The latest news from Cafestudy

Internet TV in Australia - The Pioneers

The latest news from Cafestudy

Posted by: Caféstudy

3rd Jul 2014 02:53pm

Recently we’ve been carrying out research into internet TV viewing habits. Who is watching it, and leading the trend? Here are some of our findings.

Of the 64% of survey respondents who have tried watching TV online, 56% are what is known as ‘adopters’ of online viewing. To fit this criteria, respondents must have answered either that they watch TV online all the time, or that they have watched before and are likely to do so again. Although adopters do enjoy a good watch of online TV, over half of them still do most of their viewing through the traditional TV. Their usage of internet TV is largely to catch up on missed shows, suggesting that internet TV among most Australians plays a complementary role to TV, being used as a back up when TV programming doesn’t fit with their busy lives.
However, we did find within our group of adopters a subgroup who take their online TV watching a whole lot more seriously. This group have gone to extensive lengths to acquire the US streaming platforms Netflix or Hulu, services which offer a great range of movies and TV shows but are not currently available in Australia, therefore users in this country would need to use a location blocker. We had a closer look at what types of people belong in this group, and what makes them love internet TV.

Dubbed ‘Internet TV Pioneers,’ this group tend to be younger, with 48% aged 18-20, compared to just 20% of non-pioneers. Only 4% of Pioneers are aged 50 or over. They are predominantly male and 87% of them live in metro areas. Our Pioneers like the convenience of online viewing, watching what they want when it suits them. They believe internet TV offers a choice not available on regular TV. In addition to watching more TV online, Pioneers are more into online media in general. For example, 52% have read a magazine online, compared to 19% of non-pioneers.

Although Internet TV Pioneers make up just a tiny fraction of the group surveyed (just over 6%), it is very likely we will see this group growing. It seems certain that internet TV is not going away, and whether it will continue to be used for catching up on missed shows or instead develop into the main way people watch TV will be an interesting thing to find out.

Comments 6

  • 5th Feb 2015 11:50am

Internet TV would be great if we had a real internet that is fast enough to send the movies to us. There are 100's of countries faster than Australian current speeds. South Korea has twice the average speed of Australia. NBN 30 Mpbs, I get 100 Mpbs with Optus Cable Internet.

  • 4th Feb 2015 06:27pm

Terminally slow internet speeds don't permit many of us to take advantage of these new technologies. Due to the NBN slowdown (thanks, Mal!) our town won't get any increase in speed before 2020... and even then, being 5 kms from the town centre, we don't expect to get the NBN upgrade.

We foolishly bought Chromecast, thinking we could use iView. Nope. Buffering... bufffering... bufffffffering!

A decade ago WWW meant Waiting, waiiiiting, waiiiiiiiting... .

It still does.

  • 10th Oct 2014 06:21pm

I know that my TV is internet capable but how to set that up or work out I don't have a clue as to. Hence just basic old TV for me.

  • 10th Oct 2014 06:25pm
I know that my TV is internet capable but how to set that up or work out I don't have a clue as to. Hence just basic old TV for me.

Just realised that wasn't the question asked, lol. Yes, watch TV via internet but only when needed as catch up on a missed episode of a favourite show. Main reason I don't use it more is that it chews up the limited internet data that I have available to me.

  • 27th Jul 2014 09:51am

Fascinating. Perhaps, in the future, this medium could be utilised for patients in hospitals/nursing homes etc to enable more patient relaxation/enjoyment which may lead to faster healing.

  • 10th Oct 2014 02:45am
Fascinating. Perhaps, in the future, this medium could be utilised for patients in hospitals/nursing homes etc to enable more patient relaxation/enjoyment which may lead to faster healing.

Hi, I will admit I did not read every word as I am writing in artificial light and I am having problems with my reading in that light. Please excuse if i bring up something you have answered.
Are we talking here about watching on a normal TV size screen here or on an i Pad or similar sized screen?
If it is on one of the smaller screens I find it very difficult to understand why you wold want to do that? Perhaps I should not admit it LOL bt I can remember the first television receivers. A huge box standing in the favourite spot in the Lounge Room near the yop was a small 9 inch screen.
All manner of contraptions I can remember my Father trying ti improve things for us. We came one day & there was a huge magnifying screen strapped to this TV set, It did improve the viewing size if you were sitting directly in front , the sides gave a distorted view as you can imagine.
Another time he decided he would give us coloured TV so we had another screen strapped on with the magnifying one removed. This had a band of blue across the top & another on the bottom coloured green. So then we had coloured TV, except no matter if we were in the City & maybe an office, There was a band of blue sky on top of the green grass below.
You may all think this was crazy & why bother?, Remember it was all very new to us, we had really no idea what te next steps would be. I think you really are strange trying so hard to watch your programmes on tiny screens when technicians worked so hard to give you perfect viewing on huge screens.
I can remember the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth 11. We happened to have the only TV, so it was declared people would come to or house & watch it on our TV.
Our neighbours came, it was if it was out going to a theatre. The women had on nice dresses & hats, the men neat with. jackets.
That is how serious it was all taken.
Our hose was not very big, the chairs in a tight semi circle, children on the floor men at the back. Wonderful day, outside all the flowers in the gardens were red, white & blue. The garlands of red, jackets & blue connecting house to house across the road & the length also. We lived in a small cul de sac & the full length of the centre, table were laid for the evening party.
Veered off why you would want small screens if that was what the item was about.
Apologies if my item was wrongly placed & althoughI have written
one it has been with the great aid of the spell check & I again apologize for any mistakes it has missed.
I have just been diagnosed with molecular degeneration. My mother went blind with it, ny youngest brother has had 16 injections in his left eye. He cheerfully told me to choose the wet one, he has the wet one, he says it is the easiest to treat although the injections made his toes curl LOL. I have the dry.
Hope you did enjoy the reminiscing of an elderly lady, who is hoping I will not lose the use of her compter