Beauty, Fashion & Style

Black Friday Sales in Australia

Beauty, Fashion & Style

Posted by: TaylorCS

2nd Dec 2020 01:05pm

Data from Australia Post has confirmed trends felt by many retailers, with Cyber Week events growing 31.6 per cent year over year and merged with the traditional holiday peak period, bringing Christmas purchases forward. Additionally, the sales events increasingly dictate when consumers will spend, with Cyber Week spending 77 per cent higher than the first week of November.

However, The Australian Financial Review has reported an increasing number of Australian brands won’t be participating in Black Friday this year, citing ethical concerns including sustainability and overconsumption. Australia fashion brand Pyra closed its online store for the event and encouraged its customers to get outdoors instead saying, "Hyper-consumerism poses one of the biggest threats to the planet, and flash sales can often lead to rushed purchasing decisions, driven by the fear of a sell-out”.

As the week long sale event comes to an end, did you participate in this years Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales? Did you buy something you had been searching for or was it an impulse buy? Do you have any ethical concerns with these type of sales?

Comments 72

  • 8th Jan 2021 11:18pm

I didn’t participate in Black Friday sales as there didn’t appear to be any exceptional discounts in the stores I was interested in. Although both my teenage Sons bought clothes on sale and were pleased with the prices they paid.

  • 23rd Dec 2020 12:47am

I purchased a lawn mower off catch as it was on special because of black Friday sales and it was $100 cheaper than the week before

  • 22nd Dec 2020 07:30pm

I purchased an item during the Black Friday sales as it was something that I was needing anyway. It is traditionally an American event but it’s gaining so much popularity in Australia but I think that some people go a little overboard. A positive side of these online sales is that we are able to shop for Christmas presents in a socially distant and safe way.

  • 22nd Dec 2020 01:13pm

I really would have liked to attend but due to my health I am stuck at home. Philosophically, I abhor these Sales, but you CAN get amazing bargains! Is it worth the, not for me anymore!!

Kay Dee
  • 21st Dec 2020 10:10pm

Over the years Aust seems to have inherited these types of flash sales. Like Halloween, it grows each year and there's the hype associated with them. In my opinion, wouldn't it be better for retailers to offer everyday low-ish prices all year round so there would be less panic buying and crowds in-store, and for online orders would relieve the delivery companies/couriers from this manic flurry.

  • 21st Dec 2020 06:15pm

I dont really participate in the Black Friday sales unless there is something that I have already been lookin at and it comes up on sale

  • 21st Dec 2020 05:59pm

I enjoyed the black Friday sales and explored a some opportunities to make a few last minute purchases and all were at very reduced prices. i was able to pay via paypal which is safe and have had all deliveries to my home already. A very satisfied customer for all of the purchases made.

  • 20th Dec 2020 08:42pm

I like sales as I guess everyone does but only when there is something I need or I am looking for. I did not buy anything in the recent sales. It is a worry that people may buy things that they didn't actually need or want. Also a worry that people may spend more money than they can afford. Both are a big concern. If someone buys what they can not afford then they go into debt and maybe the item actually costs them a lot more in the end. Yes it is also a concern that things might be bought that people don't need at the time and it is instead wasted. Actually think I would prefer that stores have their sales like they always do. Different items different weeks and months. You can search different stores to see if it is on sale or if it is something you don't need straight away and can wait you might find it on sale later. Yes sales are great. Saving money is great. Buying things that are wasted or not needed or over spending is no good for anyone. Rushed purchases especially on big or expensive items are not the best unless you have already done your research and know what you want, but then I guess that is not a rushed purchase even if you see and buy. Covid has sent more people on line and I don't think that is a bad thing as you can search items and prices etc. However it may have caused some over spending or unnecessary purchases. There needs to be a balance.

  • 20th Dec 2020 08:31pm

I really would have liked to shop at the Black Friday sales but I had a lot of bills to pay all at once ... I wanted those paid as a priority and refused to get into debt, therefore this years Black Friday sales became non-existent.

  • 20th Dec 2020 07:50pm

I did not participate in Black Friday or Cyber Monday as these events encourage over consumption which is detrimental to physical and mental health and causes environmental issues such as pollution from wastes and emissions of greenhouses gasses. These events should be banned and overconsumption outlawed by all governances!

