Government & Politics

What's your view on cigarette plain packaging?

Government & Politics

Posted by: looklively

3rd Oct 2013 12:07pm

It's been nearly a year now since plain packaging for cigarettes was introduced. What's your view? Is it working? Is it stopping young people from taking up smoking? Are people giving up the habit because of the plain packaging? Do you think this has been a worthwhile change or just an example of Government making decisions for us?

Comments 317

pete 9
  • 13th Oct 2020 11:40am

Well, if you want to help smokers give up, get a smoker to invent a cure for closing the receptors in the brain. I say this as a long term smoker that has tried many times to quit! Appalling the methods implored to get rid of smoking. Having a smoke free country will stop tourists that smoke. The whole world can't be controlled from their addictions. It's just about making money.

  • 16th Jul 2017 02:50am

It made no difference although slightly confused me.. Happily, I now no longer smoke cigarettes due to health reasons.

  • 5th Jul 2017 10:36pm

Pretty hard to tell how effective it is. Obviously, it's better than trying to attract people with big shiny logos and company advertisements.

  • 1st Jul 2017 08:17am

Ridiculous waste of money. The photographs they use aren't even real, as in they had 'such and such' because of smoking. It certainly doesn't put people off smoking s its an addiction, and it will take more than a so called 'shock tactic' to stop and addict. As a former smoker, it didnt put me off once buying a packet. I quit solely for my partner who doesn't smoke and it only seemed fair to the householf budget as we are saving for an long overdue o/s trip.

  • 9th Jun 2017 11:06pm

No its not working. People are not giving up because of the packaging. It is a stupid decision and just a way of the government showing that they are trying to do something about it while actually not doing anything substantial.

  • 9th Jun 2017 11:05pm

No its not working. People are not giving up because of the packaging. It is a stupid decision and just a way of the government showing that they are trying to do something about it while actually not doing anything substantial.

  • 2nd Jun 2017 03:43am

it makes no sense that plain packaging can somehow stop people smoking. Instead it does annoy to people who smoke.

  • 2nd Jun 2017 03:43am

it makes no sense that plain packaging can somehow stop people smoking. Instead it does annoy to people who smoke.

  • 30th May 2017 06:56pm

I don't think is working much...but then is just my opinion.

  • 19th May 2017 04:58pm

I've recently quit smoking after struggling to for 10 years. I used to smoke quirky smokes like black devils, pall mall (they had a cool butt design), cool blast (with the menthol pop), vogue (so skinny, therefore elegant). I was absolutely a slave to appearances/packaging and labels. Since plain packaging came through i found myself smoking choice, jps ect. Crappy smokes that shred your throat but are the cheapest (still almost $20 for a 20 pack!!). The point here is that once the glamour/cool/accessory factor was removed it became a matter of supporting a habit on a budget. As soon as it became far too expensive it was much easier (but by no means easy) to quit. It's more that i had less obstacles to overcome because it all came down to a statement of "i'm spending how much to die?".

  • 10th Apr 2017 03:39pm

I think this packaging has created a positive change in smoking. People's opinions on smoking have changed dramatically as they are being displayed with the true detrimental impacts of smoking.

  • 7th Apr 2017 04:09pm

I do not think that plain packaging has made a difference, I think it is the huge cost of cigarettes that has made more of a difference with the older people, BUT not so with the younger set, they are still buying the cigarettes, and not counting the cost to their health, as they think they are invincible.

  • 5th Apr 2017 04:52pm

Plain packets did nothing to stop me smoking or make me think twice about doing it. If the government wanted to help people stop smoking they would give smoker's free stop smoking stuff. Not charge them to stop.
This governments makes too much money from smoke taxes to really worry about smokers health.

  • 31st Mar 2017 02:17pm

Fantastic idea

  • 30th Mar 2017 02:11pm

it is probably helping

  • 25th Mar 2017 09:07pm

People have got use to plain packaging, don't take notice of the pictures now. Just causes confusion when there are three smokers in the house smoking different brands. Stopped people smoking? I don't think so.

  • 24th Mar 2017 07:46am

Plain cigarette packaging's success in dissuading young people from taking up smoking is debatable, as there is no concrete evidence from research or studies undertaken in this specific area. The majority of young people who take up smoking are influenced from their peers and even family members - packaging may have an insignificant effect here as they aren't concerned about it. It may or may not have been a worthwhile change, but the government should give the public an opinion as to the deciding of cigarette packaging.

  • 11th Mar 2017 09:36pm

Smoking cigarettes is addictive, and so changing the packaging will not work for those already addicted. I think it may have an impact on stopping those who are not addicted though.

  • 9th Mar 2017 01:21pm

The plain packaging concept must have been the " brainchild " of some very bored highly paid flat earth believing bureaucrats. There is no doubt that smokers now are cutting down on the number of cigarettes they smoke, but not because of some well paid tree hugging fools' idea that the " confronting " images on all cigarette packets will deter us from smoking. Yes, the price of cigarettes - now over $1 each ( ouch !!! ) - can be a beneficial trigger to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day. However, the main factor now is the declining quality of the tobacco, and lack of any real flavour of all our cigarettes. Which is why I am in the process of quitting smoking. In discussions with other like minded smokers, I jokingly say that the " contents " and flavour of our overseas manufactured cigarettes taste like tobacco flavoured dried camel dung with some added toxic chemicals. Definitely not the pure quality of the once Australian manufactured cigarettes.
Unfortunately, the Federal Government's own Health Department doesn't regulate the rapidly declining quality of tobacco, AND the now terrible filters used, in any of our cigarettes as should be mandatory, if they are, even remotely concerned about our health.
So, now I'm on the quit wagon.

  • 8th Mar 2017 01:06am

I think it does nothing for current smokers but may send a message to those considering taking up the habbit and the future ahead of them

  • 7th Mar 2017 08:49pm

Anything that reduces the possibility of passive tobacco smoke from some selfish oaf causing me lung cancer - has got to be a good thing

  • 6th Mar 2017 05:52pm

Best thing done to reduce smoking .The incidence of lung cancer is reducing saving the country millions

  • 24th Feb 2017 04:20am

What's plain about the packages? they are very colourful with awful pictures on them. They don't tell you the strength of them any more.

  • 19th Feb 2017 03:18pm

I'm not a smoker, and never have been, but it seems to me that the less enticing a packet of cigarettes can be made, the better.

  • 2nd Feb 2017 12:15pm

Does not stop smoking

  • 28th Jan 2017 10:59am

I'm not sure if it has affected anyone else, but it sure hasn't affected me. If my father was able to smoke all his life- and he lived to be 99 years 11 months and 1 week old that's good enough for me. Having said that, I sometimes go a week or more without smoking. Why don't I just give it up--because I really enjoy a cigarette.

  • 18th Dec 2016 04:32am

Its a stupid government idea pretending they care when thry just make money out of poor smokers with high taxes!
If people wanna smoke its their choice.
I hate how we pay the Government to screw us over !
They make me more sick than gigarettes!

  • 7th Dec 2016 11:31am

just an example of government decisions. real smokers all ready know about the risks. for me it does nothing on how i look at smoking

  • 30th Nov 2016 11:38pm

As an Non Smoker with a Smoker Disease I don't care about plain packaging.

  • 30th Nov 2016 10:46pm

This was waste of time and money, people did not stop smoking because of the package colour. The outrageous thing is the prices they put on cigarettes. The Government should do that with the alcohol and drugs which causes many much more problems in the society and costs much more than people smoking. To have police an hand when the drunkens are fighting or causing damages to what ever is in their path. Then the money they spend for these drunkens in the hospital not to mention at what peril the paramedics and doctors are under.
And the Government did put the prices up just for revenue not because its concerned about us and the justify the high prices. Better look at more important problems in our society.

  • 29th Nov 2016 03:00pm

I do not think changing packet labels are working , kids die of drugs but it does not stop a lot from taking them still and knowing the dangers there are in this cigarettes are the same they kill too..

  • 29th Nov 2016 02:59pm

I do not think changing packet labels are working , kids die of drugs but it does not stop a lot from taking them still and knowing the dangers there are in this cigarettes are the same they kill too..

  • 19th Nov 2016 08:08pm

a worth while attempt will never get hard smokers to give up.even if they know it will shorten their lives

  • 17th Nov 2016 12:13am

I moved to Australia in 2015 and had to choose a new brand after the packaging was already changed. I've lived in a few countries so I've had to change brands a few times, and I think the plain packaging just made me depend more on other people's recommendations. It made it harder to choose but it didn't reduce my smoking at all. In fact, I started smoking more since I got to Australia, although that most likely had nothing to do with packaging. It's not my place to say, but I think the govt means well (with respects to tobacco).

Perhaps I'm not easily phased by gory pictures... maybe youngins and sooks might be turned off? If anything, the warning pictures make great conversation starters and are probably somewhat desensitising.

angry mum
  • 15th Nov 2016 01:21pm

I dont believe the packaging has stopped anyone from smoking. After all, its not the packaging we smoke.

  • 27th Oct 2016 08:42pm

I personally do not smoke anymore, but i do think that if someone wants to smoke bad enough they are not going to take any notice of the plain packaging. Also probably thinking its never going to happen to me.

  • 27th Oct 2016 06:21pm

I think it's a good idea. Advertising clearly works - otherwise no one would use it.

  • 23rd Oct 2016 10:50am

It certainly does not make a difference to me. However, cigarette company may lose out on ways to attract new customers, impact on their sales. They need to find a way to differentiate their products. In the long run, I would say it may reduce the number of smokers and bring down other health related issues as a result of smoking.

  • 20th Oct 2016 01:42pm

I been smoking since I was 8 years old and I'm now 68 and still reasonably healthy. Plain packaging hasn't stopped me from wanting a smoke. It has however made it more difficult to choose what I smoke and caused a big hassle for the sales staff who have to try to find the right brand and color to serve me effectively. It hasn't deterred young people from smoking at all. The government has no idea on how to deter smoking rather than profiteer by continually raising the prices. There's more people dying from diesel fumes and smog than from cigarettes.

  • 24th Aug 2016 12:06pm

I honestly do not think it made any difference. I have spoken to my friends that smoke and they day that they do not even notice the warnings or the packaging.

  • 24th Aug 2016 12:00pm

I honestly do not think it made any difference. I have spoken to my friends that smoke and they day that they do not even notice the warnings or the packaging.

  • 22nd Aug 2016 10:45am

I think they have gone way to far smoking to me is okay its an individuals right to choose this , my views is why don't they go after the things that do cause more harm e.g alcolhol they don't plain package that and creates crime sexual assault , rape, speeding kills , so many things from alcohol and why because majority of the government drink what about the drugs ice, speed, these are the things that they should attack after without us smokers your health system does not run as the revenue from smokes pay for the health system this is a known fact

  • 18th Aug 2016 09:58am

I wouldn't say it's stopping young people starting smoking at all. They are not caring about the images. However most already smokers I know and myself HATE the packaging. But instead of helping us quit it has just made all of us go buy other packet holders. If this is costing millions I would say it 90% wasted. Sorry :/

  • 21st Jul 2016 10:19am

If the federal government were serious they would outright ban smoking or criminalise it as for cannabis. The fact is that revenue from smoking far exceeds that spent on encouraging the smokers to cease, and the government makes all the signs of deterring it whilst hoping it continues to make a handsome return.

  • 9th Jul 2016 10:30am

I think this subject has been answered quite well for whatever side you stand on, smoker or non-smoker. The packaging is a joke and can lead to trouble, eg. I went outside to the smoking area, stood in the rain and opened my pack which said "Do not allow other people to breathe your smoke" Well, the police were called after a fight
with one person trying to clear the whole area of other people to protect them. I had my smoke after being bailed out of the cop shop. One question I have --who supplies all this information about the bad effects to others ? I believe it is mainly crap and more info needed. Do not even think about denigrating anyone who was introduced to smoking by cigs supplied in their ration packs by the Defence Force, When soldiers find a safe harbour after hours of search and destroy in thick jungle, their nerves are near breaking point, a smoke break is essential, and in the future civilian life a veteran equates a smoke with calm and peace, he will not be any where near you or yours because he values his time away from civilians. He ,more than anybody deserves care for his health from taxes from a country he fought for.

  • 5th Jul 2016 10:35pm

All available data suggests that it has been positive, the negatives have been promulgated by tobacco companies

  • 29th Jun 2016 09:39am

I think if anyone was to look carefully at the graphics portrayed on cigarette packets nowadays, it would put you right off smoking. I understand, reading some comments below, how you can easily ignore the warning signs and dangers of the effects of smoking and even enjoy the habit, but the bottom line is that it DOES cause cancer, DOES bring on wrinkles, DOES affect the throat and nasal tubes, DOES pollute, IS the worst habit you could ever have!! I would like to think the cigarette packaging is a huge deterrent for prospective new smokers. If I were a smoker, those graphics would definitely put me off smoking! I am pleased the Government has introduced this step and - sorry, smokers - I am glad extra tax is going on cigarettes and not food.

  • 30th May 2016 09:08pm

I am definitely sick and tired of seeing horrible images on my tobacco pouches.
As far as I am concerned, all politicians who vote to increase the cost of tobacco products are murderers of their fellow aussies.
People on low or fixed incomes, on seeing a price rise, realize that they cannot buy as much as they could before, but they can buy some extra cigarette papers and work their way back through the ash tray.
Second time around is not too bad, but third time is rugged.

  • 10th Apr 2016 11:06am

Plain packaging doesn't work. People will smoke because they want to or can't stop smoking.Plain packaging is just another example of the NANNY state mentality we have in this country sometimes.

  • 23rd Mar 2016 04:32pm

It's an idea that hitler would be proud of as the nazi's banned smoking, I don't smoke but believe it's an individual's right to choose for themselves.

  • 16th Sep 2015 05:19pm

More scapegoating of smokers. Nobody cares what the package looks like, except the tobacco companies and advertising agencies. But will the gutless government promote plain packaging for booze? Will they insist on plain brown wrappers for Maccas and crisps and sugar drinks like Gatorade and Coke? No, because they get too much revenue. It is too much of a fight.
The government only picks the easy fights...Smokers are the new pariahs. The hard ones to solve, like domestic violence, sugar toxicity, drink and drug driving are swatted at, promises made but no real action taken.

  • 1st Sep 2015 11:41am

It makes no difference at all

  • 31st Aug 2015 04:53pm

A nanny state gone too far. I don't believe it has had any effect on the numbers of people smoking. Why should anyone be subjected to looking at obscene disgusting images on a product that is sold legally even though it maybe unhealthy.

  • 26th Aug 2015 03:51pm

Of course it doesn't work. People don't buy cigarettes for the package, they buy them for the taste they prefer and the nicotine fix. If the Government was really serious about stopping people smoking they'd do the same as they do with XXX movies in Qld and most other states - just ban them, end of story. Yes, there'd be a lot of people complaining and bitching because they can't get their nicotine fix but they'll get over it. I quit cold turkey over 40 years ago and I am glad I did.

