Government & Politics

Election Advertising

Government & Politics

Posted by: looklively

20th May 2013 02:04pm

In the run up to the election you will be seeing lots of advertising from the political parties. Do you think this helps to educate you on things like policies or would even change the way you vote?

Comments 214

  • 11th Jun 2017 05:24am

No different to any other advertising... they only say what you want to hear to go back on it later.

'I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realise that what you heard is not what I meant.'

I'd like to see the hidden 'preference vote' system abolished.

  • 8th Jun 2017 03:42pm

most political parties promise alot before an election but if they win there foreget there promises so i alway vote inderpendent or informal

  • 26th Apr 2017 05:43pm

No, it would not, on both counts. It would only make me cringe because the money spent on them can be put to better use.
Voters are not stupid and most actually sign off or go to the loo during the advertisement period,

  • 8th Mar 2017 11:48pm

should be banned

  • 2nd Oct 2016 02:35pm

No I don't think it can thoroughly explain the policies but can give me a glimpse of that. and all the more its both ways.

  • 22nd Aug 2016 11:26am


  • 7th Oct 2015 07:40pm

when we are leading up to the elections, they never seem to tell you what "they" will do, it always seems to me that they are milagning the other party. I dont know whether they think this is a good way to go, but it sure does not get them any brownie points from me.

  • 27th Aug 2015 03:51pm

In all of my 65 voting years, I have found that the content reflected in political advertising should be suspect and considered to be another type of 'spin' used by political parties. Its value to a genuine voter is zero.

While it is getting more difficult to determine which of the lesser evils to choose, voters should cast their votes according to the performance of the political parties,

  • 6th Nov 2014 02:22pm

Doubt it would change my vote at sick of the infighting between them al. The nasty ads and vicious accusations towards their associates and the feeling of disgust from the general public over these actions or antics! If there were better alternatives I would seek them out. None of them appear honest to me. None are absolutely transparent. Our current PM seems more like a puppet than a person who even knows or understands what he is doing. Julie Bishop has my respect at the moment because she goes out there, does what she says, will not back down and gets the jobs done.

  • 11th Oct 2014 04:00pm

According to the spin doctors they work but that is a very self serving comment by them.

The generally accepted opinion is that negative spinning works better but my casual observation of many people is they barely know who is in government ( who is what minister) and many don't even know the electorate they live in let alone who holds it.

Political parties factor this political ignorance into their strategies.

  • 16th Sep 2014 09:55pm

No because they can say whatever they want and then once they get they don't keep their promises anyway. I think they are all not worth it and why have we had two pommy prime ministers - where is the good old Australian for Prime Ministers. It educates me into thinking that they are all in their for themselves and bugger the little who really need the help - they only look after the rich people and big business.

  • 3rd Aug 2014 10:17pm

I don't think that any of the main parties have much that differs in the way of policy if they have any policy at all really. Nothing influences the way that I vote according to the propaganda that they spin. I believe that they are all bandits out for themselves and not to serve the society they pretend to represent.

  • 27th Jun 2014 10:24am

I try to ignore the 'snide' remarks that each party is too much like school. I try read up on what each party stands for and hope that some of it might be the4 truth!!

  • 25th Jun 2014 12:15pm

One of the problems with political advertising is that the actual printing is done at mates' rates (if not for free) by a political sympathiser. It's then billed at commercial rates (and loaded for being an 'urgent job') for the purposes of being claimed as "political advertising" then it's claimed again by the printer as a "political donation" and actually passed through the books and buried at the cut-rate or as "losses/pilferage" which reduces the printer's taxable income (and hence is subsidised one again by the rest of us taxpayer-sheep.)

I pay no attention to electoral advertising. It's just a publicly-funded competition about which tribe of buffoons can tell the biggest porkies with the straightest face - and suck in the most witless 'electors' - all at public expense because it's all "in your interest, so you need to be informed."

  • 17th Jun 2014 08:13pm

It wont affect my vote I pick who to chose and do not let ads influence me.

danno j
  • 30th May 2014 06:35pm

I Think more & more the electorate is becoming tired of the 'tirade' between political parties in this country.I Do not think the system works well anymore.It just does not allow for more 'co-operative measures between the parties and it is more obvious than ever before that the major priority is to win government.the Individual within the party who has a conscious toward the interests & injustices in our society,is often 'Forced Into Line' or relegated..we need to have a system in place where a forum is regularly convened for all parties to "POOL" their information & intelligensia for the betterment & future of our country

  • 14th Jun 2014 12:00am
I Think more & more the electorate is becoming tired of the 'tirade' between political parties in this country.I Do not think the system works well anymore.It just does not allow for more...

Hi, I think the political system became corrupt when lobbyists and organisations started to have influence on the policies. Abbott has a Megaphone in each ear, one called BOLT the other Jones, no wonder he comes with things like "climate change is crap" and wants to pay power stations to do what they should be doing anyway for the good of society. It just shows you that you can't trust any of them as far as you can throw them. CEOs, Pollies are intersested inthemselves as a rule and say: "tighten your belts and do some heavy lifting!" while getting 20% payincreases themselves. Don't be fooled by the current pay freeze, the"independent arbiter" will soon restore them to their "rightful" status after the next review. It was interesting to hear Malcom Frazer say that 1% of peopleowning the bulk of the countries wealth was indecent. I would call it obscene, when the same people want to get rid of the minmum wage and kick the crap out of the unemployed and pensioners.

  • 22nd May 2014 09:04pm

not really a lot of it is biased, and propaganda relly

  • 25th Apr 2014 07:44am

no it is all just a waste of tax payers money. Maybe if they printed in newspaer alone what their true policies are then sack them if they are not achieved would be better

  • 30th May 2014 03:45pm
no it is all just a waste of tax payers money. Maybe if they printed in newspaer alone what their true policies are then sack them if they are not achieved would be better

I think most of the comments are right, none of our money should be spent
frivolously on words including promises and accusations that no sane person
would rely on. I do not want to see my tax money spent on a politician`s ego .
Advertising, polls and most commissions ad up to someone`s ego and no gain for
the paymasters` office ,which is our Australia .

  • 24th Apr 2014 04:18pm

I believe all the promises and policies they put in place will no longer have any impact on how I think or vote. They all lie and are one worse than the other.

I say it is time for Australians to vote on no confidence in any and begin placing the general public in these positions.

  • 24th Apr 2014 04:16pm

I believe all the promises and policies they put in place will no longer have any impact on how I think or vote. They all lie and are one worse than the other.

I say it is time for Australians to vote on no confidence in any and begin placing the general public in these positions.

  • 23rd Apr 2014 09:31am

A few facts combined with a whole lot of propaganda and lies, lies, lies. It doesn't sway me - actions speak louder than words, particularly where politicians are involved!

  • 7th Apr 2014 05:07pm

just a waste of money of unempty promises trying to win your vote.

  • 26th Mar 2014 05:24pm

I find political advertising to be a waste of money. Instead of spending millions on useless advertising, political parties should spend that money on keeping their campaign promises and funding necessary community projects.