  • 20th Dec 2020 11:53am

I'm afraid I can't be bothered participating in this "Black Friday" madness. Seems a whole pile of retailers are out to get your money with substandard goods which take forever to arrive, if ever, and then you have some unscrupulous retailers, like Kogan, being fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for putting their prices up then reducing them to make you think you've scored a bargain. The old saying rings true "there's no such thing as a free lunch". People seem to get sucked into spending more than they can afford at a time when we're all struggling to keep our heads above water.

  • 19th Dec 2020 05:01pm

NOPE, I bought what I needed, and dont get hypnotised into fake sales etc.
I was probably in the garden, socialising with friends/family in park.
STUFF is what get many people into debt so they end up not being able to buy what they really need.
SAD, merry christmas people

  • 18th Dec 2020 07:33pm

I compared the prices before and during the sales and besides a glut of emails starting weeks beforehand, prices of almost anything I was interested in were either no different or more than the pre-Black Friday sales, so, much as I wanted to participate I could not find anything I wanted to buy.

  • 18th Dec 2020 07:28pm

I usually view these types of flash sales a 'come-in-suckers' spin marketing. I can't avoid seeing some of the items as they heavily advertise the merchandise, but it doesn't tempt me to buy items that are mostly cheap foreign goods anyway. This year has really proved to me the value of shopping carefully, and with worse to come, it is a good idea to choose more sustainably and ethically, so good on those Aussie businesses for calling out these marketing frenzys for what they are, just another way to part you and your hard earned money for 'stuff' you probably don't really need.

  • 18th Dec 2020 07:22pm

I haven’t been too fussed searching the web for Black Friday sales. I did buy one item for a christmas present but my daughter was the one who found it and told me where to buy it. I could not really be bothered at all

  • 18th Dec 2020 06:53pm

I did not participate in the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. there wasn't anything that I needed to buy.

  • 18th Dec 2020 05:00pm

I didn't participate in the Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales. I had completed most of my Christmas shopping when they came around and didn't find any deals that met my needs. I did notice my email inbox was at least 3x more congested during these sales with offers. I was quite proud of myself for avoiding temptation and found I saved money.

  • 18th Dec 2020 04:34pm

I bought a couple of things from AmazonAU and the deal was good. Otherwise (I was not to enthusiastic this year.

  • 18th Dec 2020 04:00pm

I didn't buy anything in the Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales. I don't think there is anything wrong with these sales as long as it doesn't involve large crowds.I'm concentrating on paying off credit cards and prefer After Pay.

  • 18th Dec 2020 03:26pm

I don't bother much with special sales days, if I want something through the year, I check out prices online and in store to get a good deal.

  • 18th Dec 2020 03:05pm

And stupid me here I thought that Black Friday was always the 13th of a month and not just a day. We do not attend because there are just to many people in the shops and we do not shop on line because how can I tell if say the top or Blouse is right me for I would rather try before buying. I know silly me!!

  • 18th Dec 2020 02:59pm

No I had a quick look and decided against it. I have always shopped local whenever possible otherwise there would be no local. Also tried to buy less from China this year and buy more Australian made. Merry xmas everyone.

  • 18th Dec 2020 02:45pm

I do believe I participated in a Black Friday sale, but not a Cyber Monday sale- however by no means was I deliberately trying to acknowledge or encourage the fact the discounts related to these 'events'. Leading up to the events, retailers were flooding me with emails promoting their Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, all the pretty advertisments, stating there is 30% off this and that starting on Friday morning 12AM- Which I rolled my eyes at with disgust.
Then I found myself in need of an item, and with the opportunity to get 30% off, found myself unknowingly and against my morals, buying from a store I regularly purchase from, my item at a discount of 30%. It (the event)just happened to be the trigger for the impulse purchase of something I needed. I could have waited to buy this item for a while longer, but knew that a disocounted price was unlikely.
With these types of sales, really they are just like any other sales event (e.g. boxing day sales). Retailers are finding increasingly that consumers don't want to appear to be paying as much or full price for items, so they down the quality (think fast fashion that lasts 3 washes, bought at 30% of total cost- compared to full priced items that last several years)- so we need to purchase more frequently, or alternatively, offer sales periods. As we are now more savvy consumers, and Covid has impacted out desire to fork out our cash- these sales are happening more often, so that retailers can keep their liquidity through moving stock, to make up for the periods when they have less sales, and sell less items at full price.
Consumerism, global events- they are all inevitable. As consumers, the idea of overconsumption is seen as negative, but consumers are the problem for not having resilience, and re using, upcycling, repairing etc. But if we all did that, there would be less competition, and less jobs/workers needed to fulfil our needs- so we would have less money to spend anyway.
It's a two sided coin- and I don't see these sales as unethical from companies- but I do think that consumer's behaviour overall is unethical.