Look at it from a purely economical point of view: the Govt. raises X billion $ a year in taxes on cigarettes and tobacco, yet it says the cost to public health care from smoking related illnesses is as much as 10 times what they get in why don't they stop bitching and do something positive. If schools can stop selling lollies to kids in the school canteen because the sugar is bad for you why can't they ban cigarettes? Simple - they don't want to, the same as they won't stand up to the Muslims and their demands that we make everything halal just to suit them. There is no valid reason not to bring about a total ban on the growing or importation of tobacco and tobacco products. It is a proven fact that tobacco farmers can grow other crops, they don't have to grow tobacco. The Government won't let them grow marijuana, which various groups claim is less harmful than tobacco or even having no harmful effects at all. Go to the UAE and you are not allowed to bring alcohol or Headache Pills into the country. No topless bathing, no kissing and holding hands in public. Doesn't seem to bother their residents.
We need a Government that is prepared to make the tough decisions like banning cigarettes and tobacco completely. Putting something in a plain package does nothing to discourage people from buying it.
Most young people take up smoking either because their parents smoke or because all their friends do. I smoked as a teenager because my friends did and it was the "cool" thing to do. I quit when ESCORT 20's went from 37c to 43c a packet - yes, a bloody long time ago. The average smoker sets fire to over $3500 a year (and rising annually as the Government increases taxes) and doesn't take into account the long term affect on their health and the environment. How many million cigarettes go up in smoke worldwide daily? Tell me all that smoke has no affect on anything.... bull!

IT'S TIME - time for the Federal Govt. to Bite The Bullet and bring in a total ban on cigarettes and tobacco. In 20 years we'll have a much healthier population and the cost to the health system will decrease, even though not immediately.

Will they do it? No, they are too chicken, they might get voted out by the smokers. They would rather keep bitching about the cost to health care and keep putting band-Aids over it instead of fixing the root cause of the problem.

Most smokers would willingly give up if they weren't already addicted; lots try. If you take their ciggies away they have no chance to rekindle their habit.
Guns (in the wrong hands) kill people, so we are not allowed (generally) to have them. Cigarettes kill more people every year than guns ever did yet the Govt. is just to blind and lazy to see this and so something about it.

Leaded petrol was banned because it was bad for the environment but that wasn't costing millions of $ in health care. So you have to ask why don't they ban cigarettes? It has absolutely nothing to do with our rights - what about my right to eat Non-Halal food and watch Porn videos if I want?

  • 21st Aug 2015 08:22pm

people that want to smoke will still smoke,

  • 13th Jul 2015 03:25pm

I doubt it works. My mates who smoke still smoke, the ones who gave it up, gave it up before the plain packaging came in. To me it's made no difference at all.

  • 3rd Jun 2015 10:19pm

Most of the money spent by governments on quitting has gone up in smoke

  • 30th Apr 2015 12:07pm

Plan packaging has not deterred my partner from smoking at all! But I do like the warnings and messages about the effects of smoking, particularly the ones about the effects on other people and unborn babies. I would hop that these would help to deter pregnant women or partners of pregnant women.

  • 16th Apr 2015 03:16pm

Just an example of a nanny state gone mad. Plain packaging and quit advertising campaigns has had no effect on the numbers of people giving up smoking. A total waste of taxpayers money. The only thing that has discouraged people from smoking is the outrageous prices they have to pay for cigarettes and tobacco due to to the exorbitant take hikes which occur twice a year.

  • 11th Apr 2015 08:32am

I agree with most comments here that it is not going to stop people who already have an smoking habit. They know what they like and don't need pictures to buy it. However Australia has much fewer young people taking up smoking and that is because of th education programs and ban on advertising so I see no need to change it.

For those who are smokers and say it won't stop them I agree it won't. You have to want to stop and only then will the government funded support programs like the quit line help you.

  • 11th Apr 2015 08:45am
I agree with most comments here that it is not going to stop people who already have an smoking habit. They know what they like and don't need pictures to buy it. However Australia has much fewer...

Please don't assume I think that it is easy to quit. I realise that it is an addiction and would be very difficult to quit. But that journey has to begin with a choice on the smokers part and only then will all the support programs help. ( also not saying that they are a magic cure)

Yes I am a non smoker and always have been and that is thanks to making an informed and educated choice not to try something that would poison me. I understand that many people here became smokers at a time when it was not only accepted but encouraged and that is theppint. By not encouraging it or making it look attractive we can help people avoid becoming addicted. Surely that is a good thing.
I do feel for people who feel that they are outcast and ostericised for smoking. I would hope people would be more polite. However I am very glad that smoking is not allowed in most public places. . It supports my choice not to smoke. It does not stop you from smoking it only requires you not to smoke in the immediate area of everyone else who does not appreciate it. It is easier to avoid breathing in smoke now if you don't want to.

  • 12th Mar 2015 11:29am

I can't see that it has any effect. Still see loads of people lining up to buy them. I am one of them.

  • 12th Mar 2015 02:33am

Its ridiculous I want alcohol and all fast food plain packaging too anything that is not good for you - sick of this nanny state Its freedom of choice and a legal product so why are smokers discriminated against and alcohol isn't

  • 16th Dec 2014 10:04pm

i think its been good for me as i only smoke when very stressed so maybe 1 a year (unless im with a total idiot bf then more!) and iv realised i have no idea which pack to buy anymore as i used to rely on the colour to remember it. i dont like the taste of most smokes so for me its a bonus

  • 9th Nov 2014 03:00pm

It's not working and they know it. It's just another way to cover their backsides against law-suits. I am so sick of the UNJUSTIFIED prices hikes...I wonder whjat else I can smoke instead? I wonder what lavender or herbal tea tastes like?

  • 22nd Oct 2014 02:22pm

Great question, but ask an addict and they will tell you if your cigarette packet had an axe, and every time you opened your packet it would hack into your hand. You know what an addict would do? Find away around it. Does the packet work to an addict, it may give them something to think about, even talk about while they are inhaling, it may give an addict time to think about a quit time while they are inhaling, but will it stop them reaching for the packet? Your answer should have been an immediate no.

  • 21st Oct 2014 10:15pm

People are still smoking. I have a smokers disease from passive inhaling smoke!

  • 17th Oct 2014 03:31pm

It isn't the packaging that causes lung cancer. It is the cigarettes in the pack. Politicians are dumb asses - the building is falling down, lets slap a coat of paint on it, that'll hide the cracks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 11th Oct 2014 03:56pm

I personally don't smoke, I like visiting pubs where you can now breath ..... as for plain paper packaging of anything I don't think it works and is a waste of time. If your that weak minded that you need to smoke I can't see what your death sticks come wrapped in you will still seek them out.

  • 18th Sep 2014 03:37pm

Not working, It's not the packaging I'm buying it's the contents and no matter what to some kids smoking is cool because Adults do it - maybe we need to ban Adults. If anything the Government should be held to account for the monumental waste of money. Yes we are Australian or Australian residents but ultimately we are human beings with all the pros and cons related to a life as a sentient being - we were born to discover, some discover and like it, others change their mind and stop.

  • 11th Sep 2014 02:13pm

I quit smoking a little over a year ago and that is because i was pregnant. the change in packaging definitely didnt influence my decision to quit at all. when i think back to when i started smoking (I was quite young) i dont think this would have deterred me from smoking. I feel like this is just a way for the government to make it look like they are actively trying to stop people from smoking. i will admit admit though quitting was one of the best things i could have done! I know its hard but its worth it!

  • 10th Sep 2014 08:50am

does not stop anyone in our family from smoking, 8 in the household, unfortunately of those 8 there is 4 smokers

  • 10th Aug 2014 06:12pm

Got to have do this long time ago to prevent more youngsters hooking on this stuff.

  • 17th Oct 2014 09:20am
Got to have do this long time ago to prevent more youngsters hooking on this stuff.

I agree it will take a long time, but the cigarettes are covered up or placed in draws in supermarkets so they are out of view of everyone.
And if you want a packet you will have to know what you want as now you cant just point to a packet and say I'll have those.

So people starting smoking will have to have some knowledge of the brand they want and the strength they require.

I am a non-smoker and the ads and pictures on the packets have put me off.

  • 3rd Aug 2014 11:55am

Doubt they can prove that because of the packaging addicted smokers decided to give up. I still believe the government make too much tax from tobacco sales to truely want all us smokers to quit, where would they make up the revenue? If they were truely serious, they would make it illegal, that would certainly stop me, or give smokers access to free quitting products for a period of 6 months, I know this would help me too. I know it doesn't make sense to non smokers that we spend x amount of dollars on cigarettes then complain about the cost of stop smoking products, but when you are an addict and thats what smokers are, addicts to nicotine, then stopping is a major phsycological and physical trauma.

  • 25th Jul 2014 05:56pm

As a non smoker its wasted on me period.

If cigarettes are that evil you need such measures just ban them, stop playing the nanny state card on such.

  • 19th Jul 2014 11:32am

It has had no or very little effect for those who enjoy smoking. it has not decreased smokers desire to smoke only made it more difficult for them to obtain cigarettes and tobacco. It is just an example of the nanny state at work infringing on the rights of consumers. I don't see any graphic warnings or obscene pictures on other products such as alcoholic beverages or sugary drinks.

  • 25th Jun 2014 10:32am

I don't think that it's working. If people want to have cigaretts and they're addicted, then it wouldn't matter what's on the packaging. What the government should do is either increase the price to ridiculous amounts so people can't afford to buy them, or close some of the companies producing cigaretts or even filter cigaretts so they just aren't as bad

  • 26th Jun 2014 10:15am
I don't think that it's working. If people want to have cigaretts and they're addicted, then it wouldn't matter what's on the packaging. What the government should do is either increase the price...

At least some /or all of them are already filtered and have been for many years (My Dad was a smoker) They should be forced to remove the extra chemicals from them. it is not just nicotine in them that does damage - there is other chemicals in them.

  • 25th Jun 2014 08:05am

Definitely not working. People sometimes do unhealthy things even though they are fully aware of the harms. Plain packaging can't and won't fundamentally eradicate a thing called " addiction" and young people today simply like to experiment with new things just to blend in.

  • 19th Jun 2014 09:53am

it s nasty to look at confusing for shop staff, an dosnt work.

  • 16th Jun 2014 10:11pm

I'm a reformed smoker so cannot comment only to say I am so glad I got out of the clutches of nicotine. I have been smoke free for 12 years THANK GOD

  • 10th Jun 2014 06:52am

Nope, definite failure I think. What governments cannot seem to grasp is that some people are addicted to cigs and it really doesn't matter what they do people will still smoke. Changing the packet was a wasted effort and even the (unfair) price increases will fail to do anything as smokers will simply sacrifice something else to buy their cigs.
All this Hoo Haa about how much smokers cost the health budget is Bullsh*t - Smokers probably pay many times what they supposedly cost in extra taxes that non smokers do not pay (but still use the health system)
If every smoker was to quit tomorrow, the government would be in a panic on how to find all the lost revenue.
It's time that some real facts were told, just how much money do smokers contribute to the national budget in taxes and how much of that is used to benefits smokers in some way.
Government does not want you to stop smoking, that would cost them too much revenue but they want to look like they are doing something to appease a very powerful anti-smoking lobby group.
Incidentally I gave up 2 years ago after smoking about 40 a day for 49 years, but I still feel very much for the smoker.

  • 3rd Jul 2014 07:23pm
I don't think that it's working. If people want to have cigaretts and they're addicted, then it wouldn't matter what's on the packaging. What the government should do is either increase the price...

Thanks Roneo, as you say, the fact remains that tobacco and its use is still legal so you cannot have something as legal to use but then turn around and say 'but you cannot use it anywhere'.

I agree that smokers need to be mindful of non smokers and that is nothing more than common courtesy, but to constantly hound the poor smoker in one form or another is totally unfair, they are not doing anything illegal. (Unless smoking in designated no smoking areas, but that isn't what I mean)

As for those who say smokers cost so much in health cost, please do not generalise, give some specific figures backed by quality research and then I will listen, but not just a broad comment about how much smokers cost. How can we really say that last year X number of people died from smoking related illness, how do we know that at least some of those would have died anyway, it is far too simplistic to just say 'they were a smoker so that is what killed them'. I remember seeing a sign once that showed how many medical problems were a result of smoking and one of its claims was that in the previous 12 months there had been a certain number of leg amputations because of smoking related problems. How can they say that with any certainty, the issues leading to amputation may have had nothing to do with smoking and may well have been as a result of some other illness/disease, but because the person was a smoker that was it, smoking became the 'villain' even if it had nothing in reality to do with it..

Even though no longer a smoker, I am not one of those reformed smokers who jump onto the anti smoking bandwagon, I still believe smokers deserve a bit of a break.

  • 3rd Jul 2014 06:21pm
Nope, definite failure I think. What governments cannot seem to grasp is that some people are addicted to cigs and it really doesn't matter what they do people will still smoke. Changing the...

Well stated DBK. I quit a couple of months ago & the constant barrage of anti smoking ads make me want to dash out & buy a pack. The last tax hikes of 12.5% each year for 4 years is expected to increase revenue by $5 billion. Obviously they're not expecting smokers to quit because of the increases. I know smoking is unhealthy. I know nicotine is highly addictive. I also know that it is a legal product which is being demonised & smokers are treated as social pariahs just to satisfy a political agenda & raise substantial revenue. All you "puritans" who say "here, here" at every tax increase & restriction to smokers, if you drink alcohol, eat fast food or drive, be turn is coming.

  • 9th Jun 2014 08:47pm

You can pack them in newspaper and they will still sell! An addiction is just that and nothing will stop me from buying them. Also,out of sight out of mind only encourages kids to try taboo things. Moronic idea plain packaging. Maybe if they put a few smoking patches in each pack it would show they mean business. Oh well,off for a ciggie. Anyone want to join me?

  • 28th May 2014 07:32pm

I used to work in a newsagency that sold cigarettes and the plain packaging didn't have any effect on the customers. It made my job harder to find the right packet in a cupboard of olive green. I even had customers ask me for packets with a particular picture on it as they were collecting the set, like they are collector cards. The money that was used to change the packaging would gave been better spent on helping people to quit.

  • 28th May 2014 06:22pm

It is another example of Government controlling us. As a non-smoker, I feel sorry for smokers, who do it by choice. As long as I do not have smoke blown in my face when eating, I think people should be allowed to smoke.

  • 25th May 2014 02:53pm

I think its wrong, its a legal product and they dont do it on alcohol In fact I believe to a point its discrimination, why don't do they do it on all products, bottle water in hot cars is dangerous, but where is that warning. We have become a nanny state and I'm quite over it. Do it across the board on all items and then I would wear it better than I do, to be perfectly honest, I dont even look at the packets these days

  • 20th May 2014 02:36pm

No it is not making a difference. I see just as many people smoking as I did a year ago. I hear people commenting that the images are disgusting so they just don't look at them. Shows how little smokers care. They are going to smoke regardless of the package.

