Media, Entertainment & Music

Best entertainment for kids?

Media, Entertainment & Music

Posted by: CafestudyAdmin

27th Mar 2013 11:49am

My 6 year old is desperate for her own iPad!! Obviously she is not getting one all for herself but it's made me think about what there is out there for kids today. It seems as though there are so many options - TV, Xbox, DS, iPad, internet, educational websites as well as magazines and books. In my day it was TV or books and those early Nintendo game and watch games!

So which types of entertainment do you think are best for kids? Which have the best educational and social benefits? And which should be a definite no in terms of education and social benefits? Which ones do yours have and in your experience which do they find the most entertaining?

Comments 94

  • 30th Nov 2017 12:01am

Youtube is great but it is better if u watch it with your child. As there is a largw variety of resources and some are very educational

  • 21st Jun 2017 08:37am

Working in schools, most kids I see have their own ipad and at least one other platform with games (eg. computer/ps4/x-box). Depends on the age though.

For a 6 year old, intermittent use of the ipad is great, but don't forget to try and get them used to a mouse and keyboard on a computer - as when they get to school they will need that hand-eye coordination (not everything is touch screen yet like ipads). Other than that, normal TV and getting outside to play. Ensure they have access to books, and active reading occurs every day either by themselves or being read to.

Try some other hobbies, like geocaching (gps/map based treasure hunt in real life).

  • 1st Oct 2016 10:30am


  • 23rd Jul 2015 08:44am

iPads .. Gee lucky kids ... What happened to interaction with your children????
Get on floor and play with them, Read Books to them, make a vege garden .. Far out Australia .. Parenting is so easy for u now.. Technology in ya face everywhere.. Kids with mobiles on internet flashing themselves and Selling themselves.. Omg..
Makes me suck how many filthy men out there waiting to prey on ya kids.. Check History Button on all of ur kids internet activity !!!!
There is too much access n trapdoors to escape the filth.
Get rid of these things n have a Happier life.

  • 10th Jun 2015 12:13pm

The best entertainment for kids on the iPad is brainteaser junior these app helps the child playing them the ability to learn and have fun while they are learning it's another way to get the kids doing there home work. If we had these contraptions when i was a kid then i would probably have tried to concentrate better on my homework other then running outside to play with my brothers and fighting over who's bike is who's.

  • 30th Jun 2014 10:07am

My son is just coming up eight and he also wants his own tablet. I try to keep him active and outside as much as possible. He has a scooter which he just loves and he goes to a kids club every Friday afternoon which I think is really great for him. The age range is about 4-15 so he gets to interact with older children and have some good role models as well as being a role model to younger children. I sometimes stay and help out with activities. They do a lot of outdoor activities when the weather is nice as well as arts and crafts and baking. They have the occasional treat day as reward for helpful, positive teamwork where they get to watch a DVD and have some sweets and popcorn. I've also joined a mums activity group where we get together fortnightly on a Saturday and do things like having a picnic or goingto a museum or the zoo or art gallery. A lot of places will give discounts for large groups if you book ahead.
I try to keep him occupied with arts and crafts and books when the weather is bad. Sometimes we will dress up and act out a story book or use his toys to act one out. Our latest project is origami. You can find lots of simple origami patterns for kids online. My son loves learning things like this that he can then take to school and show his class and teach them!

  • 12th Jun 2014 08:14am

Hello my names Lil Latif aka Atip im a unsigned Music Promoter for No Sympathy Worldwide Digital Distribution so find me on Facebook or Twitter. I recommend the best views of entertainment for kids are Xbox, DS, iPad, educational websites as well as magazines, books even self education making your minds a better knowledge to create a social living e.g. PG under 15+ parental guides supervision ONLY.

  • 14th Apr 2014 07:50pm

Best activity for a child is to dress them up with a few of their friends and take them to a park and get them to draw what they see. Works so well with kids of all ages as they can see many different trees and can even draw each other in their costumes.

  • 6th Apr 2014 05:50pm

I have three boys aged between 5 and 10. I have found that the VTech items are very child orientated. I also have a variety of learning laptops, and consoles that they use to learn how to write and read. Most of my learning toys are from VTech and LeapFrog.

  • 1st Apr 2014 12:55pm

my 18mth old has just started to watch cartoons. its funny- im not huge on cartoons, although he has reached a stage he gets very bored.