  • 18th Dec 2020 01:46pm

I did buy in the Black Friday sales. Sadly I didn’t get any of the expensive items I wanted, ice cream machine with compressor, sewing machine being a singer or brother, I got the brother, a new water pump, lavazza coffee pods and some smaller items in the sales, which I wasn’t pleased about. Apart from the ice cream machine all the other items were needed or replacements for broken/past repair items. I purposely waited for the Black Friday sales hoping for a good discount, it turns out I needed have waited. Maybe, possibly, I’ll think about doing the same next year, with different items .

  • 18th Dec 2020 01:40pm

I did not participate in Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales at all. Had not heard about Cyber Monday anyway. I prefer to see, touch, feel, try on if applicable, items that I purchase. Good on Pyra for closing online sales for those events. I would rather see stores come back into our local communities, this would a great benefit our local communities especially our older citizens.....note I did not write elderly.... and provide jobs for our younger people. Black Friday/Cyber Monday is just another American-ism creeping into our Australian-ism promoted by commercial-ism

  • 18th Dec 2020 01:39pm

I'm a bit slow, by the time I realise the day is on, I can't decide what to do or buy!

  • 18th Dec 2020 01:19pm

As a former volunteer with St. John Ambulance, I dislike the use of Black Friday as a name, as I have in the past been involved with the CFA at bushfires. The terminology is usually used to explain a severe catastrophic bushfire, not a shopping event. If this upsets some people, I apologize. I do understand that people look forward to a special shopping event, and I accept that,and say they have every right, but I don't like the term Black Friday as a special shopping event title.

  • 18th Dec 2020 01:05pm

During COVID I do ethical concerns as to these sales. The theory is that on a large scale as people have been restricted to staying at home that they are saving money and have more to spend on these sales. In part a certain percentage this may apply to but what about the large percentage that are out of work or who have not qualified for assistance. They do not have the spare money to spend and are being lured by the constant bombardment of these sales and putting themselves further into debt. I understand a majority of these companies too are struggling to keep afloat and I don't have a solution but I just feel that those who can't afford to are the ones most likely to be lured into further debt for a great deal.

  • 18th Dec 2020 12:40pm

I will not participate due to principle.
Black Friday is a USA tradition being the day between thanksgiving and a weekend. We don’t recognize thanksgiving (a day to stock up before winter)

  • 18th Dec 2020 12:37pm

I Love Love Love Black Friday Sales...Why ?...Well this is the Time I Stock Up and Work Clothes/Casual Clothing and Whilst I can Claim some of these Items on My Tax it is a Wonderful Feeling to Know I am Saving some of My Hard-Earned Money as well as Preparing Myself for the Next Lot of Shifts and I will be Well Prepared to "Go Forth and Earn Money ".......
Do I have Issues with These Sales.........Hell No !!!!
I Have Issues with Paying Full Price for Work Clothes !
Not Wanting to Sound "Hackneyed" but This Year Has been Crap For All and Sundry......It is Nice to Know That I have a Few More Pennies Left in My Pockets after Buying at these Sales !
Merry Christmas !

  • 18th Dec 2020 12:34pm

I participated in Black Friday sales and found a few good bargains. I don't feel sorry or worried about using this platform to get a good deal as, yes everyone has done it hard to get through COVID 19, but the stores are still making a profit during these events otherwise why go on them. This is a perfect way to get your brand known to more people and increase your sales. Like it or not the internet is the death knell for those businesses that don't shed staff standing idle in shops and embrace the era of online shopping.
I like these once off sales as I can quickly check proices in other stores before committing to spending my hard earned dolars.

  • 18th Dec 2020 12:29pm

I love Black Friday sales they offer great value and are a great way to save money on xmas presents

  • 17th Dec 2020 09:32pm

I love a good sale but I think we need to change the name. I say this out of respect for Indigenous people but also because we don't have the Thanksgiving weekend here in Australia that these sales follow in the States. We could call it the Almost Holidays sale or Beat the Rush sale. There were some great deals and I managed to get a lot of stuff online for Christmas presents which was handy with a broken ankle and the need to avoid shops as much as possible.