  • 19th May 2014 08:28pm

Plain packaging hasn't made a difference to my habit or my friends apart from proving to have been a terrific impetus for us to use our creative sides to devise a suitable receptacle to keep the ciggies in instead of the ugly packet. It's really been quite a novel past time and competition for us.

  • 19th May 2014 05:19pm

I don't think it's going to make a difference, because at the end of the day they are all still going to be cigarettes regardless of packaging.

  • 17th May 2014 06:43pm

no i dont think that plain packaging is working, i think that it is a shame that young people take smoking up at all. The government need to show more care towards, people who smoke and do their ads in a proper way to show how dangerous smoking is. reguarda stella boulger.

  • 14th May 2014 06:52pm

I don't think plain packaging is working either but time will tell. As I see it there still seems to be younger people smoking than before. I have all but quit smoking and just smoke maybe one or two ciggies a month if that as it depends if I am stressed. With the prices going up all the time I had to make that choice and the only help I got from the Government was the first 3 months prescription for patches cheaper.

  • 7th May 2014 04:16pm

Total waste of taxpayers money. Smokers just buy those plastic covers, or ignore the warnings, which quite frankly are unbelievable. I was up the shops a few minutes ago and saw a young boy about 13 smoking so it hasn't deterred him! I gave up about 6 - 7 years ago and that was because you are no longer allowed to smoke indoors. It just got too difficult to have one. I was also concerned for my health, however I just don't believe the warnings on the packaging and neither do any of my friends.

  • 6th May 2014 09:29am

has not worked

  • 2nd May 2014 12:10pm

I think that the change is particularly helpful as the most recent surveys have found that many smokers think that cigarettes in plain packaging taste worse.
It also says something about the power of advertising in all its forms!

  • 7th May 2014 04:20pm
I think that the change is particularly helpful as the most recent surveys have found that many smokers think that cigarettes in plain packaging taste worse.
It also says something about the...

Hi Parsimony, I'd like to see those survey results & find out who collected the information before I could believe that (no insult intended)

  • 30th Apr 2014 12:05pm

Pardon the pun but this is all "smoke & mirrors". Plain packaging, sin taxes aren't expected to encourage ( force) smokers to quit. Smokers begin smoking by choice. They continue to smoke by's called nicotine addiction. Whenever smokers attempt to quit, regardless of the methodology, less than 10% succeed beyond 6 months. When governments of all persuasion increase tobacco tax they don't want people to quit. They're counting on the increased revenue. It's easy to condemn "big tobacco companies" putting profits ahead of people's health. Government gets over 80 cents for every dollar spend on cigarettes & all they have to do is pretend they care. The latest government initiative of 12 1/2% levy increases are EXPECTED to increase revenue by more than 5 billion. NRT will only keep people hooked on nicotine & 1 bad incident away from relapsing. And don't buy this

  • 8th May 2014 03:01pm
I think that the change is particularly helpful as the most recent surveys have found that many smokers think that cigarettes in plain packaging taste worse.
It also says something about the...

Reducing the price of a product that MAINTAINS addiction to nicotine is really helpful isn't it. It has been said so many times, if our governments were genuine about the health risks, they would ban the sale of all tobacco products

  • 7th May 2014 04:22pm
I think that the change is particularly helpful as the most recent surveys have found that many smokers think that cigarettes in plain packaging taste worse.
It also says something about the...

I agree Roneo, If the government really wanted people to quit they would increase spending on prevention programs like the quitline. I think they have reduced the price of patches but not sure about that one.

  • 29th Apr 2014 06:21pm

a waste of time

  • 28th Apr 2014 11:52am

As an ex smoker I believe the plain packaging is worse for anyone trying to give up smoking. No longer are there details of the strength of the smokes which is how I managed to give up cutting down the strength to 2mg which after a while enabled me to stop completely!!

  • 19th May 2014 04:41pm
As an ex smoker I believe the plain packaging is worse for anyone trying to give up smoking. No longer are there details of the strength of the smokes which is how I managed to give up

I agree Debbie there is no information anymore on smokes , no mg labelled no expiry date shown . I went cold turkey in the end and ended up putting on 10kgs but it was worth it .

I don't know if many people know this but no tobacco is grown in Australia , so people could be smoking some cheap Asian or middle eastern tobacco and funding all kinds unsavoury things.

  • 28th Apr 2014 09:49am

The only thing plain packaging has done for trying to prevent smoking is increase our tolerance on seeing vivid images of people suffering from smoking related diseases. It hasnt done anything it was just another Governmental choice to spend money on something useless

  • 25th Apr 2014 10:54am




  • 25th Apr 2014 07:42am

does not really achieve much just makes it harder for store keepers and general public

  • 22nd Apr 2014 04:53pm

all govts go the way we hate smokers,problem is a lot of them have to vote for them.this new federal govt has a lot to say about smoking but is suddenly silent on bigger issues.i have no idea about plain packaging reducing smoking,but one thing i know is the abbott govt keeps taking and increasing tax on cigarettes.if we reduce smokers then abbott and hockey will have increase tax on other things,so sorry it is a loss,loss situation for all is decision that govt make for us,just like every other thing they want to be lord and master over.

  • 30th Apr 2014 12:18pm
all govts go the way we hate smokers,problem is a lot of them have to vote for them.this new federal govt has a lot to say about smoking but is suddenly silent on bigger issues.i have no idea about...

I don't want to start a political row with you Marcus, but the latest hikes came from the previous government.....without resistance from the coalition. Tobacco tax is a huge cash cow for governments of all persuasion. And don't be conned by the "enormous health costs" of treating smoke related illnesses. On the latest figures in Aust. it's less than $500 million while revenue is over $7 BILLION & expected to rise to over $12 BILLION with the latest increases. One would be forgiven for thinking that, smokers, by dying prematurely, are assisting the government to lower costs associated with the age pension & aged care.

  • 20th Apr 2014 08:23pm

Change is inevitable, Government also plans to increases the prices again in NSW. what do u think about it?

  • 17th Apr 2014 11:08pm

It is the biggest joke that "Rocks in her head" has portrayed on the public. It has hardy had any effect. 12 months in and I still keep being given the wrong brand and type. Also the images and messages on the pack - who takes any notice?

  • 12th Apr 2014 07:38pm

waist of time and effort

  • 3rd Apr 2014 10:26pm

Marketing Scam - this wont stop smokers from giving up unless they ban it forever! Yes on the other hand I am all for Government increasing prices on all cigarettes !

  • 3rd Apr 2014 05:14pm

I have seen no change in how people smoke.Half the time people just joke about which image is on the packet.The government just keeps on doing what it wants and don't worry about normal people.

  • 2nd Apr 2014 04:38pm

No this will not work. I have noticed some young people start smoking. What would encourage people to give up smoking is increasing the cost of cigarette People may be more willing took after their hip pocket and their health.

  • 2nd Apr 2014 04:51am

Makes them hard to find

  • 2nd Apr 2014 01:03am

it wont stop us smokers from smoking

  • 3rd Apr 2014 10:27pm
it wont stop us smokers from smoking

Agree !

  • 30th Mar 2014 01:11pm

Plain packaging (PP), is about effective as handing a leper a BANDAID! and saying "oops."

The only good thing about PP is: A clear admission and liability of the fact they knowingly allowed generations to become addicted to this foul product for the purpose of REVENUE! It probably started out as "Who cares if it kills, we won't have to pay um a pension in old age." *gleeful hand rub*

Fair enuff they handed out the smokes to the diggers in the "last smoke" context, but OMG they didn't ALL die, some come back, ADDICTED passing on their "stress busting" habit! After all if HEROS smoke! Must be COOL!

Polly with concience: "HEY, this is getting outta hand, EVERYONES doing it now, and doesn't that stuff kill ya? Bugger this iam going for a swim" *glug glug*

Other Pollies: "STFU, pensions! remember! We might be able to hide the STATS in the next war!" *cough cough*

Well, Vietnam was a bit of a fizzer, couldn hide anything there! All the older smokers are dropping dead of some cancer thing, what are we going to do?
I know, Everyone loves HOGES, lets get him to sell um, get some new recruits.

ANYHOW.... (40 years goes by, even Hoges does a runner!)

Newage polly: My estimation of my guestimaion suggests due to the productivity losses (smoke breaks) and delining smoker recruits the probability of my pension will be signifiantly reduced! What are we going to do?

Other pollies: Well hoges won't come back can't tax him either, humm

Idiot polly: SpongBob looks like cigarette packet! Maybe...

Other pollies: Shaddup!

Idiot polly: No Listen! Kids like SB and if we can use that to humiliate parents into quiting smoking we can TAX the crap outta the nicotine replacment products! We can tax the smokers, tax the quitters, and the ones that drop dead .... NO pension! WIN WIN WIN! And WE look like the goodguys!

Other pollies: Onya RUDDY! (seeya) *boot*

IMHO Nicotine replacement should be FREE (to anyone,), PAID by the government via taxes collected from cigarette sales, that is if they were even half serious! (after all they say the taxes were to cover tobacco related disease, I'd say ADDICTION is a biggy!)

Hope ya all ROFL like i did!


  • 28th Mar 2014 08:18pm

Any thing the government can do to stop young people from smoking is a good thing.

Gummy Bear
  • 28th Mar 2014 10:29am

It won't work. Smokers will give it up but only when they are ready to, not when the government dictates to them and no amount of "plain" packaging will change a person's mind. I made the decision to stop smoking some 20 years ago but only when I stopped enjoying that "after dinner" cigarette. Governments should direct their energies elsewhere.

  • 27th Mar 2014 02:46pm

Its good they put images out like this on smoking packets so that smokers could see what they are doing to their bodies.

  • 27th Mar 2014 01:35am

What a absolute waste of time, I don't care what the box looks like just give me a smoke. The government knows we don't care about such things and that's why they keep putting up the tax on tobacco. Yes it makes them look good. I said to myself about 40 years ago that when a pack of smokes went over a dollar I would give up straight away but here I am paying $27+ for a packet of smokes.

Sil sil
  • 25th Mar 2014 05:15pm

I think the price of cigarettes is making people reduce & not sharing them which helps more than plain packaging

  • 23rd Mar 2014 06:31pm

It does not work, there are still a lot of children taking up the habit

  • 20th Mar 2014 11:06pm

I work in an office of 60 people and more than 20 of them smoke. Plain packaging doesn't seem to be working for them.

  • 19th Mar 2014 03:21pm

im ok with plain packaging. what about plain packaging and putting warning signs on McDonald's, KFC, hungry jacks, that crap is worse for you and the biggest killer in Australia is heart disease not lung cancer.
instead they are marketing it as better for you now.

how about making designated junk food eating areas in pubs and clubs or at work how about not allowing children to eat that stuff till over they are 18, instead of having children's parties advertised at maccas. how about plain packaging beer and booze to combat aggressive behaviour in australian communities which all starts with alcohol consumption. how about plain packaging all food in a shopping center that has over the recommended daily intake of anything. or to point it out for the uneducated people maybe a standard of quality of the food they eat introduced by plain packaging.its something that can apply to lots of other things and making them antisocial. great idea! but really dont stop at cigerettes ha!

  • 13th Mar 2014 08:54pm

Plain packaging is an ineffective way of stopping people smoking. Ask anyone addicted to cigarettes. It's not the packet that draws people in rather it is the cigarettes themselves. Waste of time!

  • 11th Mar 2014 09:41am

whats the point of thiis...pplz already know the risk involved

  • 10th Mar 2014 06:50pm

How can they say its plain packaging when there is pictures on it..I think somebody needs to go back to school and find out what is plain packaging with no pictures...

  • 6th Mar 2014 05:54pm

it should be kept up as it will discourage people to smoke

  • 2nd Mar 2014 11:19am

As a long time smoker, the change in packaging has done absolutely not one thing to change my smoking habits. Consequences, I knew already. The images I take no notice of. Addiction, I'd love to know how to rid myself of it with strong mindedness. It's insane why they did it. Maybe, it has worked on our youth to some extent but I've no knowledge or figures of it. The cost would most likely be more of a deterrent than the packaging. That probably reduces the number of smokers to some extent. There is no denying the dangers of smoking, but it is also our choice to make. Why not make it illegal altogether if they deem it so dangerous. But then they wouldn't do that because they wouldn't get their cut out of it then would they?

  • 26th Feb 2014 07:24pm

no, it is not working.. people don't care until its to late then they realise what they have done.

if you want people to stop. STOP thinking about the money and stop selling them. Otherwise don't complain.

  • 24th Feb 2014 09:46pm

I work in a convenience store, I don't think it's caused any established smokers to give it up. However I wouldn't be surprised if there's been a reduction in young people taking up smoking, I haven't noticed as many coming in.

  • 22nd Feb 2014 08:10pm

Waste of time I think. It is not stopping people from smoking, the cost is stopping people from smoking. All it is now is more confusing, especially as a shopkeeper to make sure they have the right smokes.

  • 20th Feb 2014 11:45am

I agree, also that the government got me on cigarette smoking, I have smoked all my life since 14 years, wright up until present time aged 54. And furthermore more than likely be smoking for the rest of my days on this earth. I strongly disagree with all the non smoking policy," it's unjust" what happened to (human rights and freedom of speech) there is none,"doesn't exist anymore." Example try and abolish alcohol, that's like trying to take a drink away from an alcoholic, (meaning no offencnce of course), the very same example exists involving cigarette smoking, for the longest time smoking was legal until to many greedy inconsiderate self centred public members decided it was an easy way of making thousands of dollars compensation, until the government had enough of paying out all compensation costs, and put a stop to it by making cigarette smoking illegal. To bad for the smoker who's had a habit all there lives and become seriously addicted and has tried everything and anything to try and give up the smoking habit. Once when cigarette smoking was legal (everywhere )no one said a boo, I've known people 90 plus had smoked all there lives and was never affected by smoking, but all of a sudden the world has gone mad, on cigarette smoking, it was never this way once. It should be a self individual choice iff you want to to smoke or not, don't get the wright to say anymore, bit to late for some of us hey, now where hooked, would be nice if the smoker was considered for once, bucklies chance a, from yours respectfully heavy smokers campaign and lovin it, and still goin strong at 54.

  • 17th Feb 2014 02:39pm

No its not working, all the people i know that smoke still do, go back to the old ways, i dont believe its stopping young people starting either, its an individual decision, some do some dont. Definitely not a good change , try changing all the alcohol labels to look the same will it stop people drinking i dont think so, just more confusing as it is with fags.

  • 17th Feb 2014 12:45pm

I think that it has been a complete waste of time. Stores that sell cigarettes have to have them hidden from view anyway. Just another example getting involved where they don't need to. I don't smoke and consider that nothing will stop some people from smoking.

  • 16th Feb 2014 08:12pm

I think it would not make a great deal of difference to most smokers. I smoked
for many years and at that time would have smoked any cigarette available.
Finally I managed to give up smoking. This was done by the method that just about everybody says doesn't ever work. I smoked a little less. It worked this way for me. For one week I smoked one cigarette less a day than I did the previous week. This meant that I actually counted every cigarette I smoked. When I was down to four a day I just got sick of it all and when I smoked my last cigarette that was it. Oh, by the way I kept count by putting the numbers on
paper to make sure it was correct. Worked for me!