  • 4th Mar 2014 11:56pm

no vote for the sex party, and the shooters and fishers party

  • 26th Feb 2014 09:16am

No advertising could change how everything any political party says can be believed, in my 42 years a life I don't think I have ever heard 100% truth from any political party.

  • 28th Jan 2014 12:21pm

The advertising is all a load of rubbish and wasted money!

  • 23rd Jan 2014 08:38pm

We already know what Abbott is going to cut...all the good things for raising families. Most people are set in their ways when it comes to voting.

  • 14th Jan 2014 01:50pm

Why can't we have politicians that just tell the truth. Why all this back and forward. There would be no ammo for the other side if they were all just upfront about who they were and what they stood for.

  • 2nd Jun 2014 11:59am
Why can't we have politicians that just tell the truth. Why all this back and forward. There would be no ammo for the other side if they were all just upfront about who they were and what they...

What you say is true Dirtybigbellky,
The sad thing is that if they tell us the truth we (the voters) don't like it, and vote against those that tell us an unpleasant truth in favour of those that tell us a lie that we would like to believe.
The middle ground between the two major parties has been gobbled up in a bidding war to gain more votes and both parties are now pretty much the same.
The truth is now so distorted by the two major parties that it has become a personality contest between the two leaders. (There's not much choice between Zig or Zag - they are both clowns).

  • 15th Jul 2013 08:44pm

A complete waste of time. People seem to vote on personalities these days and not policies. Policies are secondary to some politician spewing hot air about themselves and some voters seem to have a very short memory when it comes to certain politicians and their performance of the past as well as their behavior. I sometimes wish we did not have to vote and sometimes none of the politicians deserve our votes.

  • 9th Jul 2013 02:28pm

These polies are ALL the same ALL are liars

  • 3rd Jul 2013 11:13am

Policy promises I remember.
Julia Gillard " I'll never ever introduce a carbon tax"
John Howard " I'll never introduce a GST"

Years ago John Hewson told us the medicine we had to accept. A GST, we didn't want to hear the truth and he lost the election.
Bob Hawk later commented "A drovers dog could have lead the Liberals to a win in that election", but Labour won, and everything the unelected John Hewson told us would happen eventually came to pass.

History tells us there are very few politicians that can tell us exactly what they stand for, and when they do , We (the voters) don't like it.

  • 3rd Jul 2013 11:12am

Policy promises I remember.
Julia Gillard " I'll never ever introduce a carbon tax"
John Howard " I'll never introduce a GST"

Years ago John Hewson told us the medicine we had to accept. A GST, we didn't want to hear the truth and he lost the election.
Bob Hawk later commented "A drovers dog could have lead the Liberals to a win in that election", but Labour won, and everything the unelected John Hewson told us would happen eventually came to pass.

History tells us there are very few politicians that can tell us exactly what they stand for, and when they do , We (the voters) don't like it.

  • 2nd Jul 2013 09:47pm

Yes, it may depending what is promised.

  • 2nd Jul 2013 11:33am

This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules.

  • 2nd Jul 2013 11:34am
Why can't we have politicians that just tell the truth. Why all this back and forward. There would be no ammo for the other side if they were all just upfront about who they were and what they...

I would appreciate if you calmed down Adzzz

Secret Squirrel
  • 1st Jul 2013 08:43am

If both parties actually spoke about their policies and where the funding was going to come from rather than bagging each other out it could be helpful for education on policies especially if you were sitting on the fence and were unsure which party you were going to vote for. Of course we all want to know what is in their policies that are going to affect us and our familes personally.

  • 1st Jul 2013 07:33am

I wish they would stop slandering each other and just get on with telling us about policies which are improtant

  • 30th Jun 2013 08:07pm

Policies are mostly broken or lost after the elections. If we had a Government that stopped arguing about boat people as one of their main topics then we would think they were just a little serious about our country. There a thousand things more important than boat people, lets fix some real problems.

  • 27th Jun 2013 06:19am

I think it is time for a complete change in government, and both parties, this is probably the biggest joke of government we have seen in a long time. Pulling out all tricks to bag the other party and then we have a prime minister who was under estimated by her own party that they vote back in the ex prime minister who they also had voted out saying he wasn't good enough.

  • 26th Jun 2013 12:05pm

It doesn't affect my vote as I don't believe what they say.

  • 23rd Jun 2013 05:50pm

Hi looklively (great tag) NO I do not think policitcal advertising gives the right information. Neiher party is able to get their message accross because they are too involved in 'putting down' each other. Too much importaant information gets lost. I think listening to the policy speeches is the best way to judge who should be governing this country.
Can't wait for 14 September when at last the people can say who they want as a government.

  • 19th Jun 2013 07:21pm

After seeing a few ACTIONS on TV, do they relly know what they are talking about. I think they carry on worse than children

  • 16th Jun 2013 04:35pm

Who can believe any of the political advertising?

  • 13th Jun 2013 03:13pm

Labor adds,keep popping up on my face book
Page,which worries me,they call themselves,The True Believers,and I remember that Hitler,had his true believers,and they were called Nazis.I feel they should change their name,and don't use F/B for political parties.

  • 13th Jun 2013 02:19pm

Unfortunately, we are becoming more like the US in political advertising. Spending millions bagging opposition members/candidates and not being positive and pro-active in addressing their own policies or initiatives.

  • 13th Jun 2013 12:55pm

Election advertising is just a lot of hype and there is very little basis of truth in any of it. People need to make their mind up on who to vote for by looking at the behaviour of all politicians over the past three years and the financial state of the country at present.

  • 13th Jun 2013 12:39pm

I would say that the advertising campaign is necessary to make the general public aware on the decision making process, but this should be streamline so that it wont spill the pot so that there wont be much fund wastage.

  • 13th Jun 2013 10:59am

The advertising is painful & I have a tendency to tune out and just wish the election was over. The advertising doesn't really educate me on policies it just shows how childish & out of touch the people & politicians behind the ads are

  • 12th Jun 2013 07:30pm

Its good to know what their pet issues are, and it might confirm the direction I vote, i dont think it would totally change as they are all as bad as each other.

  • 12th Jun 2013 12:53pm

No, not really. Most advertisements are just there to undermine the opposing party or parties. You have to really listen to the news media to find out about policy, or visit parliament websites.

Uncle Rob
  • 12th Jun 2013 11:44am

NO! I think that the "free" advertising being used by Julia & her henchmen/women is probably damaging their brand at the moment

  • 9th Jun 2013 01:55pm

i think it most certainly does , but sometimes their adverts on how 'they should be elected" is far bit exaggeratingand almost unbelievable , i mean action speaks louder than words after all , and alot of them say they will get what they promised done , but really alot of them are just desperate for ther desired psotion , mainly for their own financial benefit

  • 9th Jun 2013 07:02am

As they are just highly trained liars - and not necesarily good ones - I see no reason to believe anything said by any of them. Even "Good Morning" should be verified by checking out a window.

Any that say "We will drop tax" merely means it will be re-named.
Any that say "There will be no new taxes" will call them levies or charges.

Drop being in the UN & similar & turn the boats around.

