prophecises that were written, that it simply could not have been just a human. On His last day on earth He fulfilled 33 prophecises and the chance of that happening is almost impossible.
If you truly seek God, He will reveal himself to you in your heart and you will just know that He is God.
I wish you joy on your venture.

Captain Slog
  • 21st Jan 2014 04:37pm
Hi Sam,
Yes, God does exist. There is so much "evidence" out there to say that Jesus Christ walked the earth just over 2000 years ago. The fact that when he walked the earth, he fulfilled so...

I don't want to skite, but, I made a History making Prophecy in 1989, and only myself, and the two people I told it to know it.
When I was working at Turangi's "White Glove" Service Station in 1989, around early December, two German Back Packers called in and they asked me if we had any Rubbish Bags. I went inside and went to the big pack of black bags we had for our bins and took six out, folded them up and told them, "Here! Stuff these up your jumpers!" They were very grateful. we started chatting, and I happened to ask them where they were from. They told me Germany. THen I go and bring up the subject of The Wall. They told me how awful it was and I agreed. I then found myself telling them. . . "Don't Worry! When you get Home, it will be GONE! I Promise!" The rest is History! NOw, whenever I see New Footage of the Wall coming down, I can Proudly say I Predicted that! And there are TWO German Girls, somewhere out there who KNOW it, too.
"god?" WHAT "god?" I'm not a "god!"

  • 20th Jan 2014 09:18pm

  • 20th Jan 2014 09:14pm

Well ladies & gents Im so gladthat you guys raised this topic for discussion! :) ... As everything (basically all difficulties & problems may not existed if there was proper awareness and discussion amongst people, in a calm, civilised, positive manner :)...
I was feeling quite lost until the age of 23 and not truly knowing who to trust and who to turn to! :)... Anyways at the age of 23 I decided to attend this Youth conference & seminars which were organised by the Greek Orrthodox Archidecese at the Oakleigh church... There the Bishop Panteleimon, in one of his talks He touched me in a very special way....

Captain Slog
  • 21st Jan 2014 04:18pm
Well ladies & gents Im so gladthat you guys raised this topic for discussion! :) ... As everything (basically all difficulties & problems may not existed if there was proper awareness and...

The bishop "Touched you in a 'VERY SPECIAL WAY'"? That alone sounds very perverted!! Are you going to dob the pervert in? He played with your willy didn't he? We all know what those dirty bastards get up to. One pervert used to put his hand up my sister's dress for a feel. She was THREE at the time. He got caught doing it to someone else's kid, and he was reported. He disappeared. Probably re-posted to some other poor unsuspecting people who don't know what he did. What a scumbag!!

  • 20th Jan 2014 08:56pm

I believe that God is there. For those who believe, no explanation is necessary: for those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.

  • 20th Jan 2014 08:16pm

God is real but perhaps not in the way defined by various religions (unless you can really find the obscure meanings behind the printed words of religious texts). I do not affiliate with any religion but I have an absolute and complete belief in God which goes beyond belief. I have no doubt at all, what I call "absolute knowing". God is something you feel in your heart, not define in your head (although I will endeavour to do so here).

I had a traumatic event which resulted in a rapid spiritual awakening nearly 10 years ago and in the ensuing months was blessed to have many amazing experiences which allowed me to progress very rapidly on my spiritual pathway (I was previously an agnostic).

What I have come to realise is that God is everything - the entire eternal, infinite, ever expanding universe. And everything in the universe - people, animals, aliens, plants, grains of sand, molecules of air, all the planets, solar systems etc, it is all God, there is nothing that isn't a part of God because God is All There Is. But God is greater than the sum of all His parts. So we are like cells in God's body except that He doesn't actually have a body but that is the closest analogy I can come up with using human language which is a bit restrictive at times as feelings don't always readily transfer to words.

But I also think we have our own personal links to God, our private communication channel if you like, which one may access during prayer or meditation and at moments (both beautiful and traumatic) when we are totally present in the here and now. Although I refer to God as He, He actually has no gender. I just prefer to think of God as He, I think because I see a male as a protector. But it is also perfectly okay to think of God as She.

This personal link to God is within you and it is something only you can find, no one can give it to you. But you have to seek it without expectation of a particular result. And you will know when you have found it because you will experience a feeling of love for everyone and everything that goes way beyond any human feeling. I call this the "God feeling". Unfortunately it is generally not sustainable for more than a few minutes at a time, sometimes only seconds, but once you have felt it, you will continue to seek it in whatever way works best for you. There will be no going backwards.

Love and blessings on your spiritual journey.
Pat Campbell
a.k.a. "The Archer"

Captain Slog
  • 21st Jan 2014 02:21pm
I call myself "The Archer" because my star sign is Sagittarius, no other reason.

The purpose of this forum thread is to give our opinions in response to sam.gerges86's question. It is not...

Hi Pat,
To call me an "athiest" is not only wrong, it is a name created by you "god" people to put on people like me (Actually NOT like me, because, as I said, I am The One!) who have no religion or believe in "god."
I like how you said you HAD a logical mind, but, I see now its has gone BACK to sleep.
I do NOT have a strong desire to be right! I KNOW I am right! I used my brain and saw for myself what is out there and all around us. I never impose what I know on anyone, because most people won't belive it anyway. Like you. It is your right to not belive me. It is up to you to try and make sense of all this. I certainly can't! I am not being pretentious. I am being HONEST.
The Force is NOT "god!" And they wouldn't say it was in the movies, or whatever. It is ALL the Energy that makes up the Universe, and US. The Force is how this Energy starts off as one thing, perhaps Hydrogen, and through many ways that affect it, it geets denser and becomes aall the other lements we are familiar with and others we aren't. I am not going to pretend I am a Scientist, but I DO have a basic understanding of things. All the differetn Atoms and Molecules are ALL held together by The Forces of Molecular and Atomic ENERGY. Its what makaes them WHAT they are.
Have another VERY CAREFUL READ of what I said. You will also notice that I said that you'd GO MAD trying to figure it all out. I see many and ALL of these religous people have gone and done just that. THey've GIVEN UP and have decided it is easier to believe in "Elvis" and that he made it all.
About The Archer. I somehow suspectede you may be Sagittarius.
Spock, by the way, and the rst of the Vulcans, by all Logic, are actually a race of JEDI. People who are Force Sensitive, and they don't realise it. If the Jedi were to make it, via wormhole, to Vulcan Space, they would be drawn to Vulcan to meet with them and teach them the ways of The Force. It is NOT a religion, as some idiots claim. Its a discipline. THe Vulcans have an awareness of The Force but not how to use it. They can Mind Meld and have a strong use of ESP to read minds, and perhaps other abilities, but they are not yet totally aware of them or how to use them. They are very controlled as we all know, and never show emotion. Unfortunately, they don't exist. They should! They'd teach US a thing or two.
Yes, I am aware that we are just Entities occupying a Flesh and Blood Vessel. Again, we are nothing more than The Force. And, I just realised, WE are like ALL the individual CELLS that make each of us up.
As a society, WE are the BODY of the society. As Individuals, we are the Cells that make up this Body that is society. Many are Healthy Cells that make the body work right. Others are SICK cells that upset the Balance and make the body ill. Some are a disease that threaten the kill the body. Some are Defenders of The Body to eliminate those who endanger the Healthy cells. That is just a simple explanation and not to be taken literally.
What I don't understand is this term "Spiritual." Like a ghost? Religious. Well, as I said, I am definitely NOT religious.
I will leave this right now, because I have to recharge my Cells with some, what is known to most as. . . FOOD. That's it! I've got to have my Dinner!
As for "love" and "blessings," I don't want to seem like I'm throwing it back in your face, but, it does sound rather insinsere and pretentious. Most "god" people throw these terms around willy nilly because it is the thing to say, but they really never mean it.
Just take good care and swap channels. Cross to Circuit "B" and REALLY think about it all LOGICALLY. If you still can't figure it out. GIVE UP or you'll just GO MAD!!! MArvel at it, but DON'T ever turn it into something its NOT. OR ME! I am NOT and NEVER WILL BE a "god."

  • 21st Jan 2014 11:17am
Hi "Archer,"
Happy New Year!
You know, its ironic you call yourself "ARCHER" but, you're certainly NO Robin Hood! You're missing the target with every arrow. Save your Arrows...

I call myself "The Archer" because my star sign is Sagittarius, no other reason.

The purpose of this forum thread is to give our opinions in response to sam.gerges86's question. It is not so believers and athiests can attack each other. That is not helping to answer the question. We are all entitled to our own opinion. I have mine and you have yours. I have no ego based desire to be right. As duneman said "For those who believe, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not believe, no explanation is possible."

Regardless of what we believe (or not believe) none of us will know the whole truth until such time as we pass on. There is only one place to go when we die and that is back to God, there are no other options. And there is only one God for everyone, not one for each religion. It does not matter to God how we believed in Him or if we don't believe in Him at all. Everyone finds God at the moment of death and that includes athiests. There is no such place as hell in the afterlife. Hell only exists right here on earth for a large proportion of the world's population who have nothing to eat, nowhere to sleep and no hope in their lives.

I also had a very logical mind (and still do for many things). Prior to my awakening I had very little time in my life for anything that couldn't be analysed or categorised in some way. I didn't entirely discount the possibility of God's existence in those days but thought He was improbable and I simply had no interest whatsoever.