  • 15th Feb 2014 04:43pm

I have never been a smoker and I feel people who smoke will still smoke irrespective of the packaging. My answer to reduce smoking would start in the school and educating children and making them aware of the dangers of taking up smoking.

  • 15th Feb 2014 03:01pm

I think it is misleading and fraudulent. People need to understand the dangers of smoking and the government should be held legally responsible if they do nothing about it.

  • 14th Feb 2014 08:29pm

Although I do not smoke, I am going to have to say that this is extremely irresponsible as they are not informing the customer about the dangers of smoking!

  • 12th Feb 2014 04:44pm

It has made no difference to me or anyone else I know who smokes. All we do is transfer the cigarettes into a good cigarette case.

  • 8th Feb 2014 06:43pm

No plain packaging has been a waste of time and money; but where's the plain packaging on alcohol?
I don't mind the ban on cigarette advertising, but why no such ban on alcohol advertising; because government ministers and political donors enjoy a drink, that's why!
Yeah I smoke but I can still drive sensibly, alcohol kills far more innocents that smoking does.
If I'm behind the wheel and smoke I put my health at risk; if I get behind the wheel and I'm half-charged I risk my life and any innocents that may be involved in an accident that I may cause!

  • 8th Feb 2014 06:35pm

Plain packaging has had no effect on me or on anyone I know! It was a waste of taxpayers money (what else is new) and a load of crap; I s'pose they have to be seen to be trying; if they want us all to stop smoking-easy; outlaw them
Should the government had socceeded in stopping us smoking though I'd like to know how they intended to compensate the loss of revenue?

  • 2nd Feb 2014 03:35pm

I think that the dramatic pictures on the packaging and the emotional ads have just promoted smoking more. Smoking never crossed my mind before, it was just something that was there but now it is everywhere! They might as well go back to plain packaging and just teaching the harms in schools because the people that do smoke just seem lucky and like the whole dramatic coverings are a fake.

  • 1st Feb 2014 12:44pm

Packaging etc has nothing to do with giving up smoking. People smoke because they want to smoke and its their choice alone which will make them give up

  • 31st Jan 2014 10:16am

No it hasn't changed a thing. How about tobacco companies being made to close down and not be able to produce cigarettes anymore. That would work. The govenments are not being serious about this subject, they make too much money from the taxes.

  • 31st Jan 2014 10:16am

No it hasn't changed a thing. How about tobacco companies being made to close down and not be able to produce cigarettes anymore. That would work. The govenments are not being serious about this subject, they make too much money from the taxes.

  • 30th Jan 2014 03:14pm

There is no way that it is working. Young people will smoke because they think it looks cool not because the packet is pretty. The ads where the girls were made to look foolish by smoking worked the best. I think the Government had to try something and this is neither good nor bad. It simply hasnt worked but it hasnt been a bad step in that more people are smoking.

  • 30th Jan 2014 11:13am

I hardly see many smokers around where I'm living. Whether this is to do with the plain packaging or the general long term trend of smokers dropping in Australia is harder to say.

  • 29th Jan 2014 11:48pm

This plain packaging idea was the worst idea the government has come up with. i mean come on, people are still smoking away and i see kids as young as bloody 12 looking for a smoke. The government must of been drunk when they came up with it

  • 29th Jan 2014 11:45pm

This plain packaging idea was the worst idea the government has come up with. i mean come on, people are still smoking away and i see kids as young as bloody 12 looking for a smoke. The government must of been drunk when they came up with it

  • 29th Jan 2014 05:49pm

I think plain packaging cigarettes has definitely helped raise awareness about the issue of smoking- especially the discussion of issues involving smoking in schools. The extent of which it has benefited the cause is unknown however and I am unsure whether the plain packaging on cigarette packets is discouraging young smokers.

Education is the most worthwhile method of prevention that the government should look into, for it is education about the issue of smoking, the damages it may cause to oneself and others and the economic instability that can result from the purchasing of cigarettes regularly, that would turn young people off smoking.

  • 28th Jan 2014 12:19pm

I don't think the packaging has any positive influence. Has made not difference to me, I still smoke.

  • 27th Jan 2014 10:12am

I started smoking when I was 11. I was attracted to it through movies like grease and the alpine adds where lovers would run along the beach together smoking their fresh minty cigarettes. Giving up was hard. I tried unsuccessfully for many years and then used xaiban about ten years ago. It was almost completely paid for by the government and I am grateful for that. I have not smoked since.
I would not have started smoking as an adult. And. And as a child the plain packaging would not have appealed to me. The plain packaging works at repelling non smokers away from starting. That is excellent. I now have six kids, four of them teenagers, none of them are even slightly interested in smoking. Yay.

  • 25th Jan 2014 06:11pm

I don't smoke and never have, but I would think that the photos of people suffering disease might deter new smokers, but not those already addicted.

  • 25th Jan 2014 04:52pm

I don't think you can break peoples habits and or addiction by simply changing the packaging and raising the price of the products. Perhaps by further educating them on the effects of their choices and giving them support when they make the decision to stop would be more beneficial. As for the youth of today it is more a case of cultural change, educating them early so they do make the right choice and not take up the habit. Maybe some of the long time smokers whom are now regretting the choice they made many years ago can share some of their stories to the young ones, after all they are the ones who are dealing with the harsh reality that comes with long time smoking.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 03:13pm

Well it has no affect on me and I know it should. I now remove the packaging and put my ciggies in a cigarette case like many others are doing.

  • 22nd Jan 2014 11:07am

To be quite honest, I really don't think it's made any difference at all. If someone really wants to smoke, they are going to. Whilst I was smoking 7 months ago, I didn't care what the packaging was. I was ready to quit in my own time.

  • 19th Nov 2013 08:18pm

As a reformed smoker im going to be fair in what I say, and that is if i were still smoking i wouldn't like the packing as it is now, little kids cry when they see the packets and what smoking does and the child has no say on if the parents smoke or not then worry. Is any one worried about how our children are reacting to these grisly morbid pictures they show on the packets. I have seen this first handed how children react they beg for there love ones to stop and some just cannot . It was a Government making decisions for us some times can cause worse problems. I can say they were not thinking not only smokers see these pictures but non smokers and kids see them as well. Not in the best interests of every one.

  • 19th Nov 2013 08:17pm

As a reformed smoker im going to be fair in what I say, and that is if i were still smoking i wouldn't like the packing as it is now, little kids cry when they see the packets and what smoking does and the child has no say on if the parents smoke or not then worry. Is any one worried about how our children are reacting to these grisly morbid pictures they show on the packets. I have seen this first handed how children react they beg for there love ones to stop and some just cannot . It was a Government making decisions for us some times can cause worse problems. I can say they were not thinking not only smokers see these pictures but non smokers and kids see them as well. Not in the best interests of every one.

  • 19th Nov 2013 08:17pm

As a reformed smoker im going to be fair in what I say, and that is if i were still smoking i wouldn't like the packing as it is now, little kids cry when they see the packets and what smoking does and the child has no say on if the parents smoke or not then worry. Is any one worried about how our children are reacting to these grisly morbid pictures they show on the packets. I have seen this first handed how children react they beg for there love ones to stop and some just cannot . It was a Government making decisions for us some times can cause worse problems. I can say they were not thinking not only smokers see these pictures but non smokers and kids see them as well. Not in the best interests of every one.

  • 18th Nov 2013 02:56pm

I think it is an obvious example of government misusing tax payers dollars. I smoke, have done since I was 12 years old, and at no time did my decision to choose one brand over another ever been affected by packaging. It certainly had no part of my decision to either smoke or not.

It's possible I suppose that young people may once have been influenced by the prevalent advertising to not only choose a brand, but to actually think it is 'cool' enough to start smoking. But I doubt it was many even back then.

Kids define 'cool' as what a movie star does, or what other (older) kids do, or anything that adults do that kids are not permitted to. This is the motivator for smoking. A plan to stop adults smoking, particularly parents, would have worked better.

As for the 'shock' treatment value of the warnings (only half of which are scientifically proven) has been far overrated. Likewise, who cares what the pack looks like? Has anyone ever stopped smoking because of the packs looking all the same? Give me a break! I find such attempts at manipulation truly offensive and am even tempted to keep on smoking just to spite them.

It's shameless government huckstering. An opportunity to show how far they're willing to go to justify the unconscionable amount of taxes on cigarettes - without actually spending the money themselves.

In fact, more than anything, it's the money that they are stealing from smokers that is making any serious headway in the fight against nicotine addiction. Even that, while it will eventually work on me (there's only so much I can afford to pay for my addiction), statistics from other countries suggest even this has limited effect.

I envisage the day when we will all have to go underground and buy black market cigarettes, making the only profit will be made by the criminal class, who make quite enough on other addictions, thank you!

  • 18th Nov 2013 01:59pm

It's a PR job. The Government being seen to be doing something. Doesnt bother me what they come in. I feel sorry for the sales people. The trouble they have to find the right ones.

  • 15th Nov 2013 03:07pm

As a smoker I don't even look at the pack. I have even heard of people asking for a packet of Brian. The government cannot really expect everyone to give up cigarettes as this would leave a huge deficit on the taxes they collect. They need us to keep on smoking to keep the coffers full.

  • 14th Nov 2013 02:48pm

Tobaco should be band, not just ads about it.

  • 14th Nov 2013 01:52pm

it probably has had an effect to some degree,but many people with a smoking addiction find it hard to give up.maybe if the money govts take on tobacco tax is put back to the public to use products to give up smoking at a lesser cost,we might see more value for money.the thing that always worries me with people like tony abbott and joe hockey is they will increase tax on tobacco, but figures show people are giving up smoking simply because it is to expensive.but what kind of new tax will abbott and hockey invent when smoking becomes yesterdays news.the federal govt need to have a good look at the alcohol problem in australia,too little is said about this problem which causes road deaths,murder on the streets and in homes,violence public and domestic and is probably the biggest cause of marriage break ups and divorce.get real abbott and hockey and look outside the smoking problem,as you have a bigger one in alcohol.

  • 14th Nov 2013 12:39pm

I do not believe that it has had any impact on those who were already smoking. I can only hope that the main impact has been a decrease in those taking up the habit.
I think that this was the main aim of the move to plain packaging.

  • 13th Nov 2013 12:02am

Nanny rules again!!
You should do as you are told at all times!!
Government knows best!!
When I was younger I could not attend functions because of the smoke filled areas, where I felt like I was choking.
I was seriously injured and started smoking tobacco because it assisted with my pain management. Then at that time the government decided that smokers were to be ostrisized, humilitated and vilified, eventhough the product is legal.
Now I am unable to attend functions because I continue to smoke as it still assists with pain management and allows me to cut back on the toxic concoctions of narcotic drugs that the medical professionals want me to comsume in great quantities.

  • 13th Nov 2013 12:01am

Nanny rules again!!
You should do as you are told at all times!!
Government knows best!!
When I was younger I could not attend functions because of the smoke filled areas, where I felt like I was choking.
I was seriously injured and started smoking tobacco because it assisted with my pain management. Then at that time the government decided that smokers were to be ostrisized, humilitated and vilified, eventhough the product is legal.
Now I am unable to attend functions because I continue to smoke as it still assists with pain management and allows me to cut back on the toxic concoctions of narcotic drugs that the medical professionals want me to comsume in great quantities.

  • 10th Nov 2013 01:13am

No it's not working at all! only if they get so expensive that people cannot afford to buy them so often.

  • 9th Nov 2013 06:15pm

My mother and father smoked as I was growing up, even when a baby. The reason I started smoking was curiosity. I did manage to give up seven years later but took it up again fifteen years later due to overwhelming circumstances that I found difficult to handle. I did give up again 3 years later for six months but took it up once more due to extenuating circumstances.

The packaging is horrendous and I do think about giving up not only for health but for money. I have known people who have died as a result of smoking and it isn't pretty. However I do have manners and tend not to smoke around people who don't smoke as I know exactly how bad it is. I have been there and got the memories too!

But of course which is more important, our rights or our manners, legislation is typically brought in due to people lacking the latter. So now nonsmokers have the right to be in a nicotine free environment. Why do you think they have alcohol-free zones?

  • 8th Nov 2013 03:11pm

If the government was serious about reducing the number of smokers and smoking related health problems they would be made illegal. There are absolutely no benefits to smoking. The government however, is making huge amounts of revenue from taxing cigarettes and no doubt no government would have the audacity to ban cigarettes. Personally I enjoy smoking cigarettes and it is very difficult to quit the habit.

  • 8th Nov 2013 09:54am

I am pleased to say that they have now banned smoking in the street in which our public conveniences are situated. Obviously they got sufficient complaints to do something about it. We no longer have to walk through a thick "fog" of smoke. It certainly was not good public relations for tourists.

  • 8th Nov 2013 09:54am

I am pleased to say that they have now banned smoking in the street in which our public conveniences are situated. Obviously they got sufficient complaints to do something about it. We no longer have to walk through a thick "fog" of smoke. It certainly was not good public relations for tourists.

  • 4th Nov 2013 07:56pm

plain packaging doesnt bother me. in 2009 when the govt got greedy and raised the price of cartons by $20, i decided to start smoking the imported cigarettes. instead of getting $140 a week from me for my smokes, i now pay $85 and the govt gets nothing. :P

  • 4th Nov 2013 07:12pm

Hasnt and wont change my smoking.
I hardly noticed what was on my pack before the change

  • 29th Oct 2013 10:34am

My partner smokes and has done for a long time. He has bought tobacco tins online to put his tobacco in so he does not have to look at the pictures. I have also heard that people request certain packets with certain pictures on them when buying cigarettes. People have to want to quit smoking to actually quit. If they like it, well leave them alone and they can suffer the consequences. They have had plenty of warnings...

  • 28th Oct 2013 05:11pm

It seems a waste of time and money. More than the colour of the pack is needed to convince smokers to give up.

wild one
  • 27th Oct 2013 04:14pm

Peer group pressure is stronger than plain packageing. People will continue to smoke until the government bans cigarettes altogether. This is something they are not going to do because they lose to much revenue. This is just another way for the government to say "we are trying to keep the anti - smoking people happy."

  • 27th Oct 2013 02:31pm

Hi Every one my name is Lesley and i have been smoking since i was 12 i am now 58 and until a couple of months ago i was smoking a lot then i started to cut back i even got them E-Smoks and to put smokes in boxes that are saying that this is how we the Goverment what it well it will not stop you from smoking as it is not the box you smoke it is what is in so for anyone to tell me what and when i can do anything i am a big girl and do not need people telling me what to do thanks

  • 25th Oct 2013 01:09am

I am a smoker of 30 years. Changing the packaging does not prevent me from continuing to smoke cigarettes. There were no significant differences in the proportion of plain- and branded-pack smokers who thought frequently about the harms of smoking or thought smoking harms had been exaggerated.