  • 8th Jun 2013 10:11am

No, just comes down to who can deliver the best lines and promises, keeping them is optional.

  • 1st Jun 2013 03:01pm

Yes, so long as you believe what is beimg told you

  • 31st May 2013 05:43pm

With the garbage put out and all the empty promises, there is no way it will or has educated me on policies or anything else. No all the advertising in the world will not change the way I vote and I doubt it ever will. Long gone are the days when politics was an honourable profession and politicians were for the peoples needs. Nowadays it's all about power and feathering their own nests and if corruption is involved, to them it's all part of it,especially if they get away with it. Very few politicians can be trusted these days. As someone once said, if a politician of any flavour opens his/her mouth, they are lying. Here endeth the sermon.

  • 30th May 2013 04:24pm

no and i think its a total waste of taxpayers money

  • 30th May 2013 02:56pm

No, it will not change the way i vote. Julie gillard is making silly mistakes and i will never vote for again.. Nothing she says or do will impress me, she should not be prime minister.

  • 30th May 2013 01:59pm

I look at the policies and try to ingore the name calling on the T.V. I think it is a matter of who do you believe and trust

  • 29th May 2013 11:32am

I switch off from advertising. I just go on past and current performance. And whether the political leaders have a good sense to run the country.

  • 28th May 2013 10:39pm

Absolutely not. If anything the more a party spends on advertising to get votes the more the are unreliable and untrusthworthy.

  • 28th May 2013 01:42pm

No The advertising concentrates on the faults of the other parties not what the will do for you

  • 28th May 2013 12:55pm

Far too much waist of advertising money is spent by all the parties - could go to a better cause.

  • 28th May 2013 07:21am

Political advertising does not help change people's minds of who to vote for. We have already made up our minds in what we want to vote for.

  • 28th May 2013 07:18am

Political advertising does not help change people's minds of who to vote for. We have already made up our minds in what we want to vote for.

  • 26th May 2013 11:31pm

Will they ever say some truth . I wold like to really hear what they will do with our taxes . I am semi - retired . An injury at work , while trying to protect the Australian People . I was in hospital for over 14 months and because of government and lawyer fees . I now try to live , on the disability part - pension .People need to eat , people need cloths . How many people could be feed .If they had just one less benefit .

  • 25th May 2013 12:37pm

No advertising is required IMO.
Vote the ALP/Green rabble OUT ASAP and be done with it.

  • 23rd May 2013 10:56am

In advertising they glorify themselves as the saviours of satin, by missguiding the public into believing factious information. In New Zealand Pm key is often glorifying himself by say yes we will do this and that, but when the time comes he backs out with feeble excusses. For the Christchurch earthquake he said he is behind us and will help, but allass there has been countless delays through goverment bodies like EQC, and through their dictator minister (browneye) and their dictator retards on the Ecan. And yet no contractor have flocked to Christchurch because they have nowhere to stay and there is favoritism, and rights given to a corrupt contract I call Fatchers. The latest budget is an absolut farst. Yes they may reach a surpluss if the remain in government but only with the suffering of the resident of Christchurch.

  • 23rd May 2013 08:49am

I am sick and tired of all the lies from Politicians.
All the advertising does, is cost us money in the long run.
I vote on past performance.

  • 23rd May 2013 08:48am

I am sick and tired of all the lies from Politicians.
All the advertising does, is cost us money in the long run.
I vote on past performance.

  • 23rd May 2013 06:26am

Makes no difference to me whatsoever.

  • 22nd May 2013 07:58pm

will not change the way i vote

  • 22nd May 2013 07:08pm

Definitely not - with the abundance of lies thorwn around, something this current goverment have perfected, it is hard to believe anything.

That said, the labor party will ramp up their deceit and lies over the coming months, feeding false information in a last desperate bid to finally completely destroy this country, it's credibilty, it's people.
  • 22nd May 2013 06:47pm

no way. mostly they think they say what one wants to hear

  • 22nd May 2013 05:26pm

No I don't. Each party is trying to convince me that their plans are good and the other side's are bad. I would prefer no political advertising at all and more informed and unbiased information to help me decide.

  • 22nd May 2013 04:06pm

I take as much notice of TV political advertising as I do of any other TV advertising which is none, and would certainly not encourage me to vote for them

  • 22nd May 2013 03:27pm

No not one bit !!!!!!!

  • 22nd May 2013 02:31pm

the advertising we see on tv looks good, sounds good at the time when both sides of politics are needing our votes. once they are elected they tend to forget what they have advertised. (in other words it is a load of bull****) posted on 22nd may 2013

  • 22nd May 2013 12:43pm

It does help iron out a few points that you may need to understand before you can make an educated decision on who you might or might not vote for.

  • 22nd May 2013 11:07am

BLAH BLAH BLAH !!!! Polititicians at the top end of the big house are just actors. The better they perform in their category the higher up the ladder they go, they are corporate polititians, not representatives of the people as they should be. I gave up on listening to their crap a long time ago and now get my education from alternative sources. The Greenleft Weekly in one such resource, community radio 3CR is another valuable resource. Get away from the TV an corporate media papers if you really want to discover the truth.

  • 22nd May 2013 11:01am

BLAH BLAH BLAH !!!! Polititicians at the top end of the big house are just actors. The better they perform in their category the higher up the ladder they go, they are corporate polititians, not representatives of the people as they should be. I gave up on listening to their crap a long time ago and now get my education from alternative sources. The Greenleft Weekly in one such resource, community radio 3CR is another valuable resource. Get away from the TV an corporate media papers if you really want to discover the truth.

  • 22nd May 2013 11:00am

BLAH BLAH BLAH !!!! Polititicians at the top end of the big house are just actors. The better they perform in their category the higher up the ladder they go, they are corporate polititians, not representatives of the people as they should be. I gave up on listening to their crap a long time ago and now get my education from alternative sources. The Greenleft Weekly in one such resource, community radio 3CR is another valuable resource. Get away from the TV an corporate media papers if you really want to discover the truth.

  • 22nd May 2013 11:00am

BLAH BLAH BLAH !!!! Polititicians at the top end of the big house are just actors. The better they perform in their category the higher up the ladder they go, they are corporate polititians, not representatives of the people as they should be. I gave up on listening to their crap a long time ago and now get my education from alternative sources. The Greenleft Weekly in one such resource, community radio 3CR is another valuable resource. Get away from the TV an corporate media papers if you really want to discover the truth.

  • 22nd May 2013 10:19am

Nothing helps to understand their policies because they never really tell you them in PLAIN ENGLISH. The main thing they are in there for are to line their own pockets and hurl abuse at each other and then try to get elected. Maybe we need more Independents and other parties to finally make them see sense.

  • 22nd May 2013 09:22am

No, not in the slightest, all the advertising does is to run down and cast supposedly bad info on the opposition parties, in reality this would do more damage to the party doing the advertising, waste of time reading such tripe as we have all made our minds up long before the election

  • 22nd May 2013 08:42am

while it is necessary to know parties policies it is a moot point whether they actually implement them into law, however having said that I would need more convincing to consider changing my vote , the promises need to be looked at in relation to their past practises

  • 22nd May 2013 07:42am

not really as even though the politicians say things leading up to an election after they have got into power they change their minds on what they have said and deny it

  • 22nd May 2013 06:53am

Political ads are a big turn-off and are generally very demeaning.

