Charities & Causes

Charity is NOT all about MONEY

Charities & Causes

Posted by: JustSmile

5th Feb 2011 02:59pm

So many people think that charity is all about money, at 17 years old I believe this to be very me charity is about giving what you can to help it money, clothing, toys, food, blood or a little of your time....

As a young child I remember packing up the toys I had out grown and giving them to an organization that re-gifted them to children that didnt have toys...
this is a prime example of how even children can get into charity...and they are not giving up anything because its toys they dont play with...

In 2007 and 2008 I shaved my head for children fighting cancer, alot of people kept telling me how brave I was for doing it (in 2007 I was one of 2 girls, in 2008 I was the only girl that did it) but in reality its the children that are fighting cancer who are brave because they often dont have a choice in loosing their hair...but I had a chocie and decided to do it not just to raise money and awearness but to also to gain understanding of how being bald can affect a childs life.
During the 2008 headshave I met a little girl who had fought cancer, through talking to her family I learnt that just showing your support makes a pretty big impact...and money does not have to be involved.

I really believe that donating money has nothing on donating time and a helping hand...

Comments 47

  • 15th Mar 2014 09:01pm

I donated quite range of unwanted as new household items(even curtains), books, clothing etc. to a private school. One of the teachers had a list of what charities had need for products and distributed them accordingly. I personally know students at the school, one of whom helps pack goods for distribution. I was subsequently told where some of the goods had been given to. Some were given to Mums or Dads who had fled with their children from violent situations to various shelters.
When they found rental accomodation they given basic goods they neded to make a fresh start including clothing and furniture.

  • 26th Feb 2014 09:55pm

charity and charities need to be re-defined.

charity begins at home in the heart
charities are those groups looking for money for their chosen values

telephone call centres operating for charities are only os cheap labour using some of the money that we give generously to our chosen charity.

I want to give, I give direct or to a known charity without enormous overheads to CEO's - and there aren't too many of them.

Gone are the days when a child drooling over an ice-cream can be safely given one as the offender gets charged with paedophilia.

  • 15th Mar 2014 08:54pm
charity and charities need to be re-defined.

charity begins at home in the heart
charities are those groups looking for money for their chosen values

telephone call centres...

Also, gone are the days when on a rainy day with your own children in your car on the way to school you can stop and offer another child a ride. The child had the same school uniform on but probably didn't realise that. The child was in his own way smart enough to memorise a description of the car and its registration number so the driver received a visit from the Police, who when explained the reason for the offer understood the offer was genuine advised against doing it again..

  • 18th Feb 2014 08:23pm

I agree, charity is more than donating money. Although money can assist in many ways, time and heart can be more worthwhile in terms of understanding the benefit of your actions and reciprocating that.

Volunteering and caring are one of the best ways of being charitable too. We can give almost anything.

  • 15th Feb 2014 09:39pm

very well said, and so correct. the world needs more people like you

  • 2nd Jan 2014 08:13pm

i believe charitable organizations are becoming more as sale persons,there are far to many of them and they do get annoying with pressure,i live in perth we now have the smith family org once they only operated only in sydney.another point we had an excellent dining table and offered it to 1 of these org,we told them their was a scratch in the the corner their reply we are not interested.i do give to charity but only 1 or 2..these people are becoming very annoying,always ring about 6pm tea time when they know you will be home.i saw on a current affair of every dillar we give 41 cents is taken out for admin fees.the callers are not volunteers,they get paid a minimal amount from each donation.i have spoken to 1 of these people,they are backpackers working their way around the world.he stated some people are rude when you ring.can you blame them

  • 28th Nov 2013 05:38pm

Charity is not at all about money or any material things new or secondhand. It is also about devoting time to assist people in difficult circumstances and providing encouragement and help.

  • 20th Nov 2013 05:08pm

Wow, I can't agree more! We have a family tradition that before every Christmas (so about now!), the kids have to go through all their toys and find the ones they don't play with anymore and in good condition to donate to charity. We did this last weekend and theres two bagfuls heading to our local Vinnies. The kids learn from this to be charitable and to be grateful for what they have and appreciate the simple things in life.
I work for a charity and I can tell first hand that it's not all about donations, our volunteers are the best! The time and expertise they donate is just as valuable. We all 'donate' what we can, whether that's money for those that can afford to, or ourselves for those who want to help in other ways.