If you were totally confident in your athiesm, you would not feel the need to respond to every point made by believers. In fact you would not have had the slightest interest in even reading this forum thread. I know that a decade ago, before I "woke up", I would not have even noticed it. So, the fact that you have read and responded so vehemently, indicates that your soul is trying to guide you to rethink what you profess to believe. Because when we have a strong
reaction to something (and I do sense that you are angry or irritated with a strong desire to "be right"), it is because we recognise some truth in it. Otherwise it would not bother us at all.

I said in my previous post that I do not affiliate with any religion. This means that I do not believe much of what is in the bible, it has been grossly distorted and misinterpreted not to mention the difficulties in translation from the original language. The worst thing about it is that it portrays God as being jealous, demanding and judgmental. That is not true. God is love in its purest form, unconditional love. He does not make judgments about us and He certainly does not punish us for any reason whatsoever. (We tend to punish ourselves with guilt, regret, non acceptance etc.) Although there is no doubt some religious leaders who try to teach the truth about God, for many it is just a job and they are merely preaching what they learnt academically at theological school which probably regards the bible as being 100% factual which in fact it is not. Also, I pray to God, not to Jesus. I do honour and respect Jesus for being an awesome healer and teacher (although much of what he tried to teach was not understood). But I don't feel the need for an intermediary.

The "force" is God; if they had said so directly the movies probably wouldn't have been as popular as they were. There is a lot of spiritual wisdom in the Star Wars movies especially everything Yoda says. Star Wars teaches us that negative emotions such as hate, envy, jealousy are a pathway to the dark side (an unpleasant life with many problems?). Remember when Yoda pinched Luke's arm and said, "You are not this crude matter." In other words, you are not your body. And you are not even your brain. We are spiritual beings (soul) who are temporarily using a human body so we may have experiences to further our spiritual growth. And if you also like Star Trek, you may recall Spock saying, "Logic is the start of wisdom, not the end of it."

BTW, I read that some scientists have discovered what they call the "God particle". Interesting. Perhaps one day science and spirituality might combine forces for the good of all. One can only hope that they do.

love and blessings

Captain Slog
  • 21st Jan 2014 05:43am

God is real but perhaps not in the way defined by various religions (unless you can really find the obscure meanings behind the printed words of religious texts). I do not affiliate with any...

Hi "Archer,"
Happy New Year!
You know, its ironic you call yourself "ARCHER" but, you're certainly NO Robin Hood! You're missing the target with every arrow. Save your Arrows and give up.
This "god" you're referring to that "is everything" is also known as Mother Nature, which I prefer to use. We aren't enslaved to Mother Nature like people are to their so-called god, and they go to churches and FORCE others to go, too, and abuse them if they don't. GOD is EVIL and Man MADE!!!
This "god" is also The Force. As Obi Wan said, "It surrounds you, it penetrates you, it binds the Univeerse together." THAT was the Magic Word I needed to hear. THe Force! We are ALL made up of it. We don't know how it was created, just as we don't know how EVERYTHING was created. I don't mean "creation" like those mad christians believe it to be.
The other thing about this so-called god, someone made the comment that the bible said that "god" killed "sinners" etc. and did all kinds of things to those who didn't "worship him." AS I see it, IF this so-called "god" was real, I would NEVER worship it. I refuse to grovel to a BULLY. This entity sounds just like an egotistical spoiled brat who want so control people and make them do his bidding like Darth Sideous, and other Sith Lords.
Remember, "GOD" is Man Made. These egotistical "priests" and "spiritual" leaders CONTROL people through manipulation and falsehoods and LIES. They want YOUR MONEY!! That's what its all about.
As for that "Spiritual" experience that a member told of, above, it was probably a hallucination. The Brain does funny things when it is under stress, or when someone is in a Coma. I believe that Comas are the brain going into Diagnosis and Repair Mode. You SHUT DOWN and your Brain does all this while you're unconscious. You don't move around and upset what's going on. It probably explains why people who were in very short or long Comas, suddenly wake up and say something very clearly like, "Is it Breakfast time yet?" Or something else as if they've just woken from a normal sleep.
Some people have spoken of strange things like a "white light" or a "Tunnel" or meeting people they knew and being "sent back," etc. I can't prove it myself, but it was propbably the sub-conscious creating an illusion for some unknown reason, like a vivid dream. Its way of soping with severe coma. All this is still not quite understood by the scientists who are looking into it. Religios people make something of it as THEY want to see it and tell everyone that.
I haven't a clue what brought you to "awaken" to your way of thinking. What I said in my Original comment and relevation is NOT a "spritual" thing. I am NOT that Stupid! It is something I realised about myself and I still cannot fathom it all. The Force is a very Powerful thing, and I am, apparently, the CORE of it all. NO! I don't believe it, either! Like I said, Its WAYYYY over my head, and its NO GOOD going to a scientist to ask them what its all about, because they're experts in nothing at all. SOME things, but NOT everything.Especially me. I am Unique! To you, though, I am just another "human."
Use your mind to think LOGICALLY. Don't ry to think like those bible bashers do. Use your OWN eyes and mind and feelings. If you choose to go their way, you'll end up as MAD as they are.
Take careful AIM before you shoot. Use The Force.

  • 20th Jan 2014 10:33pm

God is real but perhaps not in the way defined by various religions (unless you can really find the obscure meanings behind the printed words of religious texts). I do not affiliate with any...

It is what you want to belief .I was made to wake from a coma .With no sight and not able to be able to move .After years of learning to find out that when your motorcycle is run over by a car speeding at over 100kmh A head in a helmet hitting the road for over 70m does do damage . For years I was a vegetable and did nothing .Medical tests showed that I should have died .
After brain surgery and years of therapy , I can now walk and have some sight .When a person has been made to endure that , How could any living person not belief that we do have GOD .It is now 25 years since I awoke from my coma of 11 months .

Wally the Clown
  • 20th Jan 2014 09:18pm

God is real but perhaps not in the way defined by various religions (unless you can really find the obscure meanings behind the printed words of religious texts). I do not affiliate with any...

In the Dawkins scale I would say almost certainly not. (6.999 repeating). Every deity postulated by any group of people either disappears as soon as they define it, or self-destructs under it's own claims. Greta Christina deals with the subject well (better than I can in this short a space) in her book- " 99 things that piss off the godless" (think I got the name right). Bart Ehrlman, Robert M. Price, Richard Dawkins, all deal with the subject deeply. Myself, I am with Penn Jillette- There is no evidence of any kind for a deity of any kind, and I have faith that there is none- and by the rules of the godly, faith is all it takes for it to be true- so there is no god. Of course, I could be wrong- give me evidence and I will have to change my mind. That's the difference between me and most of the "godly"!

  • 20th Jan 2014 07:48pm

Yes, I believe God really exists because I have a personal relationship with Him. When I was 24 years of age my whole life changed when God started speaking to me through the bible, and now, 44 years later, I can say I have walked in relationship with God through His son Jesus Christ, and He is so real to me. He gives me wisdom in each difficult situation, and teaches me His ways. I live a fulfilled life. A life of peace and joy. I must add that you will never work God out with your natural mind. He is not found through logic but by revelation. If you search for Him with your heart and take what He says in the bible by faith, then He will reveal Himself to you. Once that happens you will KNOW that He is real.

  • 20th Jan 2014 07:39pm

I am conscious of a higher power that guides me when I need guidance, strengthens me when I ask for help and is always with me. I believe this is God and so I believe he/she exists.

Captain Slog
  • 20th Jan 2014 07:18pm

If you really want a Good Honest Answer to this question that you CAN believe, find an Innocent Kid who has never seen a church before, and ask them what god is. THEY know the truth, because THEY believe only what they see and hear.
MY Truth is the very complicated version, and I'm still trying to figure it all out. I have NO Memory of Past Lives. ALL Many Millions and Millions of them. I must have a Memory Wipe every Hundred Years or so. Maybe thats what Dementia is. An Automatic Memory Wipe, preparing us for the NEXT Life, so we can't remember previous Lives.
Just a thought.

Captain Slog
  • 21st Jan 2014 06:34am
People used to believe in hell until the Catholic Church finally said that they invented it to scare people into becoming better Christians.There is NO proof that the Bible is based on...

You hit the Nail on the head here, Cinerama.
Happy New Year!
ALL of this religious stuff is just plain CRAP, and is ALL made up. I remember in the 80's, someone in the vatican saying they want to change stuff in the bible to make it more exciting for "today's youth" to make it "more exciting" to try and lure them to church. And just recently there was something else said about making something up to add to the bible, or to change something.
Now, I'm NOT a bible basher and never will be. All of this I got from the News on TV or the papers. What you said here and what I have also found is TRUE! The bible is nothing more than a Fairy Story about this poofter called Christ who went about the country bothering people and they were actually the World's very first HIPPIES! Mangy bloody lot they were. They only LOOK "nice and clean" because the pope and his mates don't want to see their "Elvis"and "band" looking like filthy tramps or Arabs, much like they are today. Nothing has really changed
ALL of these church people are strange perverts and poofters (homosexuals if you want to be un PC) and they have bullied and abused kids and other people for years and years and its STILL going on. The vatican is only in a panic because they. . . GOT CAUGHT!!! Now they're trying explain themselves for how they could let this sort of thing go on. They should ALL be shot!!! Okay, DELETED!!
This "Eagleswings" who wrote in, I'm sorry, but he/she is a lost cause! This is a very damaged person who has been absolutely Brain Washed. He/She has NO RIGHT to call themselves EAGLE anything. More like a MOTH to the "Light." Religion is NOT mighty!! Its rubbish and I KNOW it for sure. Sorry, but No-one can handle the truth. You, Cinerama, apparently do, and you're still working on it.
Have a Safe and Happy New Year. Take good care.