I prefer to be well-read and know both the history and performance of the political parties when in government and opposition.

Neither the ALP nor the Coalition inspire me with a vision for Australia ... I want to hear where they want to take Australia by 2035. I want to know what shape they plan for the Australia my grandkids will be working in.

  • 22nd May 2013 06:13am

I am tired of seeing K Rudd on tv. He is such an attention seeker! He stoops at nothing to get face back in the news. He is a has-been, now wanna-be again. when he was PM he was out of the country more than he was in. At least with the gov now there is no hidden adjenda, get Tony Abbott in and we may become a communist type country..

  • 22nd May 2013 05:39am

  • 22nd May 2013 02:36am

Not really, but it will be infuriating with all of them (Politicians) trying to emphasis many "good" aspects of their own party while doing the same thing with their opponents "bad" side. This will go back and forth right up until the election is done.
After the election is done and a Government installed there's a likely hood that it will all have to change "due to other factors" that supposedly were not available at the beginning of the quest.

  • 22nd May 2013 02:36am

Not really, but it will be infuriating with all of them (Politicians) trying to emphasis many "good" aspects of their own party while doing the same thing with their opponents "bad" side. This will go back and forth right up until the election is done.
After the election is done and a Government installed there's a likely hood that it will all have to change "due to other factors" that supposedly were not available at the beginning of the quest.

  • 21st May 2013 11:05pm

Once upon a time it may have. These days all we get are broken promises, so i will be taking no notice at all

  • 21st May 2013 09:18pm

I find election advertising a lot of he said .. she said. After all the promises and hoopla dies down, the one at the top changes what was promised and then it starts all over again. Can we really trust anyone in politics?

  • 21st May 2013 09:11pm

Education is based on truth, data and response. Political advertising is based on bias, broken promises and spin. The way I vote is decided by affects on my lifestyle, the good of Australia and credibility of parties by performance certainly not by media advertising, commentary or articles.

  • 21st May 2013 08:54pm

Political advertising preys on your emotions to convince in something you would not believe in ordinarily. Many vote for the person and not the policies and would not understand how the policies apply to the country and look for how they apply for their own little world. Advertising is not there to educate but to cajole, delude and redirect. If advertising can make a donkey appear as a thoroughbred then people will vote for the donkey and complain when they make an ass of themselves in parliment.
They say that there are three types of lies; lies, damn lies and statistics. There is also a fourth; political advertising.

  • 21st May 2013 08:46pm

no find most political advertising of little all hype

  • 21st May 2013 08:10pm

  • 21st May 2013 08:08pm

No, I hate listening to any advertising from any political parties. It just turns me off.

  • 21st May 2013 07:57pm

No, my mind was made up years ago. But this September I am planning on holding a "Bye Bye Julia" Party on election night. In the off chance that she does get back in we'll all be drowning our sorrows instead of toasting the Libs.

  • 21st May 2013 07:42pm

Waste of money. We've seen enough of them to make a choice already. Spend it instead on houses for Australians.

  • 21st May 2013 07:22pm

It won't change the way I vote. I get my information from released policy details gained through the political party websites rather than from advertising and from good television programs where the interviewers follow up statements the politicians make. I look for interviewers who probe policy details and funding and challenge sweeping statements/claims. I would like the advertising to be specific and informative - I switch off when they attack the other party.

  • 21st May 2013 07:21pm

It does not influence me one bit, in fact I usually don't pay attention to it at all, and usually get up and do things when anything political comes on TV.

  • 21st May 2013 07:17pm

Political TV advertising is rubbish, usually just bagging the government or spreading fear about the opposition. Social media is much more relevant as policies can be presented with supporting facts you can check for yourself.

  • 21st May 2013 06:58pm

Political advertising only reinforces the notion of why you would not vote for THAT party. It is blatant, obvious ands speaks more of the advertiser than the other party. It only educates as to why political parties are held beneath contempt by the electorate.

  • 21st May 2013 06:56pm

political advertising just annoys me especially the "they did this but we won't" type

  • 21st May 2013 06:00pm

No. I think that it's a big waste of money. I also think that they should advertise once what they are for and what they are about and people can vote from there.

  • 21st May 2013 05:59pm

I agree with Stekel

  • 21st May 2013 05:58pm

I do have a look at the policies as this election I am unsure which way I am going to vote. However, I do not like the saturation of the campaign usually nor the personal attacks. I like to look at what they stand for and how it is going to help Australia and of course myself

  • 21st May 2013 05:49pm

No,I think the advertising just keeps you informed on who you are already going to vote,because you go on years loving or hating who:s in power

  • 21st May 2013 05:47pm

No it does not, just a great waste of tax payers money. there is no education matter in them just each having a go at each other.
All adds should be banned one week before the election, actually I would like them to ban from now on.

  • 21st May 2013 05:36pm

If advertising goes beyond of wanting to state true facts, any type of advertising is a manipulation - to bend your thinking to someone else's ideas or agenda - and as such is to be rejected.
Political advertising is certainly not to be trusted, since their only Main Aim is not to educate you on how their party will help you or the country - but solely on how to stay or get into power !

  • 21st May 2013 05:06pm

They should all get real and be responsible for what they promise. There should be a huge penalty for breaking promises and that way just maybe we might get a fairer form of electing our representatives. Advertising and putting down the other party along with mud slinging only makes voters angry at the party doing it.

  • 21st May 2013 04:38pm

Advertising does provide some food for thought. It may help to educate me to look further.

  • 21st May 2013 04:34pm

In all my (many !) voting years such advertising has never swayed my vote. However, I do like to see what the parties are offering particularly financially both for me and the countrty and will then compare like for like. Of course either main party has to be looked at with tongue in cheek but it gives an indication of where they might be going.

  • 21st May 2013 04:29pm

Seems to me that most of the pre-election hoo ha, is mudslinging, very llittle of it is educational. None of it entertaining.

  • 21st May 2013 04:26pm

The only things they seem to say in ads is how much better they will be for you rather than the other party. What a waste of OUR money.

  • 21st May 2013 04:25pm

The only things they seem to say in ads is how much better they will be for you rather than the other party. What a waste of OUR money.

  • 21st May 2013 04:07pm

I dislike it all and when I am quick enough I mute the adds. My mind is made up and nothing will change it not even the nasty smears and lies. In fact, I think the election began as soon as the P.M. announced the date so we mug tax payers have been paying for government adds all these months. I don't ever want an 8 month campaign again. Even 6 weeks is too long.

  • 21st May 2013 04:04pm

no because it only tells you that the party wants you to vote for them and often tells lies about the other party/parties

  • 21st May 2013 04:02pm

The run up to an election is open season on who the bag the other party the most

  • 21st May 2013 03:56pm

  • 21st May 2013 03:50pm

I dont watch commercial television and I dont read political articles in newspapers. I believe the only honest politian is a dead one, roll on the revolution comrades !