  • 19th Nov 2013 08:55pm

I totally agree with you wholeheartedly you are very mature for 17

  • 19th Nov 2013 08:55pm

I totally agree with you wholeheartedly you are very mature for 17

  • 23rd Sep 2013 06:01pm

What a brilliant explanation! I run my own little charity to help poor villages in Bali and several of my young friends from the Theatre asked how could they help. I organised a concert which not only raised us some lovely money to help my village kindergarten in Bali but also gave these talented youngsters a chance to perform in public. Unknown to me they even wrote a special song and made a video to promote my work. It was such a joyous night and I was overwhelmed by their generous hearts. They have also collected writing and Art materials and donated clothing for me to take in a couple of weeks.

  • 20th Sep 2013 07:15pm

Wow, that's so awesome. I'm a fire fighter in Vic with cfa and we help kids by taking the fire truck to see them and fundraising for royal children's hospital.

  • 12th Sep 2013 09:42am

I totally agree with you. I give what money I can to an assortment of charities and I intend to include some charities in my will however donating time and effort can be an incredibly rewarding way to help. I am retired now and have been happy to help where I can, it is a very uplifting experience. I always donate unwanted clothes and goods to my local charity shops and shop there regularly.

  • 3rd Sep 2013 01:24pm

How truly refreshing and inspiring! You must have truly wonderful parents to teach you the power of giving from such a young age, and the fact you shaved your head not once but twice shows what a thoughtful and beautiful human you have become and still are becoming, your family/friends are truly grateful to have such a beautiful young girl in their lives.
People must decide for themselves which causes to support and in which capacity!
Their are so many worthwhile charities/causes and none but the extremely wealthy can support all of them!
Personally I support the Royal Children's Hospital, animal welfare groups and Third World Countries, but you are ABSOLUTELY right!
You don't have to only donate money, sometimes even donating a listening ear goes a long way to helping others.
Of course you are right, the experience taught you not only compassion for the children fighting cancer but also how many view the other person, judging them on their hair or lack of!
May you continue to grow into the beautiful and caring human you seem to be!

  • 28th Aug 2013 07:55pm

Thumbs up to you for your kindness and a support who is still fighting the cancer.
Someday I hope I can also help in supporting the children who are fighting for cancer. Thumbs up again.

  • 28th Aug 2013 07:35pm

Thumbs up to you for your kindness and a support who is still fighting the cancer.
Someday I hope I can also help in supporting the children who are fighting for cancer. Thumbs up again.

  • 28th Aug 2013 07:31pm

I would say the samething. Money isn't everything. We cannot buy everything with money. We cannot buy love with money. Money comes and money goes. But if we could share our money in the sense if we could just give our unused stuffs or cloths or whatever it is, it might bring smile to some one. I remember when i was in the market busy buying vegetables and eating my ice cream. One tiny girl came to me and begged for the ice cream which was half eaten. I looked at her, she was all ragged in, her hair full of dust, I felt real pitty on her and gave her the ice cream.
And there I got the greatest gift of all, her SMILE which was very innocent and she ran with that smile. Oh my, I was real glad to see her smile, that ice cream at that moment meant a world to her. I later on thought, there may be many of her struggling the same way. Why not share them my stuffs like toys, cloths .... We should try to help those who are in need.

  • 21st Aug 2013 02:01pm

Yes i agree. People these days seem to think that giving money to charity is always going to be the answer but its not.
As a young gals i was taken away from home due to things happening at home and all i ever wanted was for some one to show me love and support and just to be there to listen. So yes its about being there to support those who are less fortunate, listening to them and showing them that there are people out there that truly cares

  • 11th Oct 2012 12:08pm

I belive the same as you do it is not about the money becauce some times you don,t have the money to give I have shaed my head for cancer & raised $700 dollars I found this to be great also buy things from the guide dogs when I can

  • 10th Oct 2012 09:53pm

a donation is anything that can help someone else out , everything you mentioned is true and at 17 your a very kind person .

