Pet Lovers

Are Cat's better than Dogs?

Pet Lovers

Posted by: Drea

19th Feb 2011 03:33pm

Are cats better than dogs because they can look after themselves or Dogs better than cats because they simply just love you for who you are and not what you look like. They appreciate you and are always there for you, they can be your loyal companion. Where as cats are boring and only eat, sleep and roam outside.

Comments 31

  • 26th Oct 2021 11:49pm

Cats are good if you want to be a slave to them, dogs are good if you want companionship.

  • 2nd Aug 2012 08:32pm

My opinion is biased here lol. I love cats mor, they are so much more pretty and cute! Dogs freak me out. I admit dogs are there for you, to keep a watch out for you, and to provide a sense of security for you. But cats can be very friendly, its fun to have a cat in your arms at times, you feel like you have a partner with whom you can share sympathy. When yo're lonely, you can look at your [cute] cat and cheer up.

  • 29th Jul 2012 07:02pm

I prefer dogs because they all have feelings, just like humans do. Cats are more quieter than dogs but dogs can protect our home.

  • 25th Jul 2012 03:10pm

I would say it is a matter of personal likes or dislikes. I like cats because they
can not be bossed around and do what they like. But they are also cuddly, purr deliciously and are affectioned - when they want to be.

  • 26th Jun 2012 01:45pm

I have a dog and 2 cats and I love them equally. They give me love and affection whenever I need it and its unconditional. I always think of them as beiong part of the family not just cats and a dog.

  • 2nd Jun 2012 10:18am

dogs rule i am a dog lover my daughter is a cat lover we share the same house i have two dogs she has two cats but in this household cats rule my big brave dogs run and hide when the cats come inside why the cats have not done anything to them one of my dogs freezes on the spot and i have to pick her up and bring her inside away from the cat

  • 23rd May 2012 02:40pm

I totally love both my cats, do like dogs but prefer my cats, funny im more allergic to my cats then dogs.

  • 19th May 2012 02:30pm

both are good pets but i love my cats more ,if i go away for a couple of days when i get home they don't let me out of site,where the dog goes your home ok and go's outside againe

  • 19th May 2012 02:29pm

both are good pets but i love my cats more ,if i go away for a couple of days when i get home they don't let me out of site,where the dog goes your home ok and go's outside againe

  • 19th May 2012 09:47am

I have been converted to be a doglover after having lots of cats as a little girl. The reason for my conversion is my current dog!! I have the most clever little doggie who has become my close companion and mate always on my side ! I`ll never go back to cats!

  • 18th May 2012 05:56am

I agree with Drea as I have always had cats and they are very independent and don't need to be walked every day when it is wet,cold and misty as it often is up here in the Blue Mountains.My cat is an indoor variety and she just loves it in the warmth of the living room with the gas heater!


  • 17th May 2012 02:47pm

I am a dog lover .I have had several dogs over the past 40 years and i just love their loylalty and affection

  • 22nd Nov 2011 03:24pm

I love both. I grew up with both dogs and cats and at various times in my life owned both (sometimes at the same time) I have even had a dog that slept with a rabbit.
Right now I have 2 dogs. A 7yo who only has 1 eye and is stone deaf (named bung-eye) and a 2yo bluie/staffy cross. Both are affectionate, both sit on my lap (sometimes at the same time) and they both like to come for a ride in the car. One night recently when I was very lonely Lily joined me in bed sleeping against my back with her head on my shoulder. Bung likes to burrow under the blankets and sleep at my feet. Whenever and whereever I sit down both dogs like to sit with me.
I've been thinking about getting a cat but not sure Lily would behave. I used to have a cat that slept on the back of my neck when I sat in my chair. Could get quite heavy.
All animals have their own personality and I hate it when I haven't got one in my life.

  • 14th Nov 2011 12:04pm

i love both my cats and my dogs they are all wonderful my staffy is 3years ols and my cat missymoo is 9years to me they are just like my kids they are apart off our family and would do anything to keep them safe cared for and happy....

  • 22nd Nov 2011 03:13pm
Storm is obviously a responsible pey owner. I love dogs but know I couldn't give one the time it needs. So I chose to have a cat instead. I chose to have a Blue Burmese. He is now 10 months old and...


  • 18th Nov 2011 09:26pm
i love both my cats and my dogs they are all wonderful my staffy is 3years ols and my cat missymoo is 9years to me they are just like my kids they are apart off our family and would do anything to...

Storm is obviously a responsible pey owner. I love dogs but know I couldn't give one the time it needs. So I chose to have a cat instead. I chose to have a Blue Burmese. He is now 10 months old and I absolutely adore him. His name is Joey, named after the incredibly talented but sadly deceased Joey Ramone, leas singer of punk band THE RAMONES. Years ago I shared a house with some people who had a Blue Burmese. I loved this cat so much I knew when he time came that I could have my own cat, a Blue Burmese was the only cat for me.