  • 21st May 2013 03:48pm

Its' advertising, time to reach for the remote, or to leave the room.

Party ads are generally horrific, scare tactics to the fore.

Government ads are plain boring.

  • 21st May 2013 03:38pm

I agree with many of the posts listed. I think most people have made up their minds and the barrage of ads is a waste of time and money. Far better to have a series of live debates with questions from an audience.

  • 21st May 2013 03:35pm

No not at all. I also think they are both as bad as each other we need another decent candidate.

  • 21st May 2013 03:35pm

Not really. It's like whipping the horse to the finish line. What is more to be believed is the SKY News channels programs, where the real facts are brought out, and there is nowhere for the Politicians to hide during question times! Unfortunately though, a lot of people will believe what they see and hear during the advertising, and make up their minds on words said at that moment!

  • 21st May 2013 03:26pm

Not a hope in h***!

  • 21st May 2013 03:16pm

Political Advertising is more about scoring points against the other party. Unfortunately our political system lives by division. Country Party originally pitted country v city, then changed to National to try and take advantage of a larger voting area.
Each of the parties that gets in makes an unpopular decision whether it be to raise taxes, bring in a GST or raise taxes Plus of course raise more taxes. When the other party gets in they don't reverse the changes they heavily criticised before the election. They find they are addicted to the new taxes as much as the party they replaced. We are the asses that put up with this and each time a change of party occurs , we get whipped from the other side.

  • 21st May 2013 03:13pm

sadly anything a polititian or political party says can be denied at a later date or completely reversed and they all do it barefaced how can anyone base his or her vote on political statements. I believe our only chance is to make voting non compulsory and that way they would have to really work to get our votes but as it is we are forced to vote and that only encourages them.regards p.lynch

  • 21st May 2013 03:08pm

Once upon a time there was little or no advertising and,if you wanted to know what the policies were,you attended meetings. Today, there are fewer meetings and the parties rely on advertising to pass on infgormation. However we can't ask the advert questions and, in any event, the Labour Party tend to bend the rules and try to buy votes by plunging the nation into debt to give more and more welfare to the largely unworthy. I lived in a cdountry where the word welfare by Government was unheard of and where the policies were clear cut. At my age I am beyond education by pollies and deplore the way they are running this country. The track record of many of our politicians is a disgrace.and no asmount of advertising will convince me otherwise. Lockhart.

  • 21st May 2013 03:04pm

I agree with Hawkey. Remember the old saying, "You can always tell if a politician is lying, because their lips are moving).

  • 21st May 2013 02:58pm

Their promises are not worth the paper they are written on, how many of us can remember even one promise carried through to the end.
What the advertising shows is manipulative people who are hell bent on pushing their own barrow and tearing the other party to pieces. I was a life long labor supporter and Ms Gillard has driven me to the point of distraction, I clammer to turn the tv off when she comes on. For the first time in my life I am voting for anyone but her party.
Ms Gillard's type of treachery turns my stomach, I think Tony Abbot is at least a bit more humble and sticks by his ethics.
It is almost laughable to see them knocking each others policies. I wish there was an easier way for us to get decent reliable people to lead our country.

  • 21st May 2013 02:58pm

I hate the amt of political advertising in the run up to election, it cost's a forturne, money they could be using for health or housing etc. It's full of lies, backstabbing and half promises, maybe they should just have one or two short ads, then a back and forth between them just before on all the subjects, then use the rest of the millions they are using for some good, that would get me to change my vote. As it is I dont like either party much at the moment and usually turn tv off when it all comes on.

  • 21st May 2013 02:56pm

I tend to think the advertising puts one off the election. There has been no indication in the current lot of political advertising that the parties involved are more interested in trashing each other rather than providing decent policies for Australia. It is hard to give a vote to any one at the moment because I have not yet heard from our local member. He or she is the one I vote for, not the party leader.

  • 21st May 2013 02:48pm

No, as they are just b/s. Actions speak louder than words

  • 21st May 2013 02:43pm

Someone once commented to me that "is doesn't matter who you vote for, you will get a Politician" how true! I think as far as political advertising goes it has just slumped to a slanging match one against the other. The last thing I saw was a cartoon piece by the Liberal Party against Labor which I personally thought was rubbish so one Party is as bad as the other. My big concern is how much hatred has been drummed up against Julia Gillard, as though she is to blame for all the ills in the world. I have never had so many horrible vitriolic emails against someone in all my life. So who would have started all this hatred. As far as Kevin Rudd is concerned, I am over all this nonsense about him being ousted. He was obviously ousted because he thought he was a one man band who wanted to control everything himself. After all, no man is an island and we all have to work with others for the good of all and similar things happened in the Liberal Party too. I don't know which will be the better party but I think we should all think for ourselves and not be swayed so much by the media. The radio shock jocks do nothing but advertise personally, as far as I am concerned against Julia Gillard and this possibly is where the hatred stems from. I expect to receive a lot of disagreement but this is my personal view.

  • 21st May 2013 02:42pm

As far as I can see it, this so called political advertising is just another chance for some mud-slinging, dirty jibes, dragging the other side down, and not much else.
And it would not change my mind about which party to vote for - I believe there should be a complete change in the way these things work, and how some of the candidates have the nerve to front up year after year defies belief.
They all must have terrifically thick hides, and of course, we all know they are only in it for the money and privileges - time to think of this great country instead !!

  • 21st May 2013 02:29pm


  • 21st May 2013 02:28pm

No, just the reverse. Who really 'trusts' a polly? The more political spin I hear (and that's all the advertising is), the less trust and belief I have. So, my advice to the parties is: Save your money, save our airwaves, reduce our boredom and get on with the jobs we elected you to do, Actions speak much more eloquently than words

  • 21st May 2013 02:18pm

Complete wastage of taxpayers money. No meaning at all.

  • 21st May 2013 02:13pm


  • 21st May 2013 02:07pm

No I do not believe it educates me but it helps me to see how the parties are going

  • 21st May 2013 02:04pm

No it does not! It is a gross waste of money which could be much better spent.

  • 21st May 2013 01:59pm

Don't really take notice of the political blurb unless it effects me; then I listen. Some advertising is not factual and is therefore unreliable.

  • 21st May 2013 01:59pm

How does one spell "political advertising"?


  • 21st May 2013 01:58pm

Don't really take notice of the political blurb unless it effects me; then I listen. Some advertising is not factual and is therefore unreliable.

  • 21st May 2013 01:58pm

What if I did take onboard promises made just before an election? Promises like: 'There will be no Carbon Tax under a government I lead'. Promising one thing and then introducing what we were just promised was Not going to happen, that's wrong isn't it?
Didn't seem make much difference to the independents, did it?
Lies upon lies, particularly but not only from the ALP.
The sooner Gillard is prosecuted and the ALP is decimated in the coming election the better.

  • 21st May 2013 01:57pm

No I am never swayed either way by all the political advertising. I think the money the politicians use for advertising could be much better spent. I believe most people already know the way they will vote so it is uncessary to bombard us with advertising.