  • 20th Jan 2014 07:39pm
If you really want a Good Honest Answer to this question that you CAN believe, find an Innocent Kid who has never seen a church before, and ask them what god is. THEY know...

People used to believe in hell until the Catholic Church finally said that they invented it to scare people into becoming better Christians.There is NO proof that the Bible is based on fact. The so called gospels were written more than 100 years after the apostles died. As they were illiterate fishermen,they could not write and their stories were written by others more than a century later.Moses lived centuries BEFORE Christianity was invented so how could he have bought the the ten commandments down from the mountain.He never existed during the reign or Ramsees.Most people are brainwashed into believing in a God,but no one has ever offered any proof.You would be shocked at just how many of the clergy DO NOT believe in what they preach.Ever wondered as to why the church avoid investigating child abuse from the clergy? With the majority of clergy being gay,it is not surprising that they want to cover it up.

Captain Slog
  • 20th Jan 2014 07:10pm

Hi Sam, Everyone,
Firstly, let me Wish you all a Very Happy and Safe New Year, and may it really be as I Wish it be.
Now, WHAT I am going to tell you will be totally unbelievable to you, and to be Honest, I just cannot believe it myself, but, it is ALL TRUE!!
There is NO "god!" It is a fantasy entity created by the primitives thousands of years ago, because they couldn't understand what they were looking at, or what was going on around them.
YOU can see with your OWN eyes that there is NO god. You have a thing in your head called a Brain. It tells you what is real and what is not. For those of you who think there is a god, you are only that way because you were TOLD by others, who CANNOT prove it, that there is one. And, you were also told that IF you didn't believe it, all sorts of nasty things would happen to you, or you were called certain things, abused, tortured, burned at the stake, etc. Just look at History! Religion and its "god" was, and still is, FORCED upon us under threat of terror, humiliation, abuse, pain, death or simply just plain BULLYING.
The REAL Truth is, and this is where it REALLY get weird, even for me, I AM The Centre of this ENTIRE Universe. For some reason, EVERYTHING seems to be centered around ME!
I can hear some of you now thinking, "What a load of CRAP!!" Who IS this clown?" And I can't blame you. Like I said, even I cannot believe it myself.
When you "wind the film backwards," way back, until there is nothing, there is no such thing as Nothing. No matter what, there MUST be something. Is it ME? If so, WHAT the smeg AM I? Even I MUST have came from SOMETHING! NO Scientist, no matter how much of an "expert" can give you, or ME, the answer. Not even a Scientist from. . . OUT THERE!
You must think I am being "egotistical." That's just it! I have NO ego! I don't even know the meaning of the word! I don't make claims that I am "god" or A "god." I wouldn't be so UP myself to do that. I have NO "Magical Powers" or Abilities like a Jedi would use. I mean REAL Telekinesis. I cannot use The Force, which DOES exist, because WE, even ME, are ALL a part of it. For SOME unknown reason, SOMETHING AMAZING happened untold MILLIONS OF MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO, and I am THE ONE. The KEY to it all. I cannot prove it, because to you, I am no differrent to anyone else you see. Believe it or not? I don't care!! As I said, even I can't believe it! I am still baffled about who or what I am and how long I have been a part of this Universe. Even our Friends OUT THERE don't seem aware of my existence.
I'm sorry all of this sounds strange, and its very strange to me, especially. I am the one (HA!) who has to deal with it. Scientists are going INSANE with their theories about the Universe and its Origins. The BIG BANG Theory? That's all it is. Even I can't prove that.
In THIS life, I am ME! The person writing this. No-one special. I have NO qualifications, or a job. In THIS life, I am Single, 62 in May, a bit over weight (18 stone), I am told I am "Too Honest for my Own Good," so my friends tell me. Whatever my purpose is in this LIfe, I haven't a clue, but I DO believe that things happen for a reason. AND a few funny wee things have happened recently. I could tell you about it now, but that would only take up more space here.
I'll finish this now, but PLEASE don't be offended! Some of you might be, but it can't be helped. Keep an OPEN Mind and your EYES (Photoreceptors if you have them) open, and THINK for yourselves. DON'T let people dictate to you and DEMAND you believe in their"god!" Question it with ALL of your heart and DON'T give in to their intimidation. In their case, its ALL about CONTROL Control of YOU. To get YOU to do their bidding. Like those evil bloody SITH Lords. And thank goodness they aren't real. The bloody pope is, (BLOODY literally if you look at history) and the vatican is, as close to the Sith as you can get.
Use your own minds to see and feel the real world. You can also ignore everything I have said about myself being "The One." That is your Right, and I would NEVER demand anyone turn me into something I'm not. I am nothing but an apparently ordinary "human." What you see is what you get (Batteries NOT included!). Nothing more and nothing less.
I felt I HAD to tell you this, NOT to make an "egotistical" claim or get attention, or have gullible people grovel all over me, etc. I told you this because I felt it was My Duty to tell you. It is very WRONG for this world to be enslaved by religion and so called beliefs in "gods." History, and even what is going on today, shows you how EVIL religion is. Priests abusing kids, the taliban and their evil, I could mention others who are are also in the same religion and all they want to do is KILL. Jehova's witnesses kill people by refusing Medical treatment. Christians (ALL the different sects) have their gimmicks and behaviours, and they are ALL fighting among themselves about WHO'S "Elvis" is better than the others.
So, ERASE ALL of this if you Wish. It IS your choice, but, the very simple answer to the Question: "Does "God" exist?" is. . .
Now, I will leave it to you to think about.
PLEASE DON'T be abusive!! DON'T be rude or Threatening. THEY (the bastards who brainwashed you when you were a kid) put this primitive belief in your head, and the FEAR that goes with it. BE FREE! THINK for yourself! You can also IGNORE ALL of this. Its YOUR MIND, NOT Mine!
Thank You for your Time, and HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!

  • 20th Jan 2014 05:56pm

You really should do your homework, there are many books on this subject.
All I can say is, ask yourself, did god make man or did man make god?
As there are so many gods, I would think the latter.

Good luck on your quest.

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 08:00pm
Dear Madam,
Fear of god is most certainly the message clearly written in the Bible (the word of god),
Genesis 22:12
Exodus 1:21 14:31 20:18 22:20
Leviticus 19:14...

THIS is what I meant by TERRORISM to CONTROL the People. EVIL BASTARDS!!! HISTORY Proves it! HOW can anyone in their right minds submit to this? Even today, knowing all that evil?
Its all VERY WRONG!!!

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 07:55pm
No one "fears" their so-called Lord. God is LOVE and does not need to be FEARED. When you die you will be in for a BIG shock!!!

Hi Elaine,
IF there really was a "god," its not the so-called "god" you have to fear. Its those blasted church "leaders you have to fear. They're just so damned EVIL!!!
What do you mean, "When I die?" A BIG Shock? I don't think so! I'll just have yet anothe Memory Wipe and I'm BACK in my NEXT LIFE. Where I'll be next time I don't know. But, that won't be for a very long time.
Have a Happy New Year.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 05:14pm
You really should do your homework, there are many books on this subject.
All I can say is, ask yourself, did god make man or did man make god?
As there are so many gods, I would...

Well said Stevo! Man invented God to satisfy the innate need for a superior being or higher power because "how on earth could we just have come in to being?" A lot more rationally than if a god or higher power had created us, I'd say. All religions profess to be the one true belief but how can we seriously think one is better than the other?

pete 9
  • 22nd Jan 2014 11:13am
I believe there is something out there, but not quite sure what it is. I personally don't believe there is a god because of all the bad things happening in the world. Maybe I am more a spiritual...

Hi Wardy,
I share your view. I think that a lot of people do not realise the complex nature of the human mind and emotions. Everyone must have a beliefs in something's within their world, according to the environment in which they are born into.
Parents, friends and other people within our lives from birth influence this to a greater degree, but also the experiences in ones life will form a belief system.
The idea of having faith or a God, is established through logical process and emotional content.
The human mind is the greatest power we have. People all need to have a reason to carry on through hard times and struggles, be it health, life or death situations or other emotional driven situations..
God, the universe, the cosmos, the vibe, the cosmic energy, what ever one calls this, boils down to how we channel our thoughts, for good or bad.
We connect with people through our energies, these are our own thoughts.
Try thinking good thoughts and see what happens.
Belief in anything is a time journey, changing along the way to help you grow spiritually and lean to LOVE, all, not just life.

  • 21st Jan 2014 11:19pm
No one "fears" their so-called Lord. God is LOVE and does not need to be FEARED. When you die you will be in for a BIG shock!!!

Dear Madam,
Fear of god is most certainly the message clearly written in the Bible (the word of god),
Genesis 22:12
Exodus 1:21 14:31 20:18 22:20
Leviticus 19:14 25:17
Deuteronomy 5:29 6:1-2 6:13 6:24 9:19 10:12-13 10:20 31:12 31:13 (Deuteronomy is very big on the fear thing)
Joshua 4:23-24 24:14
Samuel 23:3-4
1 Chronicles 16:25-26
2 Chronicles 17:9-10 20:29
I could go on, it's stated 34 times in Psalms, 18 in Proverbs, it just go's on throughout the rest of the Bible. I think you get the drift.
Don't kid yourself, if you are a Catholic you MUST fear the god you love. It says so in the Bible. Kindest Regards. S

  • 21st Jan 2014 07:01pm
Some will say that if there is a God they why does this God allow such death and destruction in the world. The old testament shows examples where God took retribution against sinners. Today...