  • 6th Oct 2012 10:11am

I agree money is not all .. I do community work phoning at risk people 4 times a month, I do not get paid.

  • 5th Oct 2012 11:51pm

you are so right, I totally agree with you.
given of your self has to worth more then money.
remember the saying charity starts at home !!!!!

  • 3rd Sep 2013 01:44pm
you are so right, I totally agree with you.
given of your self has to worth more then money.
remember the saying charity starts at home !!!!!

Hi there,like you I've heard the saying-"Charity starts at home", BUT the causes I support are largely overseas because unlike like 'us' they don't have 'op shops' or government handouts. My brothers and sister are all a lot more financial than I am (a disability pension) but give anything to help another person or cause!
It may sound a little pretentious of me but though I don't have their type of money I feel my giving heart makes me by far much richer than they will ever be!
Sometimes charity isn't about home but rather thinking the entire world and all of its inhabitants are our home!

  • 5th Oct 2012 07:41pm

I agree that charity is not all about money. I think it is all about values and teaching our children that there are always people out there worse off than them.
Since my kids were little we go shopping and they have to choose a gift that they would like to donate to someone else who doesn't get much for Christmas and they have to put the gift under the wishing tree at KMart.

I think it is always important to teach them the values that their are people out there worse off than themselves.

  • 6th Sep 2012 10:01pm

I agree. A cartoon I read years ago when I was a teenager has stuck steadfast in my mind. It read, "The hearts of many go out to those in need, but it means so much more when their hands do the same."
Since then, when I think of charity, that has been my mantra.

  • 22nd Jun 2011 05:34pm

You remind me of Lions International community service clubs. They have a set of ethics and conduct, one of which says To give freely of my time labour and means, to build up and not. destroy. They are read out at every meeting.
Currently I am a volunteer fire fighter and also a volunteer gardener at the local primary school.
You are a genuine human, well done.

  • 18th May 2011 06:06pm

Just smile,
What you say is so true, well done! Agree it's not all bout money,....... our time, our effort, re gifting, etc all these things do add up and help. Pity more people don't think like this. .....

  • 19th Apr 2011 09:55am

Wow - you are very astute and I couldn't agree more. I have always done some volunteer work usually with children - in the Scout Movement helping out reading, cooking or in other ways at my childrens schools. But now retired and no children at home I have taken on different roles in different organisations. There is something for everyone. Working with children, the enviroment, with the elder, disabled or whatever you enjoy. So put you thinking caps on and do something for the community. You will benefit and it needn't cost you money just some of your time. And you are rewarded so much more than you give.
Take an example from JustSmile and do your bit!

  • 9th Apr 2011 01:43pm

I would have to agree with everything you have said. In 2007 i Shaved my arse length Staright hair off to nothing for "Shave a lid for a kid" christmas fundraiser for the cancer ward at my local hospital, i had the longest hair there, and the mc thought i was mad as did all my friends, but when they realised what it was for the had respect for it but not the guts to do themselves. my ponytail was also donated to wig makers to make free wigs for the kids. it is four years on and my hair is still not quite the length it was back then...but i don't care. What i did had a huge impact on people around me and the public. i work in customer servises and the ammount of people that knew before and after the shaving was enough to have a huge impact.

Sometimes we dont have the money to give but we can help in so many other ways and TOO many people don't realise that

  • 24th Mar 2011 02:53pm

I agree, charity is about so much more than money, while money does have a big impact, finding volunteers these days is the growing concern for most charitys, paid volunteers take away from what the charity can give which is a lose lose situation.

  • 18th Mar 2011 12:47am

Congratulations people like you are worth their weight in gold. You are so right that charity is more than giving money (though ofcourse it is needed) Giving time and physical help means so much to those who are less fortunate. Keep up the good work and good luck with your future charity work.