  • 21st May 2013 01:53pm

No way! They are both bare-faced liars who don't care about the job at hand - all they care about is themselves and how much money they can "steal" from the rest of us. Good riddance to bad rubbish come Election time, I say!

  • 21st May 2013 01:52pm

Gives plenty to think about and research. In times past it was educational, but recently has degenerated to empty political rhetoric and accusation.

  • 21st May 2013 01:52pm

Its a waste of money the country can't afford and they don't tell you anything you want to know.
They should get one 10 minute spot the week before the election and nothing else. If they can't tell you in 10 minutes their what their plans are for the betterment of the countr they are just dribbling shite again/still.

  • 21st May 2013 04:16pm
Its a waste of money the country can't afford and they don't tell you anything you want to know.
They should get one 10 minute spot the week before the election and nothing else. If...

Each party pays for it's own adds but Labor will always win because the unions plow their members hard earned cash into adds for Labor. However, since this election was announced so far out all the adds since have been paid for by we mug tax payers. Nice ploy what!

  • 21st May 2013 01:51pm

I think just about everyone knows that they cannot trust a politician usually. My opinion is that they are only in it for either power, money or both. NO, their advertising does not affect me in any way at all. If they spent less on this then they could use it towards other things ie Health services, Police, education etc. I have almost always voted Liberal, this time they are both so wrong I don't know who to vote for. The Greens are too goody goody and I don't think that there is an independent worth having. Personally I would prefer Joe Hockin as leader of the opposition and Bob Katter to become more that what he is. That's all of my rant, now I can relax.

  • 21st May 2013 02:02pm
I think just about everyone knows that they cannot trust a politician usually. My opinion is that they are only in it for either power, money or both. NO, their advertising does not affect me in...

I agree about the Joe Hokey bit.

  • 21st May 2013 01:51pm

I am not interested in politics so no amount of advertising will change the way I vote.

  • 21st May 2013 01:44pm

To me election advertising is all about painting the other party, it's politicians and policies i a bad light. Just a smea campaign that has no effect on the way I vote. I turn it off or tune out as I much prefer to read or hear about each parties actual policies

  • 21st May 2013 01:43pm

The only advertising that works for me is on price - sales, savings etc.

  • 21st May 2013 01:41pm

No! ... Political advertising pre-election is mostly spin trying to capture your vote and rarely gives reliable information on the parties true policies and ultimate intent ...

  • 21st May 2013 01:41pm

I watch ABC 1, and ABC 24 NO Advertising so refreshing as adverts bore me to death.

  • 21st May 2013 01:39pm

It only provides a springboard for conversations and further thought and research. It sometimes leaves me backchatting to the TV haha, but it has never swayed the way I vote, it's way too obviously subjective and agenda-driven to be reliable. Ads can't even pretend to be informative and unbiased. They are ads after all; they have not been funded to simply "inform" the public.

  • 21st May 2013 01:39pm

I don't think political advertising helps to educate me on the policies of political parties or changes my opinion at all. The advertising is usually designed to be alarmist and sensational. I usually switch off. I think this will be a particularly dirty advertising campaign too. Ads would certainly not change my vote but saying that if one party really decided to go down the path of sticking the knife into the other party or candidate on a personal level, I might think twice about voting for them.

I get my views on policies from reading the newspaper and watching the news and current affairs programs. Political debates are useful.

  • 21st May 2013 01:35pm

none of it helps

  • 21st May 2013 01:33pm

Advertising is a waste of taxpayers money. Information provided is never the full story and does not give all or many of the facts. How much information can you give in a 30 second commercial about a change in policy.

  • 21st May 2013 01:32pm

no. it is just a huge waste of our tax payer funds. Actually makes me want to vote against Gillard and swan everytime i heard one of their 'educational ads' on TV - that's my taxes paying for the ad and their priviledged lifestyles.

  • 21st May 2013 01:31pm

Not really political advertisements have always been a case of promise anything, you don't have to supply it in the end.

  • 21st May 2013 01:30pm

there should be a ban on political advertising - all it does is erode our already low opinion of the protaganists.

  • 21st May 2013 10:40am

  • 21st May 2013 10:40am

The only thing it lets you know is how many promises each party is going to break.

janny pop
  • 20th May 2013 09:14pm

No for me it doesn't help me at all.

Big Brother
  • 20th May 2013 09:07pm

I think it does educate me on political things. I can better understand the policies of the party and the current situation of this country. It is very important interaction between the people and its government.

  • 21st May 2013 10:26pm
I think it does educate me on political things. I can better understand the policies of the party and the current situation of this country. It is very important interaction between the people and...

I agree with Big Brother, as I also find a lot of the advertising helpfuI.
know there is also a lot of bagging going on too, but in between the lines there is a lot of useful information to be gained.

  • 20th May 2013 08:33pm

Political party advertising is such a waste of taxpayers money. What the taxpayers want to hear is about everyday issues that affect them and how the political parties plan to fix it - cost of living, education, health. None of the blame game rubbish thanks! It's simple, I don't think any politician is honest and let's face it, how many of them are genuinely interested in helping the country move forward progressively without burdening the taxpayers even more with further taxes and the like? The politician who would get my vote every time is one who can be honest with the Australian public and not make any promises that they can't keep.

  • 20th May 2013 07:54pm

The political advertising usually resorts to one party bagging out the other and vice versa. I don't like the advertising and tend to switch off when they come on. The amount of advertising would change the way I vote and I'd never vote for one particular major party if they were the last party on earth!

  • 20th May 2013 07:43pm

If anybody needs political advertising to make up their minds on who to vote for, have they been living in the middle of the Nullabor Plain for the last 3 years, with no radio, print media and TV? It is a total waste of time and money. I made up my mind about 6-9 months after Rudd was ousted, and have been waiting for the election ever since.

  • 20th May 2013 07:27pm

the best political ads I have ever seen were on the Gruen Transfer! In general our political ads just reinforce already held opinions. It would be good if there was more fact and less opinion.

  • 20th May 2013 06:43pm

NO, in this instance the best thing for all concerned is a change in Government on a federal level. On the subject of policy, what policy? ,read 'LIE' instead..

  • 21st Jun 2013 01:50pm
NO, in this instance the best thing for all concerned is a change in Government on a federal level. On the subject of policy, what policy? ,read 'LIE' instead..

And change it to another LIAR......lets face it, none of them are worth voting for. At least Julia has stated most of her policies, we are just supposed to believe Tony who hasn't really given us any of his. Re Tony's "Iwill stop the boats" what a load of garbage....the situation is beyond him. There is no point in sending them back to Indonesia which is already overcrowded and is bound by no agreement to accept refugees/boat people. Take a good look at Qld Libs, they are slashing & burning left right and centre, Campbell is a joke(a Bad one!!), do you not think that it's possible that Tony will do the same? And it all looked so rosy before he got himself elected. Now we are looking forward to the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef,CSG's and more overdevelopment, to name a few imminent disasters.