I have found ABC -CHANNEL 22 - is fantastic for his age group- it keeps him amused- the amount of educational programs they show, the music, the songs, and story time has helped my son interact more.

my son now can say ABC- DANCE TO THE WIGGLES and listen to stories.
as a working mum from home this HAS made my day- no more sulking.

I recommend this to every mother/father who is running out of ideas.

  • 29th Mar 2014 07:20pm

A Xbox360 is secure but is horrible for social skills and there are only a few educational games available on the device these days.

  • 28th Mar 2014 10:12pm

I don't know if it would be accepted now & 6 may be a bit young but a keyboard is a great intro to music & is possibly something her friends don't have access to.the result could be lifetime personal entertainment or possibly much more. There are many variants available & some are quite cheap. (even 2nd hand).

  • 27th Mar 2014 06:48pm

i believe the best entertainment for kids is outside inthe back yard. and if there inside the television or the family computer should be enough.

  • 27th Mar 2014 04:14pm

You're not going to like this... But I say buy an iPad (if that is within your financial commitments). They're are extremely useful and can be very educational for kids. Although it may seem a bit extreme, an iPad can come in handy, not just for kids to play games, but also for adults interested in not only games but finance, business, news and arts & leisure. They can be educational and creative. Even a 6 year old can use one. You can also buy accessories that will make it 'Child Proof' so that dropping becomes no issue. If you are realy against this idea, then I recommend a Nintendo DS. They are light weight and very rigid and therefore do not break easily. You can also buy games for them that are not only fun and exciting for a 6 year old, but also educational. Hope this helps.

  • 19th Mar 2014 03:38pm

i got my son a tablet and its great i guess if there is a long journey or something that requires them to chill out, but i think its about putting boundaries in around how often they use them and when it might be considered socially unacceptable, so that they develop their interpersonal skills. tablets of any form provide educational and brain training exercises for children and adults, but i would recommend an apple product because i find the quality and reliability is unchallengeable. i had an android and within a year the machine had burned out (friends had found the same problem), yet every apple product i buy has never failed me even though there price is pretty standard. we have a play station 3 as well but its just all fun and games and the good thing about them is his friends can join in its not a single player gaming console . happy shopping

  • 17th Mar 2014 12:43am

Now days technology has become quiet popular. Kids now are using an iPad or an iPhone. The best thing about this is that there are always applications for kids to stimulate their brains without even realising they are learning. Every kid likes something new something different. With technology evoling there are going to be more gadgets out then there are now. I feel personally that of you want your kid to be interest and excited then sitting them down with an iPad or a smart phone with fun kid games on there that will not only stimulate their learning but they will enjoy it as well.

  • 17th Mar 2014 12:41am

Now days technology has become quiet popular. Kids now are using an iPad or an iPhone. The best thing about this is that there are always applications for kids to stimulate their brains without even realising they are learning. Every kid likes something new something different. With technology evoling there are going to be more gadgets out then there are now. I feel personally that of you want your kid to be interest and excited then sitting them down with an iPad or a smart phone with fun kid games on there that will not only stimulate their learning but they will enjoy it as well.

  • 16th Mar 2014 04:16pm

playing outdoors, kicking a soccer ball around or playing with friends and reading a book!
you should buy a ipad mini for the whole family and have a folder with games for your 6 year old and she can just play on those games!

Just some suggestions!

  • 14th Mar 2014 04:37pm

i feel that 6 years old is too young for someone to have their own iPad.if they want something to play with maybe a WWI would be ok .That way the whole family could play with it

  • 13th Mar 2014 09:00pm

I think that any tablet at that age may be more detrimental than advantageous. Current medical thinking is that kids crouched over tablet devices may cause back and neck problems as they get older.bad posture at an early age is not a good thing
Young Children should be outside playing and reading real books rather than stuck in a chair glued to a tablet. Tablets do tend to be anti social devices rather than social devices and do nothing to help children with social interaction. Children should be developing social skills at that age but cannot do that if they are on their own with a tablet.
I do think that children learn more interacting with the parents on an education game or program than be given a tablet and left to their own devices and hoping some app is teaching them. There is a time for tablets and a time for children to actually be children.The best educational and social benefits are with parents spending time with their children working together with a tablet no matter what the tablet is.