The one I had known years ago was so friendly and always wanted to be by your side. I've had friends who have gotten kittens who have grown into very anti-social cats.They want nothing to do with anyone except at dinner time. I wanted a companion animal so only a Blue Burmese is what I wanted. Now at 10 months, Joey is a beautiful, adorable cat. But there are problems. He seems to suffer from seperation anxiety. He wants to be by my side 24 hours a day. This includes spending all night in mt bed with me. I just can't sleep while Joey is trying to play all night so I have to shut the bedroom door to get a good nights sleep. But Joey will sit there and cry and scratch at the door. He just can't bare being away from me. I also work at home. Joey can not come into my studio as its dangerous. But he will sit at the door and cry for hours while I'm inside working. I do love joey very much, but he's just obsessed with spending 24 hours a day with me. He is also very dog-like and loves fetching his toys and bringing hem back for me to throw again. He would do this all day if I didn't get bored. Joey follows me around the house wherever I go. He even comes into the shower while I'm in there and doesn't seem to care about getting wet as long as he's with me.

So it seems that wile I chose a cat as they are more independan,I've ended up with a cat that's very dog-like. In a way its nice as he is always happy to se me, but he is constantly wanting attention. He meows so loudly, I check he has food and water and evrything he could need, but still he keeps meowing. Only then I realise all he wants is my attention. So I pick him up and walk around with him and that's what he wants. Just to be with me. I do love him, but its hard to keep him happy all the time as I have to work or do other things. He just wants me to spend all day with him. That's just not possible and the reason I got a cat not a dog. He's sittin on my lap right now as I type !

  • 6th May 2011 04:09pm

Does one have to be better than the other? They serve different functions for different people. I've had both at the same time. I loved my doberman, he was gentle, playful, protective and there when I needed someone to cuddle up to. He was great with my children and taught them responsibility and empathy. When he died, I was devestated. My husband purchased a cat for me, I had never been a cat lover but needed something to nurture and I was having no more children. Along came another and I adore them both. They are 10 and 11 years old and give me such pleasure. I love to brush them and am very protected over them. I miss them when I'm away and love to come home to see them. Why choose one over the other, I couldn't.

  • 17th Nov 2011 03:48pm
Does one have to be better than the other? They serve different functions for different people. I've had both at the same time. I loved my doberman, he was gentle, playful, protective and there...

Good for you Toni, I do not understand why people compare dogs and cats. They are two totally different types of animals so much so that they should not be put into the "which one is better" category. Dogs are great for a great many reasons as are cats. If in doubt have both and have the best of both worlds.

  • 5th Apr 2011 07:10am

i think cats are better than do not have to take your cat for walks....

  • 2nd Apr 2011 06:18pm

i am usually a dog lover more than a cat as i have had both growing up and have a cat and a dog.I have been converted to a slightly more cat lover as they are independant and our cat is such a smoochy girl,a real sweetheart last night she cuddled into my husband so cute.

  • 2nd Apr 2011 12:13am

Dogs all the way! Cats would be aright if only if I hadn't had bad experiences with them in the past. The neighbours cats use to come by to our place all the time and we wouldn't get a good night's rest! We also use to have a pond of goldfish and they would come by all the time to attack the poor goldfish!!

  • 27th Mar 2011 11:38am

this is a hard one to decide between...i have both a dog and a cat and they are both as loyal as cat knows the sound of my car and is always waiting at the gate when i get home from work and the dog is just as good he is very obediant and loves attention. sure cats look after themselves but they do love being around people just as much as dogs why do you think cats are always bringing home presents for you to show you what they have been up to all day. so really they are just as equal as each other

  • 23rd Mar 2011 09:31am

i love cats and dogs. although my cats aren't ordinary. 1 of them (huuuge cat) is built like a horse and decides when we arent paying attention to him that he will jump from the highest place possible onto whoever he wants attention from. he eats anything, wont sleep anywea except on my night curled up behind my back and he likes drinking coffee. they are so much easier to look after than dogs too. :)

  • 17th Mar 2011 12:21am

I love both cats and dogs, but find cats definitely easier to look after because of the way they clean themselves, are independent and don't always need constant attention.
But I enjoy the way my dogs interact with me and how they love attention because quite often cats are so independent that they will interact with their owners on their own terms. My youngest dog just loves playing with me and have unconditional love. Cats are so much different but they have degrees of this. Our first family cat was so much different than any other cat we have had. I would swear she was a dog. She loved interacting with us. She was not aloof as most cats usually are and had a beautiful temperament, and most important, she loved playing with our two dogs.
So I guess it all boils down to what you like and some people will prefer one over the other



  • 27th Feb 2011 03:11pm

I have 6 cats and 4 kittens. 8 male cats and 2 girl cats. The kittens are about 2months old?. The male cats do spar now and again, other than that they all get along fine. I know that I have a lot of cats but I also give most of them away at the right age. I think that cats are better then dogs. Dogs you have to walk daily, pick up their poop, its annoy if they bark at night, if your a renter like me landlords rather cats than dogs. So yes cats are better. They are also comforting and healing. When all my children were born, Brandy the oldest cat (about 15years old human years) used to sit at my kids feet if they were sick and stay with them until they were better?? She is very old now and because we have so many cats she lives up the back of our house behind the shed. When I feed them all the never fight, they all drink from the same bowl and the same time, then pile into there basket and go back to sleep. CATS RULE DOGS DRULE!