Why does everyone blame our loving God for the death and destruction in the world. Mankind has their own will and make their own choices as you rightly say. However, Satan is rife in the world and so many choose to be a part of Satan's world!!!

  • 21st Jan 2014 06:59pm
Hi Malc,
We have hard all of this before. People asking how their so-called "god" can allow all this evil and violence, disease and misery to go on in this world. Especially to...

No one "fears" their so-called Lord. God is LOVE and does not need to be FEARED. When you die you will be in for a BIG shock!!!

Captain Slog
  • 21st Jan 2014 04:07pm
Some will say that if there is a God they why does this God allow such death and destruction in the world. The old testament shows examples where God took retribution against sinners. Today...

Hi Malc,
We have hard all of this before. People asking how their so-called "god" can allow all this evil and violence, disease and misery to go on in this world. Especially to innocent wee kids in our countries.
To all these "god" freaks out there, all I can say is IF their "god" was real, what a bloody HUGE ego! What a BLOODY BULLY! What an EVIL BASTARD!!
We've all heard about "the fear of 'god'" and that is very wrong!! WHY should people be made to fear their so-called "lord" etc.? Like I said, its ALL about CONTROL, and they'll do ANYTHING to get it. I really HATE religions and what they're doing to the world.

Captain Slog
  • 21st Jan 2014 03:53pm
You really should do your homework, there are many books on this subject.
All I can say is, ask yourself, did god make man or did man make god?
As there are so many gods, I would...

Stevo, YOU are correct! "god" IS Mane Made! Nuff said here.
NO book in the world can prove otherwise, because they, too, are man made.

  • 20th Jan 2014 06:44pm
You really should do your homework, there are many books on this subject.
All I can say is, ask yourself, did god make man or did man make god?
As there are so many gods, I would...

Some will say that if there is a God they why does this God allow such death and destruction in the world. The old testament shows examples where God took retribution against sinners. Today people will say that people have there own free will and make their own choices, right or wrong . The discussion will go on, but no living person will be able to give a definative answer to this question apart from their personal belief . Many people are dying to know although in this type of forum there will be no satisfactory answer.

  • 20th Jan 2014 06:43pm
You really should do your homework, there are many books on this subject.
All I can say is, ask yourself, did god make man or did man make god?
As there are so many gods, I would...

I believe there is something out there, but not quite sure what it is. I personally don't believe there is a god because of all the bad things happening in the world. Maybe I am more a spiritual person.

Good luck

  • 20th Jan 2014 05:50pm

No I don't believe there is "A God", each religion believes their's is the only true God which means every other religion must be worshipping a false God. So who is to say which one is real and which is not.? I think that as human beings we have a need to believe there is something more powerful than ourselves to whom we turn when bad things happen in our lives, it is difficult to accept we are solely responsible for our own destiny. An old Scottish comedien, used to end his show by saying "good night, may your god go with you" and I think that sums up my opinion that everyone believes differently, but everyone believes their god is the only one and the true one.

  • 20th Jan 2014 06:03pm
No I don't believe there is "A God", each religion believes their's is the only true God which means every other religion must be worshipping a false God. So who is to say which one is real and...

Dave Allen was Irish! not Scottish. And he wasn't always old, he would sign off with that line after all his tv shows, even when he was young. Everything else I'm ok with. S

  • 19th Jan 2014 04:59pm

I do believe there is a God because it makes more sense to me than the opposite. Also I find my belief gives me both comfort and direction in my life.

  • 20th Jan 2014 05:47pm
I do believe there is a God because it makes more sense to me than the opposite. Also I find my belief gives me both comfort and direction in my life.

Hi JS All you have to do is look around you to see the handiwork of God. Can you really believe there was a big bang one day and everything just fell into place - I can't - just look at the stars, the moon, a new born baby, a rose - so many things reveal the handiwork of God. I will pray that He will reveal Himself to you and He will because He says if you seek Me with all your heart you will find me.

  • 18th Jan 2014 07:29pm

I believe that God exists. I was brought up to go to Sunday School etc and belonged to Youth Groups as I grew up. I rather drifted away when I got married as my husband didn't really know and I got very busy with 4 children in 5 years. When they grew up, the eldest one invited me to a Pentecostal Church. These people not only believed, they had a personal relationship with God. One Sunday, I went to the front of the church for prayer, the pastor hardly touched my head and I had this incredible sensation like a warm shower flowing over me. I was told that I had been touched by the Holy Spirit, it was life changing! I now knew that God existed and not only that, I discovered that I had completely lost the fear of death.
This was over 30 years ago and I have had times when I have doubted but I am still glad that I took that step forward, try it, you will never be the same.
Best Regards

  • 21st Jan 2014 05:57pm
I believe that God exists. I was brought up to go to Sunday School etc and belonged to Youth Groups as I grew up. I rather drifted away when I got married as my husband didn't really know and I got...

It would be useful for you to acquaint yourself with the work of Derren Brown at

wee stu
  • 18th Jan 2014 04:48pm

my position on this is very similar to tat of the insomniac, dyslexic agnostic - I lay awake all night wondering if there really is a dog.

  • 17th Jan 2014 07:21pm

No, I certainly don't believe there is a God! It would be nice if there really was one and understand a God fills a need for many people.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 07:30am
I believe that God exists. I was brought up to go to Sunday School etc and belonged to Youth Groups as I grew up. I rather drifted away when I got married as my husband didn't really know and I got...

Amen sister, some people need a god or any crutch really and then there are those like us who are totally happy and self sufficient that we don't feel the need or desire to believe in a higher power. Seriously though, how can anyone truly know there is a god? Short answer, they can't! Also if there was, I would be so disappointed in him/her/their handling of this world and all of us in it that I wouldn't want to pray to it much less worship it!

  • 17th Jan 2014 06:53pm

Yes God is real and is just waiting for you to decide to take one more step by asking Jesus to be your Lord and saviour. I know its true as I'm a born again christain for 25 years. I could not live with out God

  • 23rd Jan 2014 01:51pm
I believe that God exists. I was brought up to go to Sunday School etc and belonged to Youth Groups as I grew up. I rather drifted away when I got married as my husband didn't really know and I got...

The Bible does not teach that there is a triune God or a trinity. There is one God, and one mediator between God and Man, the Man Christ Jesus. He is now sitting at the right hand of the throne of God, from henceforth expecting that his enemies will be made his footstool. The Lord Jesus Christ will soon return to the earth, and the wicked will die for ever. They will not go to a place of everlasting fire or torment, they will just be buried. However, the righteous will live and reign with Christ. This is the true teaching of the Bible. If you want to know more go to

  • 23rd Jan 2014 11:24am
Macca, It seems you totally ignored what I said. you never even gave it a secon'd thought or consideration. Instead, you stuck with your fairy story. You don't know any better.
Yes, I...

Just a simple reply, captain. I am not even Catholic; which simply means universal.

  • 23rd Jan 2014 11:18am
Hi Macca,
You accused me of being abusive and I wasn't. Yes, I may have sounded rather irate at all this religious rubbish (sorry!), but it is very very hard to help LOST CAUSES....

Captain, it seems you don't understand truth.
Do you believe in evolution? Species changing from one to another?
it is a common belief.
People often deny the existence of God because the don't want to accept His rules, which as the creator of the universe He is entitled to make.
Many people are seeking the real meaning of life. It is to make a decision that will decide their eternal situation.
You have this opportunity right at this time; how much longer will you have? I don't know, but he does.
If you understand the real meaning of love you can understand why God works the way He does. God doesn't want evil being done, but as man has free will, in which He doesn't interfere, evil does happen.
How did the universe come into being? A supreme all powerful being spoke it into being.
Consider some of His creation. Flowers didn't just happen, they were designed. Humans didn't evolve from another animal, they were made complex beings by a wonderful creator.
You can claim to know there is no God, but one day you will stand before Him and explain why you refused to believe in Him. This is truth not scare tactics.
I hope, captain, your year is wonderful too; it is because of my caring for the lost that I bother to write these things.

  • 23rd Jan 2014 11:18am
Hi Macca,
You accused me of being abusive and I wasn't. Yes, I may have sounded rather irate at all this religious rubbish (sorry!), but it is very very hard to help LOST CAUSES....

Captain, it seems you don't understand truth.
Do you believe in evolution? Species changing from one to another?
it is a common belief.
People often deny the existence of God because the don't want to accept His rules, which as the creator of the universe He is entitled to make.
Many people are seeking the real meaning of life. It is to make a decision that will decide their eternal situation.
You have this opportunity right at this time; how much longer will you have? I don't know, but he does.
If you understand the real meaning of love you can understand why God works the way He does. God doesn't want evil being done, but as man has free will, in which He doesn't interfere, evil does happen.
How did the universe come into being? A supreme all powerful being spoke it into being.
Consider some of His creation. Flowers didn't just happen, they were designed. Humans didn't evolve from another animal, they were made complex beings by a wonderful creator.
You can claim to know there is no God, but one day you will stand before Him and explain why you refused to believe in Him. This is truth not scare tactics.
I hope, captain, your year is wonderful too; it is because of my caring for the lost that I bother to write these things.

Captain Slog
  • 23rd Jan 2014 10:52am
Captain, it seems you don't understand truth.
Do you believe in evolution? Species changing from one to another?
it is a common belief.
People often deny the existence of God because...