  • 5th Mar 2014 03:58pm

yes she would want one seeing all the cool things on tv, its best for her not to get one for herself. perhaps get one for the whole family and monitor the games she plays and the time she is on the device for.
there are other electronic devices that are more suited to he age group, like a leap pad. they have fun educational games on there and for a reasonable price as well.

  • 3rd Mar 2014 06:15pm

My 5 year old uses our ipad. We have downloaded a maths & counting game that has helped her with numeracy at school. It's a fun way to learn.

  • 1st Mar 2014 12:18am

I personally think a nintendo DS is a great way to entertain children. I myself had one when I was 12 (almost 7 years ago)! You can buy educational games too, like brain training. My sister and I had fun with brain training, we'd always compete to do math equations faster than each other. I wouldn't recommend getting Xbox it is a game console with too many violent games to be played on it. A DS is definitely kid friendly. As for the internet, there are free games kids can play, but be sure to ban pop-ups just in case a nude website pops up accidentally during a harmless search. Hopefully this helps out :)

  • 23rd Feb 2014 08:29pm

We recently purchased a fairly cheap tablet from Target (which has inbuilt WiFi) & have loaded it with heaps of FREE games (thru the inbuilt Play Store). I made sure I included a variety of games to ensure they're age appropriate, while still being stimulating, entertaining & educational. Things like spelling & maths games, Angry Birds (which is a physics based games) as well as a Lego building game. I carry with me when ever I attend appointments to keep them amused while we wait, plus they're great for long car / plane trips.

  • 10th Feb 2014 07:13pm

You could buy your daughter an iPad. There is educational apps available on the app store. An iPad is also very entertaining for kids.

  • 30th Jan 2014 10:51pm

i have a 8 yeaar old little sister who was crazy with the idea of having ipad so for christmas i purchased her a small "Pendo" tablet, quite cheap but worth its value she has internet and a "app store" she plays music, watches movies, plays spelling and math games, she can also play any games that i approve off. i personally think a cheap basic tablet is the way to go

  • 23rd Jan 2014 07:05pm

my child hood was filled with books and Lego and mechano, but never an Nintendo or much TV even though we could have. my parents always bought best quality toys that i could engage with. if i get my child (if i ever have a child) any form of electronic entertainment especially at 6, i would watch out for what could be done with it (internet) and how much it would cost in the long run and weather they will continue to find it interesting or just keep begging for something else i think something that is singular in its task and does it well should be fine

  • 22nd Jan 2014 03:33pm

I would recommend the iPad.
The other devices can put a hole in your pocket in the long run and apple has many free books and games which can be downloaded for hours of entertainment and plenty of education to advance her skills.

  • 20th Jul 2013 05:34pm

A Nintendo DS handheld gaming console would be ideal,As there are a large variety of educational games,Therefore entertaining and learning.

  • 19th Jul 2013 03:40pm

A laptop is the best alternative to learn. My sister is at this stage now 11 years old, she got her first computer at the age of 8, our first language is not english but she seems to know more english than I ever did in that age. She read and talk english perfect, and not with an accent as I do. My boyfriend also got his first computer at the age of 8 and he speaks perfect english. The most important thing in todays world is computers, and it is growing, becoming bigger and bigger. Computers is a place to learn to read, the kids want to be able to read so bad that they learn faster. They also want to be able to write back to people so they learn to write. And they develop a second language very fast.

  • 19th Jul 2013 12:32pm

How about an e-book reader, it would encourage her to read(some ebooks I think can even play music) not to mention the fact you'll be able to choose the books she reads(it looks similar to an iPad so you might get away with telling her that)

  • 19th Jul 2013 11:15am

How about an e-book reader, it would encourage her to read(some ebooks I think can even play music) not to mention the fact you'll be able to choose the books she reads(it looks similar to an iPad so you might get away with telling her that)

  • 17th Jul 2013 12:51pm

My brother is 12 years old and is also Autistic I find that applications on IPAD as well as on other smart devices not only educate and entertain but also stimulate his social interaction through channels such as MINECRAFT this is a great game/tool for children, focusing on creation and problem solving while incorporating real time interaction with others.