  • 23rd Oct 2013 05:53pm

No. still see lots of young people particularly girls smoking. A good idea that could discourage some people starting but will make no difference to smokers. They need to want to stop like some of my friends. The increase in cost is what deterred them

  • 23rd Oct 2013 05:00pm

well I think its just ridiculous,do that expect people to say ,oh wow my smoke packet has no name I don't want to smoke any more,f course there not

  • 23rd Oct 2013 04:39pm

I purchase them for my partner and the seller has to have good eyesight to see the brand type etc on the packet.
I think it has been worthwhile as the packets are locked away and therefore do not intice people by the logo's and bright packaging.

  • 23rd Oct 2013 02:43pm

No, persons just buy a container to cover the ugly photos, young persons do not respond to the pictures as youth feel they are indestructible so this is not the way

  • 23rd Oct 2013 01:35pm

It has made any difference to me. Smokes are still smokes. In fact some pictures we tend to make fun of. Bad I know, but we laugh it off.

  • 23rd Oct 2013 12:53pm

Not working -Government making decisions for us . Waste of time money resource

  • 23rd Oct 2013 12:36pm


  • 21st Oct 2013 12:12pm

it wont stop anyone,

  • 21st Oct 2013 12:50am

A few people I have talked with recently have said it has made them either cut down on the way to giving up or have given up.

I agree that smoking should be stopped. The argument about the tax being a good reason for politicians not to stop it doesn't add up when you look at the medical costs. Keep them smoking and watch the smoking related illnesses go up in smokers and non-smokers who have to breathe it in.

It probably doesn't do much for people who have smoked for years because their addiction is worse than their disgust but I would hope it deters some younger people.

As for the tax making older people struggle to survive - get medical help to give up. A roof over your head is more important than a habit that is bad for you. Or, take the tax away in lieu of making smokers pay ALL their own medical that can in any way be smoking related (and a lot of them can be linked). Not hard to prove the patient is a smoker is it??? A few medical bills for cancer or other related stays in hospital as a smoker will soon make people think.

I have extended family who has severe asthma so has to be on a machine several times a day that puffs away. Has been in hospital for smoking related illness. Has to take serious daily meds to breathe. Should he give up? Yes. Will he? Not likely/ but the taxes have forced him to smoke less so hopefully he will come to his senses.

I have seen another family member die from emphysema while puffing away. He stopped but by the time he did, it was too late.

Wake up. Giving up can be done and is the best thing for you/

Yes, the new packaging has helped some people I know. Not all but a win is a win.

  • 21st Oct 2013 12:49am

A few people I have talked with recently have said it has made them either cut down on the way to giving up or have given up.

I agree that smoking should be stopped. The argument about the tax being a good reason for politicians not to stop it doesn't add up when you look at the medical costs. Keep them smoking and watch the smoking related illnesses go up in smokers and non-smokers who have to breathe it in.

It probably doesn't do much for people who have smoked for years because their addiction is worse than their disgust but I would hope it deters some younger people.

As for the tax making older people struggle to survive - get medical help to give up. A roof over your head is more important than a habit that is bad for you. Or, take the tax away in lieu of making smokers pay ALL their own medical that can in any way be smoking related (and a lot of them can be linked). Not hard to prove the patient is a smoker is it??? A few medical bills for cancer or other related stays in hospital as a smoker will soon make people think.

I have extended family who has severe asthma so has to be on a machine several times a day that puffs away. Has been in hospital for smoking related illness. Has to take serious daily meds to breathe. Should he give up? Yes. Will he? Not likely/ but the taxes have forced him to smoke less so hopefully he will come to his senses.

I have seen another family member die from emphysema while puffing away. He stopped but by the time he did, it was too late.

Wake up. Giving up can be done and is the best thing for you/

Yes, the new packaging has helped some people I know. Not all but a win is a win.

  • 17th Oct 2013 10:58am

I don't smoke myself, but I know people in their 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's who have smoked for decades and these so called plain packets are NOT a deterrant. Half of the people they use on the packets look more like they have Aides than smoke related diseases. It's about times the Government and the so called Experts and do-gooders stopped trying to dictate how people should live their lives...Free Country ??? Naaah!

  • 17th Oct 2013 10:54am

I don't think it will work,as I feel if you want to smoke,you will its up to the person,he or she has to make that decision for themselves,I gave up over 30 years ago,I was a light smoker but still ended up with breathing problems.

  • 17th Oct 2013 07:17am

can comment enough but I don't think you can dictate people what they want to do with their body and health even if you loaded them with information. Te decision is theirs.

  • 17th Oct 2013 06:34am

No it's not working as smoking is an addiction just like alcohol & drugs, perhaps we should put pictures of the people killed by a drunk driver , do you think that would make a difference ? As far as taxes are concerned each incoming government raises the excise on cigarettes & alcohol as part of their revenue stream as they know it is an addiction can you imagine how much they would make if they legalised drugs like marijuana & then taxed it .

  • 16th Oct 2013 06:26pm

I gave up smoking nearly 10 yrs ago now and obviously wasn't due to the packaging. So do I think the plain packaging is working? Is it even giving people (smokers or want to smokers) pause for thought? Absolutely not! People will smoke no matter what, I know I was one of them.
Kids these days are actually collecting the gross pictures on the packs!...Yeah, that's really stopping them!
Sorry for rant, but...Really!!!
Arn :)

  • 16th Oct 2013 11:40am

I agree completely with the posts that claim it's had no impact. The one thing I have noticed is that most companies are using imported tobacco (not saying where it's from Either ) and the quality has decreased but prices haven't. We're being ripped off twice!

  • 16th Oct 2013 06:33pm
I smoked for over 40 years and gave it up in 1996 when I came down with pneumonia, I could barely breathe let alone smoke! I chose not to start again when I recovered. I have missed it but it...

G'day Nurph,
How are you finding the non-nicotine flavours? My partner is trying quit (ha ha ha) the plain packaging isn't working.

I was thinking about getting her to try those E-cigarettes, but she says she may as well stay on the "durries"


  • 16th Oct 2013 02:44pm
I agree completely with the posts that claim it's had no impact. The one thing I have noticed is that most companies are using imported tobacco (not saying where it's from Either ) and the quality...

I smoked for over 40 years and gave it up in 1996 when I came down with pneumonia, I could barely breathe let alone smoke! I chose not to start again when I recovered. I have missed it but it doesn't bother me at all, I have so many other things I otherwise could not afford to replace them. I am 65 now and recently discovered "VAPING" or E-cigarettes. My wife began the practice a couple of months ago to try and give up the 'dreaded weed'. She is very happy with the results. She has lost 5 Kgs and reduced her smoking from 30 a day to 5 ! She is using nicotine in her flavours (there are over 200 available) so she doesn't miss the smokes. E-cigarettes use a liquid that is vaporised by a heating element ( hence VAPING ) this vapor ( steam if you prefer ) is what you inhale.
A starter kit and around 3 -4 months supply of e-liquid costs about the same as a carton of regular smokes. Pipe smokers are also catered for,and if you don't want the nicotine ,you don't have to have it. There are several nicotine strengths available. Judging by my wifes use ,One fill of around 1 1/2 ml will last all day. No ash,No smelly clothes or furnishings,no ashtrays, no tar ,no cigarette butts.My wife buys from overseas as it is about half the price of buying local,but delivery takes 7 - 10 days by mail. Search for E-cigarettes online to get the full story, prices are normally in $US. I'm trialling a few non - nicotine flavours myself using my wifes spare unit.some are rubbish (my opinion only! )others are very good ,but smoking technique is a little different to get the best out of it. Only you will know when you have it right for you. Plain packaging does not work,neither does the ban on supermarket ads.

  • 15th Oct 2013 05:07pm

As a smoker for 45 years and yes, the Government promoted in the Services, I have recently been diagnosed with emphysema, however, most of it was attributed to my occupation, Fire Investigator and the fact I have entered and worked in fire damaged dwellings for over 30 years....let's get the facts, smoking is actually Legal, not illegal yet, why, because the Government can't do without the taxes, at present approximately 70% of the cost of a packet. Ok, so let's ban it...bugger me, then either GST or Excise Duty on Alcohol would have to increase dramatically and that isn't going to happen. By the way people...I wasn't advised to give up smoking, it was only recommended as a lifestyle choice, apparently giving up causes a lot of other issues and that's what increases the medical for thought.....

  • 16th Oct 2013 01:56pm
As a smoker for 45 years and yes, the Government promoted in the Services, I have recently been diagnosed with emphysema, however, most of it was attributed to my occupation, Fire Investigator and...

  • 15th Oct 2013 03:23pm

it would make no difference what you wrapped them in
if you want them you would still buy them

  • 15th Oct 2013 03:12pm

you could wrap them in brown paper and they will still buy them
as for me being an x if you don't want to you wont

  • 15th Oct 2013 01:43pm

The plain packaging has had absolutely no effect on me, I am a smoker have been for years & colour & pictures on packets wont deter me in the slightest. Government anti smoking campaigns have the opposite effect on me, I can go without smokes for days/hours but when I see anti smoking ads it reminds me to have a smoke (so much for them being a deterrent) I get angry that my rights are being taken away from me because everyone wants to get on the no smoking bandwagon

  • 15th Oct 2013 09:04am

reading some of the comments and have to agree
I am an addict been smoking from 16 you see
trying to cut down because of cost and waste
but in truth I do enjoy the tobacco taste
in my 60's now you see and not complacent but like to be free
to choose what I do, prohibition is not a good option for me
Had my lungs tested couple of months ago
my sons request so I did go
am lucky as they did show up clear
poluttion comes in many other ways I fear
but they are not hideously labled like cigarettes it is true
exaust fumes and pollution from factories just a few
so I will try cut down but repeat enjoy the taste
learning in moderation I here rest my smokers case

  • 14th Oct 2013 12:50pm

It has gone too far and is an infringement on people's rights and civil liberties. Why should anyone be confronted with disgusting and obscene images on a product that is sold to the general public? Don't know of anyone who has given up the habit because of the packaging. The government continues to rip off consumers of not only cigarettes, tobacco but fuel and alcohol by regularly hiking up the tax.

  • 14th Oct 2013 12:49pm

It has gone too far and is an infringement on people's rights and civil liberties. Why should anyone be confronted with disgusting and obscene images on a product that is sold to the general public? Don't know of anyone who has given up the habit because of the packaging. The government continues to rip off consumers of not only cigarettes, tobacco but fuel and alcohol by regularly hiking up the tax.

  • 13th Oct 2013 01:33am

I think i is stupid

  • 11th Oct 2013 05:00pm

Plain cigarette packaging has been a very expensive waste of time and money.

  • 11th Oct 2013 04:59pm

Plain cigarette packaging has been a very expensive waste of time and money.

  • 10th Oct 2013 11:03pm

its not as cool and its no longer confortable in most settings but its addictive and we do what we see even thought we all tell our mummys n daddys we r never going to smoke we all end up trying it at least once if not a lifetime

  • 9th Oct 2013 06:01pm

Makes no difference to smokers and prob won't put new smokers off either.

pete 9
  • 9th Oct 2013 01:09pm

The packaging does not change an addiction to nicotine. The Government needs to educate children in schools of the dangers, just as any addiction. It is simply a pathetic grab for tax dollars and a waste of money and time changing the packaging.
Visual images do not change addiction which is already formed. Pathetic, it is truly a pathetic way of mind control of humans.

  • 8th Oct 2013 08:49pm

The fact that the people posting on this site are describing using ways not to have the current packaging on view, by using cigarette cases and covers and the like, indicates that the packaging is having some sort of impact. Otherwise why are smokers no longer showing the pack like they used to. The pack are unsightly and smokers who feel a need to cover the packs up do so because they do not like the images. It is stirring something up. Plain packaging of products was never about stopping young people from smoking. Its aim was to make purchasers see the images, in an effort to counteract the perception of many smokers that smoking either does no harm or believing tbat" it wont happen to me". Smokers who have stated they use something else to carry the cigarettes in are confirming that the images have an impact. I believe that plain packaging was introduced in an effort to challenge the view of tobacco companies and some smokers who continue to state a belief that smoking does no harm to the smoker or the people who are around them. It is another way of ensuring that smokers are aware of the risks and the consequences of smoking and make an informed decision to either quit or continue smoking and take responsibility for the end result.

  • 8th Oct 2013 07:42pm

Its not working for me made no difference. I don't think it makes a difference what they put on the package. People will smoke if they don't want to give up.

  • 8th Oct 2013 05:44pm

i dont know anyone that has quit smoking because of the packaging. now, whenever i buy tobacco i have to check that ive been given the right brand, as everything now looks the same. as long as the tobacco taste the same, people will buy, a colourful packet is not going to get in peoples way.

  • 8th Oct 2013 04:47pm

I don't smoke but two members of my immediate family do. There have been no changes to their smoking habits in the past year even though tobacco taxes have risen always. To give up smoking you have to want to do it very badly - I have been told the habit is worse than heroin.

  • 8th Oct 2013 12:13am

The only change I have seen is when I'm walking down the street and see them laying around, discarded, now I'm confronted with pictures of dead bodies and other bits of rotting flesh during my day to day activities. Why do I need to suffer?
Dont think it's reduced the amount people smoke etc. I find it sick that someone addicted to food or drugs is seen as an outapcast, and yet someone who is addicted to cigarettes doesn't seem to be treated as if they have a problem or disorder. The amount of time smoking takes up ,and the amount of money it requires, and the health issues it causes are just crazy.

  • 7th Oct 2013 08:41pm

No I don't think it is. People can purchase stickers to cover the images or just place cigarettes in another container/holder.

  • 7th Oct 2013 05:40pm

I believe totally that plain packaging is working. I spoke recently to a
tobacconist who told me that his sales are going down, and he is now
considering that he will be out of business within the next five years
or so. When I was young I smoked, and think that if the packaging
was completely plain it would have made a difference to me.

  • 16th Feb 2014 04:58pm
I believe totally that plain packaging is working. I spoke recently to a
tobacconist who told me that his sales are going down, and he is now
considering that he will be out of business...

more likely people are quitting because of the COST not the plain packaging! Everyone I speak to doesn't even look at the packaging anymore! It's "Shock Value" has completely disappeared!
Plain packaging is a pain for anyone who sells cigarettes because it's so hard to tell one brand from another. I have been sold another brand other than the one I've asked for several times because of this.

  • 7th Oct 2013 12:42pm

Government making decisions for us is true. I don't care how they package it, I use a cigarette case anyway, so I don't care. It hasn't stoppe anyone I know from smoking.

  • 6th Oct 2013 10:08pm

I think It has an adverse effect particularly on teen agers.

  • 5th Oct 2013 03:51pm

not at all. if really want to quite,try other way to do anyway.