Macca, It seems you totally ignored what I said. you never even gave it a secon'd thought or consideration. Instead, you stuck with your fairy story. You don't know any better.
Yes, I DO believe in Evolution. And it seems you don't even know what it is. It is not one species changing into another. To simplify, a dog changing into a "dogfish." Evolution is where Species Evolve, or Change and Adapt to their conditions. Again, to simplify, I don't know what you're wearing now, where you are or what your Weather is. IF you're in NSW or Victoria, right now you're probably wearing something COOL, like a T-shirt and shorts, because I saw in the weather forecast that the temps there will be in the 30's. Suddenly, there's an unexpected Cold Snap. It happens! What do you do? you ADAPT to the cold by putting on something warm like a pair of long pants and a Jersey or Puffer Jacket.
Another version. You're out in your Garden if you have one, checking on the Apples or Plums on your tree. You spot a real beauty and you want it before someone else spots it and nicks it. But, its too high up! You "CHANGE" by getting a ladder to get higher up to get your prize. Or, you could "EVOLVE" by getting a long grabbing claw, like those toy ones you get at the Ekka, or like those the elderly use to reach up high. This is EVOLUTION in a Minute.
To put it in perspective, if it were to happen in Real Time, you would Evolve to suit your conditions by getting really hairy to Adapt to the cold, and shed this hair, like cats and other animals do, when it gets hot. Technically, you do this anyway when you get a Hair Cut. Something I could do with right now.
You live in a place wehre the food is rather high up, and unfortunatley, you can't reach it, or, at least you can, only just. Over a bit of time, with all this stretching and reaching, something in your body decides you need to Change, othewise, you're going to starve, so you develop longer arms and legs. You're still a human, but you're a funny looking Long Armed, Long Legged human. NOW you can reach this fruit or whatever the food is that's out of reach all the time.
Make of it what you will, but, if you still don't get the picture, you're a lost cause.
The rest of what you say is just pure flowery RUBBISH!! I understand TRUTH alright! That's ALL I ever tell. The Truth! I am too Honest for my own good, so I've been told. I believe ONLY what my Eyes tell me and what I Hear, Taste, Smell, and Feel.
It sounds like you've gone and promoted yourself to pope and you're now trying to DICTATE to me. DON'T even THINK about it! You are dictating to the WRONG person! Whatever you try now is going to BACKFIRE on you. BE WARNED!!! No, I am not threatening you. This is just what happenes. There's a BALANCE, and you are beginning to upset it. Push it any further, and you're going to go over. I won't have to DO a thing. YOU DID IT!
Hold tight! Its YOUR Ride. I'm getting off.

  • 23rd Jan 2014 09:01am
Hi Macca,
You accused me of being abusive and I wasn't. Yes, I may have sounded rather irate at all this religious rubbish (sorry!), but it is very very hard to help LOST CAUSES....

Captain, it seems you don't understand truth.
Do you believe in evolution? Species changing from one to another?
it is a common belief.
People often deny the existence of God because the don't want to accept His rules, which as the creator of the universe He is entitled to make.
Many people are seeking the real meaning of life. It is to make a decision that will decide their eternal situation.
You have this opportunity right at this time; how much longer will you have? I don't know, but he does.
If you understand the real meaning of love you can understand why God works the way He does. God doesn't want evil being done, but as man has free will, in which He doesn't interfere, evil does happen.
How did the universe come into being? A supreme all powerful being spoke it into being.
Consider some of His creation. Flowers didn't just happen, they were designed. Humans didn't evolve from another animal, they were made complex beings by a wonderful creator.
You can claim to know there is no God, but one day you will stand before Him and explain why you refused to believe in Him. This is truth not scare tactics.
I hope, captain, your year is wonderful too; it is because of my caring for the lost that I bother to write these things.

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 07:44pm
No, Nicci, I wasn't groomed from childhood; as a matter of fact I was a drunk and a womanizer at the time of discovering Jesus.
Something every person needs to do for themselves.

Hi Macca,
You accused me of being abusive and I wasn't. Yes, I may have sounded rather irate at all this religious rubbish (sorry!), but it is very very hard to help LOST CAUSES.
By your own admission, you said you were a DRUNK when you "found" Jesus. You may not have been got to as a kid, but, they GOT YOU at your most vulnerable moment, and your mind was fed this and got stuck. Now, you've been programmed like a cheap DVD Player, and you say things with no knowledge at all about it. It doesn't make sense, but you don't care! They programmed you, so it "MUST" be true. NOT REALLY! YOU are a VICTIM! You were MENTALLY RAPED! Yes, there is such a thing, and THEY did it to you.
To defend myself from your very last line, as I said, IF you will read it all PROPERLY, I AM NOT claiming I am a supeior being, or a so-called "god." I would never be so arrogant!! I am NOT trying to get people to grovel at my feet or turn me into something they want me to be. I am just the most UNIQUE person in the entire Universe and I don't know why, who I am, or what I am. All I really DO know is, there is NO GOD!!! IF there was, it would have to answer to ME. I would want to know WHO the hell he/it thinks it is. Where it came from, and how it thinks it is "Number One" on this world and why it is bullying everyone.
I have NO ego! I don't want one! I don't want "fame" or to be "worshipped." I am just an ordinary "human" in my present life.
Again, No-one knows how the Universe came in to being. Even I don't! I can go back MILLIONS AND MILLONS AND MILLIONS, etc. of Years, "Rewinding the Film," and I cannot see a thing! Try it yourself! What's there? Nothing? There MUST be something! Is it BLACK or WHITE? Just as there is NO GOD, there is also NO such thing as. . . NOTHING!! There HAS to be Something! Black or White? Whatever it is, how BIG is it and WHERE did it come from? WHERE do I come into this? That's just it! I DON'T KNOW!!! But, for some reason I have SOMETHING to do with it, and I can't PROVE IT!!
For those reading this, I TOLD you, didn't I? This thing is WAYYYYY over our heads. You'd GO MAD trying to figure it out, but, its fun trying. That's why all I do is MARVEL at it all.
I'm not a nasty or malicious git, so I will finish this by wishing you a Very Happy New Year. Take good care.

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 06:40pm
Totally agree with you that there is NO god, why would there be? To what end is a god going to benefit us in any way, shape or form? I felt so fee when I came to this realization even though of...

Hello Nicci,
Another girl I like. Thank You very much for your support. I see you, too, are able to see through all these lies that were fed to us as kids. You ARE indeed a real person of sound mind.
I had another look at what I said (Above), and I can't for the life of me figure out why I said, ". . . there is NO 'god" because I would've "made" it, and I didn't." The Honest Truth is, I don't think I actually MADE Anything!! For the record, I shall take BACK that odd statement. Except for the fact that I DO KNOW for a fact that there is NO "god!" But, seeing as how you spotted it and asked me about it, I guess it could go down as a bit of "sarky."
It often hurts me to have these sort of arguments, because even though I know the truth, it hurts to feel that these people are also hurting, because I am telling them something totally against everything they've been led to believe. Another way they may be hurting is, maybe I am getting through to them and they're beginning to feel it. Perhaps not. But, arguments themselves are very hurtful at times, and for those of you reading all of my entries (Sorry for apparently HOGGING the site!) and felt hurt in some way, I am VERY SORRY! I meant NO HARM AT ALL. My intentions are to FREE You with the truth. And I want to to be FREE to be able to figure it all out for yourselves, and go against all this brain washing you've been subjected to.
THIS is MY Universe and MY Planet, so I became aware of. And I really DO CARE about everyone and everything on it. But, as I also said, I am NOT a 'god" or a Jedi or a Magical Being with amazing abilities. I am absolutley HELPLESS to do ANYTHING about the problems of this world.
If I could, I would bring my lovley Friend and Crew Member back from the dead. Unfortunately, we lost her in 1999 to a car accident, and I don't even know what happened. No-one will tell me to give me closure. I can't even FEEL her. I was totally unaware that we lost her until I sent a Birthday Card to her, and her dad sent me an e-Mail telling me what happened. Her Birthday was October 22. She was taken from us on October 3rd. I haven't even cried for her. I don't know why. She was a lovely girl and a very popular member of our Crew, and geez, I miss her!
Thanks, Dear Nicci, for your support with this debate. I hope one day The REAL Truth WILL come out and everyone will be FREE!

  • 22nd Jan 2014 06:25pm
If you say so macca! I truly believe you are in the TRAP as you call it but only because you have been groomed (probably from childhood, as I was also). If you could step outside the "religious"...

No, Nicci, I wasn't groomed from childhood; as a matter of fact I was a drunk and a womanizer at the time of discovering Jesus.
Something every person needs to do for themselves.
whether you agree with me or not is not the issue; you are disagreeing with The God who created the universe.
And just as bad, you are setting yourself up as being greater than He is; called idolatry

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 05:44pm
If you say so macca! I truly believe you are in the TRAP as you call it but only because you have been groomed (probably from childhood, as I was also). If you could step outside the "religious"...