  • 23rd Feb 2011 05:31pm

that is a beautiful attutide you have,your parents must be proud of the person you are! I feel very touched to read your coments as I believe they are very true,you are an execptional person, be very proud.........a beautiful person

  • 18th Feb 2011 06:08pm

Good on you, i agree with you completely i a a great granny and a recent widow but i still find to do voluntary work for St, Vincent de Paul. i pack and deliver food parcels and help with young Mums. I love love doing it.. However money does help. It enables us to do our work and some people simply don;t have time. At least they are doing something.

  • 27th Jun 2011 01:42pm
Good on you, i agree with you completely i a a great granny and a recent widow but i still find to do voluntary work for St, Vincent de Paul. i pack and deliver food parcels and help with young...

thank you for your thoughts, I really have enjoyed hearing everyones thoughts on this! I have not been here in a while so I have just re-read the replys and its amazing to feel the passion and love in them!

  • 18th Feb 2011 12:03am

why should charity be just about money some chartneed money some are looking for funds

  • 16th Feb 2011 04:31pm are a very Brave 17 year old..and I really commend you for doing what you are doing....
I am an Entertainer...and I go and sing for the Nursing Homes and Retirement Villages here in Sydney. I do this full time...and I am just gettng over my fight with Cancer. I had my left lung removed ( Sept 10) and had to stop singing due to this....I have since started back doing a few homes here and there...One of the homes..both Residents and Staff gave up their Kris Kringles and put the money into an envelope and gave it to me to help me thru the tough time of xmas....
I believe that is Karma......
and "JustSmile"... please keep doing what you are doing.. :)
it will come back 10 fold...xo

  • 17th Feb 2011 09:17am are a very Brave 17 year old..and I really commend you for doing what you are doing....
I am an Entertainer...and I go and sing for the Nursing Homes and Retirement Villages here in...


Thank you but I am not the brave are, making it through cancer and helping others the way you do!

Its so cool that thay did that, and it sure is Karma!

I will never stop...its my thing...its what I do, Helping people is my addiction.

I wish you all the best for 2011

  • 16th Feb 2011 10:28am

Great discussion and I totally agree. Everyone has the means to do something, even if you have no spare money. We still have a whole lot more than 3/4 of the world's people. At Christmas we all give 'useful gifts' to each other so families in 3rd world countries can benefit from a goat, a toilet, water well, schooling, health checks etc etc etc. There are many groups who have this scheme now.
I also pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child through Samaritans Purse. I buy items all through the year and especially clothing in the after Christmas sales. Knitting blankets for Romania is another hobby, each evening while watching TV I can get through a square or two. We both volunteer with Foundations Worldwide, a Christian group focussing on Romania. Every little bit helps, and it gives one a global vision instead of inward looking self centred pointless 'me first' lifestyle.

  • 27th Jan 2014 06:17pm
Hello Chickclaire, thanks for your encouragement. Yes I'm still knitting blankets and am about to sew up number 12. Also have another 50 shoeboxes under way for this year, really get a lot of...

Good Luck with the dialysis and hope you successfully find a transplant donor. Due to people like you I am encouraged to love and worship God - whist still carrying our charitable deeds.

  • 26th Jan 2014 02:28pm
Great to hear someone inject a little Christianity into the discussion. I totally appreciate the effort you have made with Foundations Worldwide..and keep knitting those blankets!

Hello Chickclaire, thanks for your encouragement. Yes I'm still knitting blankets and am about to sew up number 12. Also have another 50 shoeboxes under way for this year, really get a lot of pleasure from this. Now I am on dialysis for kidney failure and hoping for a transplant some time in hope!! We are still packing for Romania and have container number 7 3/4 full ready to send late March. At present collecting wheelchairs and wheely walkers for a man in Romania who deals with disabled children...and there are a lot of them. God has really blessed and provided for this ministry, so thank you for your comments. Bless you.

  • 26th Jan 2014 12:23pm
Great discussion and I totally agree. Everyone has the means to do something, even if you have no spare money. We still have a whole lot more than 3/4 of the world's people. At Christmas we all...

Great to hear someone inject a little Christianity into the discussion. I totally appreciate the effort you have made with Foundations Worldwide..and keep knitting those blankets!