  • 12th Jul 2013 09:25am

I work in child care and parents are always asking me what I think about their children getting Ipads. I agree with several other posters who say as long as they have a balanced life it should be fine! There are so many wonderful apps on there that are really educational and also allow children to reach a level of thinking they wouldn't in free play, just like free play gives a level of thinking that computers could not. Set up some guide lines on what hours it is okay to use the ipad in and allow your child the responsibility of looking after it so they really do appreciate it. Also join in! Get stories to read together or two player games. There are so many different tablets available out there that are more durable and suitable for young children. Wish I could give you names but I'm sure you'd be able to come across something. Also dont forget about things like Nintendo Wii! The kids I work with absolutely love Wii dance. It gets them to work together, get active and be social all at once :) Hope this has helped! x

  • 4th Jul 2013 10:50am

Best entertainment,This by far would have to be music,What is more renown and versatile in this world,Personally,Heavy metal and rock contain the most skill as they use several instruments,Therefore this is my style.

  • 2nd Jul 2013 02:27pm

iPads are really good because you have the choice to choose what apps you think are suitable for your child, there are loads of educational apps for kids and there are some which are really good, also for entertainer there are TV bases games, brain quiz games and loads more so the iPad is deffinitley one to have a think about:)

  • 30th Jun 2013 11:44pm

Wow why do children have to have instant entertainment? What is wrong with playing in the local park or playground? Bike riding with the family, or hiking swimming etc. Going to the local library where there are not only books but often activities to participate in. Try joining an age appropriate sporting club which is a great way for children to be part of a group and learn to be a team player. Activities like this are good for their health as well as learning to socialise with their own age group.
IT is great and of course a vital part of our modern world, but should not be the only form of 'entertainment' for a 6 year old.
If we allow our children to think that ipods, ipads etc are the only forms of entertainment they will miss out on so much.
Parents need to be responsible and not allow popular gadgets to rule theirs and their children's life.

  • 30th Jun 2013 03:56pm

If you have money to throw away/burn, blow it on any Apple product. If you are just looking to get them started & want something cheap to replace when they drop/throw/smash it, get a cheap Android tablet. There have masses of of software available - mostly free.

The number of reports globally where kids have been playing a game on an iPad & run up a massive credit card debt is also worth considering. On the Android ones, it is not necessary to have your card details on it or where they can be used.

You can get good 2nd hand PCs for under $200 - and they are much harder to throw around.

Young kids really should be outside with other kids their age - learning how to socialise, not just be socially accepted just because they have the new gadgets.

As a kid we didn't have any of these things. No bike until I was 11. B&W TV until about the same time. In year 10 we didn't use calculators - slide rule & trig sheets. Now most mid price-range watches can do these things - including colour TV.

Kids have it way too easy.

  • 28th Jun 2013 02:27pm

ipad is the best option that can combined both education and social benefits

  • 24th Jun 2013 06:17pm

iPad or similar are good for kids to keep up with technology and I guess to a certain extent it helps develop skills. But there is still nothing like playing outside with friends and family and reading books to stimulate kids minds...and get the vitamin D and fresh air they need. Quality time with parents is essential

  • 22nd Jun 2013 05:14pm

In my opinion I would suggest a Wii. My son is 7. We restrict his time he is allowed two hours per week and we only allow the active games. All other times we spend outside playing sport, riding bikes going to the park etc. When the weather is bad we do puzzles, science experiments arts and crafts etc. When I grew up there was no electronic entertainment and I don't think it's something they need. He gets enough exposure to it at school. I think the important thing is to encourage fitness and using their imagination and brain power. Good luck with what ever you choose.

  • 22nd Jun 2013 09:32am

Definitely Ipad

  • 22nd Jun 2013 09:32am

Definitely Ipad

  • 20th Jun 2013 10:16am

My 2 kids enjoy playing on the computer, that's where they do their mathletics and other educational games. An ipad is a good idea coz you can download learning games/apps.