  • 5th Oct 2013 12:50pm

I dont think it is. I dont think kids ever bought the cigarettes for the packaging when it was the cigarette company's wrapping, or the health warning wrapping. Kids even in the 80s bought them because they wanted to be cool, when some entrepreneurial kids would get a packet and flog "per cigarette" so there wasn't packaging then.
These packages about harming your children, lung cancer and losing limbs - who cares when you're underage? it only happens to old people, or to those who are having children. It's how I remember thinking as a kid (even though i'm a non-smoker), and I don't think that imagery has slowed at all.
The government has followed the lead of governments around the world, I saw those pictures on cigarettes from a canadian packet back in 2001. I'm sure it got some people to quit, but was it the youth targets who did it? I'm not so sure.

  • 5th Oct 2013 11:36am

I do not buy plain packaging smokes I buy imported/made overseas ones

  • 5th Oct 2013 09:42am

I don't think it is working, it's just a way of making it look like the government is doing something. Most people I know, just buy cases to put the smokes in instead.
The government would be better off supplying nicotine patches with every packet as an incentive to quit.

  • 5th Oct 2013 06:55am

I know some older people [over 60's] who still smoke like a train in spite of the packaging of their cigarettes. One has even made a little coversack like a mini pillowslip to make her cigarette packets 'look more pleasant! '

  • 4th Oct 2013 11:46pm

Anything to deter smoking. I think it helps I have seen the consqiences of smoking

  • 4th Oct 2013 11:03pm

and if governments banned tobacco after letting everyone get addicted in the first place,all it would create is a bigger black market and alot of criminals.anyone that thinks its easy to give up after along time does not and will not see the real issues,and should keep their opinions to themselves and other non smokers.i know their opinions annoy me and im sure others having a hard time trying to give up dont need to know how easy it is.maybe it has been easy for a few but not the majority.

  • 4th Oct 2013 10:47pm

it hasnt stopped me or anyone i know,the pictures are disgusting but do not stop the craving.i have smoked for 30 yrs and beleive the government policies of the past have contributed to alot of people taking up takes alot more than changing the design on packets to kick the habit.i have tried several times to give up to no avail,now my physical demeaner is disabled, ie trouble walking,how do i give up when a big part is keeping yourself occupied so as not to think about so stressed from my condition that smoking is really one of a few pleasures i have.the government should be fined or made to pay for smokers who they let get addicted to smoked through the advertising they allowed to happen.ANYHOW HAVE A WINFIELD.

  • 4th Oct 2013 05:23pm

Smoking is an addiction like other drugs, gambling etc, people will only stop if they really want to , if something really makes them want to stop, it does not matter what the government does, the ads on tv, the packaging, most people have the it won't happen to mentality, it's sad but true. As a nurse I could go on forever about this subject, I could tell you about the patient I had to wheel outside with his oxygen tank to have a smoke, or the man that smoked through his traceostomy tube, all bad, it's like a lot of things take poker machines, people know they are bad and a lot of people have addictions with them, but the government lets places put more and more of them in, why , like cigarettes they make a profit so they really don't want them to stop. I see more young people smoking today , I see young mothers smoking while they are pregnant, smoking around their babies.
They have all the info , they see it on tv , on the packs, they just think , it won't happen to me, it will be someone else. So does not really matter what the government does they will only ever stop a very small percentage of people. Like anything in life you have to really want to stop. Sad but true

  • 4th Oct 2013 05:15pm

I doubt that plain packaging or scary messages on the packs are ever going to stop die-hard smokers (and they DO die hard!). Over my lifetime (66 years) there has been a significant change in the popularity of smoking in Australia and that is great to see. I think that perhaps the most significant motivator apart from the information about its links with serious health outcomes has been public messages from high-profile smokers that they were quitting.

  • 4th Oct 2013 12:39pm

I haven't smoked for years, but the plain packaging has done nothing to stop friends or family from smoking, nor have any of the ads made any difference.

  • 4th Oct 2013 11:13am

Has had no effect on me. I believe it to be totally wrong, another Gillard mostrosity.

  • 4th Oct 2013 10:54am

My husband is a smoker, and plain packaging has not changed his smoking habits. I still see as many people buying smokes, so really I don't think it has stopped anyone smoking

  • 4th Oct 2013 08:08am


  • 4th Oct 2013 07:27am

I haven't noticed any difference other than the shop keepers finding it way more difficult to locate the requested item.
I too agree with the taxes argument...
And what is it with the control? Alcohol and high sugary drinks are allowed to have pretty packaging - so surely that should apply to all

  • 4th Oct 2013 03:28am

Not working for me! I just use a cigarette holder. It's prettier :)

  • 8th Oct 2013 02:47pm
Not working for me! I just use a cigarette holder. It's prettier :)

Lol Tickles007 - that is exactly what I do too! Of course the pack isn't going to stop me quitting, nor the ads...the only thing that makes most people I know quit and what is going to 'eventually' force me to quit - is the COST! When I can no longer afford to eat because all my money is being gobbled up by cigarettes, then I will quit. Should be very soon actually.

  • 4th Oct 2013 12:13am

Doesn't work...

  • 8th Sep 2014 01:36pm
No "diatribe", jb, but an observation. You wouldn't have expected LNP to have brought in "plain packaging" under their watch, would you? If anything's a "diatribe" it's a) "extreme right wing govt"...

I have heard that it isn't the naturally grown tobacco that is the problem, it is the chemicals that are added that make it so addictive and health destoying.

  • 16th Oct 2013 03:30pm
No "diatribe", jb, but an observation. You wouldn't have expected LNP to have brought in "plain packaging" under their watch, would you? If anything's a "diatribe" it's a) "extreme right wing govt"...

The Liberals wouldn't have the guts to ban smoking either Mike so don't be one-eyed. The best idea is to GIVE UP. I smoked for over 40 years and gave up 6 years ago - have never regretted it! Smokers need to pay more and more in taxes because the cost to taxpayers to cover ongoing health-related issues relating to smokers gets more and more expensive. My advice to give up is this: cut down to about 10 a day for a month; then pick your favourite 5 cigs per day for the next month; then down to 3 for the next month; then down to your favourite ONE (after dinner) - then CUT OUT! That's how I did it - it will save you money and make you feel a whole lot better healthwise. Besides, smoking is becoming completely ANTI-SOCIAL throughout the world. I have just returned from China and Russia and smoking is becoming more and more anti social there as well.

  • 4th Oct 2013 12:33pm
No "diatribe", jb, but an observation. You wouldn't have expected LNP to have brought in "plain packaging" under their watch, would you? If anything's a "diatribe" it's a) "extreme right wing govt"...

Mike, I do agree with your further observation particularly the Rudd/Gillard position. I suspect the real reason they did not go further is as you say, but cigarette tax revenue is vital to any govt, as is petrol tax. The only method to counter any such loss in tax is to raise income tax and the GST, much a NO NO, but under the new federal govt. one or both of these scenarios will be implemented.

  • 4th Oct 2013 10:53am
Unfortunately Mike has turned this into the usual LNP diatribe but that's OK with me, I am very neutral. However, Australia has now voted in the most extreme right wing government for a long time,...

No "diatribe", jb, but an observation. You wouldn't have expected LNP to have brought in "plain packaging" under their watch, would you? If anything's a "diatribe" it's a) "extreme right wing govt" (nonsense) an b) something about imbecile mayors (no idea who you're talking about, I'm not from Qld, thankfully). Hardly "neutral"! I'll leave aside "big business vs union" control, it's an ancient argument. Rudd & co increased excise on tobacco products, on a product which is already probably the most highly taxed in this country. In fact, I'd reckon a pack of 25 cigarettes costs $1 or $2 to produce and distribute. So the other $10-16 is tax, in one form or another. The plain packaging does nothing to reduce smoking, but it sure does increase frustration at the supermarket with sales assistants on hands and knees going through cupboards and shelf stock trying to read them all. I repeat, if Rudd and/or Gillard had REALLY been serious about preventing Australians from smoking they would have banned tobacco, but then they'd have lost billions in revenue, so they were gutless wonders.

  • 4th Oct 2013 08:34am
Quite frankly, it's another example of Labor social engineering. If they really wanted smokers to quit they'd simply ban tobacco products. Truth is, governments are addicted to nicotine, and any...

Unfortunately Mike has turned this into the usual LNP diatribe but that's OK with me, I am very neutral. However, Australia has now voted in the most extreme right wing government for a long time, totally controlled by big business and following on from Queensland electing an imbecile who is nothing more than a mouthpiece for his backers (the reason he was removed from Brisbane mayoralty) Before long the Abboitt crew will reintroduce workchoices in one form or another, industrial relations, already on the slide, will plummet, as will productivity and the Australian dollar.

  • 4th Oct 2013 12:59am
Quite frankly, it's another example of Labor social engineering. If they really wanted smokers to quit they'd simply ban tobacco products. Truth is, governments are addicted to nicotine, and any...

Total Agree......!

  • 4th Oct 2013 12:27am
Doesn't work...

Quite frankly, it's another example of Labor social engineering. If they really wanted smokers to quit they'd simply ban tobacco products. Truth is, governments are addicted to nicotine, and any govt wouldn't see any benefits until they were out of office. For smokers though, plain packaging is frustrating, because supermarkets by law can only sell from one counter, often not well marked as the "smokes counter" and sales staff can never find the right brand because they're all the same. Also, the warning pictures are nonsense- there is no evidence the people depicted smoked, and some of the pictures are ancient- the lung cancer guy looks like he was around in the 70s or 80s. If they're serious, can't they link the pictures with actual case studies, and find pictures from say, the naughties? 2010-1012 perhaps? I'm personally extremely cynical about tobacco taxes now followed by ridiculous "plain packaging", and to think it was introduced by the most dysfunctional govt we've had since WWII. Idiots.

  • 3rd Oct 2013 08:42pm

To me I think its a Stupid idea to introduce non smoking by writing it on cigarette packaging.The wisest and proper way is to stop making and selling them otherwise this current system will not reduce or make people to stop smoking.

  • 11th Oct 2013 10:13pm
To me I think its a Stupid idea to introduce non smoking by writing it on cigarette packaging.The wisest and proper way is to stop making and selling them otherwise this current system will not...

Some give up when the prices go up - Govt. levied the same timeS every year.
Most of the cost is Govt. Taxes. Unfortunately it isn't just the actual smokers who suffer medical problems it is others around them who suffer from breathing problems. Breast Fed babies get some via their milk as well as the air if the Mother smokes. Babies sometimes suffer other conditions from Mothers smoking cigarettes during pregnancy. I personally know of one case.

  • 3rd Oct 2013 06:21pm

I noticed no difference in my friends smoking!

  • 3rd Oct 2013 05:45pm

I have quite a few relatives who smoke and all except one have actually increased the number per day they smoke.
The one exception is a female who hates the pictures on the packs and now, as soon as she buys the pack, takes them out of the offensive pack and puts them into an old one she kept for the purpose. When that one wears out, she has said that she will use a cigarette case.
So much for the detterent.
Of the young people I know, I know a number of them who are in year 11 and 12 of high school, all of them, without exception either purchase smokes on a regular basis or "bum" them off others.
I feel that this is just another case of the government making decisions for us.

On the flip side of the coin, if we were all healthy, ate well, exercised regularly, didn't smoke, we had cures for diseases and drove to the road rules, how would the people currently employed in not only healthcare, but it's related industries, earn a living? If you think about it, around 1/4 to 1/3 of employed people are involved somehow with healthcare.

I firmly believe that we are all entitled to make our own choices whether or not they are the right thing to do. If we make bad choices, we should be paying the price ourselves, not the government or any one else. By being allowed to make our own choices, we keep lots of people employed.
While we're on the subject, that would also include criminals. If you commit a crime, there is no reason you should not pay the price by going to jail, not to live a life of luxury but to do hard labour to pay for your crime. Not a big fan of using a lousy childhood as an excuse. I had a lousy childhood and I'm not a criminal.
I'll get off my soapbox now.
No the legislation is not working.

  • 8th Sep 2014 01:28pm
Good on you for getting on your soapbox. I agree with you wholeheartedly. except..... although people have the right to make choices...we need to remember that tobacco smoke does impact on the...

Hooray, they have banned smoking in the side street that the public toilets are in.

  • 17th Dec 2013 06:37pm
Love the effort from cutekitty, maybe tongue in cheek, but spot on. She's right, of course, government has a huge interest in tax from smokes and is only paying lip service to non-smokers. What is...

Why should we have to give up....I smoke away from others (hide in a corner!) and generally try not to inconvenience their little world, put up with their extremely rude comments and pay through the nose for my small pleasure. The packaging is only a minor annoyance, but I now have a nice ciggie case, and another small case for my butts. What annoys me is government raising taxes on smokers, how about a raise on alcohol which surely does more damage, ever seen a traffic accident , domestic violence, public brawl caused by smoking a ciggie?

  • 15th Nov 2013 03:00pm
Love the effort from cutekitty, maybe tongue in cheek, but spot on. She's right, of course, government has a huge interest in tax from smokes and is only paying lip service to non-smokers. What is...

Someone recently told me that nicotine patches were financed by cigarette companies so they could maintain their income.

  • 28th Oct 2013 06:45pm
Nothing tongue in cheek about it jb. Meant every word of it.

wELL PENNED!! love it!!!

  • 16th Oct 2013 07:32pm
Love the effort from cutekitty, maybe tongue in cheek, but spot on. She's right, of course, government has a huge interest in tax from smokes and is only paying lip service to non-smokers. What is...

If they want tax, tax it all equally. 90% of cigs are tax, fine, then make 90% tax on booze, 90% tax on sugar, 90% tax on fats, 90% tax on petrol, 90% tax on political donations. All seem to be addictive.

  • 11th Oct 2013 10:32pm
I have quite a few relatives who smoke and all except one have actually increased the number per day they smoke.
The one exception is a female who hates the pictures on the packs and now, as...

Good on you for getting on your soapbox. I agree with you wholeheartedly. except..... although people have the right to make choices...we need to remember that tobacco smoke does impact on the health of others. I personally know of one lass who suffers from asthma and it is much worse if there is smoke around. It is not always possible to avoid going near it. In Adelaide they have banned smoking in Rundle Mall but not in the side streets. The public toilets (adjoining the retail shopping strip) are in a side street and people congregate along it to smoke. Sometimes there is a thick haze of smoke.
If one needs to use the toilets one has to put up with the smoke. They are used a lot by tourists and I have overheard comments about the problem quite a few times just recently.
I agree with your criminal theory too. Do the crime, do the time.
Unfortunately when parents and their friends use drugs, they are surrounded by them and some don't realise they are dangerous until they are old enough to realise the danger of them. Some have actually been given it by their parents.
There was a case here last year. Drugs were put in a crying toddler's bottle because he was crying (teething) so he would sleep. He stopped breathing and it was his teenage sibling(also an addict) to realised and called an Ambulance. When the Ambulance reached the hospital some of their staff rushed out when the patient wasn't brought in immediately. When they opened the doors both paramedics were trying to recusitate the baby. A Heart Specialst was already on standby ready but could do nothing to save tghe baby's life.

  • 4th Oct 2013 07:59am
Love the effort from cutekitty, maybe tongue in cheek, but spot on. She's right, of course, government has a huge interest in tax from smokes and is only paying lip service to non-smokers. What is...