  • 21st May 2013 06:00pm
The whole lot lies, even if they the polies wanted to changesomething there are always polies who will go against any change jusr for the pure hell of it.

I agree with you

  • 21st May 2013 03:17pm
NO, in this instance the best thing for all concerned is a change in Government on a federal level. On the subject of policy, what policy? ,read 'LIE' instead..

The whole lot lies, even if they the polies wanted to changesomething there are always polies who will go against any change jusr for the pure hell of it.

  • 20th May 2013 06:42pm

all politicians have lost sight of the real reason they are in government in the first place,and are only interested in their own futures.i personally do not trust any of them,and if it was not compulsory i would not vote for any of seems like all polls and questions are only geared to their does not matter whether it is local,state or federal government,the blatant lies,deception and innuendo coming from all parties is disgusting.they also rort the public by taking trips and travel their not intitled to,as well as excessive perks of all kinds.we should have a poll asking all constituents if they think australia is well served by the current system and if they think australia is getting ripped off by all politicians rorting the system.kevin rudd got elected by the people,gillard by her backstabbing party.the coalition,the greens,independants and all others are the same,and nothing will change until we change the system and make politicians accountable and actually earn their money.getting to political advertising the politicians play on ignorance and no one with any common sense beleives a word they say.

  • 8th Sep 2014 11:21am
all politicians have lost sight of the real reason they are in government in the first place,and are only interested in their own futures.i personally do not trust any of them,and if it was not...

Basically, I agree with you but we have to admit that in general Labor looks after the middle and lower income people and the Liberal Party always aims at helping big Business and High income people which is where the fairness issue comes in. I have been a voter for many years now and most of the time voted in favour of the Liberal Party but since Tony Abbott took control and with Members like Christopher Pyne they have just gone down in any regard from me. I think they won the last Election by foul means more than fair, and since I have been watching Question Time most of the time now, I am amazed at how politically biased Speaker Bronwyn Bishop is. She is a complete disgrace and blatantly allows Tony Abbott to constantly call Bill Shorten "electricity Bill" after Abbott made a point of saying he was not going to be Prime Minister resorting to name calling. The man is making a showing of being a Statesman overseas, but is not showing those same characteristics amongst his own people I'm afraid.

  • 31st Mar 2014 12:16pm
all politicians have lost sight of the real reason they are in government in the first place,and are only interested in their own futures.i personally do not trust any of them,and if it was not...

Could not of said it better myself, nice one.

  • 23rd Jun 2013 07:51pm
Hi Kenneth I will vote for you! Your comments regarding a better, fairer and truer system for voters would certainly elect a government that was worthy to government this great country. The way...

A problem with most major so-called democracies is that while the local member is supposed to be our representative, local people have minimal imput in the selection of party candidates. Parties can parachute their chosen into what they perceive as a safe seat, and for the people of the electorate it is take what we select.

I believe we need some rules to make MPs more answerable to the people they purport to represent.
The first initiative would be a residency prerequisite before somone can be put forward as a candidate, In the USA the residency requirement is 12 months, 2 years or better still 3 years would be preferable. Whys should our community's parliamentary representative be someone who is a member of our community and who has a stake in it.
The second initiative would be to have local primaries so that the residents of the electorate can select who the local candidates on the ballot papers will be.
The third initiative would be to introduce "Electoral Recall" - this applies in the USA, Canada and Switzerland. Where a predetermined percentage of the electors in an electorate petition for electoral recall of their member, there is a fresh election for that electorate.
If we had Electoral Recall, I doubt that Thomson would still be representing Dobell, and Slipper representing Fisher, similarly perhaps Oakeshot and Windsor would have checkout how their voters felt before backing Gillard as a minority Government'

  • 23rd Jun 2013 06:02pm
We can be grateful we have preferential voting rather than First Past the Post as in Britain were about 2/3 of the seats are safe for a particular party, and it only need round 40% of the votes...

Hi Kenneth I will vote for you! Your comments regarding a better, fairer and truer system for voters would certainly elect a government that was worthy to government this great country. The way this Gillard government came to power is certainly not the true and preferred way to elect a government. Those Independents sold us out and boy they need to be dealt with by their constituents - they dont deserve to be voted in again.

  • 26th May 2013 02:40am
Absolutely agree,word for word I couldn't have said it better! My husband and I talk about this all the time. Wish there was a way to do exactly what you said. I don't vote for any of them,I go to...

Thanks mandy,it truly is a sickening situation world wide.

  • 25th May 2013 06:05pm
all politicians have lost sight of the real reason they are in government in the first place,and are only interested in their own futures.i personally do not trust any of them,and if it was not...

Absolutely agree,word for word I couldn't have said it better! My husband and I talk about this all the time. Wish there was a way to do exactly what you said. I don't vote for any of them,I go to the polling booth to get my name marked of the roll and that's it!!

  • 22nd May 2013 08:10pm
We can be grateful we have preferential voting rather than First Past the Post as in Britain were about 2/3 of the seats are safe for a particular party, and it only need round 40% of the votes...

I would not follow any other countries systems as they are all rorted by politicians,but we need someone who can work out a more equal and infallible system to stop politicians from rorting any system that they are in charge the end of the day with the current system none of them are better than anyone else but they are quick to tell everyone so,so they can better their own lives.

  • 22nd May 2013 06:10pm
all politicians have lost sight of the real reason they are in government in the first place,and are only interested in their own futures.i personally do not trust any of them,and if it was not...

We can be grateful we have preferential voting rather than First Past the Post as in Britain were about 2/3 of the seats are safe for a particular party, and it only need round 40% of the votes cast to elect any candidate.

What would improve our system, would be for the preferential system to be voluntary, so that a voter can vote for one candidate only if they so choose or alternately only vote for fewer preferences than on the card.
The other change to preferential voting I would like to see is the prohibition of the political parties trading preferences.

Another improvement would be to introduce electoral recall, such as is employed in such minor democracies as Canada, Switzerland and the USA, where voters can petition for their member to be recalled and face another election. This requires a set percentage of the registered voters of the electorate to sign a petition; such a system would have seen off both Slipper and Thomson.

  • 21st May 2013 05:00pm
all politicians have lost sight of the real reason they are in government in the first place,and are only interested in their own futures.i personally do not trust any of them,and if it was not...

Bravo Spot on

  • 20th May 2013 06:27pm

Political advertising is to me a big waste of money. Most of us have made up our minds long before the election. Its just another way to try and push their policies forward maybe to swinging Voters, but I have made up my mind already and I dont think either of the Major Parties deserve Government or can change my mind.

  • 25th Jul 2014 05:46pm
Political advertising is to me a big waste of money. Most of us have made up our minds long before the election. Its just another way to try and push their policies forward maybe to swinging...

Not according to the political experts.

If they can sway 1-2% of voters especially with negatives ads then that is what will happen.

The numbers from the last election, the ALP went down 5+%, the greens down 3.5+% and the LNP up 2% ...... 1-2% is a big number if an ad campaign can achieve this

  • 13th Jun 2013 12:46pm
Political advertising is to me a big waste of money. Most of us have made up our minds long before the election. Its just another way to try and push their policies forward maybe to swinging...