  • 19th Jun 2013 05:33pm

hi fivefive

  • 15th Jun 2013 02:18pm

I have babysat some children for about a year now, and electronic gadgets have utterly destroyed their lives, mostly due to some of the worst paretning methods I have ever seen. Please don't take this the wrong way; you are probably a great parent and this comment isn't directed at your techniques. But, I have watched as a 2 years old (just turned 3) and a 7 year old (just turned 8) have had their lives completely ruined simply because they are on their bloody iPad's and phones 24/7. You heard me. The 2 year old has his own iPad, iPhone, iPod and TV. The 7 year old has a Mac, and IPad, and iPhone, a TV, a Nintendo DS, a Wii and a Platstation. NONE OF THESE THINGS ARE HELPING THEIR LIVES! One the other hand, their social skills are zilch and they spend every single one of their brain cells playing meaningless games! It's a ctually heartbreaking to watch, because they're both lovely kids. I personally think you should get the kids to read some books! It helps them so much. I think you should try to hold back on the technology. This isn't to say don't get them. Technology is great and can be used as a very effective educational tool! It really depends on how you use it, what you use it for and how often you use it. (P.S - I'm 13, so I do understand the craving for the most up - to - date technolgy)

  • 14th Jun 2013 05:58pm

I have 3 kids - 11yrs, 9yrs & 6yrs. My children have been gifted many electronic items over the years and consequently now possess: a DS and an iPod each and share an iPad, a Wii, an Xbox & a Playstation. My advice - avoid the Xbox & Playstation - too delicate for use by younger children & only get a workout on occasions. The Wii has been great for family interaction, but once again, has its limitations. The kids love their iPods (makes them "socially acceptable"), but when it comes down to it - always refer back to their 'old faithfuls' - their DS's! They are transportable, sturdy & can by set up so they can all play against each other. I also highly value the iPad as it offers great educational programs, books, internet access and your games. I also encourage my children to have time on the computer - each child has a designated program e.g. Mathletics, ABC Reading Eggs and they are required to spend approx. 30mins on these programs before they can access other "supervised" activities. As a result of this, my daughter was a self taught reader by 4yrs of age! I think if you limit the usage and monitor what your child uses - anything can be an educational tool, as well as a fun "must have"!

  • 13th Jun 2013 04:09pm

yeah I disagree to kids having things like ipads, when they are so young need to be out more, playing out side like kids use to years ago, I think we just making our kids be lazy.
but yes there is good education programs and apps that can be put on them.

  • 13th Jun 2013 04:00pm

yeah I disagree to kids having things like ipads, when they are so young need to be out more, playing out side like kids use to years ago, I think we just making our kids be lazy.
but yes there is good education programs and apps that can be put on them.

  • 12th Jun 2013 02:20pm

My 9 year old like reading books, playing games on iPhone, iPad or internet. I never had such luxury apart from course books.

Uncle Rob
  • 12th Jun 2013 11:55am

Buy her an android tablet, it can be used for educational purposes, the sooner she connects to IT the better (I work in education)

  • 11th Jun 2013 11:56pm

My child has an iPod and it is fantastic! She learns everything from counting to perfecting how to write. Very educationl!!! It has everything she needs, so we have no computer games at all.

  • 11th Jun 2013 05:17pm

Ipad's are definitely the way to go. They're a whole family toy if you'd like to call them that. They are the computer for dad to check the Sports scores, they're ready for mum to check her emails and recipes, they're the educational games for your young one, and also the facebook for your older children. They have it all, but I'd stay away from Xbox's in the room because it's so tempting to get up for just one level of something and miss 5 hours of sleep you could of had...
Wii would be a personal favourite, it is fun and humorous but also gets you active and up and about!

  • 9th Jun 2013 01:33pm

i agree with mattyMC, i have 3 beautiful boys and honestly these days elctronics are taking over. i honestly would love them to go kick a foot ball or make mud pies like i did as a child that way they can dicover new things. honestly we bought my eldest a ipad and the screen cracked within the first 2 weeks cause he droped it it does have good educational stuff on it but then when they know how to dl games hello mindcraf goodbye education...then we bought them dsi xl and they were glued to it 24/7 then i thought yay there quiet peace at last but then its mum how do i play this and how do i do that it got to the point were my son would say mum my thumb is hurting so honestly i think the internet is the best thing for education you can put a perental lock which sets houw many hours they get and they can only go on spicific sites..hope that helps...

  • 2nd Jan 2016 02:06pm

I agree with you zako. Electronic are taking over but with parental control on what is downloaded and a little discipline i don't see it as a problem. I don't agree with allowing kids at 6 to be glued to games. Schools use i pads from prep so it is handy for children to learn but not to the extent of being glued t o games.