Nothing tongue in cheek about it jb. Meant every word of it.

  • 3rd Oct 2013 07:26pm
I have quite a few relatives who smoke and all except one have actually increased the number per day they smoke.
The one exception is a female who hates the pictures on the packs and now, as...

Love the effort from cutekitty, maybe tongue in cheek, but spot on. She's right, of course, government has a huge interest in tax from smokes and is only paying lip service to non-smokers. What is more worrying is that the Abbott gogernment seems to be accepting Labor's role in plain packaging instead of getting down to the nitty gritty and raise the tax on cigarettes to beyond affordable level. Generally, there is already a huge market on help to give up smoking and one has to consider whether smokers really want to give up.

  • 3rd Oct 2013 05:33pm

do not have to worry about the new look cigarette packaging as I have never smoked

  • 25th Nov 2013 10:37am
do not have to worry about the new look cigarette packaging as I have never smoked

I do not smoke nor does my saughter so personally it does not affect me.Whatver is on the packaging will not deter young people from smoking

  • 15th Oct 2013 02:35pm
do not have to worry about the new look cigarette packaging as I have never smoked

well why are you even having a say

  • 3rd Oct 2013 04:35pm

Absolutely no impact whatsoever for established smokers, such as myself. If the Government was actually serious about reducing the numbers of smokers, the cost of aids to help quit would be heavily subsidised. Why buy a pack of nicotine patches when it's cheaper to buy a pack of smokes! They'll never change it, they make too much money out of it.

  • 3rd Oct 2013 03:51pm

i dont know of anyone stoppping - just find their original and keep it up alicat

  • 3rd Oct 2013 02:44pm

No, not working for me, or my mates, the government got me onto them for free in my ration pack (army), do you reckon they'll help get me off them for free? Fat chance

pete 9
  • 13th Oct 2020 11:36am
I agree, also that the government got me on cigarette smoking, I have smoked all my life since 14 years, wright up until present time aged 54. And furthermore more than likely be smoking for the...

Well, like you did not work for me. Our generation were conned into smoking in amongst grand adds for Marlborough Man, Alpine beautiful mountains. It is the most of addictive substances, yet past generations were sucked into the addiction. It's come too late, to change a generation over night.
Asie from trying to figure a way out of continuing my addiction, the governments have gone crazt to think it will cause a grand change, it won't. If they really want to get rid of it, ban it and stop making money from a section of the country. Around 2.3 million people in Australia have a cigarette addiction. I can't believe the evil procedures they have gone to making it as dear as gold. I want to find and sign every petition there is for rights for smokers. It is appalling. One generation of smokers are raising children themselves. What next. People have rights, and they have choice.

  • 23rd Feb 2017 05:49pm
I stopped smoking 20 years a go and it is hard to give it up but that is up to you to do The government is not going to stop you from smoking as it likes the tax it gets from the people who smoke...

The way I see it and yes I am a smoker. Is if it cost the government more on healthcare etc for smokers than.what they received for tax then cigarettes would be banned. just my opinion.

  • 18th Dec 2016 04:33am
No, not working for me, or my mates, the government got me onto them for free in my ration pack (army), do you reckon they'll help get me off them for free? Fat chance

Wow thats unreal.
Just proves they dont give a fuk! Just after high taxes!

angry mum
  • 15th Nov 2016 01:22pm
I agree, also that the government got me on cigarette smoking, I have smoked all my life since 14 years, wright up until present time aged 54. And furthermore more than likely be smoking for the...

I agree with everything you have said. At least smoking doesnt make someone violent unlike alcohol.

  • 13th Nov 2016 04:56pm
fine try and stop the young but to late for 55 plus tax goes up for cigs every 6 months your just sending us to...

unfortuneately josephesusan you started at a very early age how did the services get you into smoking

  • 13th Nov 2016 04:48pm
No, not working for me, or my mates, the government got me onto them for free in my ration pack (army), do you reckon they'll help get me off them for free? Fat chance

SH33P I can also blame the army.i would go and see my local gp o call vet affairs for a claim form you never know your luck.was was lucky and dva supplied took a few times of doing this,then I woke up one morning said no more smokes.i think it is mind over matter.keep thinking possitabley ou will give it up and feel much better for it heres to no smoking goog luck if they knock you back re-applyagain and again

  • 4th Oct 2016 09:24pm
No, not working for me, or my mates, the government got me onto them for free in my ration pack (army), do you reckon they'll help get me off them for free? Fat chance

I have no objection to anyone who smokes, unfortunately unless they smoked in a completely enclosed space the smoke travels & we have secondary smoking. It does exist I know I am 79 never smoked, grew up in a household of smokers. I am suffering from secondary smoking problems. I have suffered with brochitus also pneumonia
Please don't say it is impossible to give it up because you have smoked since you were 14 & now 55, my parents also smoked all their lives both gave it up when it was too late. My father had a blocked artery in his groin that could not be operated on he was in so much pain, my mother also a Chronic bronchitis, who went away every year to try to get better. They gave up in their seventies., both my brothers gave it & my husband. My youngest brother it has made such a difference to his health & my husband.. Please remember you do not smoke alone when I leave a shopping centre & the smokers are smoking outside, I smoke with them. I do not want to smoke & I object to the smell on my clothes, in my hair. Sorry it stinks

  • 18th Aug 2016 10:00am
No, not working for me, or my mates, the government got me onto them for free in my ration pack (army), do you reckon they'll help get me off them for free? Fat chance

That's such a good comment. I would like to know your chances of actually winning that in court. They would be pretty high specially if it was before we were "made aware " of their addictive nature and their toxicity.... hhmm... I would see a lawyer about that. ;) good luck in quitting. I'm not ready too yet. . Shame.. ;)

  • 18th May 2016 01:40pm
I survived stage 4 cancer at the base of the tongue....Complements of the ignorant and arrogant people who I worked with that insisted it was their right to smoke.
45 radiation treatments in...

While I am sorry that you suffered this cancer, you did not earn the right to 'ram cigarettes'. I've smoked for 30 years... no C. So you have DNA that is cancer-prone. Add cigarette smoke to that, and it could have been the spark. A friend's kid has lung cancer, age 17, and nobody smokes in their family or in her school. To use your reasoning, I should be able to shove the glass down the throat of any drinker, as I've been hit by a drunk driver once while driving, and once when my car was parked. Too many 'after game' near misses to count with drunk footy fans. I don't drink, so they should all stop.

  • 18th May 2016 01:29pm
With all respect the govt or any other person is not to blame for you smoking you put the thing to your own mouth. Thank god that the govt is trying to help stop the habits for people's health. I...

Aw, diddums... had to get all judgemental, didn't we? Lazy and unmotivated...gee, I love it when Pinkie Perfects get all wound up. Guess what, sweetie, it isn't illegal, just inconvenient and expensive. You've swallowed a little too much hype, take a chill pill.

  • 28th Apr 2016 04:01pm
fine try and stop the young but to late for 55 plus tax goes up for cigs every 6 months your just sending us to...

I agree with the plain packaging of cigarettes to hopefully stop young people taking up the habit I think its working for them. Being a reformed smoker which happened when I got very sick in and out of hospital and two brain operations had smoked for 30years I don't take offence to other smokers as long as smoke is not near my face archers reply

  • 16th Sep 2015 05:14pm
With all respect the govt or any other person is not to blame for you smoking you put the thing to your own mouth. Thank god that the govt is trying to help stop the habits for people's health. I...

It must be nice to be so sure that you are on moral high ground. Never took a drink? Never ate chips, crisps, Maccas? Never passed a drunk on the street or the road? Hon, I'm offended by your judgemental sass, spurred on by the scapegoating of smokers as some sort of antichrist. Your taxes support the deluxe lifestyle of pollies, not anything worthwhile.
Get some guts yourself and give up being holier-than-thou. You might even feel healthier.

  • 22nd Aug 2015 01:56pm
first I am a smoker
2nd the Government spends more on smokers in healthcare than they get from taxation on tobacco
Why do you think smokers are being criticized

I survived stage 4 cancer at the base of the tongue....Complements of the ignorant and arrogant people who I worked with that insisted it was their right to smoke.
45 radiation treatments in conjunction with 3 months of chemo and a radical throat dissection THIS NON SMOKER BELIEIVES HE HAS EARNED THE RIGHT TO BE THE WORLDS MOST NASTY BASTARD ANTI SMOKER and I don't care who gets upset if I ram their cigarettes down their throats.
Hopefully I represent the non smokers who are classic cases of passive smoking.

  • 17th Aug 2015 12:24pm
I agree, also that the government got me on cigarette smoking, I have smoked all my life since 14 years, wright up until present time aged 54. And furthermore more than likely be smoking for the...

Unfortunately, you chose the addiction which DOES harm others, in your vacinity! Children, asthmatics, regus
lar workers in bars and clubs, etc, are all at risk. If perhaps you could put your cigarette down long enough to actually read the research - and a few other books - you might learn something!! You might also learn, that within five years of giving up, your lungs and sytem will return to nearly normal, and your projected length of life to about the same as a non-smoker. In ten years, it will be exactly the same! The fact that you "know' someone who has lived to 90, and smoked all their (not 'there") lives, is fascinating. How lucky was that person!! I will bet you don't know MANY!! I personally know no one who has smoked all their lives and lived to a ripe old age. They generally die in their 40's or 50's, from heart attack or stroke, or slightly earlier than that from bladder or bowel cancer - also caused by smoking. Did you know that?? Your right (not "wright") to swing your fist finishes where my jaw is. You have no right to shorten MY life, or the lives of my young children, by blowing your smoke over us. YOU are the selfish one, if you cannot see that. You are obviously one of the 'lucky' smokers, and still alive in your old age. Do you really want the next generation to grow up as selfish and as foolish as you are?

(PS: I will predict you won't see your own grandchildren grow up; in fact, you won't see 60. Think about it. 10 days of suffering vs twenty more years of life!! Are you sure it is not worth it?? You learn a 'habit' by doing it every day for 10 days.....You can unlearn it by NOT doing it for 10 days.)

  • 27th Jul 2015 08:01pm
No, not working for me, or my mates, the government got me onto them for free in my ration pack (army), do you reckon they'll help get me off them for free? Fat chance

As an x smoker, who tried to stop many times, I found I could only stop cold turkey. I counted the hours, and if I had a craving I would walk beside someone who was smoking(made me feel sick) that was many years ago now. I thought that I was free from any side effects, but no I wasn't. Had been smoke free for 14 years, then in 2006 I was found to have mouth cancer. Had the whole top pallet taken out, radiation. Thought that it was over, but no 2013 same cancer was back, had my tongue removed. My doctors informed me that my type of cancer was caused from smoking. So it doesn't matter about the packaging or cost if people want them they will still get them somehow.

  • 16th Jun 2015 02:47pm
No, not working for me, or my mates, the government got me onto them for free in my ration pack (army), do you reckon they'll help get me off them for free? Fat chance

Sorry . . . Who got you on to them? Let's blame the government! It's their fault!

  • 4th May 2015 06:09pm
first I am a smoker
2nd the Government spends more on smokers in healthcare than they get from taxation on tobacco
Why do you think smokers are being criticized

Manson, because we are easy targets. Go after sugar, all the junk food addicts cry foul, as do sugar manufacturers. Those money mates of the ministers have more clout. Go after the boozers, and every footy team, 20-something and alc producers will scream. Us, we just accept being shunted into the 'untouchable' class.

  • 9th Mar 2015 06:17pm
With all respect the govt or any other person is not to blame for you smoking you put the thing to your own mouth. Thank god that the govt is trying to help stop the habits for people's health. I...

FACT; the taxes collected by the Government off cigarettes covers all the so called health related sicknesses blamed by smoking and that includes if you cough, get the sniffles anything caused by breathing in.
Car accidents kill to so who do you blame then or better still lets have the Government ban cars. it has also been proven any person who lives all their life in the cities around the world will die with brown lungs and that is from all the toxins in the air from Industry, not from cigarette smoking.
Also when you hear of a car accident, domestic violence, late night fights, gang wars, brawling etc how much of all that is related to cigarettes and yet drinking and drugs seems to be more accepted then smokes.
Putting cigarettes in plain packaging, all that has done is have the young of today have more reason to trial them until they find what they like, nothing more

  • 18th Jul 2014 02:41pm
With all respect the govt or any other person is not to blame for you smoking you put the thing to your own mouth. Thank god that the govt is trying to help stop the habits for people's health. I...

Sanctimoniousness should be limited as well.I'm offended by you on your high horse. Never ate meat? Never drove a car? Never drank? never drank from a plastic bottle? Guess what?! Cigarettes aren't illegal. I don't smoke , but see the fascist targetting of one group to alleviate the powerlessness of the population as a whole , as symptomatic of a 'reichstad' mindset.
To dumb it down for you, sweetie, pick on one group, make THEM the bad guy, so that everyone else can feel virtuous and superior. I see it is working for you.

  • 4th Jul 2014 07:41pm
I agree, also that the government got me on cigarette smoking, I have smoked all my life since 14 years, wright up until present time aged 54. And furthermore more than likely be smoking for the...

how did the government get you a dickted at 14 years old

  • 1st Jul 2014 10:38am
Actually Ozzysnapshot it has been proven by several studies that taxes from smokers is 3 times the amount needed for healthcare for them. The Government make a big deal about it,
doing things...

Over 750,000 hospital bed days per year are attributable to tobacco-related disease and smoking has been estimated to cost over $31 billion a year
what studies please educate me

  • 1st Jul 2014 10:36am
Actually Ozzysnapshot it has been proven by several studies that taxes from smokers is 3 times the amount needed for healthcare for them. The Government make a big deal about it,
doing things...

Over 750,000 hospital bed days per year are attributable to tobacco-related disease and smoking has been estimated to cost over $31 billion a year
what studies please educate me

  • 1st Jul 2014 10:19am
Tell me Ozzysnapshot please; do you partake of alcohol? Alcohol related illness drains our health system far more than smokers ever will, by way of alcohol related health problems to the drinker,...

agree about the alcohol
But tobacco tax does not pay for roads or education, it does not even pay for the health related diseases caused by smoking that the government have to put into the health system
As a smoker I am not happy about the higher taxes but they are just
no civil rights or need to YELL

  • 1st Jul 2014 10:08am
Pink Rose, it's obvious you've never smoked! Yes I agree there are some inconsiderate people out there, those who blow smoke in other's direction, smoke while preparing food etc: BUT, overall most...

first I am a smoker
2nd the Government spends more on smokers in healthcare than they get from taxation on tobacco
Why do you think smokers are being criticized

  • 14th May 2014 09:16am
Fair Dinkum Rose, I suggest you depart this planet, for your health sake, you'll have cars banned soon, because you are sucking in carbon monoxide every time you step out your front door plus other...