. V
  • 17th Dec 2020 08:08pm

Guilty as charged I actually did purchase from two companies online. From David Jones I puchased a Dyson Air purifyer/cooler, and I only purchased it because it was on sale and I actually needed one, it was a good price and if I purchased it via QFF site I got 4 points for every $1 spent. Also bought some T2 teas that I had run out of and a pack for my mum and dad and a new tea I had not tried before.

They are good and they are bad, good because you can get a bargain on something you need but bad as it just encourages people to spend on stuff they might not really need and push them further into credit card debt or with this new buy now pay later debt. I have heard people have rocked up thousands in debt using buy now pay later payment services and they are a real trap if you don't meet the payment requirements on time. These sales are especially a trap when people are stuck home due to COVID, online all day and you see continuous emails for sales in your inbox all day, very tempting to click on and buy

Jayne Collins
  • 17th Dec 2020 07:04pm

I never buy at these sales. I do have ethical concerns with them - it's just so much consumerism, urging people to buy things they really don't need. If you genuinely need something, because an appliance has blown up, or you've been saving for a particular item and waiting for it to come on special, that's a more acceptable reason to purchase. But so many people go looking at things they don't need, and they get caught up in the excitement of buying. And that's what Covid-19 taught me - buying stuff online for the fun of it is trivial and utterly pointless. It has no purpose, and unless you're buying Australian-made, it also has little long-term benefit.

  • 17th Dec 2020 06:57pm

I did participate in the flash sales this year. I knew of a few specific items that I was wanting to purchase and deliberately waited for the flash sales in the hope that the items would be discounted. This was the case for some items (which I purchased), but not for others (I will wait to see if they are discounted in the future). I did purchase other items on impulse, mainly items which I have put aside for gifts for throughout the year. One of the biggest ethical problems comes from trying to avoid shipping costs and buying extra items in order to reach the free shipping threshold - this often results in purchasing extra items..... however, if shipping was free for any amount, then perhaps we would be more likely to buy less items more often, therefore creating more packing/shipping/transport etc and buying items even more on impulse..... I would much prefer that sales didn't exist at all and that everything was priced lower all the time. Kmart is proof that this system does work.

  • 17th Dec 2020 06:14pm

Unfortunately I didn't buy anything on BF

  • 17th Dec 2020 06:02pm

Just another gemic to make people spend money in a lot.of cases they put prices up before they take discount off and you can get same.price if u haggle and ask durring the year.

  • 17th Dec 2020 05:07pm

I didn't need to participate in Black Friday Or Cyber Monday sales as the sales started before the actual nominated days, so I did my shopping then at my leisure.

  • 17th Dec 2020 04:53pm

This is an abomination which is the result of greed for big companies and consumers! We have lost the human touch and need to go back to square one where humans interacted instead of iving their live infront of a screen and getting fat and lazy! Technology will be the end of us!

  • 17th Dec 2020 04:19pm

Black Friday is just a trap to lure customer to buy the products. Most of the products were expensive or didn't existed. It is a waste of time. None of the business person will throw the item below cost, they are there to make money.

  • 17th Dec 2020 04:15pm

black friday sales are from the USA so they are no different to any other sales so I donrt bother with them . They have lasted too long and should be just the 1 day and not block the whole computer with rubbisy items

  • 17th Dec 2020 04:15pm

I didn't do any shopping at the black Friday sales

  • 17th Dec 2020 03:55pm

I never participate in this

  • 17th Dec 2020 03:47pm

I dont normally do sales as I find there is never anything that I want on sale Most sale items seem to be the most expensive brand but the discount they give is not a great deal

  • 17th Dec 2020 03:37pm

I don’t usually buy during the Black Friday or cyber Monday sales, but I was already looking to make a specific purchase which just happened to coincide with these sales, so this year I did make purchase. I wonder however how much I really saved as online sellers seem to always have discounted prices throughout the year. I do believe that many on online sellers make claims of huge discounts that are not normally as good as they sound. If you shop around you can usually find what you are looking for at a discounted price somewhere most times of the year. Physical stores do not seem to participate as much or offer as big a discount, so I do believe online sales for these particular events are a bit unethical. They make the buyer believe they are getting fantastic discounts and have the ability to show many other items on the same page as the items you are considering. I think some people to buy much more than they would normally and especially items that they hadn’t considered and don’t really need. In the future these sales will probably continue to grow, there will be less and less real discounts and consumers will be unwittingly buying items they don’t need for prices they could get them for anyway.