  • 2nd Jun 2013 01:31pm

she is to young to get a ipad

  • 2nd Jun 2013 01:30pm

she should just get a nitendo wii so she can play barbie games

  • 1st Jun 2013 01:47pm

There is so much in the way of new technology available today that there really is so much to choose from.....especially when it comes to educational benefits from having the latest ipad, smartphone etc.
In a way I am glad that there was very little like that around when my daughter was only 6....I would have found it hard to say no and not only from the cost perspective. I am a firm believer in outdoor sports instead of letting children sit inside with their ipads etc and not really getting any fresh air. However times have changed and I don't envy todays parents and the dilemmas they have to face.

  • 1st Jun 2013 01:46pm

There is so much in the way of new technology available today that there really is so much to choose from.....especially when it comes to educational benefits from having the latest ipad, smartphone etc.
In a way I am glad that there was very little like that around when my daughter was only 6....I would have found it hard to say no and not only from the cost perspective. I am a firm believer in outdoor sports instead of letting children sit inside with their ipads etc and not really getting any fresh air. However times have changed and I don't envy todays parents and the dilemmas they have to face.

  • 1st Jun 2013 01:46pm

There is so much in the way of new technology available today that there really is so much to choose from.....especially when it comes to educational benefits from having the latest ipad, smartphone etc.
In a way I am glad that there was very little like that around when my daughter was only 6....I would have found it hard to say no and not only from the cost perspective. I am a firm believer in outdoor sports instead of letting children sit inside with their ipads etc and not really getting any fresh air. However times have changed and I don't envy todays parents and the dilemmas they have to face.

  • 30th May 2013 12:11pm

The best option for a 6yr old would be a nitendo ds heaps of games and educational games my girls love them a ipad would be the 2nd option when their abit older

  • 27th May 2013 11:11am

I believe the best gaming option for a child of 6 years of age would easily be the Nintendo Ds, closely followed by the Wii fit system! Can get educational games that are still fun and enjoyable to kids that age! And the Wii, stills keeps them active and is a great family bonding activity also

  • 18th May 2013 02:18pm

I work at a childcare centre where each room has their own ipad, even the babies.
I have found it to be amazing. The children love it and so do the educators. Its great for entertainment, education and fine motor skills. Children have to interact with games using fine motor skills rather that just sitting and watching tv. Children are engaged and we have found it very useful for quiet group times or for story time. Also as a quiet activity who need space or quiet time. its great for quick resoursing and research as well as music and interactive stories and games. I am definately a fan of the ipad for children.

  • 9th May 2013 08:05pm

more entertaining is the wii console wii fit as they exercise and zumba dance is what my daughter is into to lose weight

  • 7th May 2013 07:55pm

In my opinion is the IPad because there are many educational apps that you could download that are fun as well as educational , the kids tend to play iPads for the wrong reasons but if you don't allow unnecessary apps it won't be a problem , the Xbox is a big NO NO for me .

  • 3rd May 2013 11:44am

In todays world it is a very difficult choice for parents, because a. you just do not want to give in to every single item that they want, because someone else already has and uses it or b...... the cost of some of the machines is more than you can afford with todays high bills..... c.... do you get a gov. payment each fortnight, or is it monthly. I have a friend who daughter is only 3 but you would not believe how proficient she is on her own little machine FR iend opened an account to pay it off, and when there was enough there she purchased. The main problem is if you do not have one, this child will be way behind others at even kindergarden stage, and it is so difficult to catch up. I know it stimulates the brain, but friends girl has jig saw puzzles, and simple arithmetic set ups on it for her. They also have to travel 100lklms to perth, so it then keeps her occupied as attached to the front seat , but it is available for the back seat set up( childproof one._ It is a very hard decision to have to make...

  • 30th Apr 2013 07:33pm

typically gameing systems work in small doses. id still say sport is better for social interaction as well as dance/singing. try and encourage your 6 year old to go out in the sunshine. being 6 you could ask the child to help you in the garden or something to introduce him/her to the outside world

  • 30th Apr 2013 06:19pm

an ipod is an excellent form of education brought to you in a small nice package! Their are numerous applcations brought from the apple apps store that help people of all ages grow and learn. An ipad will inspire creativity and hands-on learning with features you won't find in any other educational toolS. Ipads are built for a broad age range of people from your 6year old to medical students! it will be a great investment trust me! and the kids will love it!!