  • 20th Feb 2011 09:11am

Hello there,
I personally am a dog lover slightly more than I am a cat lover. But I don't think one is better than the other. Everyone has different things they are looking for from a pet. I had a dog and a cat growing up, and I enjoyed them both.
I will say, the cat was not boring. She got into her share of scrapes and whatnot. Even got herself knocked up at a young age (I TOLD my parents she was a SHE, but nooOOoo...). Actually, after she had her kittens and had been stuck in the house with them for a couple weeks, she decided she needed a break. If I hadn't watched it happen with my own eyes. I would not have believed it. She left the cardboard box teeming with kittens, walked over to my golden retriever, Maggie, and they touched noses. Then, Maggie went and lay down in front of the box of kittens and got pig piled by them. And my cat went to the front door, looked over her shoulder at me and meowed to go outside. Nothing like a little inter-species baby-sitting.

  • 17th Nov 2011 03:37pm
Well, i have to cat's my first one is 7 years old after she had kittens for the first time we then got her spayed. After she seems to be very grumpy, no one can touch her or she snaps. We got bored...

Drea, I am a retired Vet nurse and have had plenty of experience with cats. Cats have varying personalities and many are seen as cranky. In your case I believe that your older cat just hates other cats so getting another one only added to the problem. Losing the kitten was obviously traumatic for her so it's best not to make kitten sounds around her. Also, it,s not wise to have two females together as they are likely to fight. Is your other cat a female?
The older cat can't help her nature so try to be patient with her and maybe, if you can, keep the two cats separated. My cat hates other cats too.

  • 1st Apr 2011 02:40pm
Well, i have 2 cat's.
My first one is 7 years old after she had kittens for the first time we then got her spayed. After getting her spayed she seems to be very grumpy, no one can touch her or...

Well, you shouldn't make the kitten sounds if it stresses your cat out so much! It seems like your cat has some kind of problem, but I don't know what. Maybe be kinder to her and she may snap out of it, I don't know. She's had some major life changes, she may be having trouble coming to terms with that.

  • 1st Apr 2011 02:35pm
Hello there,
I personally am a dog lover slightly more than I am a cat lover. But I don't think one is better than the other. Everyone has different things they are looking for from a pet. I...

That is a completely lovely story, thank you for sharing it. I'm a dog lover and this story shows beautifully the best and worst of dogs and cats!

  • 20th Feb 2011 12:53pm
Hello there,
I personally am a dog lover slightly more than I am a cat lover. But I don't think one is better than the other. Everyone has different things they are looking for from a pet. I...

Well, i have 2 cat's.
My first one is 7 years old after she had kittens for the first time we then got her spayed. After getting her spayed she seems to be very grumpy, no one can touch her or she snaps. We got bored of her because we simply couldn't love her or play with her, so we decided to get another cat when she was 4 years old. Both our cat's don't get along, they always fight. I'm really getting irritated of both my cats behavior, i just don't know what i can do to make them like each other.

I took my oldest cat to the vet some time back because she had gotten hurt in a fight with some stray cats. She wasn't eating and we were getting worried about her so when we took her in they gave her some antibiotics to make her better. Even the vet said her behavior is out of it.

There is something i think that maybe the cause of it.
When she had her kittens she had 3 kittens in her house, that we made her. But there was still 1 hanging out, so she ran to our neighbors door step and had it there, it died soon after. Now every time we make a kitten meowing sound she gets all tense and her mood changes.

Someone PLease help me....
What can i do about this?

  • 20th Feb 2011 12:50pm
Hello there,
I personally am a dog lover slightly more than I am a cat lover. But I don't think one is better than the other. Everyone has different things they are looking for from a pet. I...

Well, i have to cat's my first one is 7 years old after she had kittens for the first time we then got her spayed. After she seems to be very grumpy, no one can touch her or she snaps. We got bored of her because we simply couldn't love her or play with her, so we decided to get another cat when she was 4 years old. Both our cat's don't get along, they always fight. I'm really getting irritated of both my cats behavior, i just don't know what i can do to make them like each other.

I took my oldest cat to the vet some time back because the had got hurt in a fight with some stray cats. She wasn't eating and we were getting worried about her so when we took her in they gave her some antibiotics to make her better. Even the vet said her behavior is out of it.

There is something i think that maybe the cause of it.
When she had her kittens she had 3 kittens in her house, that we made her. But there was still 1 hanging out so she ran to our neighbors door step and had it there, it died. Now every time we make a kitten meowing sound she gets all tense her mood changes.

Someone PLease help me.....

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