  • 17th Dec 2020 03:27pm

I am very careful about any sales of any kind. I usually tend to do my research on the net of big ticket things. But also on little things I keep my tabs n a limiting amount of how much I want to spend.

  • 17th Dec 2020 03:26pm

I am very careful about any sales of any kind. I usually tend to do my research on the net of big ticket things. But also on little things I keep my tabs n a limiting amount of how much I want to spend.

  • 17th Dec 2020 03:24pm

Oh gosh it was great I got an 200$ off Dell laptop. But some retail staff were on their toes. They looked tired.

  • 17th Dec 2020 03:14pm


When it comes to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, I definitely save to spend during those days. Although I am familiar with overconsumption and sustainability issues I find that discounts are too good to pass up. The purchases I make however are not impulse decisions as I save and am confident that hefty discounts will apply in the future (during Black friday and cyber monday). As a result, I reduce my spending before these events, save, and purchase household items that I believe I will use for some time into the future. For example, my TV was becoming outdated and I knew Kogan would discount their TV's heavily, so I saved and waited, and was please to find that the TV I was looking to buy (Kogan 40'' Smart full HD TV) was approx 50% discounted during black friday! I purchased the TV and was happy with my savings. Again, I am aware of the sustainability issues and I balance this by purchasing items that I know I will use for a long time, thus reducing the need to repurchase an item in the future, and reducing my purchases over the long-term. The biggest sustainability concerns I have regarding these sales days is the packaging that is used for all the products purchased. I believe I would feel more confident in spending if I knew that packaging was either sustainable/ biodegradable/ etc.

Hope that helps!

  • 17th Dec 2020 03:11pm

No. No shopping for me. We decided to travel within the state so I wasn’t even tempted to shop.

  • 17th Dec 2020 02:39pm

I really looked, but couldn't find anything I needed. I'm into only buying what I need now, not just want. And not just because it's heavily discounted!!

  • 17th Dec 2020 02:39pm

We bought something last year which was a very good price, just find out it s a scam took money out of Bank account from different places around the world over a few day will never do it again.

  • 17th Dec 2020 02:39pm

Hmm, just another sale. If you don't need anything, why buy it; regardless of perceived "savings".
Retailers ALWAYS make a profit (or they go out of business)

Liza May
  • 17th Dec 2020 02:28pm

Where did that year go and what a year to remember.
Bad for business and the public
But one or two bright moments.
Firstly,..........the apparent success of new covi19 vaccines
Secondly......Australia leading the world..almost Covid19 free..
Thirdly...... Peter and I welcoming two new great Grandchildren into our family

  • 17th Dec 2020 02:21pm

No I did not nor have I never participated in the Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales. It is all American hype and we don't need another reason to shop, unless there is something you are looking for for Christmas and you find it cheaper than you have seen. We need to support local suppliers and manufacturers.

  • 17th Dec 2020 02:18pm

I have become addicted to online shopping ever since I first received my desktop computer, I have been allured and enticed by the black friday/cyber monday type sales and couldn't help myself to purchase products online taking advantage of the offers without thought to 'ethical concern'...especially where payment was via paypal and free delivery was offered.

  • 17th Dec 2020 02:04pm

I think these events are just another way of retailers getting us to spend money we probably don't need to spend. I think you really need to be careful with these sales. If there is something you want or need then make sure you know what price it was selling for before the sale and, if it comes up for less than that during the promotion, then go for it. I feel that we are pressured to buy things we don't really need during these events. We should be mindful that there is a cost to the environment of consumerism and that we should only buy what we really need.

  • 17th Dec 2020 02:02pm

My shopping habits have changed a lot this year, I do more shopping online than before. I go out to the bigger shops earlier than before , as it is a lot less crowded. I did not go out shopping specially for the black Friday sales, but lucky me, I did pick up a few Christmas bargains. Money is a bit tight like a lot of people so that made me happy. But the one thing I really wanted I could not buy, an end to this virus and a peaceful Christmas for the world. Corny I know but there you are.