  • 30th Apr 2013 01:28pm

i think a i pad for a 6 yr old is okay my nephew who is 5 is always playing on his i pad games

  • 27th Apr 2014 09:11pm
i think a i pad for a 6 yr old is okay my nephew who is 5 is always playing on his i pad games

I think that kids on an I pad at 5 years old is ok as long as the outside just as much. that is also very good for kids knowing how to use their computer skills at that age but the thing is if they spend to much time on a device than their never going to learn how to swim or ride a bike.

  • 29th Mar 2014 09:43am
i think a i pad for a 6 yr old is okay my nephew who is 5 is always playing on his i pad games

my sons nearly three and he knows how to use them

  • 30th Apr 2013 01:17pm

a ipad is okay for a 6 yr old my nephew is 5 and alway uses his i pad

  • 11th Jun 2014 12:19pm
a ipad is okay for a 6 yr old my nephew is 5 and alway uses his i pad

old fashioned board games should not go overlooked

  • 28th Apr 2014 08:52pm
a ipad is okay for a 6 yr old my nephew is 5 and alway uses his i pad

i pad is great for kids in my opinon i know a lot of children that use i pads and they have learnt so much for example my 2 year old cousin has learnt some of his a,b,c and its fantastic for other things like readying and learning!

  • 30th Apr 2013 01:14pm

a ipad is okay for a 6 yr old my nephew is 5 and alway uses his i pad

  • 27th Apr 2013 09:45pm

An iPad is a good idea as it has many different functions good for both entertainment and education. Cameras, Music, Internet and you can keep an eye on the things they do!

  • 25th Apr 2013 07:54pm

I'd recommend getting a cheap Netbook with some Parental Control software on it. That way your child has access to the vast array of the internet to solidify her learning as well as to explore new ideas. In addition to this, a Netbook is capable of playing games (Not to mention all the games you could play on the internet) as well as having many other possible programs to allow your child growth. And with the Parental Control software, you can limit the usage of the device as well as just what sorts of websites can be visited so as to keep thinternet as safe as possible.

  • 23rd Apr 2013 04:01pm

board games are old news, kids, sadly would rather play on their parents I-phones than spend quality time with the family playing monopoly or scrabble.

the current aged kid wants to play sports or video games rather than read a book or play board games.

  • 3rd Mar 2014 08:22pm
This is pretty sad to tell you the truth :( And I would like you to please define 'kids' because I'm 13 and neither me or any of my friends think this way. I think that as a parent you can...

Good idea, young ones,; however, as good mix is a good idea. Technology is not going away, and neither are books. I have a Kindle on which I red many books, but also read paper based ones. I think the parent, who is in control after all, (and I hope!) should balance the media. I agree with he book theory, and maybe a chapter in a book, a half hour on the tablet (I have a Samsung) and then lots more time outside riding bikes and climbing trees,

  • 15th Jun 2013 02:20pm
This is pretty sad to tell you the truth :( And I would like you to please define 'kids' because I'm 13 and neither me or any of my friends think this way. I think that as a parent you can...

This is pretty sad to tell you the truth :( And I would like you to please define 'kids' because I'm 13 and neither me or any of my friends think this way. I think that as a parent you can definitely bridle a child's TV and computer/ technology time and introduce them to some books.

  • 20th Apr 2013 09:09pm

Board games are a great way to entertain children and they love the interaction. We have bought a boat to keep our sons out there doing physical activities which they love. Sport is the best social entertainment for kids I reckon

  • 17th Apr 2013 04:06pm

I think the best entertainment for kids are adventure parks with flying foxes or kids competitions similar to Warrior dash or the Spartan race. Kid's need to stop spending time inside in front of computers, playing games 7 get outside and enjoy the fresh air. plus it sets them up in life for being healthy, sports oriented or loving people. It not only boost self esteem, but helps being a team player, and they learn valuable lessons of overcoming their fears. I used to take my son rock climbing when he was 8 & he loved it, as does my niece.

  • 5th Apr 2013 12:01pm

I don't have kids but my nephews have a ps3 there are plenty of games that are educational and fun but also involved in pcyc activities,its cheap and also good for social skill and learning to work as a team.