  • 16th Feb 2011 05:49am

I believe that if a person gives from his wallet always then he is not giving from his heart...if one gives money they wont get to see/feel that they have helped. I hate to see the people who just dont understand the gravity of helping others as much as you can, be it giving time or meterial items...I really wish more parents would teach their children the gift of giving.

Thank you all for popping into this thread and shearing your thoughts and opinions I really enjoy seeing what others have to say and knowing that there are others here that feel the same as me.

  • 15th Feb 2011 09:32pm

Thanks for this and am thrilled to see younger people even thinking about charity. Often we do not discuss this with them. In the past most charity and giving was done through churches and this is not the way so much now. My own children have been heavily involved in some amazing causes and also fundraising. Each experience has been positive in a way that handing over money could never be. My son wanted to have his hair shaved but was told he was not old enough.... Since I have had cancer but not had chemo we have talked about it and think he understands more than many children would. Helping, volunteering gives to the charity but grows those that do it too.

  • 10th Feb 2011 12:06pm

i agree ,if a rich person gives money it does not mean a lot to him but if he gives time that could be invaluable.the causes i support mean a lot to me ,i have fostered 15 babies and toddlers and my health has put a stop to that but i got so much out of it that i can never put a value on it.just trying to make a bubs life better gave so much to me and them.

  • 10th Feb 2011 08:14am

Man are you very grown up for your age!
And you are one of the rare people that truly get it. Charity is from the heart, not always the hand.
Sure there are needs for money to help others, but sometimes the best thing you can do for another person is to just spend time listening to them, taking them out, buying a gift they weren't expecting, taking their kids out for a treat (etc)
People often complain that they don't have the money to support X Y and Z charities, but they have the hearts needed to do a little on the practical side. And most times its the practical stuff that means the most. Something as simple as just a treat or dropping a letter/card in the mail can mean the world to someone. My 6 year old niece is great at doing this kind of thing, thankfully following in my footsteps. I can't afford to donate money to all those I would love to, so I do things like knitting blankets for the Neo Natal Unint or the SPCA, and we both send cards to those that we know are feeling down (etc)

Thank you for being such a stand up person! We need more young uns like you!

  • 24th Sep 2013 01:28pm
Man are you very grown up for your age!
And you are one of the rare people that truly get it. Charity is from the heart, not always the hand.
Sure there are needs for money to help others,...

I too am a bit financially challanged as I get older but the wonderful thing about being retired and on an aged pension is that I have lots of time to volunteer . There is so much to do. An hour or two a week at the local hospice is inspiring.The auxilliary of the local hospital is always grateful for helpers. Helping out in the op shop is fun and you can pich up your own bargains. Vouluteering to teach English Conversation classes is very rewarding and you make wonderful friends. Mending and laundering op shop donations can be done at home .
I am busier than I have ever been and contribution of time can generate money as well as comfort and quality of life. It is not just money that is required

  • 10th Feb 2011 09:38am
Man are you very grown up for your age!
And you are one of the rare people that truly get it. Charity is from the heart, not always the hand.
Sure there are needs for money to help others,...

Hi thanks!

EXACTLY! I am so happy you feel the same and that at least one other person here gets it!

Yes doing things like sending cards or flowers to someone who is unwell, knitting blankets or clothing for charity, lending and ear, or spending time helping someone often leaves more of an impact that handing someone money. I really wish that more people could understand this...

It is so cool that you do that!

I just made the short list for a job interveiw with a company that helps fundraise for five charities im unsure which ones yet but I really hope I get the job as this is something I am really good at and really passionate about.
aprat from that last year I was organizing a fundraiser for a young mum who was fighting breast cancer, the strand she had was uncurable so she was told that if she wanted to live she would have to be on a medication called Tykerb for the rest of her life, Tykerb is not government funded so costs thousands of dollars a month. It was really easy to get John Key on board, he was really cool to help and Trelise Cooper but before we could hold the fundraiser the women we were doing it for passed away :(

I wish more people could think out side the box and see the other ways to help people.

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