Hi 63,
Thank you for your input.
I don't think suggesting (I presume you meant) I go down with my Ship is a very wise thing to say. Especially, if you read what I said PROPERLY!!! For a starter, I OUT RANK YOU! I also, unfortunately, have no ship. . . yet. Also, I am not closing my mind to anything. My mind is open, but I draw the line when it comes to this so-called "god" and all of these evil religions that are ruining the societies of this Planet.
For some reason (IF you read what I said again) I have occasionally wondered if I am the so-called "god" that everyone grovels to. I bloody hope NOT!! That's the LAST thing I want!! I don't want it!! AS I said, though, and I can't prove it AT ALL, and I don't care if you or anyone else don't believe it, because, as I also said, I don't believe it myself. It is MY problem. MY Enigma. I don't dwell on it though. Because its just something I've puzzled about all of my aware life.
Read it again! I also told you that IF you were to meet me (For feck's sake DON'T grovel!! Get off your knees!), you will see I am just an ordinary "human." I don't go telling everyone about this, until THIS Question and all this debate was brought up. I felt it was my Duty to put everyone right and tell them The Truth! But, it seems that what Jack Nicolson said in that movie, "You can't HANDLE The TRUTH!"
No good getting all scientific or poetic, etc. because that won't give anyone the answer. Alot of these people get all puffed up with their own self importance and think they have the more impressive answer. But, THEY DON'T!
Going on and on like this is pointless. As far as I know, its all going in one ear and out the other. That's your right to ignmore it. I'm NOT forcing anything on you. "You have to work it out for yourself" as BRIAN said to the ignorant crowd of idiots.
I worship No-one and NOTHING! What's the point? What purpose is it?
You're a Slave to your primitive mind's view on life because someone MADE you a slave.
I have given you the key. Work it out and FREE yourself because I give up.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 05:21pm
Well, captain; I am always amazed at how disbelievers almost always hurl abuse at those who disagree with them, rather than simply giving their opinion.
It is as if the abuse will change the...

If you say so macca! I truly believe you are in the TRAP as you call it but only because you have been groomed (probably from childhood, as I was also). If you could step outside the "religious" box that you are dwelling in you could see that just because we are taught something doesn't make it fact, in fact I believe it should definitely be delved in to at a much higher level in that regard. Only then will you be free to shake off the shackles of religiosity. When I finally came to the conclusion that we don't need or even have access to a superior being or god as some call it, the weight off my shoulders was truly immense. Of course as a believer I prayed about it in case I was being deceived by another fictitious being, satan! My conviction only became stronger that indeed there is no more to this world or life than what we have right here or now and seriously, do you really think we need any more? I love my life and live it to the full as I believe we all should. Life is fleeting so make the most of it and stop wasting time and energy on something that I 100% believe does NOT exist.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 08:15am
THIS is another example of a very weak mind. You should be old enough to know better, but, unfortunatley for you, you have been brain washed. "Born again christians" are worse than the others....

Well, captain; I am always amazed at how disbelievers almost always hurl abuse at those who disagree with them, rather than simply giving their opinion.
It is as if the abuse will change the other person's mind.
You say you aren't nasty, but that is exactly what you come across as.
God loves all people, even the evil ones. He sent His Son to die for each one, even though we all have free will.
And free will is the reason there is such evil in the world. Evil people choose to do evil things.
Even good (Christian people) do wrong things; it is because as humans we are broken and need a Saviour to "fix" us.
Unfortunately it the unbelievers who are in the "TRAP". And deception is unseen by the person who is deceived.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 07:24am
THIS is another example of a very weak mind. You should be old enough to know better, but, unfortunatley for you, you have been brain washed. "Born again christians" are worse than the others....

Totally agree with you that there is NO god, why would there be? To what end is a god going to benefit us in any way, shape or form? I felt so fee when I came to this realization even though of course after years of conditioning in the whole "religious clap-trap", I was a little sceptical. So I prayed in case I was wrong, and my conviction that there is no more to life than what we have here just got stronger. I take it you are being sarcastic when you say you would have created a god if one existed? Hope so or you run the risk of being just as mad as these other believers, sorry, just sayin'.

  • 21st Jan 2014 09:35pm
THIS is another example of a very weak mind. You should be old enough to know better, but, unfortunatley for you, you have been brain washed. "Born again christians" are worse than the others....

Hi Captain. If it's true that the Captain should go down the ship then I would advise you to take precautions! I believe that each person has their own path to follow in life and we are all presented with any number of options which God gives us free will to choose. Some of us stray down the wrong path and then may have an experience which moves us on to a different path. There may be many God's which people worship however there is only one triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Don't close your mind completely to the possibility that you just may be wrong..eternity is a long time to regret your actions. All the best for the future.

Captain Slog
  • 21st Jan 2014 07:13am
Yes God is real and is just waiting for you to decide to take one more step by asking Jesus to be your Lord and saviour. I know its true as I'm a born again christain for 25 years. I could not live...

THIS is another example of a very weak mind. You should be old enough to know better, but, unfortunatley for you, you have been brain washed. "Born again christians" are worse than the others. Even murderers and gang members end up saying they're "born again." But, they are still EVIL to the core. I will NEVER EVER TRUST ANY CHRISTIAN!! They use this thing as a "shield." "TRUST US! they plead. NO WAY!! I say.
I don't want to be cruel, but, I'm sorry, you're out of your tiny mind. What you say here just DOESN'T make sense!!!
THERE IS NO GOD!!! I should know. I didn't make it! I've never met it! It CANNOT out rank me. I AM The ONE! But, as I said earlier, I have NO ego. I DON'T want to have control over anyone or bully people or make them grovel at my feet, etc. I am just an, apparently, ordinary "Human." I KNOW there is NO 'god" because I would've "made" it, and I didn't.
I am not a slave to any churches or rerligion, and I never will be. No-one can FORCE me to bow to their "Elvis" and do their bidding. They're all IDIOTS!! WHY would you want to have your imaginary friend "Jesus" in your life? Why is he, and HOW did he become, a LORD? I never promoted him! I never MET the poofter! What would be the purpose of having a Lord in your life? WHAT would he do? And WHAT is a "saviour? Someone who saves you? Save you from WHAT? There are alot of very nasty things in this world, and not even THAT would save you from it all. It most certainly WON'T save you from the taliban or other madmen of their ilk. They'll KILL you, because they say their "god" is better than yours. They're TOTALLY MAD! INSANE!! And obviously DANGEROUS!!!
You're living in Fairyland. Its an illusion. A SCAM!! THEY want to CONTROL you with this rubbish.
WAKE UP!! Smell the Coffee. Have a bit of brekkie and Sort yourself out and wake up!! You sound like you're on DOPE!
Sorry, but it hurts me to see people treated like this by these evil religious bastards. You have a FREE mind. Use it! Maybe you will REALLY see the Light. Or, should I say, the Penny will drop! Get OUT of that trap.
Have a safe and Happy New Year. I'm not nasty. I wouldn't want to be.

  • 17th Jan 2014 05:10pm

It really depends on you, I believe, There is a God if you want one. You have to find that right one for you, i have found mine.

  • 17th Jan 2014 04:58pm

I firmly believe in God. I was a lapsed Catholic who became a total disbeliever as a child after having been molested by both priests and Marist Brothers. Some 18 months ago I was critically ill and on three occasions my family was called to my side in ICU to say their last goodbyes. I saw things and spoke to people, dead relatives and someone who I am convinced is God. I was sent back because I still have things I must finish. I turned 70 last year and am some sort of a wonder for having survived. I now need to work out what I must finish.

  • 17th Jan 2014 04:33pm

Sam, every society and culture has a god of some sort to worship.
The belief in God has been passed down from the very first man, through every nation and culture.
This, I believe speaks clearly of the reality of God.

  • 8th Oct 2014 05:32pm
Ephesians 6: 2 - 8 talks about works not being what saves us. It is the gift of God through the work His Son did dying on the cross and defeating death by rising again that saves us. He clearly...

Love your reply Kreative, beautiful.
Yes even whats happening today has been prophesised in the Bible.

  • 8th Oct 2014 05:28pm
You make an interesting point about the need for hard evidence Nicci, however I do think it very interesting that the oldest cultures in the world all have a belief in some higher power, even our...

Im religious and free! Yay!!!
I,d hate to think there was "Nothing" no reason to be a good person! No reason to look forward to living my life everday and growing old.
I KNOW there,s a God and i KNOW there,s a Demon!
A journey isnt worth taking if your not walking with God.
Faith is an amazing thing Nicci.

  • 8th Oct 2014 05:23pm
Sam, every society and culture has a god of some sort to worship.
The belief in God has been passed down from the very first man, through every nation and culture.
This, I believe speaks...

I love God. Without God there is no life purpose besides looking out for your own interests.
True what you say

  • 30th Apr 2014 09:44pm
Apparently not, even though most christians/believers think they are free they are actually bound down by the belief that if they do not act or live a certain way (as dictated in the scriptures/or...

Ephesians 6: 2 - 8 talks about works not being what saves us. It is the gift of God through the work His Son did dying on the cross and defeating death by rising again that saves us. He clearly says it is NOT by works so that no one can boast. It is the saving grace of God, nothing we do or do not do other than to ask Jesus into our heart. As a result of that, we want to do things that please Him but our salvation is not dependent on it,

Another verse says that there is no condemnation for them who love Christ. That removes guilt. Guilt is a deceit of Satan.

In saying that, we are human and still fail because the flesh is weak but God will forgive us if we just but ask Him to.

There is great freedom in understanding the Scriptures rather than people who have tried to manipulate them to their ends.

We are not gods ourselves and trying to be is robbing us of so much.

Also, if you look at prophesies, 322 old testament prophesies were fulfilled in the person of Christ - one man at one time. The odds of that are phenomenal. Prophecies are still coming true. Most that have been written in the Bible have already come to pass and all that is needed for Christ's return is already here.