  • 17th Dec 2020 01:58pm

I bought a few small items that were on sale, I had waited for them specifically to be on sale but also purchased a few cheap items, just because they were cheap.

Any type of sale is good for consumers in the respect of being able to buy items that you want or need for a lower price, but at the same time it definitely encourages impulse buying, that is unavoidable.

  • 17th Dec 2020 01:44pm

I have never tried this. I don't however like crowds.

  • 17th Dec 2020 12:59pm

The idea is very convenient, and useful especially with COVID , but the postage is a night mare . Australia post seem over swamped and have hired casual drivers which have absolutely no idea . So every thing has a tendency to fall apart.

  • 17th Dec 2020 12:52pm

This was a good period to complete Christmas shopping for the family, the items were on sale from different suppliers and I took the advantage of the sales.

  • 17th Dec 2020 12:39pm

I'm really careful now about finding our where things are made. I am most concerned that nearly everything is made in China so it has limited my purchases on line significantly. I tried getting a new toaster - every one was made in China!! I'm trying really hard to buy Australian where possible as our country needs the work for our own and also if I have to pay more for a product, so be it !!

  • 17th Dec 2020 12:39pm

I'm really careful now about finding our where things are made. I am most concerned that nearly everything is made in China so it has limited my purchases on line significantly. I tried getting a new toaster - every one was made in China!! I'm trying really hard to buy Australian where possible as our country needs the work for our own and also if I have to pay more for a product, so be it !!

  • 17th Dec 2020 03:51pm
I'm really careful now about finding our where things are made. I am most concerned that nearly everything is made in China so it has limited my purchases on line significantly. I tried getting a...

Yes I agree, 70% is Chinese, food clothes etc etc

  • 17th Dec 2020 12:31pm

The mad rush on Black Friday is insane and this year was in particular. People need to get their deal on for a beautiful Christmas for their friends and family isolated across the world. Discounts and discounted products affect this mad rush and I was part of it too. We have been through a tough year. I personally stopped buying things altogether as I was more concerned about my job, my health and the health of my family. Living in Australia makes us a happier nation because we are not as affected by Covid as most people in other countries. The world is crazy now, that affects our mood and our shopping desire. Events like Black Friday and Boxing Day sales make us a bit happier - we can save our precious money and time shopping mostly online. I had no ethical concerns at all participating in these events, I thought the sales were appropriate and just in time to spoil myself. It was my birthday in November and I received lots of vouchers as well from different brands and that reduced my costs even further. I was very happy and I bought everything I planned in advance knowing these events are coming. These sales should continue to make people happy, because Covid spoiled it all unfortunately.

Jan the man
  • 17th Dec 2020 12:20pm

Don't usually shop online but I did this time got myself a ticket to see Pippin instead of being 135 got the ticket for 75 had such a wonderful evening. Would do again.

  • 16th Dec 2020 08:19pm

This is the first year I have participated in Black Friday sales. Our tv blew up 2 days before they started so we decided to wait until the Friday. I was surprised how much of a discount we got off the tv . Also bought an outdoor setting and saved $300 so I am a convert to them.

  • 2nd Dec 2020 03:24pm

I usually search the web for Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales but this year I found that the things I wanted to buy weren't on sale. I do not really see these sorts of flash sales as being of ethical concern, especially when it has already been a tough year for most financially and any sort of relief (especially leading into Christmas) helps a lot.
I found it interesting that more Australian brands won't participate in these sales this year...I think it is noble of them to forego sales to send a message, however as I said earlier I don't see these flash sales as being too much of an ethical concern.

  • 17th Dec 2020 04:21pm
I usually search the web for Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales but this year I found that the things I wanted to buy weren't on sale. I do not really see these sorts of flash sales as being of...

Black Friday was just a trap to get customer to buy the product. There was nothing special about it. Most of the products were ether expensive or didn't existed. How can a business person throw their product below cost.

  • 3rd Dec 2020 12:26pm
I usually search the web for Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales but this year I found that the things I wanted to buy weren't on sale. I do not really see these sorts of flash sales as being of...

I did not participate this year either but definitely agree that any consumer activity will have a positive effect on our economy as well as offering consumers the chance to get the presents they need for Christmas at a lower price after this tough year!

In the same breath, the brands who have opted out of the sales have made me think deeper about online shopping events in general and I'll definitely try to be more thoughtful about my spending in the future.

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