I stopped smoking 20 years a go and it is hard to give it up but that is up to you to do The government is not going to stop you from smoking as it likes the tax it gets from the people who smoke but they try to make out they are trying to stop smokers putting smokes in plain packets does not do a thing so if you like to smoke than that is up to you bet think of the people around you then you do lit up and yes there are toxins and other air born killers out there that ken kill us but we try not to suck it in

  • 23rd Apr 2014 05:47pm
With all respect the govt or any other person is not to blame for you smoking you put the thing to your own mouth. Thank god that the govt is trying to help stop the habits for people's health. I...

I wonder if your parents smoked and if so ,why.Did they fight in any of the wars .were they given cigarettes in there ration packs to help them with the stess of war.did the government issue them just so they can make people pay for it later in life. Did they make addicts of my parents,who knows but they did not help any.Going by todays info then any children born after taking up smoking were already addics and living in that ennviroment does not help any.I am afraid if you think raising the price is not for revenue then why doesn't the government ban them altogether,after all 20,000 people die each year from smoking yet the duty of care is ignored by the government for monetary reasons .What else.Lets face it if it was a car that was dangerous it would be called back..cigarettes kill more and the government wants
to award a penalty for killing themselves. hyperthetically..Park your car in the garage ,leave the motor running for 8 hours and stay there .Will you walk out.probably not .Who knows, but I can guarantee if I smoked for 8 hours. I would walk.out So what is more detrimental to your health.Car or gigarrette

  • 13th Apr 2014 10:48am
Yes it is a personal choice to smoke and no other reason. The taxes that are collected disappear into the cost to society in health related problems which are funded through our health care...

Actually Ozzysnapshot it has been proven by several studies that taxes from smokers is 3 times the amount needed for healthcare for them. The Government make a big deal about it,
doing things to cost more money to the taxpayers just to shut the Anti Smoker whingers up. Do you really think they would want to lose the amount of money they get from us and if they do where do you think they'll get the money from then? Will you be happy to pay it out of your own pocket because that's exactly what will happen.

  • 2nd Apr 2014 01:08am
Hi, I agree, it's my only luxury as well and the packaging hasn't made an ounce of difference. All smokers I know are still smoking. Colour of package isn't going to make an ounce of difference. ...

I agree with everything you have said its stuff the little people and worry about the government, rich get richer and the poor get stuff around.

  • 30th Mar 2014 06:27pm
No, not working for me, or my mates, the government got me onto them for free in my ration pack (army), do you reckon they'll help get me off them for free? Fat chance

I take them out of the pack and put them in a cigarette case with a motif of my own choosing.
Who cares what the packet looks like?

  • 4th Mar 2014 10:32pm
Pink Rose, it's obvious you've never smoked! Yes I agree there are some inconsiderate people out there, those who blow smoke in other's direction, smoke while preparing food etc: BUT, overall most...

Agree with you. Ive been smoking for 40 years. Have cut down recently but how do you give up a 40 year habit? I was so furious when they took off the details of how much nicotine etc from the pack. All other products you consume have to have all the ingredients listed ! Who is the idiot that thought plain packaging would make any difference? Heavy smokers dont get agro and bash people like drunks or drug addicts! Lay off the smokers!

  • 20th Feb 2014 08:32pm
Yes it is a personal choice to smoke and no other reason. The taxes that are collected disappear into the cost to society in health related problems which are funded through our health care...

Tell me Ozzysnapshot please; do you partake of alcohol? Alcohol related illness drains our health system far more than smokers ever will, by way of alcohol related health problems to the drinker, by way of the mental illness which affects some drinkers, lost work due to hangovers etc: andthe public cost, innocent victims of drink drivers and the list of alcohol related costs to our public health system. The taxes raised from cigarettes also funds education, roads, health system and helping to keep other taxes relatively low. Perhaps you are unaware that cigarettes are the hardest frug to give-up, but before you judge me or any other for being a drain on the health system consider the cost of drinkers on that system, consider I pay taxes through my job (as others do) the highest cigarette taxes in the world, pay premium healthcover (which I have not yet used-15 year member), the added taxes we all pay for everyday purchases etc: you aren't out of pocket because of me mate! CIVIL RIGHTS FOR NON-SMOKERS yeah right; you aren't made to feel a social outcast-smokers virtually are, I doubt your vices have price rises as frequently or as high as smokers. HOW ABOUT WE LET EACH OTHER LIVE THEIR LIVES WITHIN REASON AND AGREE TO DISAGREE ON SOME POINTS OF VIEW; WE'RE EACH ENTITLED TO OUR OWN OPINIONS; THAT'S OUR DEMOCRATIC RIGHT!

angry mum
  • 20th Feb 2014 12:49pm
Pink Rose, it's obvious you've never smoked! Yes I agree there are some inconsiderate people out there, those who blow smoke in other's direction, smoke while preparing food etc: BUT, overall most...

Totally agree, I too have tried it all and lasted 4 weeks at the most. Its a legal addiction. Smoking since 20 and now 53. We smokers have lost a lot of our rights, eg some shade where we can have a cigarette in peace at the shops instead of throwing us all out to 30 degree heat. Has no-one heard of discrimination. We are all human, not dogs.

angry mum
  • 20th Feb 2014 12:44pm
TOTAL agreement!! I enjoy my smoke and will buy as long as I can afford to and then give up other things so I can still have my one small luxury. I have already cut back on alcohol, not that I...

Hi, I agree, it's my only luxury as well and the packaging hasn't made an ounce of difference. All smokers I know are still smoking. Colour of package isn't going to make an ounce of difference. I don't drink or go out clubbing or anything and if I want to smoke then lets change the colour to pink. I guarantee you even the males will continue smoking. Government needs to stop raising the price of cigarettes as for most of us, its our only luxury which is becoming unaffordable. They should be working harder on totally stopping illegal drugs and the effects it has on families.

  • 8th Feb 2014 05:06pm
Pink Rose, it's obvious you've never smoked! Yes I agree there are some inconsiderate people out there, those who blow smoke in other's direction, smoke while preparing food etc: BUT, overall most...

Yes it is a personal choice to smoke and no other reason. The taxes that are collected disappear into the cost to society in health related problems which are funded through our health care system. The taxes collected do not meet the costs being incurred in that system. Therefor there would be less taxes needed for health if every one gave up smoking. Even with private health we pay for you through Medicare which pays out more than the private health system. Where are the civil rights for the non smokers who have to pay out in taxes to support medicare to pay for the health problems caused by smoking!!!!!

  • 31st Jan 2014 08:18pm
No, not working for me, or my mates, the government got me onto them for free in my ration pack (army), do you reckon they'll help get me off them for free? Fat chance

Not working 4me either I don't care about the packet it is the price

  • 30th Jan 2014 09:17am
With all respect the govt or any other person is not to blame for you smoking you put the thing to your own mouth. Thank god that the govt is trying to help stop the habits for people's health. I...

I agree

  • 27th Jan 2014 10:22am
With all respect the govt or any other person is not to blame for you smoking you put the thing to your own mouth. Thank god that the govt is trying to help stop the habits for people's health. I...

I half agree with you pink rose. I think there are sufficient zones for smokers now that as a non smoker you can happily avoid being smoked out. But my father died of a smoking related carcinoma last year. It was a long slow painful death that included 3 months in hospital all at tax payers expense.... and due to his financial situation they paid for his funeral too. I like to think that he paid for all that himself through the taxes on his smokes. I spent a long time looking after him spending all our savings.... we are still in financial recovery.

  • 26th Jan 2014 01:21pm
If the government was being as heroic as you describe then they would ban smoking instead of extorting tax revenue from smokers.
As far as the innocents go, Take a walk, they are more likely to...

I've read so many replies to Pink Rose but you're reply really go through to me. I have just recently taken up smoking again and you're right it's not very helpful. I was of the opinion that governments should do all they can to assist people regardless of whether or not they have "made mistakes" - thanks for your feedback. I'm feeling better about myself already.

  • 26th Jan 2014 01:08pm
With all respect the govt or any other person is not to blame for you smoking you put the thing to your own mouth. Thank god that the govt is trying to help stop the habits for people's health. I...

I hear you saying everything that I've expected to hear said; that I'm no good and that I'm responsible for putting that thing in my mouth. I've only been smoking 3 months and I feel really bad about it. I hope you do understand that I need government support in the way of health services because I have a mental illness.

  • 12th Dec 2013 10:58am
With all respect the govt or any other person is not to blame for you smoking you put the thing to your own mouth. Thank god that the govt is trying to help stop the habits for people's health. I...

If the government was being as heroic as you describe then they would ban smoking instead of extorting tax revenue from smokers.
As far as the innocents go, Take a walk, they are more likely to get a long full of deisel fumes than cigarette smoke. It's the fault of those damned people that want transportation. (NO respect for others).
Personally I expect the government to do a lot more to assist health services. including those people who were not careful enough to avoid injury.I do not say "Oops, that could have been avoided - so no help for you"
As for your self righteous indignation - well, lets try to be nice and just say it's not very helpful,is it.

  • 15th Nov 2013 10:10am
With all respect the govt or any other person is not to blame for you smoking you put the thing to your own mouth. Thank god that the govt is trying to help stop the habits for people's health. I...

Hello pinkrose ,good to see you having a go ,standing up for yourself ,just a pity you are talking through unproven bias .I suppose it will be good now to have someone to focus on and vent our smoker`s frustration upon .I must condemn your statement concerning the Govt supplying free cigs in a soldiers` ration pack ,
This is a fact and in a rare moment ,when a soldier is on patrol ,and can have a safe rest, he lights up a cig which transports him into knowing he is in fact safe and he carries this feeling over into civilian life .Now the only time he is unsafe ,is when he lights up anytime .I have seen your "innocents" cross the street to get near a smoker ,just to berate and ridicule the smoker for killing with pollution .I believe ,in most cases, passive smoking is harmless and you have no argument for it as smokers " do it " out in the breezey open air . As far as plain packets are concerned ,it is just another waste of money .I was witness to a little boy being quite traumatised by a large eye staring at him from a packet left on a table , he thought the packet was full of eyes, oh ,do you think the owner should be held accountable and fined for that display ? You, nor anybody else pays any expenses for my health repairs ,so I ,and many others should back off and dig a cave to live in !

  • 14th Nov 2013 03:44pm
With all respect the govt or any other person is not to blame for you smoking you put the thing to your own mouth. Thank god that the govt is trying to help stop the habits for people's health. I...

Fair Dinkum Rose, I suggest you depart this planet, for your health sake, you'll have cars banned soon, because you are sucking in carbon monoxide every time you step out your front door plus other killer air borne toxins, by the way, I am in top health cover so it won't affect your taxes, get some guts yourself and go and suck on a exhaust pipe

  • 14th Nov 2013 02:50pm
No, not working for me, or my mates, the government got me onto them for free in my ration pack (army), do you reckon they'll help get me off them for free? Fat chance

You just have to stop smoking, I have done it after 51 years smoking

  • 7th Nov 2013 05:12pm
With all respect the govt or any other person is not to blame for you smoking you put the thing to your own mouth. Thank god that the govt is trying to help stop the habits for people's health. I...

One of the biggest taxes are from cigarettes. as a smoker, i amnpaying for tax being in fulltime employment and a heavy smoker. get over yourself. if you knew how hard it was, you wouldnt be such a tough #%&*

  • 28th Oct 2013 06:39pm
With all respect the govt or any other person is not to blame for you smoking you put the thing to your own mouth. Thank god that the govt is trying to help stop the habits for people's health. I...

Pink Rose, it's obvious you've never smoked! Yes I agree there are some inconsiderate people out there, those who blow smoke in other's direction, smoke while preparing food etc: BUT, overall most of us 'smokers' only blame ourselves, not the Governments. If all us smokers gave up 'puffing away' what do you believe would happen? Taxes are made up largely by the cigarette tax, without it, Governments would need to get their taxes from the likes of me and you.
Plain packaging was doomed before it was even begun! Where are smokers civil rights, we're made to feel like social outcasts, in the street, at the pub and yes in the street too!
I smoke but I have private health insurance- you don't pay for me-thank you!
I have tried: going cold turkey, patches, lozenges, tablets, hypnotherapy, quit-line- all to no avail, so please get off your high horse! HOW DARE YOU CRITICIZE US SMOKERS!

  • 28th Oct 2013 10:14am
I agree, also that the government got me on cigarette smoking, I have smoked all my life since 14 years, wright up until present time aged 54. And furthermore more than likely be smoking for the...

With all respect the govt or any other person is not to blame for you smoking you put the thing to your own mouth. Thank god that the govt is trying to help stop the habits for people's health. I don't just mean the smoker but those innocents who have to breathe the smoke with no choice. You might put the govt down because you are just too lazy or unmotivated to give it up but I bet you still expect govt support in the way of health services when it makes you sick. The bottom line is it kills and that overrides your rights when you put that on others. I am offended by your actions as my taxes support your habit bet you wouldn't like to think your taxes were going to illegal things its not different for non smokers. Gets some guts and give it up

  • 23rd Oct 2013 05:55pm
I agree, also that the government got me on cigarette smoking, I have smoked all my life since 14 years, wright up until present time aged 54. And furthermore more than likely be smoking for the...

TOTAL agreement!! I enjoy my smoke and will buy as long as I can afford to and then give up other things so I can still have my one small luxury. I have already cut back on alcohol, not that I ever drank much.
There are many more pollutants in our air which cause me concern

  • 15th Oct 2013 02:32pm
I agree, also that the government got me on cigarette smoking, I have smoked all my life since 14 years, wright up until present time aged 54. And furthermore more than likely be smoking for the...

fine try and stop the young but to late for 55 plus tax goes up for cigs every 6 months your just sending us to become homeless

Don't use one
  • 8th Oct 2013 01:35am
No, not working for me, or my mates, the government got me onto them for free in my ration pack (army), do you reckon they'll help get me off them for free? Fat chance

I agree, also that the government got me on cigarette smoking, I have smoked all my life since 14 years, wright up until present time aged 54. And furthermore more than likely be smoking for the rest of my days on this earth. I strongly disagree with all the non smoking policy," it's unjust" what happened to (human rights and freedom of speech) there is none,"doesn't exist anymore." Example try and abolish alcohol, that's like trying to take a drink away from an alcoholic, (meaning no offencnce of course), the very same example exists involving cigarette smoking, for the longest time smoking was legal until to many greedy inconsiderate self centred public members decided it was an easy way of making thousands of dollars compensation, until the government had enough of paying out all compensation costs, and put a stop to it by making cigarette smoking illegal. To bad for the smoker who's had a habit all there lives and become seriously addicted and has tried everything and anything to try and give up the smoking habit. Once when cigarette smoking was legal (everywhere )no one said a boo, I've known people 90 plus had smoked all there lives and was never affected by smoking, but all of a sudden the world has gone mad, on cigarette smoking, it was never this way once. It should be a self individual choice iff you want to to smoke or not, don't get the wright to say anymore, bit to late for some of us hey, now where hooked, would be nice if the smoker was considered for once, bucklies chance a, from yours respectfully heavy smokers campaign and lovin it, and still goin strong at 54.

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