Yes if there isn't an advertising campaign how would you know whom to vote for. Advertising should be genuine and not money wasting exercise. If the campaigners adhere to that then it will be great

  • 26th May 2013 04:57pm
Political advertising is to me a big waste of money. Most of us have made up our minds long before the election. Its just another way to try and push their policies forward maybe to swinging...

I agree that advertising is a waste of money. I think the only ones who gain from this are the advertising firms and the media. Let us get on with the programme we wish to watch on TV, the real news in the newspapers and listen to radio programmes that we enjoy without interruption.
A live political speech and / or debate with question time would be suffice to allow voters to make their decision.

  • 20th May 2013 06:07pm


  • 21st May 2013 10:42am

They only tell you what promises they will eventully break

  • 20th May 2013 05:46pm

Political advertising bags out the other party and doesn't really tells you what each parties policies are about. They should tell the general public what they will do for the country, how they will do it along with it's benefits and not what the other party are going to bring into force that is bad for the country.

  • 13th Oct 2014 12:05pm
tonyabbott is a grub and selling of Australia jobs what a grub labour kept all boatpeople out and the liberals get the credit what a grub.liberalsare for the rich labour kept medicare and the...

The Liberal and National parties are made up of a lot of small business people who know what it is like to work hard for the money you have and they wouldn't have to sell of the assets of the country if it hadn't of had to pay off the huge debt the Labour Party got us back into. The country was in surplus funds before Labour got in and put the country back into a bigger debt than it was in when Liberal got in last time with John Howard as leader. In business if you keep running up a debt you become bankrupt, to make a profit so you can spend it where you need it you need to tighten you belts pay off your debt and then you can spend what comes in on day to day expenses like pensions, hospitals and education. A lot of small business employ the majority of our workers so they are the ones that need all the help surviving the economic downturns. If everyone spent $10 per week at a small business than the ecomony would be better of because every business would benefit and the economy would grow. In business if you have say 50 people a day come into your store and spend $10 dollars that you wouldn't normally see that that business would be doing better and they might consider employing another person to help out or they could take that extra profit and take their family out to dinner or on a weekend day trip that they wouldn't normally of done because they didn't have the spare money, so not only did the business increase but the other businesses also benefited and if they did the same then the economy benefits and the country has more money to spend on essential services.

  • 11th Oct 2014 04:03pm
Political advertising bags out the other party and doesn't really tells you what each parties policies are about. They should tell the general public what they will do for the country, how they...


That is a bad reflection on society that they choose to be ignorant about politics and want a simple binary equation about a party and its easy to paint a dark image. That said the ALP filled in the dark image bits that Abbott missed, they were the most incompetent self destructing party I can remember.

  • 4th Sep 2014 10:26am
And as time has shown the promises they make are more often than not broken. Often they also think they have a mandate for things that weren't even mentioned. Thank goodness the Senate is there to...

That is true Willow, The Senate members our only true hope for a reasonable and just future.
When an election is due, we, the public, should seek out independent economic analysts views re the budget and related matters. Such people are there in our universities and other sectors with hopefully unbiased views, that are capable of telling it as it is, with no personal motive.
We the public can then see which party is in the better position to do the best for the country and us all.

  • 1st Sep 2014 04:40pm
And as time has shown the promises they make are more often than not broken. Often they also think they have a mandate for things that weren't even mentioned. Thank goodness the Senate is there to...

And as time has shown the promises they make are more often than not broken. Often they also think they have a mandate for things that weren't even mentioned. Thank goodness the Senate is there to disrupt the Reps from ramming everything through!

  • 25th Jul 2014 05:42pm
I agree with Hawkey, those responsible for producing the material are badly briefed or have little idea what the voters really want. There should be a ceiling on the amount of money spent on...

Ceiling based on what ?

Its hard to impossible to control advertising or the cash spent.

You might be able to regulate the number of TV/Radio ads but that is about it.

  • 25th Jul 2014 05:40pm
Political advertising bags out the other party and doesn't really tells you what each parties policies are about. They should tell the general public what they will do for the country, how they...

They usually do both, but ask any political experts, positive advertising just does not work.

Its the electorate that is half glass empty and because of this the emphasis will be on negative ads

  • 30th May 2014 11:41am
Political advertising bags out the other party and doesn't really tells you what each parties policies are about. They should tell the general public what they will do for the country, how they...

I completely agree. They focus on the downfalls of the opposing party, rather than selling their beliefs and what they plan to do to benefit voters.

  • 31st Jan 2014 09:59pm
Political advertising bags out the other party and doesn't really tells you what each parties policies are about. They should tell the general public what they will do for the country, how they...

tonyabbott is a grub and selling of Australia jobs what a grub labour kept all boatpeople out and the liberals get the credit what a grub.liberalsare for the rich labour kept medicare and the liberalswhatthe poorto suffer what a grub

  • 22nd Jan 2014 03:18pm
I agree with Hawkey, those responsible for producing the material are badly briefed or have little idea what the voters really want. There should be a ceiling on the amount of money spent on...

I was a political staffer in Canberra for 3 years. The main problem is you become isolated from real people - no matter your party you are hanging around with politicians staffers and career public servants who live in a slightly different reality. It changes the way you think and with the best of intentions you can make serous mistakes in your approach to media and campaign material. The amount you spend helps but is not everything and capping it will not help that much

  • 20th Jun 2013 11:19am
Political advertising bags out the other party and doesn't really tells you what each parties policies are about. They should tell the general public what they will do for the country, how they...

Hawkey is right! We hear what pollies say about each other without regard for the people who voted for them throughout their entire term. We want to know what you're going to do, how you're achieve it within your term and how we're going to pay for it. We also want to know that they REMEMBER the money they're spending is our money and they are obligated to return value for our money.

  • 1st Jun 2013 03:02pm
Political advertising bags out the other party and doesn't really tells you what each parties policies are about. They should tell the general public what they will do for the country, how they...

Couldn't gree more

  • 22nd May 2013 05:57pm
Political advertising bags out the other party and doesn't really tells you what each parties policies are about. They should tell the general public what they will do for the country, how they...

" Political advertising bags out the other party and doesn't really tells you what each parties policies are about."

You don't expect them to tell the truth do you.
For example - "there will be no carbon tax under a Government I lead"

  • 21st May 2013 05:00pm
I agree with Hawkey, those responsible for producing the material are badly briefed or have little idea what the voters really want. There should be a ceiling on the amount of money spent on...

agree 100% with rumma.....definately a ceiling on amount of money spent on political ads. add to that, no bagging of the other side, just what they will do for us or for particular groups. Fully costed and funded of course! If it is a plan to do something, just say it's planned,
Also a limit on number of times these ads are shown.

  • 21st May 2013 04:11pm
Political advertising bags out the other party and doesn't really tells you what each parties policies are about. They should tell the general public what they will do for the country, how they...

I agree with Hawkey, those responsible for producing the material are badly briefed or have little idea what the voters really want. There should be a ceiling on the amount of money spent on advertising by all parties and the time frame that it's advertised.

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