  • 28th Mar 2013 04:49pm

I don't think there are a one best fit for all kids.
My son is special needs and uses technology as a way to learn to calm down, help with social behaviour, OT, and to catch up to his classroom peers. Where in the real classroom he doesn't get any one on one help he actually needs.
We don't give him access to an iPad or computer since he tried re programming our PC at age 3.
We have an iPhone for the Internet, DS and play station 3.
We have access to quite a lot of educational games whether it be strategic like chess or directly associated with school work like Reading Eggs.

  • 14th Mar 2014 12:24pm
I don't think there are a one best fit for all kids.
My son is special needs and uses technology as a way to learn to calm down, help with social behaviour, OT, and to catch up to his...

my 13 year old has special needs and believe it or not she uses a ipad 4 with ease it was a xmas present from my parents last year and she uses it better than I can I beliee ipads are a great learning tool for kids with special needs and on te plus side she needs it for school as well as nearly all high schools now require students to have them and supply them to the students

Uncle Rob
  • 12th Jun 2013 11:58am
I don't think there are a one best fit for all kids.
My son is special needs and uses technology as a way to learn to calm down, help with social behaviour, OT, and to catch up to his...

Please don't hold this gifted child back, encourage his talent, I know it's scary because he is probably smater than both of us, but open his horizons

  • 9th Jun 2013 07:16am
I don't think there are a one best fit for all kids.
My son is special needs and uses technology as a way to learn to calm down, help with social behaviour, OT, and to catch up to his...

Programming at 3? :-)

Have a look at Ubuntu/kbuntu/edubuntu. Any of these will run from a DVD (boot to it), then he can't damage the PC files. Best part is, they are FREE!

Ove the years, a lot of the Linux flavours (Android is a variant of Linux, and I think Apple's IOS might be also) have been re-modelled so Windows users are not so lost using it. The "Shut down" option is at the top right corner instead of the bottom left & what is the top right corner in Windows (Max/Min/Close) is top left.

Most of th programs needed (Linux versions) are already there. 90% of other programs for it are free.

Have fun.

  • 28th Mar 2013 02:21pm

Hello there are so many different technology gadgets out there these days there are still inground play parks where you could take her it will get rid of all her energy :) and help her socialize with other children pad and other technology gadgets which we have are great this days but kids are forgetting how to share and how to be kids i think if you are going to buy them sort of things you should put a time limt on them

  • 19th Jun 2013 05:32pm
Hello there are so many different technology gadgets out there these days there are still inground play parks where you could take her it will get rid of all her energy :) and help her socialize...

  • 27th Mar 2013 02:35pm

I have the same situtation my daughter is turning 6 soon she kept asking for a ipad since the first one came out. So i shopped around till i found one for her.
It was a small pink tablet that you can pick up from aldi's or even ebay for $100 there just as good as the Ipad the only difference is that it is andriod instead of itunes. My daughter loves it and keeps her busy for ages, there is programs that can be installed to protect them from going onto anything they shouldn't. Their is so many smart games and book that can be downloaded aswell so there learning while playing. hope that helps.

  • 23rd Jul 2015 08:48am
Maybe it will help you with your spelling and grammar too....... Seriously, I have no problem with kids having access to an iPad as long as they don't neglect social skills and get outside in the...

I agree with u Liz.. But really a spelling n Grammer police lol really Pmsl
Well that's my opinion lol

  • 29th Apr 2014 07:03pm
I might have to look into one for my daughter although, I was thinking of getting her one of those Leap Pad touch things

Leap pads are great! they help you learn so much. learning how to spell and maths! they're alot of fun too!

  • 29th Jan 2014 02:31am
I might have to look into one for my daughter although, I was thinking of getting her one of those Leap Pad touch things

I might have to look into one for my daughter although, I was thinking of getting her one of those Leap Pad touch things

  • 6th Jul 2013 11:47am
I might have to look into one for my daughter although, I was thinking of getting her one of those Leap Pad touch things

Maybe it will help you with your spelling and grammar too....... Seriously, I have no problem with kids having access to an iPad as long as they don't neglect social skills and get outside in the fresh air and ride bikes and play ball. Got to have a balanced life.

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