I am afraid that being a nice person is not enough to bridge the gap between you and God if you don't believe in Him and as such, an eternity without Him would be the result. All have sinned and fallen short of His glory. Being good isn't enough. You need to ask Him to come into your life and forgive you and believe in the redemptive work that Christ did for you when He took yours and my sins on the cross and even if it was just you or just me, He loves us so much, He still would have done it. I hope you find the answers you are looking for because God really does love you. Blessings

  • 10th Mar 2014 12:09pm
Sorry, but just because it has been handed down through every nation and culture doesn't make it true at all. Just believable, which I take issue with as it seems totally unbelievable to me and I...

Nicci the following may assist you.......
WISDOM is worthless, unless shared.

WISDOM can be DIVINE and safe. If it is COSMIC in scope and SPIRITUAL in nature.

DIVINE TRUTH is best known by it's SPIRITUAL AROMA.
(C) copy right ; ( view index it will blow your socks off NICCI.

Captain Slog
  • 5th Feb 2014 05:31pm
Hi Captain Slog, hope this finds you well. I don't recall seeing the You Tube clips you mentioned, but have seen many others. I watched an interesting TV Special a few weeks ago on the Triangle...

Hi Chrissy,
Thank you for telling me about your UFO Experience! I Promise you, I will NEVER rubbish you about this. I found it to be very interesting! YOU and your hubby, are very lucky! It was an unusual sighting, but, very believe able. I have heard of similar sightings and read about them in our (UFORQ) Journal, UFO ENCOUNTERS," and others, so you aren't the only one.
I hope you don't mind me asking, but, where are you? Perhaps you could contact some local Members, if you know who to contact. (I could help) They could do a proper Interview and check with their records to see if there were other sightings like yours.
UFO's are a very serious (As in NOT a joke!) subject to me, and I am fascinated by the thought that we have other People OUT THERE, and they're coming here. THEY are what the primitives called. . . "gods." Of course we aren't the only ones in the Universe! You would have to be very ignorant, or arrogant, or both, to think that. Whatever! WE are NOT ALONE!! Why they won't openly make contact with us is, no doubt, our own stupid fault (NOT US, you and me and others. Mankind in general) because of the way we treat each other and the World we live in. All the wars, crime, conflict, AMERICANS, and other crap that would put even Han Solo, Mungo Baobab off coming here. Or even keep Bounty Hunters like Jango Fett or Cad Bain away.
Did your experience make you feel SPECIAL in some way? I mean, do you feel like you've changed in some way? I do when I think of ours. I often wonder who they were, where they're from, if they're still around and how they are. I hope they're well, too, and that one day I am able to actually meet them. AND see their ship as we saw it the first time,so we know its them, and how it REALLY looks in daylight. It would be wonderful!
To anyone reading this and having a stupid laugh to themselves about this, THAT shows how "intelligent" you are. WE, (especially ME) KNOW the Truth! And one day, they WILL come and say G'day Mate! to all of us. Hopefully Down Under, because we don't have as much trouble down here as the Northern Hemisphere does.
Keep your eyes to the skies and try and get them with your camera.
BOOOM? Sorry Chris! You've got me stumped there! The only thing I can think of is a Sonic Boom from perhaps Space Junk re-entering the atmosphere, or a Meteor zipping through the upper atmosphere. The only other option, someone's Aircraft doing the same thing. I'd like to hear about that one, too, in another entry, if that's okay.
Take good care.

  • 5th Feb 2014 02:59pm
Hi Chris,
How are you? Very well, I hope.
I just found your reply to a previous rreponse to yours Sorry about the delay! There are just so many to go through now.

Hi Captain Slog, hope this finds you well. I don't recall seeing the You Tube clips you mentioned, but have seen many others. I watched an interesting TV Special a few weeks ago on the Triangle shaped UFO seen by so many people in Pennsylvania, very interesting.

Ok, I will tell you my UFO story, I was in the bathroom bathing my baby on a warm summers night many years ago, my husband was standing outside on our back decking after dinner. He called out to me to come and look, I wrapped my baby in a towel and came to see what he wanted, he told me to look at the sky, he could see a UFO! I looked up, but the only thing I could see was a twinkling star, quite low, but shining brightly in the night sky, "It's just a star" I said. He said "No, look around, there are no other stars out" He was right, I looked around and the sky was full of thick clouds fully covering the sky, with one stationery star blinking white with a faint red color. I was puzzled but still doubtful, as I thought it might be Mars. While we were standing there looking, my husband suddenly said "Look, it's about to drop a flame!" Just as he said that, a flame appeared from the 'bottom' of this star, and fell to the ground!! It was so quick, if you blinked you would have missed it, suddenly the 'star' disappeared! I don't know if it was covered by clouds or it just zoomed away, but it seemed to disappear instantly after the flame was dropped. We were amazed, a couple of days later, our local newspaper reported UFO sightings from a suburb near us, the exact direction where we saw the 'star'!

Anyway, that is my UFO story, I have also heard a mysterious "boom" from the sky but that's another story altogether!

Captain Slog
  • 3rd Feb 2014 09:29am
Really enjoyed reading your post Captain Slog, yes I do believe in UFO's, and yes I have heard of craft that superimpose or camouflage into the landscape, fascinating subject, especially when I go...

Hi Chris,
How are you? Very well, I hope.
I just found your reply to a previous rreponse to yours Sorry about the delay! There are just so many to go through now.
About the UFO we saw, as I said, it was "Hidden" in Plains sight. Putting it another way, its like someone in a Car, a Truck, or Bus roaring down the road at night and they've got lots of lights all over the place and you can't exactly make out WHAT it is. Our Friend's Transport, made absolutely NO Sound at all. We couldn't even see how big it was, but,,the clucter of lights made it look like a well decorated but toppled Xmas Tree, hence our nick Name for it. "The Flying Xmas Tree." It was simply a mass of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and White Lights in not particular shape, other than perhaps slightly Football Shape or Broad Oval. Because of their Nebular and Random appearance, there were no sharp outlines. Just like a big fat Xmas Tree.
I agree with you about You Tube! I've seen some spectacular footage in there, but there are some that are OBVIOUSLY Fakes. I mean, there was one that was shown speeding through the clouds, and it has a familiar shape to it, which was confirmed when they zoomed in. It was a LAATi (Low Atmosphere, Light Armoured Transport, Infantry or Clone Trooper Gun Ship) as seen in The Clone Qars. There were some other "UFO's" that were claimed to reral and were Mon Calamari Star Ships, or other creations. Some were very well done supposedly REAL UFO's, but were very hard to tell. THe only question was HOW could a UFO be present as if it ALLOWED the person with the camera to get so close, before it decided to zip up and away? That beautiful black shiny disk in the clearing in the woods, if you saw it. "We" walked around it and noticed the reflections in it's surface, and then it shot up, hovered, then made a Jump to top speed and GONE!
You may also have seen two others in there. One beside a very busy road, and another apparently hovering above some trees in a rain forest. In the latter one, there was some idiot in a red T-Shirt always moving from left to right, getting in the way of the camers. In this case, it was probably their way of making this clip appear to be more real. Perhaps it was! Anyway, in both case, they both powered up and then shot straight UP. GONE! I'm neutral about my opinion about them two. Of course, there are many, many more, but that's not what we're on about here.
Oh! You saw a UFO, too? How interesting! Being a UFO Researcher, I would be very interested in hearing your Report. I told you mine. Its only fair!
To the Question at hand, which is. . . "IS 'god' real?" "Does 'god' exist?" WHAT IS a 'god?'
The answer in a Nutshell is. . . NO! NO! Something created by Primitive Man to describe someone who does things that appear to be MAGICAL to the primitive minds of early man.
Even WE were thought of as 'gods' to primitves when we lit a fire using a Match.
Aimed a Rifle or Pistol at an animal and shot it.
Arrived by plane and landed in a clearing near these primitives. We came from THE SKY which is WHY they called us 'gods." Much like those loony christians did when they referred to 'god' in 'heaven'. EVERYTHING refers to THE SKY.
How do I know there's NO 'god?' You'll have to go through what I've alrady said in my earlier statements, but to save time, because for SOME reason, I am aware that EVERYTHING around us, the entire UNIVERSE, etc. for as far as you can see, is around ME. I have something to do with it, and I can't say what. I am The One! The Original. The original what? I haven't a clue! I am the ONLY one of my kind, whatever that is, and right now, in this life, I am apparently HUMAN. I look no different to anyone else, but I KNOW!
Someone seems to know something I don't, and that's my cousin in Brisbane. She's Married, and I got a Xmas Card from her a few years ago Wishing me. . . A Very Happy 4560,000,000th Year! When I asked her about it, she never told me. Its almost as if she let the cat out of the bag. She still won't say.
I agree with you that MAN made churches. in fact it was "Elvis" fans who made churches. If you need proof, just look at those LOONY Americans. Someone really HAS created an Elvis church! Bloody nutters!!!
All I can say is FORGET ABOUT RELIGION and "god" because, not only is it an extreme fantasy, it is WRONG and NOT the real world.
Simply put, there is NO GOD!!! NEVER WAS, NEVER WILL BE!!!

  • 29th Jan 2014 01:36am
Really enjoyed reading your post Captain Slog, yes I do believe in UFO's, and yes I have heard of craft that superimpose or camouflage into the landscape, fascinating subject, especially when I go...

Sorry Chris, (no, I'm not picking on you) I can't let that slide. Jesus never imagined a world without slavery, here are just a few gems.

'Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. (Ephesians 6:5)

'Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them. (1 Timothy 6:1-2)

In the following parable, Jesus doesn't really get the whole "beating slaves" is wrong, thing.

'The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it. "But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given." (Luke 12:47-48)

It's not all bad, sure, but you have to cherry pick to find the good bit's like, 'When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. (Exodus 21:20-21)
And yes, I agree we are straying from the original post re. god not religion (although I'ts a hard hair to split) but to be fair you brought it up with the 'Jesus rejecting enslavement' line.
Although I loved your idea of a "church giving god a bad name"

Overall though I have found it a fascinating discussion, I can't think of a subject that evokes such strong emotions. And who didn't enjoy Captain slog's input, Wow! really? Brilliant!. Congrats to all for not resorting to bad language or insults( apart from the occasional damning of souls and a bit of 'SHOUTING') I recon we could do a better job in the troubled parts of the world than the so called experts. Well done all.

  • 29th Jan 2014 12:20am
You make an interesting point about the need for hard evidence Nicci, however I do think it very interesting that the oldest cultures in the world all have a belief in some higher power, even our...

Well you can't be free of religion, can you?

  • 28th Jan 2014 09:32am
Hi Nicci. I believe in God and don't feel unfree at all. In fact it makes me feel even freer because I feel connected spiritually to a being I can affirm as making me significant. I do under stand...

  • 27th Jan 2014 06:40pm
Hi Nicci. I believe in God and don't feel unfree at all. In fact it makes me feel even freer because I feel connected spiritually to a being I can affirm as making me significant. I do under stand...

I feel free - spiritually as well as mentally. Jesus taught us that he could sympathise with us when we were tempted to sin. Jesus (free of sin) died for us so that we might feel free to choose our life's path. As you say JS - there are many paths (follow yours).

  • 27th Jan 2014 06:36pm
Really enjoyed reading your post Captain Slog, yes I do believe in UFO's, and yes I have heard of craft that superimpose or camouflage into the landscape, fascinating subject, especially when I go...

I think you are on the right track when you say having a belief in higher intelligence is not the same as having a religion. I believe in God with all my heart . Yes it makes me wonder at times.

  • 25th Jan 2014 01:40pm
Hi Chris,
Don't you know you have to CRAWL before you can WALK? I am very sorry to say, you are still crawling. Crawling into church all the time. They've got you by the short and...

Really enjoyed reading your post Captain Slog, yes I do believe in UFO's, and yes I have heard of craft that superimpose or camouflage into the landscape, fascinating subject, especially when I go on UTube, I don't believe in all the stories but some really make you think, I did see one once too, but that is another discussion altogether!.

Also I think Nicci and yourself are misunderstanding the original question in this post, the question was Do we believe in God, not religion, not Dogma, but simply God. No I don't go to church or anything like that, God or Jesus did not create the church, man did. I believe that having belief in a higher intelligence is not the same as having religion. Unfortunately I think sometimes the church gives God a bad name, many people claim because the Church is so bad, God must not exist, that is not logical in my view, as I don't think they are one and the same. I do reject any form of enslavement as did Jesus.

  • 23rd Jan 2014 01:44pm
Sorry, but just because it has been handed down through every nation and culture doesn't make it true at all. Just believable, which I take issue with as it seems totally unbelievable to me and I...

If there is no God, in the beginning who created the heavens and the earth? Or our eyes, which are amazing and take intelligent design to make. God created the earth and yes he does let bad things happen, but that is just because he gives man free will. If man obeyed God, they would all be happy. God created man to give him glory, and after the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, the earth will be filled with his glory, and everyone will be happy, loved, well-fed, and eventually all immortal. Read the Bible for further details about this amazing God and what he has done for you. We need to be saved from death. For more information, go to

  • 23rd Jan 2014 01:10pm
Sorry, but just because it has been handed down through every nation and culture doesn't make it true at all. Just believable, which I take issue with as it seems totally unbelievable to me and I...

Hi Nicci. I believe in God and don't feel unfree at all. In fact it makes me feel even freer because I feel connected spiritually to a being I can affirm as making me significant. I do under stand people who feel enslaved because their concept of God is so negative and even fearful (superstition). People who rely totally on rationalising can end up feeling totally insignificant. You don't appear to feel like this so good on you. There are many paths to finding a positive meaning to life. Follow yours.

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Jan 2014 07:09pm
You make an interesting point about the need for hard evidence Nicci, however I do think it very interesting that the oldest cultures in the world all have a belief in some higher power, even our...

Hi Chris,
Don't you know you have to CRAWL before you can WALK? I am very sorry to say, you are still crawling. Crawling into church all the time. They've got you by the short and curlies. Literally too, if your church is full of perverted priests.
NOW its MY turn to defend Nicci! No, Chris, we're not ganging up on you! We're just trying to clarify things.
You said it yourself! Our Ancient Ancestors have had religion with them for thousand of years. And THAT is the point I'm trying to make! Back then, as you know, or should, they were all very primitive beings. They saw things coming from the Sky. Meteorites, Lightning, Visitors. They heard things like Thunder, Sonic Booms from Meteors zipping through the atmosphere, Explosions when they hit. They saw Fire and put it to good use. Need I go on? They just couldn't understand alot of these things, so they told stories about these experiences. ALL word of mouth, much like Maori History is. They only learned to write later as they Learned things.
I believe in UFO's. (Go on! LAUGH! Everyone else does. Perhaps you are an exception, though) And I DO believe there are People OUT THERE! Myself and two of my mates saw a beautiful Repulsolift Transport parked above the hill on the edge of town in 1969-70. No we weren't drunk! We were going out spotlighting, and you NEVER use a Gun if you've been drinking! EVER! What did it look like? We haven't a clue, because it was HIDDEN in PLAIN SIGHT! All we saw were its Lights. I often wonder who was in that ship, where is came from, how many in the Crew, and if they're still around today. I also wonder how they are, and I hope that one day, I may be lucky enough to actually MEET them. They're nothing to be scared of! They're just somepeople from SOMEWHERE unknown to us, and they just happen to have a real flash Transport. I amgine the excitment if you saw a Corellian Star Shuttle parked up town one day! WOW! Or a Danube Class Runabout. Even more spectacular, a Lambda Class Shuttle. Especially as it arrives and folds it's Wings up to landing position. Yes, I know! They're fiction, but there're sme really flash looking transports around if you're lucky enough to see one. I WANT ONE!
To answer your last question, NO! You cannot be FREE if you have religion, because religion is enslaving you and taking AWAY your FREE MIND! THINK for yourself! You don't have to believe a word I, or Nicci, have said. We aren't forcing you to. Just go over it and THINK! Think of what the world was like BEFORE religion came into your life.
Be Free and keep your eyes to the skies. Geez, its BEAUTIFUL out there!
Have a Happy and Safe New Year.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 05:58pm
You make an interesting point about the need for hard evidence Nicci, however I do think it very interesting that the oldest cultures in the world all have a belief in some higher power, even our...

Apparently not, even though most christians/believers think they are free they are actually bound down by the belief that if they do not act or live a certain way (as dictated in the scriptures/or whoever their leaders are), they will suffer eternal damnation. Also the guilt that comes with these religions is insurmountable at times. I have sat through many a sermon on how we are bound by guilt, believe me. The realization that there is no higher power or "god" to answer to is incredibly freeing but sadly you may never experience this. Most if not all religions are based on a belief system that good works or living a "good life" will result in eternal paradise, are they not? How much freedom does that involve? Short answer, None! I hope you will one day come to the realization that we are good people for the most part and that this life is more than enough to deal with and experience in our lifetime. I love my life, even more so now that I am not bound by guilt that if I don't live a certain way or care about my brethren's salvation I am destined for a miserable existence and even more miserable afterlife. Also just because early man felt a need for a belief in a superior being/god doesn't make it fact. I think man feels this need because we can't possibly just be here, can we? Or can we? I believe we are just that. Here at nature's will not a god or whatever. My belief system has given me total freedom to be who I truly want to be and live my life in a way that hurts no-one, indeed nurtures others if possible. Especially of course family and friends. This life and world we live in is more than enough to keep me happy, satisfied and yearning for a better me, day after day. I revel in being a good, nice person to be around. I have no ill-will towards my fellow man and family and friends are the most important people in my life yet I would still (and have), gone out of my way to help a fellow stranger with rewards beyond belief at times. Thanks for your response and may you journey through your life with as much freedom and happiness as I experience on a daily basis.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 02:21pm
Sorry, but just because it has been handed down through every nation and culture doesn't make it true at all. Just believable, which I take issue with as it seems totally unbelievable to me and I...

You make an interesting point about the need for hard evidence Nicci, however I do think it very interesting that the oldest cultures in the world all have a belief in some higher power, even our ancient ancestors/cave man have religious paraphernalia buried with them. Has the belief in a higher power been hardwired into the human brain since the beginning of our time on earth? and if so why? No, it doesn't prove that God exists, but it does make me wonder. Also I don't get how you relate a lack of religion to 'freedom' can't you be religious and free as well?

  • 22nd Jan 2014 07:26am
Sam, every society and culture has a god of some sort to worship.
The belief in God has been passed down from the very first man, through every nation and culture.
This, I believe speaks...

Sorry, but just because it has been handed down through every nation and culture doesn't make it true at all. Just believable, which I take issue with as it seems totally unbelievable to me and I can't fathom how so called rational, intelligent human beings can even consider the existence of a god or any higher being for that matter. Totally ludicrous I'm afraid and if you ever realize this you will find such freedom, it's amazing.

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